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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 23, 2024 10:30am-11:06am IRST

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keeping you up to date with world news every half hour on press tv. your headlines here on press tv, israely regime strikes various locations in gaza, including in gaza city, raising the palestinian death tool to over 32,000. russia and china vetoed a us draft resolution at the un security council for failing to genuinely call for immediate ceasefire in gaza. and dozens of people are killed as gunman attack a concert hall near russia's capital, moscow.
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hello everyone, it's 9 a.m. in the basige gauzo strip and you're watching press tv world news. now nearly six months into israel's genocidal war on gaza and regime's unrelenting, bombing campaign and shelling have claimed more lives in the palestinian territory. at least 10 palestinians were killed. in israeli air strikes on gaza city and a home was struck in the southern city of rapa where eight people, mostly women and children, lost their lives and three more people were killed in air strike in khan unis, also in the south, the israeli regime began its war on gaza back on october the of 7th, and since then more than 32,000 people have been killed, most of them women and children, and over 7,00 are still unaccounted for, and presumed buried under rubble. also
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another 74,300 palestinians have been injured. the united nations top eight officials in occupied palestinian territories says more supplies and more fuel are needed to make sure the gaza hospitals can operate. i've just been inside the cameradan hospital. i met with the dr. osman and his team and we took a two. at the hospital we see ourselves what was there and they're really struggling to provide the services required for the patients coming in, especially children, but there's also a lot of trauma patients coming in, many coming in from the food distributions where there's been a lot of injuries, and then also because of was happening in shifa, many people are coming from shifa here and it's overwhelming the hospital, so we have to get more support, more supplies and more fuel in to make sure the hospital keeps running, this comes as head of the world health organization.
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describes conditions inside the bessieg al-shifa hospital in central gaza as utterly inhumane. tedro sadhanam gib sus says no basic medical supplies, no dressings for wounds and no medicine is available at alshifa. according to the who chief, over 50 health workers and 143 patients have been trapped in one of the buildings there since the second day of the raid with extremely limited food and water ongoing is really strikes in the... vicinity of the hospital have made it impossible for patients to receive the care they need. the palestinian resistance movement hamas says over 100 people have so far been killed in israeli raid on alsifa hospital. the un security council has rejected a us draft resolution which linked the cease fire in gaza to the release of captives by hamas. 11 security council members back the resolution. however, permanent members russia and china as well as
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rotating member algeria voted against it while one country abstained. hamas welcomed the rejection of the us rejection that is of of the us draft resolution. it said the resolution would have given israel cover and legitimacy for what it called the war of extermination of palestinians. the palestinian envoy to the un called the resolution one-sided. riyad mansur express support for another draft resolution put forward by elected members of the security council. which is expected to be voted on soon. the russian and chinese representatives also said the u.s. resolution is imbalanced and does not clearly call for a gaza seisfar. distinguished colleagues, from the very onset, it was clear that the so-called negotiations which are us colleagues have been engaged in on this issue have been focused gear merely to drag out the time. all
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of our comments, all of our red lines were time and time disregarded, as were the proposals of number of other delegations. this was some kind of empty rhetorical. exercise rather than normal work document, the american product is exceedingly politicized, the sole purpose of which is to help to uh play into play to the voters, to throw them a bone in the form of some kind of a mention of a cease fire in gaza, and to establish the us's political ambitions in the region through the establish. ment of terrorist labels and to ensure the impunity of israel whose crimes in the draft are not even assessed. i wish to draw attention to the following: the us draft contains an effective green light for israel to mount a
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military operation in rafah. at the very least, the authors try to make it to such that nothing would prevent. western jerusalem from continuing their brutal cleansing of the south of the gaza strip, and what is washington actually trying to achieve? we have already stated that we will no longer tolerate pointless resolutions which do not contain a call for a ceasefire which lead us to nowhere. this draft should not pass with the majority of the membership. iran's foreign minister says the tragedy in gaza has demonstrated to the world that the issue of human rights including those of women and children is mere political plaything for the west. in a phone call with leader of the palestinian islamic jihad movement said
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inhumane nature of the israeli regime and us support for genocide is also now clear everyone. the top iranian diplomat also called formediate action by relevant internet. national organizations to stop the genocide and provide unrestricted aid to gaza residents. for this part, ziad al-nakhala hailed iran's support for the palestinian people and resistance. he described unity among palestinian factions as key to their success against the israeli regime. a funeral has been held for palestinian who succumbed to injuries he sustained eight months ago during israeli. near the occupied westbank city of nabulous رجالها
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people gather to mourn the death of hamid yaqub in his hometown abeta, he was shot in the head while regime forces were invading the town in august of last year. the report suggests that amid was hit as he rushed to help a wounded palestinian. his death brings to 12 number of palestinians killed in the west bank in the past 24 hours. israely forces have conducted new raids on different cities since friday and that resulted in the killing of four palestinians in jenin, another four into aram, one in al-khalil, one in romala and one in adihar. occupying forces of intensified their incursions into the occupied west bank. since october the 7th, that's a day when the regime launch its genocidal war on gaza. and earlier we discussed with our romala correspondent mondel, new israeli raids on cities and villages in the occupied west bank and the
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abduction of palestinians there. the israeli troops also stormed the village of turmosa. north ramallah, they have raided the village of yatta in al khalil, southern the occupied westbank as well as the refugee camp of ida in bethlehem and detained a number of palestinians from these areas. in toltem, the israeli forces stormed stormed number of villages there and the exchange of fire have taken place between members of the resistance groups and the israeli. forces in two karim areas, at least one palestinian child was wounded during a military operation in the village of the nabi in tulk, the israeli forces had also carried out an operation and deated a number of palestinians in the
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village of jin safoot, gen safot in calpia and this comes while the palestinians. continue to face strict measures at the military checkpoints and people are being detained at military checkpoints not only during the military operations to the palestinian villages according to to the commission of prisoners affairs, the israeli forces had arrested 25 palestinians on friday and early saturday number of palestinians had been detained and this means that over 7, 730 palestinians were arrested by the israeli forces since the 7th of october, the israeli achieves the... in uk have conducted new air strikes on yemen as tensions remain high in west asia over israely genocide in gaza.
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yemen's alma cer tv said that washington and london struck several locations across the country, including the suburbs of the capital sana. supreme political council of yemen has condemned the strikes and uh in a statement it said us led aggression on yemen violates international law and the sovereignty of the arab country. it added that yemen will respond in kind san. has also reiterated its support for palestine as it continues operations against israel and its allies in the red sea. us and uk launched first air strikes on yemen in mid-january for what they called protecting international shipping routes. yemen though has rejected that claim and has retaliated by targeting american and british vessels in the red sea. meanwile tens of thousands of yemenes once again fill the streets of the c sanah and other cities to reaffirm their steadfast support for the palestinian cause and resistance. press tvs
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abdul latif al washali reports from sana. under the banner, our operations will continue. stop your aggression, tens of thousands of yemanies have taken to the streets of the capital sanna and other cities across the country to renew their full support for the palestinians. they have also called. on yemen's armed forces to persist with their naval operations in the rid sea and gulf of aiden in solidarity with palestine. we realize that the cause is our cause and the enemy is our enemy and we are fighting a battle that is essentially our battle. our blood is one, we and the palestinians and islam is the religion of all of us and we cannot abandon our brothers in religion. we are fighting from a quranic culture and what the people of gaza are exposed to is the same as what... the yemenis were exposed to, protester chanted slogans criticizing the united nations security
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council's recent statement against themen's naval operations. they argue that the world body has demonstrated its alignment with white house policies disregarding its rule in maintaining international security. today yemenis are rallying in dozens of squares in their millions as if it were human flot, an extension of the alax of flot operation. the yemenese today, despite the year. of war, and despite the difficult circumstances they are going through, are still committed to their first and central issue, which is the palestinian cause. the yemani people came out today to send message to the people of palestine and gaza, that they are not alone. the yemenes stand with palestine with all their military capabilities, whether naval forces or drones, and our message to the enemies is that we will not stop fighting and confronting them earlier. the leader of the ansarullah movement earn the western powers of stronger and more effective attacks in the
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future, he highlighted that the yemininy army has managed to outmaneuver western technology and surveillance, jamming and interception marking a significant advancement in the development of yemen's military industries. despite the sunny weather, thousands of yemanies have gathered here while fasting to make their point, they say if not for the border restrictions they would pass through neighboring states to reach palestine and join. the struggle against the israeli invaders until the liberation of the occupied territories. reporting for press tv abdullatif al. spain, ireland, malta and slovenia announced plans to recognize the state of palestine as global solidarity with palestinian cause gains momentum. spain's prime minister pedro sanchez made the announcement of following a meeting in brussels with his counterparts from the other three eu countries. sanchez said recognition of palestinian statehood is the only way to lasting peace in the region. he said the
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recognition will come into effect in spain within the current four-year legislative term. the global solidarity movement for palestine has gained momentum since israel launched its genocidal war on gaza. more than 130 countries throughout the world have already recognize the state of palestine. and now joining us from uh the central uh gaza city of dira albalah for an update is press tv's mounty abu musab hello uh moti hope you're safe what can you tell us there on the ground? today and this ongoing siege and so-called attempted evacuation on all shifa hospital. yes, actually it was another tough and bloody day for several palestinian civilians across all areas of gaz strip. let's begin from rafa city whereas the israeli war blanes carried outless strike
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several strikes against the residental buildings in the city. at least four bales. and children and woman were reportedly killed over those attacks particularly in the eastern parts of the city. in the meantime, the israeli artillery maintain shelling the eastern and the western parts of khanoni city intense israeli shiling actually reach those areas over the last night when it comes to the central area of gaza strip, the israeli war blians carried out relentlesss and the cruel israeli air strikes against al-amal town located in the northern bot. of ararat refugi camp, it includes several residental towers, the israely ecuvation forces flattened and leveled to the ground, several horizontal towers in that area, leaving thousands of the palestinian civilians homeless, when it comes to their balah city, the israeli artillery maintaine shilling the eastern part of the city, in the meantime the israeli artiller also maintained the southern
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part of the city as at least ninest nine israeli tanks and buldozers invaded matah in were uh needless to mention that it was uh previously attacked by the israel incubation forces a couple of months ago, now the israeli occupation forces reiterated their attack against that area a mid heavy gunfire and bombardments of the israeli tanks and the israel artillery, at least five palestinan civilians were reportedly injured over those successive attacks against their balah city when it comes to gaza city as you know that the continuous as israeli aggression against square enters its sixth consecutive day with continuous attacks with fears air strikes and artillery shelling and the gunfire of the israeli tanks. several buildings inside the shifa compound were targeted heavily by the israeli bombardments and the israeli shelling uh leaving multiple buildings on fire uh over
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that intensive intensive attacks over that intensive. sex in the meantime the palestinian resistance, the palestinian residence are still stranded and who are still beseiged inside the hospital actually are living catastrophic humanitarian conditions, they are trapped between the continuous israeli attacks and the lack of the basic humanitarian needs as the israeli incubation forces are still denying them any entry of their basic humanitarian necessities, in the meantime as as you know that the surrounding areas also were targeted have. by the israeli attacks and the israeli air strikes, several horizontal buildings were destroyed in addition to the uh people who were killed over those chronic attacks against the presidental apartments in the vicinity of the ashifa medical complex. multiple appeals were released by those families and those palestinian civilians in that area for the international human rights
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organizations and for for the red cross secy in order to help them to be evacuated and to rescue. from this continuous israel attack that that is targeting them uh continuously, however we are talking about continuous attacks on the other hand the palestinian resistance continue their attacks and their counterattacks against the israeli tanks as several clashes erupted between the palestinian resistance and the and the israel incubation forces particularly in arimal neighborhood and alwda street uh over the last couple of hours okay was i was just going to ask you about uh resistance and you mentioned it, so uh the only question i have is when it comes to aid, what's the situation like right now with desperately needed aid from getting in? tetros adhanam gibr head of the who mentioned to your point uh moti, the adar situation of food, water and medicine from getting into al-shifa hospital, the rest of gaza, hungry women and children, what kind
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of aid are they getting right now? yes, actually that area is... completely under the uh suffocating israeli siage, the israeli occupation forces are deliberately preventing them from reaching any of those humanitarian aid and they are stalling and mean the israel incubation forces are still stalling uh reaching those need and those needs and those aid to those people and the palestinian people there they are systematically preventing them from having any real access in a way that put more pressure and a way that bts more pressure on those people there uh because as you know they are collectively punishing the people, they are trying to uh uh to put more pressure in the people and they are demanding them even to evacuate under the continuous and the chronic. gunfire and the shilling it is uh they are expelling the people there for sibly and they are demanding them to move to the south and when they come to the south the israeli war planes
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and the israeli artillery shilling reach them and attack them so we are talking about another expulsion of the palestinian people and apparently they are going to destroy the entire area because according to multiple eyewitnesses there the israeli occubation forces blown up have blown up several residental buildings and flatten them in the same the same way like what happen khadis and in the northen b of gaza strip using the explosive devices, dozens of the palestinian zental buildings were destroyed and blasted using the explosive devices uh over the last couple of hours so we are talking about uh a real dire catastrophic humanitarian condition the palestinian people are living uh there in these moments, they are completely uh stuck between the continuous and the chronic israeli strikes and attacks and the... catastrophic humanitarian conditions. all right, thank you for your report and update and stay safe, we'll talk to you soon. joing us from dear abala in central gaza. and our
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south africans have held events throughout the country, marking national human rights day with a particular focus on the plight of the palestinians of gaza. in cape town, people from different walks of life participated in a pilgrimage depicting the track that gozans have had to make as israel's war machine has swept through the strip, hasan syria reports. hundreds of people have engaged in a 41 kilometer pilgrimage, symbolically depicting the length the gaza strip and a track that scores of palestinians have been forced to make due to the us-backed daily campaign of genocide against them. the event has been organized by a collective of christian bodies. the organizers say it is important. to demonstrate that christian zinism does not represent them, the church has been very complicit within this genocide and within um
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palestinian suppression more generally, and because of that is not condemning what they're doing, is not recognizing what they're doing as ethnic cleansing and genocide and not speaking out, and we wanted to challenge that narrative and challenge that stance and show an expression of solidarity, show that that... not the only thing coming out of the church. the demonstration also coincides with south africa's commemoration of the sharpfall massacre when the apartite regime gun down 69 protesters in what is recognized as a turning point in the struggle for liberation. for those who participated, the palestinian suffering resonates deeply. and what i saw today in my own as i walked you, because it's a pilgrimage, reflecting, i said to myself, um, you know, i, i, i feel... my feet you know burning, i feel uh this this old legs not, not not not moving as it should, but it's nothing in comparison what what people
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are experiencing. the south african public is still sleep and they must start waking up to see what israel is doing, but what they do there, they can also come and do anywhere else in the world. i'm a proud jew, i'm not a zionist and never have. have been and i think that what the the betnyahu government is doing is actually moral genocide, whether they call it legal, i don't whether it fits legally, but it's morally a genocide and i'm appled, i'm heartbroken as somebody who's lived through apart, we have seen this before, we should know better. the gaza seesfire pilgrimage coincided with the somber christian period of length and sacrifice and resilience were recurring themes programs pointed to as they attempted to... symbolically walk in the footsteps of gazens. the gaza cease fire march is another example the human desolve for justice, and as palestinians endure the latest israeli
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aggression for almost six months now, the people of the world will only intensify their commitment for palestinian liberation. passan city, press tv, cape town. the worst terror attack in russia in years, at least 60. people are killed and 145 wounded in a shooting attack claimed by daesh terrorists. now the death tool is expected to rise as dozens are in serious condition. attack took place when gumman in combat fatigues opened fire and detonated explosives a major concert hall on outskirts of moscow. in a telegram post, the day terrorist group said its gunmen
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had managed to... escape afterwards, russian authorities have launched a massive man-hunt. the moscow mayor says all cultural, sporting and other mass events will be cancelled in the capital for the weekend. an attack is a worst in russia since the 2004. bestlon school siege, in which more than 330 people, half of them children were killed. that's it for your latest here on press tv. everyone, thanks for tuning in. and goodbye for now. this time i'm going to visit the largest
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island. in the persian gulf. the island is blessed with endless natural attractions and is larger than 65 countries in the world. the coral beaches of gaesh are regarded as the most astonishing beaches of iran in the persian gulf. regarded as one of the world's biosphere reserves, the mangrove forest of gresh has covered area of over 9,00 hectares. it is the biggest sea forest in the whole persian gulf. i have walked through many valleys, valleys much deeper and much longer than the charkuh valley, but i dare say this valley is the most beautiful one i have walked through in terms of land for.
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it's a good way to see how poor people uh in poor countries or even in our own countries live. "fasting basically heightens your awareness of your surroundings and everything and it brings back the reasons for doing dua, for reading quran. when the sun sets, uh, it's a fantastic feeling of achievement.
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القصه يعني لكل عراقي في ايام صدام حسين الى قصه كامله يمكن يعملون منها مجلدات an iraqi businessman who recounts saddam hussein's oppression of himself and كل ما عندي امر بالله عز وجل او قضاء حاجه او التوجه الى اهل البيت ومنهم الامام ابا الحسن موسى علي بن موسى الرضا let's hear abu taher's story together.
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we must not become part of south africa's. problem, we must remain part of their solution, we must not aim to impose ourselves our solutions, our favorites in south africa, damn it, we have favorites in south africa, the favorites in south africa are the people who are being repressed by that ugly white regime, we have favorites. i also want to say a word about the situation in israel, the more we learned about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes, more than one thous, 1,000 innocent lives lost. including at least 27 americans, these guys make, they make al-qaeda look pure, they're pure, they're pure evil, i said from the beginning, the united states make no mistake about it, stands with israel, united state stand.
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as an expansive land with diverse climate, iran is blessed with numerous natural
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attractions. this time i'm going to visit the largest island in the persian gulf, an island which is larger than 65 countries in the world. hi, i'm... an iran trotter, i believe iran to be a unique country, on my travels to the most prestined spots in iran, i will show you the beauties of my beloved country, a country i'm proud of with all my heart.