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tv   Iran An Insiders View of the Country Taxidermy and Royan City  PRESSTV  March 24, 2024 11:00am-11:15am IRST

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to study the natural world we must slow down to nature's pace, we must observe, ask questions and then observe again in ever repeating cycle. some scientists believe that coupling both observation. and one's own
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curiosity is the best method to develop intricate knowledge of and a deep emotional connection to the natural world. the beautiful and breathtaking world of nature is infinite reality that never seeses to astonish us. immeasurable wonders that seem to go on and on forever. we can't even begin to... imagine how vast that world is, for some people, it's everything, researchers and scientists who have dedicated their life to this field, improving our understanding of nature and providing us with the beauties and wonders of this world.
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dr. hidayat tajbachsh is known as the father of taxidermy in iran. he has dedicated most of of his life to the study of natural history and is the first iranian scientist who introduced the modern scientific methods of taxidermy to researchers and taxidermists in the country. 50 years ago he went to the us to continue his studies and learn more about taxidermy. دوره ها رو تموم کردیم در دانشگاه و در سازمان توریستی و در مؤسسه جونس برادرز و اینا بعد برادرم موند به عنوان منجر بعد از اینکه اومدم به ایران مورد توجه خیلی قرار گرفتم و تا به امروز تمام ۷۰ درصد دنیا رو که شکار درش بود من تونستم برم برای موزه شکار بکنم. هدف ما بزرگ ترین شکاره یا پیرترین یا
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بزرگترین شکارها بود هیچ وقت ما بره نزدیم هیچ وقت ما میش مثلاً نزدیم من الان ۱۰ سالم هست که a دست به این کار دیگه نزدم دست به تفنگ دیگه نبردم. and cities around the country, all to increase awareness of iran's natural history and stress the importance of conservation, species native to iran, including birds, mammals, reptiles, fish and insects can be seen this جالبه که شما بدونید که کشور عزیز ما ایران به لحاظ تنوع گیای و تنوع جانوری یعنی پوشش گیاه یا فلور و پوشش جانوری یا فون بسیار.
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بسیار غنیه ما به اندازه کل اروپا پرنده داریم یعنی حدود ۵۳۸ گونه پرنده در کشور ما زندگی of میکنند که برابری میکنه با کل اروپا یا کوچک ترین استان کشور ما ایران که استان که رحمت هست به اندازه کل اروپا تنوع گیاهان داروی داره. workshop, a work studio that's full of animal skin, gadgets, wires, scissors, cotton wool and tools that help him skin, prep, preserve, mountain position the animals as کلمه یونانی تشکیل شده تکس یعنی فیکس کردن, نگهداری کردن, درمی درمستا پوست, پوست رو فیکس کردن روی فرمی که حالا داره میسازه.
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taxidermy is all about the combination of art and science. it's science because it's a source of study. it's art because the taxidermis should have enough knowledge about anatomy, sculpting, painting and tanning. for dr. taj max, taxidermy isn't just about stuff.
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رفتارهای خیلی خوب که از حیواناتی که اون مثلاً از همین زرافه من بیش از ۱۰۰ عکس دارم تا یکیشو مثلاً انتخاب کردم که تونستم مثلاً فرض کن اینو بخوام بسازم بعد حالات عضلات رو آناتمی باز خیلی خوب بدونید.
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in the old days, the methods and techniques used for taxidermy were considered top secret, and so the taxidermist was just like an alchemist who wouldn't let anybody find out about his secrets. now rumor has it that some taxis would drill a hole into the wall the workshop that belong to their rival to take a peak and find out if they can find anything about his secrets ما طی سال های اخیر آقای دکتر این امکانو فراهم کردن افرادی که علاقه مند هستن در این زمینه بیان آموزش ببینن در زمینه تاکسیدرمی که ما در زمینه پرنده. در زمینه حشرات و پستانداران و خزندگان آموزش تاکسی درمی داریم که با علم روز دنیا این کار اینجا داره انجام میشه و تا الان افراد زیادی هم اومدن آموزش دیدن و از این علم بهره بردن.
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الان مثلاً شما در موزه نگاه. 75 years of age and still going strong, still passionate about the natural history of iran, it's been more than 50 years now, but for dr. no time to retire soon.
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"the airmar boulevard connects hundreds of cities together in the north of iran, and one the interesting features of this part of the country is that cities are built so tightly close to one another that it would be very difficult to distinguish the limits between them. for instance, right now i have one foot in the city of nour and another foot in the city of royan, and actually it does feel kind of weird being in two cities at the same time. royan, known as alamde is one of the favorite hangouts for those travelling in mazandaran along the coastal route which connects the northern cities of iran like a belt. royan is a center of new york county, with a population of just a little more than 6,00, the city hosts hundreds of thousands of tourists, especially in iran's holiday season
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like the norus and also in summertime. this tiny city in the north of iran faces the caspian sea from the north and the beautiful hurkanian forest of the albers. به واسطه طبیعت سرسبز، دریای زیبا، جنگل های زیبا، های سروفره کشیده که خیلی زیبا استمون آبی که مردم. forests by traveling along the road which passes through the royen forest, you can see
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one of the world's unique natural environments, which is exclusive to a region known as hierkania, a green belt which is stretched along the southern coast of the caspian sea and a small part of the republic of azerbaijan. alpati is the name of one of the famous natural attractions in northern iran. it's located in the heart of the royan forest, and unlike other waterfalls that pour down in a 90 degree angle, the all patty is... more of a combination of swirling streams that pour down in between the rocks in a 45 degree angle. the dazzling beauty of the region owes itself to the situation of the albers mountain range, which acts like a gigantic wall that prevents rain clouds of the caspian sea from escaping to the other side, thus creating abundant rainfall, which eventually results in the creation of this green explosion. this is lavich, a mountainous area near the city of new york, a
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place famous for its honey production, but as you can see, it's wintertime and the bees are sleeping, and besides, i'm not here to talk about honey because it's widely produced across iran. instead, i'm here to take you to a place which i'm sure you haven't visited before. in addition to honey, lavige is famous for its natural hot water springs. the water that boils from the ground contains a mix. و این چشم ها خواصهای گوناگونی دارن و یکی از
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خواصایی رو که چشمه های چشم ها داره برای بیماری های عضلانی و بیماریهای پوستی و روماتیسمی مفاصل خیلی خوبه در کنار این استخر مجموعه ای که وجود داره هتل های اقامتی و جاهای اقامتی زیادی در منطقه هستش که استقبال بکنن مسافرا و پذیره مسافرایی رو که تشریف بیارن به منطقه لاویج می باشد. "mazandaron is a gifted land, full of attractions. this beautiful province presents a variety of choices for touritts and travelers who want to experience different environment, the land of the sea, the forests and breath-taking landscapes. amir mehty kazemi for iran.
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orkuon. is the science of studying ancient artifacts to be able to find out what time period they are from, what materials they are made out of and other characteristics, but most importantly perhaps what can this artifact tell us about the people who actually made this artifact, what tools did they use, what techniques and technologies were available to them that made the making of this artifact actually possible, and we need to be uh studying that artifact in a way that we don't actually damage the artifact. and this is where using uh nuclear technology in particular asing particle.