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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  March 23, 2024 10:02pm-10:35pm IRST

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hello and welcome to press tv spotlight, i'm marza hashemi. thanks so much for being with us. well, it is the 169th day of the israeli holocaust on the ga strip. palestinians are,
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still being murdered, infrastructure is still being destroyed, hospitals are still being occupied by regime troops and staff is still being intimidated, kidnapped, injured or killed, and children are still starving to death, while right on the other side of the rafa crossing on saturday, stood the un secretary general antonio gateres, saying, enough is enough, but who is really going to make this genocide stop, and when is enough, really enough? but i'd like to welcome my guests to the program, sarah charlesdale, human rights activist out of manchester, and charlotte kates from samidon palestinian prisoners solidarity network out of vancouver. welcome both of you to the program. let's start it off in manchester with sarah. i mean, is the world becoming desensitized? every day, the zionist regime
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is killing at least hundred, usually more, and this genocide just continues to happen, that's the thing that me and my friend was discussing the other day, because i follow lot of the journalists on the ground in palestine and you cannot keep up, like if there's a terrorist attack normally, you you of have time to stop, think about it, more and the victims with the ongoing genocide, it's just non-stop hour after hour out like today, so... 72 people killed today, they lined up 170 civilians outside and shot them dead, um, these stories coming out that they're urinating on prisoners and letting dogs go to attack prisoners, some of the stories we are hearing a horrific, and if it was happening to in any other contrat then it would be all over the news, mean i don't watch the mainstream media but do have a quick walk every day. and the way that the mainstream
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media is why misrepresenting and being very disingenuous, which is nice way to put it, out and out wingin is another, i mean it's not a war when one side is an occupying force, but yes it does feel like i grew up of the generation that i grew up in sedley park which is majorly jewish area, i went to catholic school and we used to got a brouten house and we learned about the second world war and the atrocities that were committed. "and people used to say, how has this happened? well, we're watching it happen again now and no one's doing anything, and palestinians are the only people in the world you have to say, we're human, can you please, why are they having to beg to be seen as human? does that not say this something seriously wrong with the world? so answer to your question, yeah, i do think the world has become very dystopian and very desensitized to people just don't seem to seem to care and..." it's horrifying. yeah, well, i just
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talked to our correspondent just the last half hour, charlotte, and uh, he's in datter by law, and the information that he was giving was just so overwhelming when talking about what is happening right now at el shifa hospital, as we speak, that the israeli regime, the troops are still there, that hundreds of paramedics have been kidnapped, that at least 200 people are still being held and being... cortured inside, i mean it's just so mindbockling the things that he is saying. i mean, charlotte, what has to happen in your perspective? i mean, we we hear these things every day, and it just gets more and more shocking, but at the end of the day we face another day with the same thing, if not worse. the reason why we're continuing to face this is because the united states and its western imperialist partners including including canada, the united kingdom. the
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european union states continue to be complicit in supporting and allowing this genocide to happen. the fact is that over one-third of the people in the world live under some form of us sanctions, while in this case the united states is sending billions of dollars in weaponry um to the zionist occupation regime. every single day uh us taxpayers give $10 million dollars in weapons to the zionist to continue their genocide. so you know we can see what happens when the united states actually wants to stop a state from pursuing something typically its own independent path of development to the future, which is sanction. invasions, occupation and war. right now the united states is continuing to not just allow but sponsor this genocide, and it doesn't matter how many times we hear that there's tension between biden and netanyahu or that blinkon is unhappy, because the fact is that the united states is sponsoring, funding and
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backing this genocide 100% of the way, and that if the us uh simply decided to cut off the flow of weapons, the zyatist regime would have very difficult time continue. along this completely unaccountable path of genocide, the the actions that we're seeing to actually put an end are coming from, for example the people, armed forces, uh, government and the ansara movement of yemen, who have actually been taking meaningful action to uphold international law and put an end to the genocide, and for that effort they have been targeted for bombing campaigns and war like attacks from the united states, britain, canada, germany and their partners, um, we're seeing south. africa we're sorry, yeah, no, no, you brought up some interesting points, charlotte, i want to pick up there with sarah, she talked about uh, as far as the resistance movements and what they're doing, for example, out of yemen, are we have hezbollah, out of lebanon, we have other groups, and these groups are actually the ones that are upholding international law,
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when in in reality, in this dystopian world that we live in, they're actually considered the terrorist, i mean, let's look at where we stand with all of this, and and... "do you think though this is moment of clarity for those who really want to know the reality of who's whom? yeah, mean the the someone's uh, i saw a sign at one of the process and it said the thing that died in, you know what else died in gaza, the the myth of western civility, because i was, i'm an english woman and i was raised to believe that you know we were you know all the beat fascism and all that." and you you are you brainwashed in this one track um but yeah it's it's absolutely at the point now where you're just watching endless war crimes like we were saying you can't and it's being funded and being out that's what i'm saying like david cameron stands up in the house of commons and
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says we are at the point of paming now people are dying now these - trucks at the border but no one's stopping them because america are backing them america. "nobody on the news, i've not seen one single person turn around and say, israel or an occupaying force and don't have the right to self-defense, which is actually international law, international law almost seems to apply to, yeah, i think, i think the, i think the the blinkers have come off the world for all time, i don't understand how anyone can walk and say, yeah, america are, you know, back in deocracy, we've got soon." up there who no one voted for suonacas pm going out and giving a speech and saying that the democratic election of george galloway was attack on democracy, but israel, the occupation force committing endless war crimes and he stood up there going we back israel unequivocle, there's nothing we can do
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to stop the famin, yeah we could, exactly what charlock just said, we stopped sending the weapons, we stopped sending the funding, if we're not arming them, right, well um, charlotte, you know, um, how... dystopian is it that on one side of the wall there are people who are being bombed to death and killed from starvation and on the other side is food and supplies and the un secretary general saying enough is enough, mean what exactly does it mean when the person who's supposed to be leading the organization to prevent this from happening is saying this, mean who's he talking to, to whom is he appealing? isn't it his job? that's one of the things. that's really standing out is the fact i mean that the united states uh by exercising its veto and then by putting up an absolutely fake so-called ceasefire resolution yesterday which had to be vetoed by russia and china and opposed by algeria because it wasn't actually going to mandate a ceasefire by the zionist regime, it was
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actually attempting to give cover to the zionist regime for its ongoing war crimes, and so we're seeing this happen in the united nations as well, and the fact is that at there is no... shortage of food and aid for palestinians in gaza, what palestinians are facing is not a uh natural disaster, there was not an earthquake, there was not a typhoon and there was not a tornado. "this is something that is being carried out, created and committed by the zionist occupation and its co-conspirators and partners and genicide, and so all that is necessary to allow aid is simply to open the rafa crossing and allow aid to enter, so all of this theater from the united states about you, about airdrops and and whatnot is actually meant to distract attention from the fact that the united states has been essentially ordering..." uh the egyptian regime in partnership with the israeli occupation to
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keep the rapha crossing closed as part of the seige on gaza for the past 17 years and that by simply stopping ordering that to happen um that would i mean certainly if if the united states wanted to send its trucks through the rafa crossing of aid and support to palestinians in gaza um are the israelis going to open fire on them so so... so there's an there's an there's a real attempt in the mainstream media and from these governments because they recognize the fact that a immense number of people around the world, including in the heart of the imperial core, millions upon millions upon millions of americans and canadians and british folks and europeans are absolutely disgusted and infuriated by this horrific genocide being carried out and occupied palestine by the zionist regime. "and in order to try to placate all these people that are coming out into the streets and saying they refuse
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complicity, they're talking about you know airdrops, fake cease fire resolutions and all of this while doing absolutely nothing, and in fact doing everything they can to impede any movement toward actual justice in palestine. all of these countries continue to list palestinian and levanese resistance organizations and make it criminal to support them and..." to and list these organizations as terrorists, no, this is legitimate self-defense and it's a right under international law. right, well um, sarah, south africa's foreign minister nali de pander has said that people should continue and increase their protesting against this genocide. she suggest suggested that the targets of the protest be the five supporters the israeli onslot on palestinians, the us, france, germany, uk, and the eu. your thoughts on on what she said, and do you think that it can be effect? as for it being effective, i don't think it can do any harm,
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i don't think that the amount we need the amount of people out on the streets, we need it to stay the same to increase, because without any sort of pressure i on um spokes news, the other day because one of the conservative mps slight pressure on him, so i think that the what is right, we've got to continue to protest governments that are back in it, like in america and uk for example, they're sending up weapons there every week, so yeah, i do agree with what she said, i, i mean it's not making the difference that i'd like it to make, but i don't think it can do any harm, and we need people to keep continuously, one of the things like you said is the dystopian world we live in, it's becoming, there's that many things happening, there's that many war crimes happening. "it's like shock and all constant, you can't, you don't get chance to, i mean, this morning alone, i've seen footage of a patients
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leaving al she for hospital with the needles hanging out of the arms, the bomb the surgical, i mean it's just non-stop, so yes, i do agree with what she said, but everyone's got to continue to protest and agitate anything that brings attention or wakes one more person up, i mean i spoke to lady the other day, he was not political at all, but bause i was wearing this, she would start talking about it." and then she was like, yeah, i'll go to a protest, and you know, if you're a human being at this point, it's you, you've got to, so yeah, i agree with what she said, and do think that continuing to protest is the one of the one of the only things that we can do at this moment in time. well, charlotte, down israeli drown footage had been seen showing the assassination of four palestinian men simply walking and being targeted and blown up. even this type of footage is... shown globally, and the rogue israeli regime doesn't even hesitate in continuing with its murders and it it's so
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mindbockling, on the one hand we have them continue with their murders and on the other hand we look at mainstream media and we don't see absolute outrage due to the barbarity of this footage. i mean, your take on on both sides of this. i think on the one hand we're actually seeing um a tremendous. upsurge um that's continuing to take place and one of the things that the corporate and state-backed media in the west is doing is trying to actually uh diminish what's taking place. and also limit people's access to information. why are we hearing in the united states now about how tiktok needs to be banned? it's a social media app like every other social media app. um, the the government isn't talking about putting protections, for people's privacy for all social media apps and corporations. they are very concerned that any company that's not
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owned by the united by a united states entity uh that people might be able to express information and exchange ideas. on that in uh on that app, we're seeing like meta introducing new tools to try to reduce the amount of political content in people's feeds, and this is after people have been getting outraged and going to the streets about palestine, so there's a tremendous attempt to make sure that people either don't understand the extent of the hars that are taking place or uh just kind of descend into hopelessness and say there's nothing that we can do about. but it's important, it's so critical um, not just for people to see the brutal reality, but for people to actually take action against it, and to understand that we can take action against it, and that the more we organize and act together, we actually do have the ability to stop this, um, right now it's the palestinian people and their resistance, along with the levanese
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resistance along with the people in yemen, in iraq, in syria, in iran, and throughout the region, who are on the... front lines and defending humanity, and so if any of us want a future for humanity, we have got to organize, we've got to shut down business as usual, we're seeing actions like those taken by palestine action in britain for example, to actually materially shut down and stop uh zionist weapons uh factories from continuing their business, we're seeing um students at universities organizing and making their universities or at least their... student associations uh materially divest from corporations that are involved in profiting from genocide. um, in canada, one of the country's largest banks, scotia bank is being forced already to decrease its investments in, but still needs greater pressure uh to force them out of the the zianist weapons industry. we've got to take more and bigger
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action, we need to mobilize the the people uh to be a real force together with the... existence and against these imperialist crimes, right? well sarah, how is it that russia was sanctioned heavily for its war on ukraine and even banned from many international arenas such as the olympics, but nothing has been done to the zionist regime, even though the scale of crimes against humanity are a whole different level, because we live in a hypocritical world where america are the biggest terrorist, obama run out of bombs in his last year in office, percent of the bombs you did drop killed civilians, but somehow i'm still meant to be more scared of russia. this has gone on for years, it's like the russian ukraine war. british, it was like, we get take ukrainian refugees, take them in, put them in our spare room, you can have some money barbara. i mean, i believe all all human life is sacred, so but the palestinians as you've just
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pointed out are still seen as a terrorist. mick wallace partied out in the european parliament, he said when the saying, "oh, the hoothies are attacking." he said, the zionist regime are committing a genocide and you're worried about shipping roots. mean, the only thing i saw in the in the daily mirror was skin the papers every day, and one day it was like nothing about the um the reason that the hoothies were doing what they were doing, just the fact that we were going to be short of - york city, we live in a extremely twisted world where people who say palestinians are human beings. are seen as terrorists, whereas america and the zinanish regime are allowed to slaughter children in front of the world, bomb hospitals and this evidence of this, i mean the lies that get repeated about october the 7th that are lies that have been proven to be lies, dan cohen is a brilliant journalist, he's done a lot of investigation into it, they keep getting repeated, whereas actual like proven war
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crimes we're seeing get denied, it's like you say we just live in this complete where... america are literally saying to the world, you can't believe your own eyes and russia got sanction because basically america runs the world, we all know that the un 48 res 48 times you've blocked resolutions to help to to do anything about the the ongoing 76 plus year genocide against the palestinian people, so that's why we live in a white supremacist, us control world with uk behind him and... the whole world, the only thing that's happened recently that's made me feel slightly better about is that the world is waking up to that because the amount of people go so yeah that's why because live in a hypocritical, well charlotte, okay, well charlotte, what is your perspective on the analysis that this is not just a war between palestinians and palestinians by the israeli
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regime, but this is an existential war between east and west, a distancing of the global south from the western hegemonic powers and the pendulum swinging from a unipolar world to a multipolar world, your thoughts, i think that's very much in many ways accurate, if we look at october. 7th, it's 100% accurate for us to say that this battle did not begin on october 7th. after all, i mean, this has been taking place for over 75 years and the colonization of palestine has been proceeding for over 100 years. but at the same time, the fact is also that october 7th changed the world, because it presented the possibility of a future in which palestine could be free of zionism, and the region could be free of u.s. imperialism and its domination, and of course this... happening at the same time that there's a tremendous global political and economic shift toward the rising power of china um in which russia was able to uh circumvent and
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dismiss the us sanctions and their allies against them and continue to maintain its economy um that this is move toward a multipolar world, this is move toward toward a plural polar world, and one of the things that we are seeing in this genocide is the absolute panic. an outrage of these criminal imperialist forces at the fact that they are losing their hegemonic grip on the region and the future of the world, and it's up to us to do everything that we can to accelerate that future, because it's the only hope for humanity. well, some would say, sarah, this the facade is actually over for the western hegemonic front, and it it is very dangerous time in many ways, because the western front. continues to look at different way when all of this is taking place and they don't even fake it anymore before there was a semblance of whatever you want to call it democracy or
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fairness uh but now they don't even really try to fake it your thoughts on that it's like you say the one of the things that shocked me the most about this poll genocide is like you say we've faked it so well for so long we always come across try to come across as the good guy 'i mean we all know anyone who actually knows the geopolitical and the actual history of the uk and us empires, but they've always at least kept up that facade of caring and now they're just so blatant about it, i mean soon that coming out still and saying george galloway being democratically elected as attack on democracy and we're um just just the the fair mongering and i i've spoken to people and you aren't even politically involved in the saying "you can see through it, i mean i saw a release, there was a tiktok got released and it's a zionist there all on this meeting and they said we're in serious trouble because the the
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basically the younger generation i'm not buying up to our brainwashing so yeah it's um okay i don't know why they feel safe enough i think it's because america have done what they wanted for so long and america get away with basically being the biggest terrorist on the planet i mean it's like" like all lives matter except libyan lives, syrian lives, afghani lives, so right genuinely, i don't know why they're not faking better anymore. okay, shar only have about a minute left, but in your perspective, is the resistance the only feasible option that can stop this genocide? yeah, the resistance is the only option that is stopping this genocide, i mean the palestini, the operation on october 7th was fundamentally action to stop 75 years. of genocide and the resistance is continuing to stop genocide not only in palestine but around the region, in yemen, in lebanon, in syria, in iraq, and it's so critical for
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every one of us around the world to be part of an international form of popular resistance that is also working to bring this genocide to an end. ladies, thank you for being with me, sarah, trasoll, charlotte, kates, appreciate you being with us right here on this program, and thank you viewers for being with us on another uh program right. я думаю, но для меня больше открывает, потому
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что понять. свобода для всех разные. for muslims across the world, eid al-fitir, which marks one month of obedience to god in the holy fasting month of ramadan is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud for their servitude to god. ramadan. is
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called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their differences and hostilities and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages in iran have their own traditions for ramadan which date back to centuries. get a glimpse of it in this documentary on
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we must not become part of south africa's
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problem, we must remain part of their solution. we must not aim to impose ourselves our solutions, our favorites in south africa, damn it, we have favorites in south africa, the favorites in south africa are the people who are being repressed by that ugly white regime, we have favorites. i also want to say word about the situation in israel, the more we learned about the attack, the more horrifying it becomes. more than one thous, 1,000 innocent lives lost including at least 27 americans. these guys make, they make al-qaeda look pure, they're pure, they're pure evil, i said from the beginning, the united states make no mistake about it, stands with israel, united states stands with israel.
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i was at the age of 16 very interested by the world, what happened around my me, and i was, i traveled when i was 17 years old, i traveled even to iran. kamera is the kind of, he became. very famous because when you see billion of people in the street claiming the name of, he was a symbol, this tump is very
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important, actually this is tomp of a man would change history, would change the world and at least the middle east. it's a special time for britain's three million muslims. the fasting hours are long, up to 20 hours a day, but the physical and spiritual rewards are worth it. ramadan has been a fantastic time uh, in sense, in the sense that it's about spiritually connecting with the law of the heavens and the earth and detox in your bodies. ramadan is the month of prayer in the quran when muslims do their best to cultivate will. power, discipline and self-restraint. but ramadan isn't just about self-sacrifice, it's about sharing food with your family and friends. it's about increasing solidarity with fellow muslims, and it's about showcasing the beauty of islam to the non-muslim majority living in the uk. being
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involved in a community helps me to understand the muslim community even more and to be able to share that with my community back in the states. as an expansive land with diverse climate, iran is blessed with numerous natural attractions. this time i'm... to visit the largest island in the persian gulf, an island which is larger than 65 countries in the world. hi!