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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 25, 2024 12:30pm-1:03pm IRST

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of the headlines israel's genocidal war on the gaza strip enters its 171st day. iran strongly condemns israel's inhuman crimes against medical staff and patients in al-shafar hospital. and a new report shows that 99% of israel's arms imports are from the us and germany.
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hello and welcome, you're watching world news on press tv, coming to you live from our headquarters in tehron, thank you for joining us, my name is gisum shahmedi and these are top stories this hour. palestinians are facing an endless cycle of death and destruction as the us israel genocidal war on gaza enters its 171st day. the latest israeli strikes have claimed dozens of lives on the coastal territory when 22 members of the same family were killed when their home in gaza in the central city of der albala was targeted. at least 10 people were killed in the israeli bombing of the southern city of rafa. several palestinians lost their lives in israeli air strikes on. shati refugee camp in northern
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gaza. the regime forces also beseed two hospitals in southern gaza apart from al shifa in gaza city. meanwhile, the un agency for palestinian refugees says israel has informed the international body that it would no longer allow onrua to uh deliver its food convoys into gaza, the israeli genocide in gaza. has claimed more than 32,200 lives, most of them women and children since october the 7th. earlier we spoke to our of correspondent mutti abu musabi from the city of dar albala in central gaza, he said israely war planes keep attacking residential buildings in gaza, while the siege on al-shafaq hospital continues. let's begin
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from city here where the israeli incubation forces committed an appowing massacre against the palestinian civilians after the israeli war planes destroyed several residental buildings and alb street located in the in the western part of their balah city the other areas of gaza st the israel incubation forces also continue their attacks and air strikes and rafaah city as you know that several uh central buildings were destroyed over the last night by the israeli occupation war planes, while when it comes to khanuni city, particularly al-karara neighborhood, the israeli incubation forces targeted that area intensely over the last night by the successive and relentless israel air strikes and the artillary shelling that reach the area, while when it comes to the western part of kanuni city, the israel incubation forces are still circumventing and attacking uh the nasa medical complex and amal hospital. they
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are located in the western part of the city, as you know they were subjected to uh a brutal ground offensive over the last couple of months after the israel incubation forces attack that area a mid heavy gunfire and the bombardment, the vast majority of the palestinian residental buildings and houses were completely or partially destroyed, when it comes to the ashifa complex, israeli occupation forces are still attacking the buildings of the ashifa medical complex, the upper roofs and the upper floors and actually were targeted and hit relentlessly over the last night by the israeli tanks that are still surrounding the buildings, knowing that hands of the palestinian people are still stranded and beseeged inside those buildings and the meantime the israeli incubation forces are still uh continuously opening their gunfire towards the people and towards the buildings of the shifa medical complex, while the surrounding areas of the ashifa medical complex were also hit relentlessly by the israeli incubation forces. several
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israeli air strikes and artillery shilling targeted those areas. iran's foreign ministry spokesman has condemned israel's horrific. picking humane crimes at aljifa hospital in gaza city. nasir khanani says that those atrocities have added to israel's shameful acts and its dark list of crimes. he expressed sadness over the killing of scores of people over the past days in israel's raids on the hospitals and its restrictions on basic medical supplies. can only urge the international probe to expose the volume of. israel's war crimes and medical facilities, he recalled the responsibilities of the international community and islamic states with regards to the palestinian lives in war ridden gaza. alchafa hospital is not the only
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health facility under israeli sie. according to the palestinian red cresent, israeli forces have laid siege on more, two more hospitals in the southern city of h israeli occupation forces have raided the old town of naplos in the occupied west bank injuring several palestinians our correspondent in ramollah muna kandel gives us more details the israeli forces had stormed the the old town of napolis and as you have mentioned exchange of fire taken it place between the palestinians and the old town of napolis and israeli forces that stormed the area. israeli troops, as usual, they opened fire at the palestinians and they wounded at least three palestinians, according to the palestinian rent crecent. the palestinian fighters
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succeeded to detonate explosive devices and the israeli forces vehicles that were invading nabulous. it were nableus. as well, this time the israeli forces had wonded at least one palestinian in the village of bayk in napolis, this happened all uh after midnight where palestinians took to the streets in order to support the the their brothers and sisters in the gaza and the israeli forces opened fire at the protesters winding at least one palestinian and they have prevented the vehicle. to move this palestinian who was wonded to one of the hospitals near bet furik, speaking about karem, at least one more palestinian was shot and one that this time 15 year old palestinian was wonded a new study shows that
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is really imports uh 99% of arms from the us and germany and it calls for the regime's arms embargo. stockholm international peace research institute has reported that 69% of israeli weapons are imported from the united states and 30% of them are imported from germany. according to the study, the us rapidly delivered thousands of guided bombs and missiles to israel at the end of 2023. that despite calls for an arms embargo on the regime due to the ongoing onslot on the gaza strip. israel relies heavily on western countries. for many of its components in a warplanes, helicopters, warships and submarines, the united kingdom, canada and the netherlands also provide israel with critical aircraft components. calls for an
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end to the genocide in gaza have once again rung out in number of cities around the world, people in the jordanian capital have hit the streets to voice their support. for palestinians. more than 2 thousand demonstrators gathered near the israeli embassy and aman to condemn the regime's atrocities against palestinians with jordanian police clamped down on the rally. firing tiergasa to disperse the protesters. there were fresh pro- palestinian rallies in several iranian cities as well. protesters in the capital tehran gathered in front of the british embassy to vent anger at the ongoing genocidal war on gaza. merkber
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i̇ngiliz. calling out western double standards, shocked out the complete indifference of western countries, particularly the us and the uk, the demonstrators couldn't even wait till the next... stay recent appalling media reports the israeli genocidal war on gaza once again brought pro-palestine demonstrators together, this time outside the british embassy and tehran, to condemn israel's agrigous atrocities, particularly in al-shafah hospital, with full support from countries that have always claimed to be advocates of human rights, but now blatently compromising it in favor of their... they enjoy full support from the us and the uk. we are in
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front of the british embassy now and the ukrainian flag is completely visible from here after two years and they have lost only 500 civilians so far in the war, but in gaza the toll is over 3200. what happened to the human rights slogan? al-shafah hospital in gaza city. remains under siege since last week when the occupying regime raided the healthcare facility with reports of women being subjected to torture and rape. coming here is the least we can do for our brothers and sisters in gaza. i hope the international community takes action to stop the genocide in gaza. the zionis have absolutely no respect for international law. there must be a way to stop this. they don't even care about the icj ruling that. them to allow humanitarian aid into gaza. the demonstrators
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denounced the us and the uk's shameful silence in the face of israel's total disregard for the february 26th icj ruling, demanding humanitarian aid to be allowed into gaza and for the genocide to stop. i have heard of patience, that's why i'm here. i hope that we can get our voices heard. so far, all i have been able to... due to help the women and children in gaza was calling for support with social media hashtags, clearly that is not enough, more demonstrations are expected to take place, particularly in tehran's palestine square, where iranians have been holding numerous pro palestine rallies since israel launched this brutal genocidal war on gaza. gisumi shah ahmadi press tv, tehran.
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يعني ايران بالنسبه لنا كشيعه وعايشين برا بالخارج يعني تحس اكو فرد اتصال روحي بينك وبين هالبلد هذا يعني لانه شيعه وبيها الامام الرضا سلام الله عليه.
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russia is still reeling from friday's terrorist attack a concert hall near the capital moscow that left scores of people dead and scores more wounded, four main suspects have been charged with acts of terrorism and may face life in prison. a court statement said two of the detainees have already pleaded guilty, one of them, according to the russian media said said he is a citizen of tajikistan. all have been remanded the preachy custody until may 22. authorities arrested the men as they were attempting escape to ukraine. president vladimir putin has pledged to bring the perpetrators to justice earlier, kiev rejected the notion that it was involved in the incident that took place at the crowded corkis city hall. the attackers also said the venue of delays causing the roof of the hall to collapse. russian authorities have
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confirmed 137 deaths and more than 180 injuries as a result of the attack. russian president vladimir putin addressed the nation after the deadly attack in moscow which killed dozens of civilians. the president denounced the massacre as a bloody and barbaric terrorist attack as he declared march. 24, national day of morning, at least 11 suspects, including four perpetrators, who directly participated in the shooting spre have been arrested. the four direct perpetrators were detained. in brandsk region. according to the intelligence service, the terrorist planned to cross the russian ukrainian border. the russian president vowed to punish all involved in the massacre. all the perpetrators, organizers and customers of this crime will suffer fair and inevitable punishment. whoever they are, whoever guides them. i repeat, we will identify and punish everyone who stands
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behind the terrorists who prepared this atrocity, this attack on russia, on our people. "the daesh takfirit terror group claimed responsibility, but moscow has dismissed the claim asserting that investigation is still underway to ascertain the main culprits. russia security service says the moscow attackers had contacts in ukraine supporting them. during interrogation, detained terrorist said he was promised 5,000 troubles to carry out the terrorist attack. he claimed he watched a certain preacher on telegram and allegedly his assistant contacted the man. the perpetrator. are ignorant illiterate people who will commit any crime for money. the question is different: where is the planning center? not a single international organization can act in the international arena, especially in a state like russia where there are strong power structures performers can be found anywhere through the agents. we went through this experience in chechnia, this once again convinces us that
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international terrorist structures are the work of the cia and western intelligence services. the attack which came amit ukraine's war with russia was the deadlest in the country since the bisland school siege in 2004. after friday's attack putin held discussion with his belarussian counterpart aleksander lukashenko. both leaders confirmed their readiness to walk together in the fight against terrorism. in his address, president putin said moscow attackers were preparing to flee towards ukraine where a window had been prepared for them with the help of ukraine. now it remains to be seen how russia is going to react. on the 25th anniversary of the nato bombing of serbia, people have gathered in the austrian capital to commemorate the victims of the aggression
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by the military alliance against the balkan nation. protesters in vienna chanted slogans. against the continued nato expansion and medaling in eastern europe. they also expressed their anger at the militarization the eu as well as the nato support for israeli genocidal war on gaza. protesters held banners reading stop nato aggression and death to imperialism and freedom for the people. in march 1999, the western military alliance launched a 78-day aerial campaign against the federal republic of. yugoslavia, which then included serbia and montenegro. the nato aggression took place without a un mandate and in violation of international law. thousands of civilians were killed or injured as a result of the undeclared, as a result of the undeclared war. our correspondent in vienna has talked to some of
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the protesters. are here to commemorate 25 years of nato aggression against yugoslavia. this nato aggression was the start of the new world order and meant in consequence also the aggression on russia. we are here because of 25 years of the nato invasion of yugoslavia. the event is exemplary of the new nature of imperialism. since the early 1990s at the latest. has become clear that us imperialism is reaching for global dominance, nato is it means to achieve this and the eu is its accomplice, this all runs through from the breakup of yugoslavia to the eastward expansion of nato to the encirclement of russia to the current events in ukraine, imperialism as a war system is not capable of peace, the focus is always on saying you
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cannot keep. about something wrong and forget it, we do not forget, we can forgive anyone who acknowledges their guilt, however, for those who are silent and think they are right to violate the un charter, we do not need these people, we cannot forget or forgive as long as no one is held responsible for their crimes and apologizes. nato has declared war against serbia and the serbian people, serbia has never received any reparation. or compensation that nato inflicted on them, 40,00 bombs were dropped on serbia alone, 4,0 innocent people died, we condem this war, however, today it is crucial to condemn nato and us wars, they are slowly leading us into world war ii. austria must stand up and ensure that the usa, nato and the eu leave serbia alone. as we approach the 25th
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anniversary of the nato bombing of serbia, we must state clearly that nato as a military alliance must be dismantled. they will trigger wars around the world and massively increase arms spending. the answer can only be that this military alliance is also fought internationally. it is the reason for many military conflicts, russia and ukraine, the war against palestine and 25 years ago the war against yugoslavia. now uh, let's go to a press conference where antonio guteres and the jordanian foreign minister are giving address. let's take a listen, saving human life and every dollar taken away from andrew carries the risk of having a child suffer and die from. the lack of food and medicine, so we stand together and supporting the agency and in urging all our partners to continue to provide onrova with the support that it so deserves so that it can again do the basic
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job of just simply saving lives. also we've been working together on many other facets of cooperation, particularly in relation to the syrian refugees and while we are grateful for the support, the un and the international community has been given to help us in our effort to provide syrian refugees. with a dignified lives and meet their needs and make sure that they're not victimized again, they've been victims of conflict, we cannot victimize them by having them ignored by the international community, but i have to say that we must ring the alarm and ring it loud about the dwindling support that's coming to refugees, many un agencies are cutting down their services in jordan, simply because not enough it is coming, that means the burden will shift to us and we simply cannot carry that burden alone, so again we urge that... that our partners continue to shoulder the responsibility towards syrian refugees who do deserve life of dignity and fulfillment until conditions are conducive for them to
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voluntarily go back to their country, which is the only realistic answer to their flight, so on all those issues sir, we're going to continue to work as partners, we have immediate priorities right now in which we are aligned in the aggression, allow sufficient humanitarian supplies in and obviously prevent what would be another massacre in rafah, the whole world is saying going into rafah will lead to humanitarian massacker, the israeli government is not listening, they are still affirming that they will go into rafah, and i would just conclude by saying that we cannot allow a group of radicals, racist, extremist ministers to doom the future, of of the region to more conflict and more war and more immediately we cannot allow them to continue to kill with impunity. thank you sir. i welcome you in jordan and
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look forward to further engagement. as salam alaikum, dear foreign minister safade, dear friend, thank you for your warm welcome, and it's good to be back in jordan, especially at such a critical time for the region and for the world. when i i see jordan, i see solidarity in action, and i see in the words and deeds of his majesty king abdullah, a global champion for peace, and i see it in the spirit of the people of jordan, and your enormous compassion towards those fleeing pevo. jordan is home to the largest number of palestine refugees. i visited the camp earlier today and comment jordan. for your pivotal advocacy for the vital work of unrua. you have also opened your hearts and doors to many others, including refugees from syria,
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and i urge the international community to support jordan as it supports millions of people in need. it is very worrying the reduction of funding in relation to refugee programs in jordan and in other parts of the world. spirit of solidarity is precisely what brings me here once again. i am on my annual solidarity mission during the holy months of ramadan where i visit and fast with muslim communities in distress. ramadan is meant to be a period of celebration, but not this year. hearts are heavy in the region and indeed around the world from the unprecedented and going devastation in gaza as well as rising violence in the occupied west bank. i commend jordan for your support
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for deescalation in. including particularly your very important role in east jerusalem, and i salute jordan for your relentless effort to get humanitarian assistance into gaza, including through the personal efforts and wisdom of his majesty. for my part, i will keep pushing for the removal of all obstacles to life saving gates, for more access and for more entry points, but we must face... facts: there will be no sustainable humanitarian solution with an ongoing war as bloody as these. let me repeat, nothing justifies the aborrent october 7 attacks and oster taken by hamas and nothing justifies the collective punishment of the palestinian people. the effective delivery of humanitarian aid requires the... immediate
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delivery of humanitarian cease fire. the need is urgent. i was at the rough of border crossing this weekend, and i met with injured palestinian civilians ander directly from our frontline humanitarian old colleagues. they are veterans of some of the worst humanitarian crisis in recent decades. they have seen it all, and yet without exception, they told me they had never seen... anything as horrible as what is happening in gaza today, the scale and speed of the deaths and destruction are on an entirely different level, and now starvation is bearing down on palestinians in gaza. there is a growing consciousness around the world that all of these must stop, the fighting must end now, the hostages must be released now, and we
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must not lose sight of the big picture, a lasting end to the israeli-palestinian conflict can only come through a tooth state solution. israelis must see their legitimate needs for security materialized, and palestinians must see their legitimate aspirations for a fully independent, viable and sovereign state realized in line with united nations resolutions, international law, those standing in the way of two-state solution have an obligation to state clearly what is the alternative they want. how would
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the future look with such a large number of palestinians inside without any real sense of freedom, of rights and of dignity? this would be unconceivable. the two-state solution is the only way to address the legitimate aspirations of both israelis and palestinians. i know it is easy to be cynical in today's world, but that's a luxury we can. afford, cynicism is a form of surrender to the prevailing assumptions of the moment, it is a refuge for those too weak, too narrow, too timid to imagine better future, when things are difficult, we must try even harder, and i will keep pushing for peace inspired by your example, and once again, dear foreign minister, dear friends, "thank
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you and thank the government and people of jordan for leading the way to solidarity and peace. take some questions, well that was a press conference you just uh watched with antonio guteres, the un secretary general and the jordanian foreign minister, obviously it was all about the situation in gaza, the jordanian. foreign minister did insist that israel cannot continue the atrocities, committing these atrocities with with impunity and the they have to do something, take some practical measures, and antonio guteres echoed those calls on calling for immediate cease fire. we'll be bringing you more details on that press conference in our news bulletin in half an hour. never strikes
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twice, but it does. هاي الابنيه محروقه كلياتها منزوعه نهبوا اللي كل شي فيها ما خلوه غير البخايا الحديد يعني اللي مبين وحراو مشان يغطوا على شو الزمبه شوبه كفينا 60 سنه مجرين 48. the darkest hour is just before dawn, but not here in yarm.
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the museum of miniature, simple things are converted to historic handcrafted masterpieces. it rises from the creativity of the inner child and has tourist attraction. maty muttavasilon was born in natans and grew up in tehran. join us on press tv to see his museum.