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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 23, 2024 7:30am-8:03am IRST

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press tv headlines and is really regime strikes various locations in gaza including. in gaza city, raising palestinians death tool to over 32, russia and china, vita us draft resolution at the un security council for failing to genuinely call for immediate cease fire in gazland, and dozens of people have been killed as gunman attacky concert hall near russia's capital, moscow.
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hello everyone, it's 6 a.m. in the besse gaza strip and you're watching press tv, world news. nearly six months into israel's genocidal war in gaza, regime's unrelenting bombardment and shelling continues to claim more palestinian lives at. 10 were killed in israeli air strikes on gaza city, a home was struck in the southern city of rafa where eight people, mostly women and children lost their lives and three more people were killed in an air strike on khan unis also in southern gaza. the regime began this war on gaza back on october the 7th, and since then more than 32,00 people have now been killed in the palestinian territory, most of them have been women and children, and over 7,00 people are... are still unaccounted for and
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presumed buried under rebel along with almost 74,300 palestinians have also been injured. the united nations top aid official in occupied palestinian territories says that more supplies and more fuel are needed to make sure the gaza hospitals can operate. of "i've just been inside the cameradan hospital, i met with the dr. osman and his team, and we took a tour of the hospital, we see ourselves what was there, and they're really struggling to provide the services required for the patients coming in, especially children, but there's also lot of trauma patients coming in, many coming in from the food distributions where there's been a lot of injuries, and then also because was happening in shifa, many people are coming from shifa here and it's overwhelming the hospital, so we have to get..." more
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support, more supplies and more fuel in to make sure the hospital keeps running, this comes as a head of the world health organization describes conditions inside besiege al shifa hospital in central gaza as utterly inhumane. tedros gabriel su says no basic medical supplies, no dressings for wounds, and no medicine is available at alsifa, according to the who chief, 50 of healthwork. and 143 patients have been trapped in one building since the second day of the raid with extremely limited food and water and ongoing israeli strikes in the vicinity of the hospital are making it impossible for patients to receive care they need. hamah says over 100 people have been killed in the israeli raid on the al shifa hospital. the security council has rejected a
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us draft resolution which linked to cease fire in gaza to the release of captives by hamas 11 security council members back the resolution, however permanent members russia and china as well as rotating member algeria voted against while one country abstained. hamas welcomed the rejection of the us draft resolution. it said resolution will have given israel cover and legitimacy for what it called the war of extermination against. palestinians, the palestinian envoy to the un called the resolution one-sided. riyad mansur expressed support for another draft resolution put forward by elected members of the security council, which is expected to be voted on soon. the russian and chinese representatives also said the us resolution is imbalanced and does not clearly call for a gaza ceasefire. distinguished colleagues, from the very onset. it was clear that the
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so-called negotiations which our us colleagues have been engaged in on this issue have been focused gear marely to drag out the time all our comments, all of our red lines were time and time disregarded, as were the proposals of number of other delegations. this was some kind of empty rhetorical exercise rather than normal work document. the american product is exceedingly politicized, the sole purpose of which is to help to uh play into play to the voters, to throw them a bone. own in the form of some kind of a mention of a cease fire in gaza and to establish the us's political ambitions in the region through the establishment of terrorist labels and to ensure the impunity
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of israel whose crimes in the draft are not even assessed. i wish to draw attention to the following, the us draft contains an effective green light for israel to... to mount a military operation in rafah. at the very least, the authors try to make it to such that nothing would prevent western jerusalem from continuing their brutal cleansing of the south of the gaza strip. and what is washington actually trying to achieve? we have already stated that we will no longer tolerate pointless resolutions which do not contain a call for a c fire which lead us to nowhere, this draft should not pass with the majority of the membership. youran's foreign minister says the tragedy in gaza has demonstrated to the world the issue
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of human rights, including those of women and children, is a mere political plaything for the west, in a phone call with the leader of the palestinian islamic jihad movement, hossain amry abdullahyan. said the inhumain nature of the israeli regime and us support for genocide is also now clear everyone. the top diplomat also called for immediate action by relevant international organizations to stop the genocide in gaza and provide unrestricted aid to its residents. first part, ziad al-nahala hailed iran's support for palestinians and the resistance. he described unity among palestinian resistance groups as key to their success against israel. the us and uk have conducted new air strikes on yemen as tensions remain high in west asia over israel's campaign of genocide. yemen's almacida tv said the washington and
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london struck several locations across the country, including the suburbs of the capital sana. the supreme political council of yemen has condemned the strikes in his statement. it said us led aggression on yemen violates international law and the sovereignty of the arab country. it added yemen will respond in kind to these attacks. sana has also reiterated its support for palestine as it continues operations against israel and its allies in the red sea. us and uk launched a first air strikes on yemen in mid january for what they call protecting international shipping. yemen though has rejected that claim and has vital by targeting american and british ships in the red sea meanwhile tens of thousands of yemenes once again fill the streets of the capital sana and other cities reaffirming their steadfast support for the palestinian cause and resistance. press tvs abdul latif al washali reports from sona.
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under the banner our operations. continue stop your aggression, tens of thousands of yemanis have taken to the streets of the capital sana and other cities across the country to renew their full support for the palestinians. they have also called on yemen's armed forces to persist with their naval operations in the ritsy on gulf of aiden in solidarity with palestine. we realize that the cause is our cause and the enemy is our enemy and we are fighting a battle that is essentially our battle. our blood is one, we and the palest. and islam is the religion of all of us and we cannot abandon our brothers in religion. we are fighting from a quranic culture, and what the people of gaza are exposed to is the same as what the yemenis were exposed to. protester chanted slogans criticizing the united nations security council's recent statement
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against tierman's naval operations. they argue that the world body has demonstrated its alignment with white house policies disregarding its rule in maintaining international security. jemanese are rallying in dozens of squares in their millions, as if it were human flot, an extension of the alax of flot operation. the yemenes today, despite the years of war and... by the difficult circumstances they are going through are still committed to their first and central issue, which is the palestinian cause. the yemeni people came out today to send message to the people of palestine in gaza that they are not alone. the yemenes stand with palestine with all their military capabilities, whether naval forces or drones, and our message to the enemies is that we will not stop fighting and confronting them. earlier abdul malik althi, the leader of. the ansarullah movement earn the western powers of stronger and more effective attacks in the future, he highlighted that the yemani army
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has managed to out maneuver western technology in surveillance, jamming and interception marking a significant advancement in the development of yemen's military industries. despite the sunny weather, thousands of yemanies have gathered here while fasting to make their point, they say if not for the border restrictions, they would pass through neighboring states to reach palestine and join the struggle against the israel. invaders until the liberation of the occupied territories. reporting for press tv abdullatif al. spain, ireland, malta and slovenia have announced plans to recognize the state of palestine as global solidarity with the palestinian cause gains momentum. spanish prime minister pedro sanchez made the announcement following a meeting in brussels with his counterparts from the other three eu countries. sancha said recognition of palestinian statehood is only way for lasting peace in the region. he said recognition will
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come into effect in spain within the current four-year legislative term. the global solidarity movement for palestine has gained momentum since israel launch its campaign of genocide on gaza. more than 130 countries across the world have already recognized the state of palestine. and south africans have held events across the country marking. national human rights day with a particular focus on the plight of palestinians in gaza. in cape town, people from different backgrounds participated in a pilgrimage, depicting the track the gazans have had to make as israel's war machine swept through the strip. hassan syria reports. hundreds of people have engaged in a 41 kilometer pilgrimage symbolically depicting the length the gaza strip and a track that scores. palestinians have been forced to make due to the us backt is daily campaign of genocide
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against them. the event has been organized by a collective of christian bodies. the organizers say it is important to demonstrate that christian zionism does not represent them. the church has been very complicit um within this genocide and within um palestinian um suppression more generally and because of that is not condemning what they're doing is not recognizing what. they're doing as ethnic cleansing and genocide and not speaking out, and we wanted to challenge that narrative and challenge that stance and show an expression of solidarity, show that that's not the only thing coming out of the church. the demonstration also coincides with south africa's commemoration of the sharpfall massacre, when the apartite regime gun down 69 protesters in what is recognized as a turning point in the struggle for liberation. for those anticipated, the palestinian suffering resonates deeply, and what i saw
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today in my own as i walked, because it's a pilgrimage, reflecting, i said to myself, um, you know, i, i, i feel my feet, burning, i feel uh, this this old legs, not, not, not, not moving as it should, but it's nothing in comparison what, what people are experiencing, the south african public is still sleep and they must... start waking up to see what israel is doing, but what they do there, they can also come and do anywhere else in the world. i'm a proud to you, i'm not a zionist and i never have been, and i think that what the the betanyahu government is doing is actually moral genocide, whether they call it legal, i don't know whether it fits legally, but it's morally genocide, and i'm ap, i'm heartbroken, as somebody who's lived through a part, we have seen this before, we should know better. "the gaza sea's fire pilgrimage coincided with the somber christian period of length and
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sacrifice and resilience were recurring themes pilgrims pointed to as they attempted to symbolically walk in the footsteps of gasens. the gaza cease fire march is another example of the human resolve for justice and as palestinians endure the latest israely aggression for almost six months now, the people of the world will only intensify the..." commitment for palestinian liberation the worst terror attack in russia in years at least 60 people are: killed and 145 wounded in a shooting attack claimed by the daiish terrorist group,
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now death tool could still rise as dozens of the injured are in serious. serious condition attack happened when gunmen in combat fatigues open fire and detonated explosives in major concert hall on the moscausa outskirts in a telegram post the dage terrorist group said its gunmen had managed escape afterwards the russian authorities though have launched a massive manhunt. the moscow mayor said all cultural, sporting and other mass events will be canceled in the capital for the weekend. the attack is a worst in russia since the 2004 beslon school sie in which more than 330 people, half of them children were killed. and reactions continue pouring in from around the world after that deadly terror attack in russia. the un secretary general antonio gutieres condemned the attack in the strongest possible terms while the security council
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underline the need to hold accountable those responsible. iran's foreign minister also strongly condem the attacking extended is condolences to the families of the victims. hossain emir abdullah hann said joint and effective fight against terrorism requires serious action by the international community. the us has also sent its condolences to russia over what it described as terrible shooting attack. many other countries including germany, france, spain and venezuela also reacted to this tragedy. meanwhile, ukraine, which is a war with russia, has denied any involved. in the attack and now to latest developments in the russia-ukraine war, russia says it's launched massive strikes against ukraine. moscow says strikes are retaliation for ukraine's attacks on its border regions in recent weeks. we discussed this with our guests earlier in our news review program. "we're watching press
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tv's news review where we look deeper into some of the top stories of the day. on this segment of the program, russia says it has launched a series of massive retaliatory military strikes against ukraine. today the armed forces of the russian federation launched a massive strike with high precision, long-range air, sea, ground-based weapons and unmanned aerial vehicle. against energy facilities, the military industrial complex, railway junctions, arsenals, places of deployment of ukrainian armed forces and foreign mercenaries. the russian defense ministry said the strikes were in response to ukrainian shelling of russian border regions and attempts to break through and settlements
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over recent weeks. it stress that all goals the strike had been achieved, the ministry said though, included destroying military equipment delivered to ukraine from nato countries and disrupting the transfer of reserve forces to the frontline. kyev says five people were killed and 14 injured in the largest russian aerial attack to target it in recent months. joining us on this edition of the news review, we have a chair review and affairs of ukrainian world congress, mr. andreay dobrayansky joining us from new york. also we have former cia analyst. johnson joining us from bradington, florida. gentlemen, welcome to the program. let's start off with mr. doriansky in new york. uh, sir, give us uh, your perspective and breakdown of uh of the recent events as you see it. well, just to counter the uh statements being made by moscow, uh, many of the facilities that were hit were civilian. uh, there was no retaliation, because if
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you're aiming a missile a trolley, uh, hospitals, other civilian locations, as well as the largest hydroelectric plant uh following the destruction of the kakoca plant last summer uh clearly these are civilian targets, yet another uh number of items that will be added to the war crimes case against russia at the icj uh so that's the the factual uh method. what's happening in russia however is primarily being done by russian citizens against the russian government, and we just got a report today that the largest donations for uh ukraine... drone army uh came from russia during the period of the uh russian election, so there are actually russians who are sending aid to ukraine to help liberate their own country. uh, mr. larry johnson, i want to get your assessment as well, and also if you may respond to mr. dobriansky in new york. what are you saying are lies? complete utter lies. where's the
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video? show us the video tape out of kiev of all of the civilian areas hit. you can't, because that's not what happened in contrast though, the ample video evidence of the ukrainians sending missiles into belgrad and drones into belgrad. hitting purely civilian targets. the fact of the matter is there are significant number of western mercenaries, ukraine's being kept alive because of a flow of nato weapons and russia is appropriately hitting and targeting those areas throughout, you know, if you if russia was really hitting civilian targets, you would see the images coming out of of the leviv area out of the base at yavar, but they're not showing that, and ukraine. used a lie about oh we shot down most of the missiles coming in, no they didn't, because if they did they wouldn't be complaining about all the russians have hit all these civilian areas. the reality is
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this: ukraine's losing, it has lost the war, it's a dead man walking, it just doesn't want to acknowledge that fact. all right, that's all the time we have for this segment of the program, allow me to thank my guest uh, mr. larry johnson, former cia analyst joining us from bradton, florida, and thanks to mr. andreansky. chair of un affairs, ukrainian world congress, joining us from new york, and that's a wrap for this edition of the news review, but stick around, we've got plenty more to come here on press tv, and welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv world news and now over to europe or controversy is raging over france's continued threat to land. troops in ukraine, now it's been reported that president emmanuel macron has been panicked by leaked classified reports which describe ukraine situation as unwinnable. press tv's rami mazahari has more
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from paris. france's president and military leaders continue to cause shock waves with repeated threats to russia of landing troops in ukraine. president emmanuel macron has refused to back. down from weeks of escalating rhetoric, even after classified reports by the french military were leaked, which appear designed to push back on macron's threats. frank conclusions like ukraine cannot win this war militarily, calling western planning disastrous, and admitting, we should not fool ourselves compared to the russians, we have an army of cheerleaders, reportedly panicked macron. as far as recapturing the parts of ukraine now held by russia, the report called russian forces the new tactical and technical standard of how to run defensive operations.
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some in the opposition parties have said of macron's recent words, he is crazy, he is going to drag us into war. yes, it is a colossal risk and obviously unwise, but macron also has major domestic problems to divert from. above all, there are the upcoming elections for a european parliament, which are vital element behind these outbursts, even if the outcome there appears rather certain already. paul show, macron's party is running a distant second place behind the nationalist party of marine lepen. polles also reveal that nearly 80% of france. it's very simple to formulate france's policy here. france shouldn't get involved in things
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which don't concern it. france needs to stop rejecting russia's diplomatic efforts to discuss european security and russian security and of course to stop refusing to discuss a cease fire in ukraine and even a peace accord. former officials from the era of nicholas sarkozi declared that in the political and media elite there is a dangerous crusading spirit that is playing at war and which could easily escalate the ukraine conflict into a major european disaster. romin mazahari, press tv, paris. and that's it for your latest here on press tv, everyone. thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now.
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in this episode of irontic we're taking a look a system that allows us to more closely examine ancient findings and uh let us know about the material that they're made from without damaging it, the time period that they were from and the location that they originated from and not necessarily found in, and that is all possible thanks to a of portical accelerator known as the vandday graph. stay tuned, don't miss it.
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information about palestine abounds on social
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social networks, many times without context. they do not allow us to go deeper and understand all the dimensions of a catastrophe that is dragging on for centuries. daniel hadway chile and mayor of palestinian origin opens a window to palestine. to understand in depth, present cause of the palestinian people, exploring its history and future prospects. do not miss a window to palestine. iraqi. intefada.
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keeping you up to date with world news every half hour on press tv.
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archaeology is the science of studying ancient artifacts to be able to find out what time period they are from uh what materials they are made out of and other characteristics, but most importantly perhaps what can this artifact tell us about the people who actually made this artifact, what tools did they use, what techniques and technologies were available to them that made the making of this artifact actually possible and we need to be uh studying that artifact in a way that we don't actually damage the artifact and this is where using nuclear technology, in particular asing particle accelerators can actually help us with the imaging of these artifacts to understand what they are made out of and...