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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 25, 2024 3:30am-4:03am IRST

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your headlines on press the vs rules indiscriminate strikes kill 84 more civilians across the gaza strip as total death sold exceeds a 32,000. 200, mostly women and children. iran strongly condemns israel's inhumane crimes against medical staff of patients at gaza's alzheifer hospital calling for an international probe into the regime's war crimes and rallies are held in various iranian cities and other countries to condemn israel's atrocities in gaza and the west's support for the regime.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv, live from the studios in tehron. thank you for joining us. now palestinians are experiencing an endless sparrow of death and destruction as the israeli genocidal war on the gaza strip enters this 171st day. medical sources say that his really. have committed eight massacres in gaza over the past 24 hours, killing 84 civilians and injuring scores of others, at least 10 people were killed in the israeli bombing of rafat, one palestinian was killed in gaza city. israeli war planes also hit the al-shati refugee camp in northern gaza, leaving number of palestinians dead and injured. meanwile the regime's forces have besieged two more hospitals apart from alsshifa and blocking food and medical aid into gaza. the un agency
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for palestinian refugees says israel has informed that it would no longer allow unr food convoys into northern gaza. anrua has called the blockade outrages. the israel genocide in gaza has claimed more than 32,200 lives, mostly women and children. our correspondent moti abusat says israeli forces are stepping up their attacks on the gaza strip leaving behind more. billion casualties, let's take a listen, let me begin with there is statement of gaz health ministry in terms of the israeli crimes committed against the palestinian people and the number of the palestinian casualties across all areas of gaz strip as over the last 24 hours the israeli incubation forces committed at least eight opponning massacers against the palestinan residents in all areas of cour claiming the lives of at least 82.
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civilians and injuring some 110 others, these numbers actually are still soaring with the continuous and incessent israeli attacks and air strikes that are still hitting uh several areas of gaz strip uh from rafah siri as you know that the israeli incubation forces intensified their attacks over the palestina residental buildings there uh from down hours so far we are talking about roughly 21 palestinian civilians have been killed over those attacks as several residental buildings were hammered by the israeli war planes. these air strikes are still continued so far as the eastern parts of the city uh were subjected to heavy attacks and heavy bombardments of the israeli air strikes. when it comes to kanyunis city, the israel ocupation forces conducted a ground offensive against uh the naser medical complex and almal hospital located in the western b. the
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city, amid heavy gun fire and continuous air strikes and continuous shelling of the israeli tanks reaching those areas, needless to mention that those areas were subjected to plural ground offensive that targeted them over the last couple of months as the vast majority of those buildings and those houses were completely or partially destroyed over the cronic israel attacks and incursions that reach that area. israeli forces have been raping and executing women during their raid of on al-shifa hospital in gaza city, that's according to a palestinian woman who was trapped in building near the hospital witnessing the tragedy unfolding there. jamila alhisi says palestinian women were also starved, tortured and kidnapped. in another horrific detail, she added that the israeli forces pull dead bodies from under the rubble to unleash. their dogs on them.
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alhi had been trapped in building near alshifa hospital for six days before being forced out by the israeli forces. she said troops also torched the building where palestinian. civilians were taking shelter, burning to death entire families inside. israel launched this raid and siege on alsifa hospital a week ago, killing at least 170 people and abducting hundreds more. the hospital was gaza's biggest medical facility before the israeli unslaught on the besieg strip. un chief antonio gutierres has renewed calls for a cease fire in gaza saying that the... each palestinian territory needs a flood of aid. looking at gaza, it almost appears that the force men of war, famine, conquest and deaths are galloping across it, and that is why the time for immediate
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humanitarian sease fire is now, and in ramadan spirit of compassion, i also urge the immediate and unconditional release of hostages. the suffering must palestinians in gaza desperately need what has been promised, a flood evade. guteres was speaking following talks with egypt's president and foreign minister in cairo, the un chief said the only effective way to ramp up aid delivery to gaza is by road. he also called for israel's firm commitment to allow aid to reach all parts of the besieg territory. guteres is visiting egypt and jordan as part of annual. on solidarity tour to muslim countries. on saturday, he toughed the rafa crossing between gaza and egypt. the crossing is the only access point where aid trucks can enter gaza, but they are stuck on egypt side of the border as israel continues to block aid from entering gaza where people are starving.
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iran's for ministry spokesman has condemned israel's horrific and inhubane crimes at all shif. hospital in gaza city, nasa canoni said those atrocities have added to israel's shameful acts and his dark list of crimes. he expressed sadness over the killing of scores of people over the past days in israel's raid on the hospital and his restriction on basic medical supplies. he also refer to reports indicating that palestinian women were raped and tortured during the israeli raid on alshifa. canani urged an international probe to expose the volume of israel's war crimes at. medical facility, he recalled the responsibilities of the international community and islamic states with regard to palestinian lives in the war rid in gaza's rip. alsiifa hospital is not the only health facility on the israeli siege, according to the palestinian recrescents, israely forces have laid siege to two more hospitals in the
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southern city of hun unis. palestinians in the occupied west bank are also suffering from. growing israeli violence, in the latest such acts israeli forces abducted over dozen palestinians across the west bank while scores of settlers raided the alaxa compound in the occupad alcuds. our corresponded in ramalandial join us earlier with the with more details. the israeli forces storm palestinian areas a daily basis. this morning the israelies had arrested at least 15. palestinians from across the occupied west bank, the majority of those palestinians were detained in jenean and as well as al khalil in the village of aliban al garbi north ramallah and the majority of those had been arrested by the israeli forces were former
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prisoners, even of those palestinian prisoners and former prisoners finished their sentences and they were released several years ago, however we have been. and noticing that the israeli forces were immediately uh storming the houses of of ex- palestinian prisoners and arresting them as well as family members of palestinian prisoners who are still incarcerated in israeli jails. as you have mentioned the israeli forces, the israeli sitners excuse me, had the stormed the al-aqsa mask complex today, over 100 israeli sittlers storm the al-aqsa. mas pimplex as well as they were celebrating one their jewish holidays known as perem or in the as the jews know them as the scoot feast, of course we are speaking about over 100
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israeli sitters protected and supported by the israeli forces at the same time the palestinian muslims are not allowed to enter al quds or al-aqsa. westbank residents are completely denied access to al-aqsa or entering al-quds uh only on fridays with women above the age of 50 and men above the age of 55 and after getting israeli issued permit. the lebanese resistance movement hezbollah has been engaged in fighting with the israel regime on lebanon's southern border since the onset of the war on the gaza's trip early october. hezbulah said it aims to support palestinian resistance fighters battling israely forces in gaza. in the latest development hezbulah has launched several rockets at israel positions in the... occupied golden heights our correspondent mariam sal joined us earlier from beirot to
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give us the details a general rule that once the israelis go beyond the scope of the the rules of engagement or the limited geographic scope which hezbulah has drawn from the beginning of the confrontation we notice that hazballah directly retaliates uh by using uh katusha rockets by using longer range rockets or issues that or a bigger number of rockets if you may say on areas that are further away uh from the border uh with lebanon and so we we noticed how there were 60 rockets that reach the settlements of yawaf and specifically the baraks in in the golan heights and here in in kila specifically hasballah mentioned in their statements that that rocket attack specifically coincideduh with a training session and exercise. for the elite forces, the the golani elite forces of the israelis and they also mentioned in the
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statement that they had just returned from gaza and therefore they were conducting an exercise, so that in itself is a clear message from hazballah to the israelies that hizalah does have the intel they need in order to know the movement of the israelis uh, they are able to know which unit came back from gaza, which what exactly they were doing in that area, and so hasulah also seemed... to um mention that perhaps there could be inflicted, they might have inflicted heavy losses upon that force specifically, but also that tells the israelis that in any future confrontation, the israelis had always thought that they are superior when it comes to intelligence and with the fact that they do have the upper hand with their air force and so on and their many radars and their intelligence units and their drones, but hezballah is also telling the israelis that they can also... deal a very heavy blow on the intelligence uh in that regard as well,
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so therefore this in itself is very significant, not only militarily, but also when it comes to the intelligence of factor. calls for an end to the genocide in gaza have once again rang out in a number of cities across the world, people in the jordanian capital have fit the streets to voice their support for the palestinians. gathered near the israeli embassy in aman to condemn the regime's atrocities against palestinians, but jordanians or jordanian police clamped down on the rally firing tear gas at the protest. and detaining some of them. there were fresh pro-palestinian valleys in several iranian cities as well.
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protesters in the capital terron gathered in front of the british embassy to vent their anger at the ongoing genocidal war on gaza. the protesters chanted slogans against israel, britain and the us. several other locations in teran were the scenes of rallies in support of garsons, some other iranian cities, including mashad and tabris, also witnessed anti-israeli demonstrations. iran and turkmenistan do not consider themselves just neighbors, but relatives. throughout ages, they have bolstered their ties from culture economy and science and technology and a myriad other fields. yet they have set the stage for. bolder steps in order to faster vibrant trade ecosystem between the two nations and make the region an energy
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hub. iranian entrepreneurs, officials and business people have held an exhibition in the land of their relatives to pave the path for greater synergy. watch this documentary to catch a glimpse of the neighborly ties. welcome back, thousands of italians have held a torch light procession in solidarity with palestine in rome. the italian capital and other cities across the country have in the scene of protest against the israeli atrocities against palestinians over the past months. press tv's max chevilli has this report. on saturday, anti-war activists,
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local political parties representatives, families and students joined a torchlight precession in support of palestinians staged in labaro, a residential area on the outskirts of rome. the initiative was supported by a string of associations from civil society, including the national association of italian partisans. the italians have been very active in organizing pro-palestine initiatives since tel aviv launched its genocidal war on gaza. hundreds of rallies and protests in solidarity with the besieged gazans have been organized. across the country over the past months, it's unacceptable that our government is not doing anything to help the palestinians. this is why we are here today, we want to speak out our outrage, we that here in the subarubs of rome, more than 30,00 people have been killed, was standing before history without an answer for the ongoing unslot in gaza. the
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italian government has so far been a stunch supporter of the israel. regime, however, prime minister giorgia meloni has recently said that rome is opposed to a ground incursion by israeli forces into the gaza strip's southern city of rafa. according to some estimates, the value of italy's arms sales to israel more than tripled in december 2023 compared with the same month in 2022. this is not worthy that december last year was the peak of israeli bombardments on the gaza's trip.
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the rally tonight have put their differences aside because we all want the massacre of the palestinians in gaza to end, but also because we want peace in the world. earlier this week, the university of turin suspended the collaboration agreement with israeli universities and research institutes after wave of student protests over israel's brutal onsloat on gaza. max chivili, press tv, rome. people in russia have observed the national day of morning following the deadliest terror attack in the country into decades, morers laid flowers at the siting moscow with deadly assault happened. president vladimir putin has called the incident a barbaric terrorist act. on friday gunmen stormed moscow's crocus city hall, open fire and torched the
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building. at least 137 people were killed and more than 100 wounded. marina cortanova reported. from moscow. russian president vladimir putin addressed the nation after the deadly attack in moscow which killed dozens of civilians. the president denounced the massacre as a bloody and barbaric terrorist attack as he declared march 24 in national day of mourning. at least 11 suspects, including four perpetrators who directly participated in the shooting spree have been arrested. the four direct perpetrator. were detained in bransk region. according to the intelligence service, the terrorist planned to cross the russian ukrainian border. the russian president vowed to punish all involved in the massacer. all the perpetrators, organizers and customers of this crime will suffer fair and inevitable punishment. whoever they are, whoever guides them. i repeat, we will identify and punish
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everyone who stands behind the terrorists who prepared this atrocity, this attack on. the daisha terror group claimed responsibility, but moscow has dismissed the claim asserting that investigation is still underway to ascertain the main culprits. russia security service says the moscow attackers had contacts in ukraine supporting them. during interrogation, detained terrorist said he was promised 500 troubles to carry out the terrorist attack. he claimed he watched a certain preacher on telegram and allegedly his assistant contacted the man. the perpetrators are ignorant illiterate people who will commit any crime for money. the question is different: where is the planning center? not a single international organization can act in the international arena. especially in a state like russia where there are strong power structures, performance can be found anywhere through the agents. we went through this experience in chechnia. this once again convinces us that
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international terrorist structures are the work of the cia and western intelligence services. the attack which came amit ukraine's war with russia was the deadliest in the country since the bisland school siege in 2004. after friday's attack, putin held discussion with his belarussian counterpart. both leaders confirmed their readiness to walk together in the fight against terrorism. in his address, president said moscow attackers were preparing to flee towards ukraine where a window had been prepared for them with the help of ukraine. now it remains to be seen how russia is going to react to the massacre which came in a very volatile region and demit its war against ukraine. press tv, moscow. a court in india's most popular state of uttar pradesh has banned islamic schools out of the national elections. the movie is seen as another attempt by the government to marginalize the
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muslim population which will seriously affect some two to three billion children and teachers associated with islamic schools. manavar zaman reports. salman kasami, an islamic school teacher says it's an unprecedented move in india to ban madrassas instantly, calling it a blow to marginalized muslim families across india's most popular state of uttar pradesh. he says lives of thousands of families are directly dependent on such institutions, while the government of indian prime minister narendra modi accuses them of receiving illegal funding. squall is argue, such institutions are building blocks of islamic teachings across the country, which regular schools can't do. this judgement is unfortunate, we respect the court decision, but we oppose it. our constitution allows us to have such schools to teach islamic values to future
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generations. if this is again a secularism, why it was made in the first place? every citizen can read, write, promote or propagate their religion. that's what our constitution says. madrasa's innocent closure is a blow to livelihood of thousands of families. in january, the government of uttar pradesh state holded a funding program for madrasas, leaving more than 20,000 teachers unemployed, scholars say friday's verdict applies to all islamic schools in the state that are privately and government funded. in recent months, india's northeastern state of assam converted hundreds of madrassas into conventional schools. all the laws and all the all the things which are bjp is enacting or bjp is targeting the muslim community, definitely they think that the... "if they want to rule the country, so they can rule the country when they can demonize muslim community, they can suppress muslim community, they can, they can, they can make
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them wetless as at the time of election, so all these efforts are taking place because of the rss background, rss agenda of the present ruling party. in recent months, modi's government turned down new proposals from the states and halted payments to schemes that would finance muslim schools critics." this amounts to snatching the livelihood of thousands of families instantly, while they have other means of earning. india will hold general elections in few weeks time, and the bjp's victory is eminent, according to observers. activists and rights groups have accused the governing party of promoting anti-islamic rhetoric in a deliberate attempt to appease the majority voters by polarizing the voters, therefore using. divide and rule policy to win the elections. rights groups have accused the bjp government of persecuting and intimidating muslims through all possible means. the acquisition bjp
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rejects saying india is vibrant democracy and shrined in equality for all. critics accused the ruling party of systematic repression against the largest minority group, including hate crimes, mob lynching and call viigilantism emising islamophobia. say such issues pave the way for prime minister modi to remain in office for a third consecutive term. press tv, new delhi. and there you have those of the top stories on press tv. thank you for being with us, take care and bye-bye.
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the introduction of this trip in the welcome ceremony of turkman. officials to an old neighbor goes back to the early days of the 13th administration where iran announced that relations with its neighbors were top of its foreign policy and this was the beginning of the regional diplomatic visits.