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tv   Black And White El Salvador Bukele re elected  PRESSTV  March 25, 2024 5:02am-5:31am IRST

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de informalidad que gran parte de su pbi gdp is based on what is the contributions made by immigrants, general elections on the presidency and other levels of direction of the state se han realizado elecciones presidenciales también de otras niveles al estado la dirección del estado en las presidenciales. in the presidential elections, has been elected by 82.6%. that is what the hegemonic press and general communication. de los votantes, de las personas con derecho.
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he was at the international meeting with trump, with balsonaro, with milet, with duke, among others, to express his successful policy of eliminating gangs and developing el salvador, development that does not exist anywhere, though bucally has always made many promises, he has made promises, for example to build four universities in his first mandate, he didn't build the...
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detaine more than 500 and sent them back to el salvador to a place where young people had nothing to do, but to join with these prophets who arrived to offer them some opportunity. hoy desde san salvador, el salvador, estamos con walter. el salvador.
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thank you very much, it's a pleasure and an honor to be with you from here in el salvador to try to make sense of this very obscure reality. on social media, undoubtedly, there are many aspects that can only be clarified by those of us who actually live in el salvador. thank you very much and hello to you all. thank you, walter. in our countries,
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for example, in chile and other countries, when we see the news of latin america, they emphasize the great victory of bukelli and usually talk about the suppression of gangs. before you answer me, it's good to give you a little introduction about the time before 2018 or 2019 when came to power for 2019.
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we cannot assume this for certain, there are many facts and lies, so we need to specify these two things in el salvador we have a situation similar to what charles dickens said in the book two cities, he says that we are in the best of worlds and in the worst of worlds at the same time. later, the best of the worlds turned out to be the digital world, the great digital armies that here are in the service of the current government of president. "the number of people and the production form of his virtual mobs or trolls have been exposed as a result, here there's a machine, on the other hand, the worst of worlds is the real world, according to the united nations world food program, poverty
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has increased in el salvador, when this government came to power, poverty rate stood at 19%. this percentage has increased significantly, and today we are talking" about very high percentage of people, we have a population of 6.5 million, and the world food program estimates that 1.8 and almost 2 million people live in el salvador who are on the verge of a salvation, so there are a lot of lies when it comes to media, you have to be able to analyze very well, otherwise you can get it wrong. look, previous governments, even the right-wing governments from the nationalist republican alliance arena. tried to somehow negotiate with the gangs. leaked information indicates that they had contacts to establish some kind of agreement with these gangs. the first fmln government, the left leaning falabundo marty front for national liberation with marusio funas
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attempted to negotiate with the gangs. there was talk of famous agreement and they negotiated with the gangs and even the organization of american estates entered the process. at that time there was a lot of violence in the streets and throughout the country, when bukele came to office, it had secret and non-public negotiations with the gangs. this issue was revealed in the audio fight. that were released, they never published it publicly, under previous administrations, approximately 10 of the 14 main gang leaders were jailed, here they're called ranflop, which is considered as a main comedy with the management of gangs. due to the crimes committed by these prisoners in america, the issue of their extradition to america was raised, at this time the current government in a judicial to dissolve the supreme court. of justice and the constitutional court and imposed new supreme court of justice. this work is referred to as
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a judicial cour. at this time, in may 2021, the legislature came into action and virtually all extradition proceedings were halted and this administration agreed with the gang leaders not to extradite them to america. so how can there be a fight against the gangs when you agree with the gangs not to extradite? them in exchange for a reduction in murders, in addition, very important news was published here and that was the release of the third leader of these gangs who is known as crook, he was released from prison by a government agent, that government agent takes him to luxury apartment hotel, for one night, he takes him to guatemala, arms him and lets him through, america arrests him in mexico, crook's trial made everyone here very angry because...
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there are a series of statistics that are sometimes manipulated and not accurate. these
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statistics are about crimes. so what i'm suggesting is that this apparent reduction is a fragile piece based a secret agreement with the gangs which has now been exposed. this agreement will have many consequences because when this agreement is lost, this issue is known as mafia peace. this issue has been widely reposted on social media, so i also said that the best world is in social media, and the worst of the world is in the reality, because this situation raises the main issues such as crime, which is in a very bad condition, poverty and hunger in el salvador are concealed and may not be apparent in social media. el salvador does not produce as much as it consumes and has to import. el salvador's economy basically revolves around. 7 billion dollars in income that el salvadorans sent to their relatives in the
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form of remittences from america and communities far from el salvador's homeland in canada and europe. this is their only support, foreign investment has fallen since the time of coronavirus and has not yet returned to its previous state. some large garment production workshops that existed in the textile industry are gone. has been completely damaged so the country is run only by remittences. el salvador exports people, many of our brothers are forced to flee because there are no living facilities. what i'm suggesting is that we have the best world in the digital space and social networks, but the worst world in real life. as a result, we have two versions of el salvador here. i want to delve into this issue more deeply, to understand this element conceptually. note that bukale is an american laboratory, when i say america, i mean it's imperial position,
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they're working with different gangs and they're getting results, they get results because they are people outside the political system and model, they take advantage of the weakness of political parties, corruption and unacceptability, but they simply embellish this unfavorable situation, supported with new technologies and social networks, they gain... and create interest in characters using their powers. an example is in argentina. equator is another example, so imperialism is proposing. testing various models and it has achieved its desired result in el salvador. according to this explanation in argentina and almost in the same way in ecuador, they want to control these countries with this method. american imperialism and
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the west in general created daesh in west asia. as a way to destabilize everything and intervene and as we all know implement its own policy, y pareciera ser que tema acá de narcotráfico, gangs and crime and security are issues that are always not topics in the hegemonic media, and they talk about crime every day, la población.
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well, in el salvador, a state of emergency was passed that takes away all constitutional guarantees and rights. march 28 marks three years of this emergency status. in this extraordinary situation, they can arrest you on the street, they will take you to the jail and you have no rights. you don't have even the right to defend yourself, because they hold the brief trial for 300 prisoners, international and human rights organizations. have constantly complained about this shameless violation of human rights, so there's an extraordinary situation that allows the police, the soldiers of the armed forces and the military to arrest people on the street and even arrest you in your own home. therefore, the most basic rights, such as the right to respect the place of residence, freedom of movement etc. have been
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lost in this extraordinary situation, and we have been in this awful situation for three years now. that there are over 65,000 prisoners and of course over 8,00 were forced to be released because they were taken without charge, and they also say that the leaders of labor unions and the people who have been arrested, some of them were arrested at their place of work due to non-payment of damages and similar reasons. de indemnización en los trabajos, en fin, etcétera, mire es es terrible, digamos, es terrible, es un régimen de terror, the situation is dire, it is dire, it's a regime of intimidation, a regime of intimidation, i cannot verify these numbers because the permission to enter the prisons has not been given to the international bodies that carry
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out the work of verification, there's a very large prison with gang members that they say is: cathedral of gangs, because one of the provisions of the contract is to create a special prison for them. most people are in the shadow of prison. we are talking about 70,00 people, but this is the information they give. at first they deny that they had arrested innocent people. there is movement of innocent victims of the regime called murvir. they are constantly providing information. the latest information is that until now more than 270 people. have died in prison under torture, no one gives the information, there is no process for this in the courts, it is better to say that there is no law in this matter, worst of all, the arrest is done in a special way, they have set a code off for the policeman and they have to bring a number of people as prisoners daily, therefore they give leave to policeman and soldiers according to the number of
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people, this is a confidential matter and terrible violation of human rights, those who have been released. speak of the horrific torture inside the prisons, which are considered crimes against humanity, but in addition, there's a media barrics that say this is successful process and successful model that is being practiced around the world, they do these using their media arms, their huge digital armies, it is clear that they will take away any possibility of citizenship from you. during one hour, they can put sentence, an idea and a thought in the minds of the... salvadorans, do you know what the government's main campaign model was during the presidential and regional elections? the main message was this, if you vote against the government, they will release the gang members.
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82.7% or something like that, about 48% of the population did not participate. se abtuvo de votar como un 48%, acaban de pasar acá dos elecciones, la del 3 de febrero, two elections were held here on february 3, presidential and parliamentary elections, elections turnout was 52%, that is 48% did not participate, municipalities, regions and members of the central american parliament, it was incredible historical issue because 70% not participate in this election, there's only talk of the third person who have participated, they committed fraud in the presidential election, because according to the constitution the president cannot be
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reelected, and this is prohibited. therefore, the mere issue of the president's nomination was a fraud, the entire organizational structure was in favor of this issue, and eventually people have the impression that a fraud has occurred, i will give you a concrete example, open the ballet boxes, there were unfolded votes, mean they were voting papers that were not folded, how can they enter that box but not folded, these papers had to be folded several times to pass through that groove and enter the box, how can there be unfolded votes in the boxes, they were marked with pens other than the official pens of the election, as a result of the impression that exists among the people now is that there's been an elections
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الانفس والثمرات وبشر الصابرين الذين اذا
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اصابتهم مصيبه قالوا قالوا انا لله وانا اليه راجعون. اولئك عليهم صلوات. announced the government's redefinition of extremism, we'll be examining the implications of his statement in this week's show. we have effectively sign this interests using a think tank to talk to government and
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then the their views are then taken on by government by people who are appointed by government come from the think tank itself. this new definition of extremism, it's not statutory um, but it doesn't mean that it won't have impact, this will have impact on the ground, of course it will, if you look at charities for example who are trying to host events with these organizations. they may have to jump through extra herdles via the charity commission in terms of if you're inviting an extremist speaker and technically they will be on that list of extremist speakers. in late 2023, south africa filed case at the international court of justice icj over the israeli apart regimes genocidal war. against palestinians in the besaged gaza strip. south africa stated that the telavive regime has failed to uphold its commitments under the 1948 genocide convention. south africa filed the loss it
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against the israel. dream at the end of december, noting that israel's actions in gaza that sited last october are genocideling character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part the palestinian national, racial and ethnic group. we have a special guest to discuss the topic today. he's none other than south african ambassador to iran, his excellency dr. francis moloy. thank you, mr. ambassador for your time today. thank you very much for inviting me, mubarak. it's a pleasure to be here. the israeli economy already shrink almost 20%. "the israeli economy is very dependent
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on the exploration of palestinian workforce. what was done in agriculture with high-tech irrigation does not have the labor from foreign sources, which was bad in any case."
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your headlines on press tv israel's indiscriminate strikes kill 84 more civilians across the gaza strip as total death told exceeds a 32,200, mostly women and children. iran strongly condem israel's inhumane crimes against medical staff and patients at gaza's al sha hospital calling for an international probe into the regime's war crimes and rallies are held in various iranian cities and other countries to condemn israel's atrocities in gaza and the west support for the regime.