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tv   Palestine Declassified UK Redefining Extremism  PRESSTV  March 25, 2024 6:02pm-6:31pm IRST

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law as we said before, including international humanitarian law and human rights law. the draft resolution also emphasizes the need for the parties to abide by the pertinent resolutions adopted by this council, including resolutions 27/12 and 27/20 of 20. 23, the10 have a consultative have adopted a consultative approach during the negotiation process of this text. we have consulted extensively and in good faith with all members of this council in a frank, open
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and flexible manner with the aim of achieving text that addresses the situation in gaza. the adoption of this draft resolution will certainly be another important step. this councel can build upon to comprehensively address the crisis in gaza. giving the atmost. urgency of the situation, we call upon all members of this council, all and each member of this council to vote in favor of this resolution. while this resolution is crucial, it is essential that we continue working towards a comprehensive cease fire and a lasting peace in the region. i thank you. sir president, i thank the
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representative of mozambique for their statement. i give the floor to the representative of russian federation. mr. president, we are extremely um stund and disappointed about the way the work on the draft resolution in the last 24 hours was done. the fact that the word permanent in op1. relating to a cease fire is proposed to be replaced by a more weak wording, was something we learned about a little more than an hour before the beginning of the meeting, that is unacceptable, we all received instructions for the vote on the text that contained the word permanent, and we believe that that is a fundamental importance. all of the remaining wording leaves too broad area for interpretation.
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issued resolution, namely demands in immediate cice fire for the months of ramadan of respected by all parties leading to a of permanent sustainable seesfire and also demands the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages as well as ensuring humanitarian access to to address their medical and other humanitarian needs and further demands that the parties comply with their obligations under international law in relation. thank you, i thank the
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representative of russian federation for their statement. members of the council have before them a proposed amendment submitted by russian federation to the text of the draft resolution contained in the document s/ 2024/254. submitted by algeria, ecuador, gayana, japan, malta, mozambique, republic of korea, sierra leon, slovenia and switzerland. rule 36 of the council's provisional rules of procedure states in the earlier the following: when an amendment adds to or deletes from the text of the motion or draft resolution, that amendment shall be voted on first. accordingly, i intend to put the
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proposal, proposed amendment to the vote first, we those in favor of proposed amendment. please raise their raise their of hand, against abstentions, the result of the voting is as follows: three votes in favor: one vote against, 11 abstentions. the proposed amendment has not been adopted, having failed to obtain the required number of votes.
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i shall put the draft resolution to the vote now, will those in favor of the draft resolution contained in document s/ 2024/254, please their raise their hand. those are against, abstention. the result of the voting is as follows: 14 votes in favor,
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zero vote against, one abstention. the draft resolution has been adopted as resolution 27-28. 2024 and i now give the floor to those members of the council who wish to make statements after the vote. i give the floor to the representative of algeria. thank you, mr. president, i would like to thank all the council members for their flexibility and the constructive
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way that allowed us today to adopt this long waited resolution. resolution that calls for immediate ceasefire in the gaza strip in order to put an end to the massacers that unfortunately are still ongoing over the past five years, five months. over the past five months, the palestinian people has suffered greatly. this blood bath has continued for
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far too long. "it is our obligation to put an end to this blood bath before it is too late. finally, finally, the security council is sholdering its responsibility as the primary organ responsible for maintaining international peace. and security, it is finally responding to the calls of the international community, these repeated calls, not only from the international
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community, but also from the secretary general, mr. antonio guteris, and once again we renew our support to the secretary. despite the heinous campaigns that were launched against him, mr. president, when we voted on the draft resolution table by algeria last month. we promised. that we will spare no effort, we will continue to work
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hard to make sure that the security council is abiding by its full responsibility. we also promised that we will come back once again to knock on the doors of the... all 10 elected member states to convey a clear message to the palestinian people, this message is as follows: the international community in its entirety.
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did not abandon you, feels your suffering, it did not abandon you, mr. president, adopting today's resolution is: only the beginning to meet the aspirations of the palestinian people, we look forward to the commitment and the compliance of the israeli occupying power with this resolution for them to put an end to the blood bath without any conditions to
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end the suffering of the palestinian people. it is the responsibility of the security council to ensure the implementation of the provisions of this resolution. in conclusion, mr. president, i reaffirm, that algeria will return once again before the security council under the instructions of his excellency the president of the republic to make sure that palestine returns to its natural status as a full-fledged member. sovereign member states the united nations, i thank you. i thank the
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representative of argeria for their statement. i give the floor to the representative of the united states. thank you, mr. president. at the top, i want to express my deepest condolences to the families and loved ones of last. this week's terrorist attack in moscow. well, you have been looking at the united nations security council on their vote for a resolution demanding the immediate ceasefire uh to the situation to the war in gaza, and what you have seen now is actually that that resolution was passed, um, part of it that the the russian delegation said the original version saying that it was leading to for a permanent ceasefire, that unfortunately wording was taken out um, but caused for the
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immediate cease fire during the holy month of ramadan now has passed. now the russia delegation said it left it very vag because with the type of wording that is now in this resolution, it means that then the israeli regime can start its onslot anyt, but uh right now what is happened though uh the this resolution calling for immediate ceasefire has passed with 14 voting forward, zero against it, and the united states abstaining. well, i'm going to cross over to london uh. talking to s mosan abbus journalist, political commentator, welcome, welcoming here and helping me look at all of this. um, your take on what just happened, said moson, on the one hand, the original text, as the russian delegation said the wording had been changed within the last hour, on the other hand, the now the resolution that has passed, so calls for immediate cease fire, your
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thought, well, i think that session in itself just tells us something about the... which we all know already, that it's kind of uh, it's ineffectiveness, it's kind of lumbering, laboring, um, politically uh loaded way of coming about to any conclusions or solutions is a real problem, i mean the the fact is that in spite of an absolute open genocide uh we've got these kinds of uh nations sitting around in these councils provaricating over such. basic issues as if they're really difficult to resolve, but of course the reason there were so many uh abstentions and rejections of the the original proposal which wanted a permanent cease fire which is the logical and obvious one to push for is clear those nations that vote or abstain against such resolutions basically they're in the
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pockets of the united states they fear the economic and the military power of the us and the anglo-zionist empire so they basically don't do the moral thing, so uh, it's clear that uh, at least uh, i suppose what we've got is a resolution which now calls for a temporary cease fire, but we know that behind that israel is really planning uh an escalation and ongoing uh completion of its genocidal intention in gaza, so the the trouble certainly isn't over, and we also know that israel has violated hundreds of such resolutions of the un. so whether they even adopt it or not is not a forgone conclusion, but they flouted hundreds and hundreds of these uh these sorts of resolutions and remain in violation of those international laws and resolutions that they talked about in this uh in this one uh and of course in return if you think about the palestinians, the palestinian authority has only uh been pulled up on one, so literally
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you've got a a serial uh exceptionalist uh violator of un resolutions and you've got a un is usually powerless or doesn't want to actually do anything about bringing people to book, what will the un do if israel violates yet another un resolution? it can't do anything, it's a toothless tiger, right? it wouldn't be the first un resolution that the israeli regime has violated. another part of this uh resolution i want to look at, the say at moson, is is the fact that it talks about um captives being released uh alluding of course? to those that hamas uh have captured, but but what about the thousands and thousands of palestinian captives in the names of prisoners of course that the israeli regime they have kidnapped or they are holding without charges are trumped up charges, what about that side of things? well as you know uh from the gaza strip alone
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we've had 4,000 uh people who have been uh basic imprisoned uh without do process uh really from under trump dock charges and many them include children. i mean this is this uh israeli fascist state is the only state in the world which actually arrests children uh in this way and it's a normal thing for them to do so uh so we've got that traversty but add to that what's going on in the west bank since this october the 7th they've they've increased the number of um palestinians that have been arrested i think. there was something like 4,00 or 500 in prisons before that, but that's jumped up by double, so there's about 9,000 palestinian prisoners essentially held hostage, and you see when they were used these words hostages, well, you're using the word prisoners in terms of the palestinians, as if they're legitimate,
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legitimately incarcerated, they're not, these individuals have had their their rights violated, they've been tortured, they've been kept without charges uh, many of them uh have have gone up in front of kangaru israeli military courts, they're tortured, rape has been reported and a regular beatings uh, electrocutions, water boarding, this is all standard stuff, now if you see what the israelis are doing to the palestinians publicly, i mean you can see them bombing houses with little children and babies, what earth do you think they do to to the the the so-called palestinian prisoners that? they have in their in their concentration camps inside israel, clearly there's going to be huge set of violations of those people's bodies, their rights in every way and shape and form in. fact many of them have been killed and we know all these these murders have taken place, but the the un and the world ignores this, so if you're going to talk about hostages uh, the israeli hostages
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and be so concerned about these hostages, then where's the concern for all those prisons, the thousands and thousands, the tens of thousands of palestinian prisoners that have been abused, incarcerated and violently interneduh under no sort of uh real uh cause, yes exactly, i mean when we see the the situation, we we heard from the algerian uh representative there, and and i want your thoughts on what he said, um, sayid mosen, because he says, we want the palestinian people to know that the international community has not abandoned you and feels your suffering, um, let us first of all start off that this is over five and half months after this has this unbelievable genocide has started um more than 32,000 and more likely closer to 40 thousand if we look at the
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number of people who are missing who have been killed, mean your thoughts on what the algerian representative has said, i think again this is partly sort of a colonialist language or post colonialist language that still comes out from some of these nations, even though algeria is a strong quarter of palestine, you can see the kind of postures they make to this organization, the united nations and the general uh international body set up by the anglo-ziist empire, they're still fourning to them, and this is the the tragedy of the muslim world, because - they haven't left left their their servitude, the the arab monarchists are certainly openly serving the anglo-zionist empire, guys like the algerians etc, they're petrified of what might happen to them if they go too far, so they have to use this kind of... this kind of rather rather pathetic language, i have to put it that way, the fact of the matter is the un has done no favors here, 31,900 plus
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people have been killed, of those at least 12,00 of children and women, if you add the women, 70% of those killed by israel are have been have been uh basically civilian uh uh you know defenseless individuals, so what's so good about what the the un perhaps has done here, it's taken five months just to get to this point, i mean it's ridiculous uh, the un has failed uh over the years, i mean do need i mentioned the yemen civil war, you the palestine's original nakba, the cambodia violence in 75, 79, the genocides that happened there, somalia, look, the union is a failed institution, it acts really as a tool for globus togenders, it pushes out all sorts of nonsense, and yet again it's exposed. by the fact that it's taken it five months just to get to this stage uh uh something which any decent human being around the world would have wanted, would have would have done a long time ago, but of course it's because of
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the power politics and and the control of the un through the finance of the americans have and the threats they have against them, they're not even able to keep peace properly. i recall very clearly how they they even in somalia cost about a half million lives just because they couldn't do their job properly there. i'm afraid we need new institution. wonder if it necessary expels the likes of the us, why should the us be able to veto, why is there undemocratic body that is overseeing uh supposed world peace? why is it that the americans have feared so much? if they don't if they and israel are the exception exception and and britain and all their allies then maybe they should be expelled from the un all together, maybe you should have a un which doesn't have these rogue states because they clearly violate the un. international law all the time, all right, stay with me, said most generals and political commentator, gna cross back over to new york and the united nations security council meeting. let's take a look. in
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addition, we appreciate the cooperation of the p5, in particular the us, for its sincere and utmost coordination with the e10 in the spirit of compromise. in order for today's resolution to have a concrete significance, beyond the internal politics. the security council, it must have a tangible impact on the situation in the gaza strip, by saving the lives of innocent civilians and the easing the humanitarian crisis. the situation on the ground in gaza must be different before and after this resolution. this will only be possible when both israel and hamas respect and faithfully implement this resolution. even though it is not explicitly coersive under chapter 7 of the charter, the parties to the conflict must bear in mind that this resolution reflects the consensus
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the international community. community one forward through active discussion in the security council and general assembly for more than five months. the most important thing is implementing the cease fire starting right now, as defined in the resolution, violence and firing must be seased immediately. hostages taken by hamas, hamas and other groups must be returned to their families right away. barriers to the provision of humanitarian assistance must be lifted, the entire international community must also actively cooperate to save civilian lives and overcome acute food insecurity through humanitarian aid at scale, restore basic public order and improve gaza's fundamental public services, including health
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and sanitation. and based on these achievements, preparations for redoubled political and diplomatic dialogue to resolve the palestinian question in the long term must commence step by step. all parties will have to take a step back and respond to the global call to participate in the cause of restoring peace and humanity. i thank you, mr. president. i thank the representative of republic of korea. for their statement. i give the floor to the representative of martha. thank you, president. at the offset, i wish to express our condolences to the russian federation for the atrocious terrorist attack of last week. we condemn all terrorism in all its form. molta was proud to co-pend this resolution which we have just adopted, which calls for a cease fire for the
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month of ramadan leading. to a lasting, sustainable cease fire. with this resolution, the security council has clearly spoken out on the urgent and pressing need to stop the fighting. this is critical to alleviate the humanitarian catastrophe in gaza. this resolution must now be immediately and unconditionally implemented by all parties. the fighting needs to stop without further delays. all hostages must be. safely released. on this occasion, we also express our appreciation and support for the ongoing negotiations by egypt, qatar and united states. we sincerely hope that these diplomatic efforts can lead to tangible results in the coming days. meanwhile, humanitarian access to the gaza strip is of critical importance to avert the risk of famine.