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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 25, 2024 10:30pm-11:03pm IRST

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movement, this these actions, this military action was very significant indetering the aggressive alliance, the aggression alliance in order to take control of our country, to occupy our country, to take control of our people and to confiscate their right in independence and freedom, it was also very clear that the enemy. killing and destroying the military capabilities of our country, it was actually the opposite, it backfired and from the beginning of the aggression, our dear brothers in the yemani armed forces began to develop the rocket force and the drone force as well, in addition to the defense, the air defense system force and the naval forces as well in various levels which we need in order to manufacture. to
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manufacture arms, the enemies had attempted also to prohibit our country from acquiring any arms and any weapons, and this was part of the sanctions in order to come to bring in and import any arms that are needed in order to defend themselves, this was it was considered a crime if there was some arms that reached even the very simple arms like clasticovs for example, rifle guns that were not... allowed and this, if we were able to reach this, then they considered, if they were able to confiscate these, they considered this huge achievements, they considered our people committing crimes if they wanted to acquire these arms and these weapons in order to defend themselves and to defend their liberty and their dignity and the many arms, however on the other hand that were even considered illegitimate. the of
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international scale scale they reached the aggression, they reached the alliance, they got them from the this alliance, the sodies, emiratis attempted to buy all types of weapons from the united states for the united states to also get an light of this and one of their main objectives of this campaign was to get the money out of these deals, the biggest deals and we can also call it the deal of the... weapon deals that we can actually call deals of the century because they were massive amounts of weapons that of were sold to saudi arabian emirates in order to allow them to kill the yemani people, big amounts and different types and diverse amounts of armaments that were sold in order to allow them to target the yemeny. methods
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of military equipments and capabilities, this began from square one with our country, and we continued with this development and with god's support, with god's gratitude, we were able to have development on all levels that our brothers in the naval force and the the army, forces were able to reach the platforms and artillery and rockets and drones at the level of all forms and also even other equipments that have to do with military hardware that are linked also that are needed for the naval force as well and the air defense system. this was path that was an ascending ladder, it was increasing bit by bit, it was very significant, it was very difficult but we were able. to achieve very
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significant achievements and victories where we saw that they were showcased as well, people saw, this development was also obviously seen on the ground on the battlefield in order to confront the enemy, we of course with god's gratitude, and all of these years past and our people remained steadfast, they remained patient because they had other. the other choice would be a choice of defeat, a choice of succuming to the dictates of the enemy, had our people accepted this, it would have been a catastrophe, not only for this generation or for this phase only, but also for the upcoming generations, the people who forsake of their dignity and their independence and their freedom is people that is does not deserving of respect. named yemen,
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the graveyard of invaders, the yemen people do not allow based on their pride, based on their nobility, based on their faith, do not allow anything to happen except for them to be resilient, and to be steadfast, and this is a choice that cannot be changed and cannot transform with with any sort of transformation, with any change or development, the enemy attempted to put... national treasures and these were the main issues that would allow provision of
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salaries, they would allow salaries to be paid, and but our people still did not surrender, they did not accept to be defeated, developing military. capabilities was and continues to be very significant aspect and also a main priority and needs, this is need in order to achieve victory and to end occupation and aggression, to retrieve all the areas that were occupied by the enemy that would allow the yemen people to live full independence and freedom and full sovereignty, since this is legitimate right for our dear people, and other countries need to revise their calculations and their stances and their aggressive policies towards our people, because the problem of those others with our people is not that they our
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people are a danger for their region or for the arab sphere or the muslim sphere, our people are at the forefront of the people. "who are concerned and caring for the national security of the arabs and for the national security of the muslim nation, and that they are also concerned for the fact that in the arab countries and muslim countries all together live stability and tranquility and brotherly ties, and that there are positive relations between all countries at the level or at the basis that we are all brothers. "and that the threats against us are one and the challenges against us are one, there is not no single arab state that has a pretext to have an aggressive policy towards our people for any sort of delusion or illusion that there is a threat
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coming from yemen from the yemen people, the yemen people is for all the arab countries and all the islamic countries, all the arab and muslim countries need to" yemen as people who represent brotherly ties, we are a supportive country for all the arab states and all the muslim states, whether at the doctrine level, ideological level or at even the in action, this is the path, it is people who care for their nation, for the entire nation, they want it to be in a very cooperation, united nation, muslim nation, arab system.
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enemy is iran, this is what the israeli has worked on from the beginning, and the us, of course, together, they worked on this, the americans and the israelis attempted to try to deceive the arabs from the beginning with this slogan that your enemy is iran, and the front is israel, whereas the israeli enemy was the side that targeted the arabs, they targeted palestine and it is arab land, islamic land. they targeted palestine before targeting any other islamic country, they killed the arabs before they killed others of muslims, they targeted lebanon, they targeted syria, they targeted jordan, they targeted egypt, they occupied also very big portions the arab states, even the israeli plots when
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it comes to so-called dream, the israeli illusion, the greater israel, it's all in the arab countries, arab region. the israeli aggression for the arabs is well known, it's quite clear, it's obvious, it's open, they say it, even in their culture, in their countries, in their schools in the... to marginalize this issue and say that this is not important, they continue to continue to ignore this, and they continue when they came to normalization, they wanted to jump over and cover up all of these realities, all these truths, and they wanted to move other wars here and there, target this people, target that country, to move the... this is huge problem for our nation and when some
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countries and other governments and these regimes try to put all their efforts and all their capabilities to try to realize the us agenda which is an aggressive plot against all our country every single country in the arabo muslim world this became a real problem in our nation and this is a... are using their capabilities and their efforts and moving with all their action and all their capabilities in order to be at the service of the us israel plots, us and israel both are two faces of the same coin and they both do not want what is good for our nation, for any people in the world, even those are going... to normalize ties with them, they only want to take advantage of them, they want to use
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their resources, they want to take their and use their capabilities for their benefits and their interests, there is no country, they only want the countries to be at their service, unfortunately the americans continue to in this policy, this policy where they try to also make implicate the arab states and muslim states in this aggression and to south sedition within the muslim nation. and the continuous conflicts within this nation as well, and they are using the money of those arabs with the treasures and the resources of the arabs as well, and they continue to plan these conspiracies using the takfiries as well, where we saw how clear in the in the war israeli war in gaza, they have no clear position or even fatwa at the level of even mentioning or stating fatwa to support the palestinian people, although the issue. do not need a f, of course it is quite clear, it's obvious, as clear as day is light, it
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is, there is absolutely no action that was taken by those takfiries, and this was enough for people to see their truth and find light the light of the people, we can see that this aggression against our people which was done with us planning, us orchestration, and british and you and israeli orchestration and monitoring, "you saw that they planned this in order to try to change the situation in yemen, and the main objective was tried to also end the palestinian cause, and that the israeli was the main side that controls the region, the other regimes would be only at their service and would normalize size with israelis and this would be one way to take control massive general over the arab world." and the muslim world, the normalization of ties was only means to an end in order for
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israel's arms to reach all the arab world in general as a whole, not their aim was not peace with the arab states, but it was mainly to make sure that there was a hegemony for the israelis in the region, all of this time, nine years have passed since the aggression against people, many issues have been uncovered in the last few years, we can clarify everyone that we are concerned to have peace and understanding with all arab and muslim states, we are concerned that there is brotherly ties, we have absolutely no aggressive intentions towards any arab country or any islamic country, our position is quite clear in this phase, are now confronting very clearly and directly the
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three, the trio, the evil trio, which is the united states, israel and the united kingdom, in this phase, in this aggression against gaza, our people have with god's support taken action in support and have taken this honorable stance, which should be this stance that is taken by all this muslim nation, to stand by the side of the palestinian people to... give victory to the palestinian people and support them at the military level, our operations are continuous and also even at other levels as well, talking about the popular protests for example, the... activities that are taking place in all sectors and all levels our media with all its efforts is also attempting to support the palestinian people and all other levels as well as we said this is this is our stance, this is our main stance now, this is our cause, and from the beginning we had always held this banner to be concerned for the
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massive cause, mainly the cause, the palestinian cause. in light of this issue our people stance is quite clear, their actions are quite clear, there's absolutely no pretext for the sodies or the emirates, to continue with their sense, with their aggressive policies of continuous procrastination on the issues related to the peace efforts. "if they really want peace, which is the for the interest of everyone, that they move from this stability, but to go to take serious steps towards real peace with an agreement which was quite clear, which we had also stressed upon, we saw there were
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negotiations based on this negotiations through throughout the past phases, there should be an agreement that" would end the aggression, that would end the occupation, that would end the blockade and the sanctions and would lead to a prisoner swap as well, and this would be for the interest of everyone, this is the true benefit of all sides. we on all levels in the past, had always trust and reiterate, reiterated that the to end and to have peace, full peace would be very clear, ending occupation, ending the sanctions, ending the... regression and even rebuilding, assisting the rebuilding recompensation for the people and the prisoner swap as well, these are the demands of our people, these are legitimate demands of our people, and this is why we advise the alliance to go from only deescalation to a clear agreement, where we saw that there was a lot of agreement,
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negotiations and talks and even direct negotiations to come out of this situation. for the sake of peace, but for any arab country to continue to be at the service of the us plots which are clearly aggressive against our country and our nation, and they are only being used and taken advantage of without any respect, without any head to their responsibility, to their benefits to their interests, there's absolutely no arab state that has an interest in the us plots, this would only lead to a loss and failure and defeat. this is why we advise everyone to liberate themselves from being fully at the service of the united states and to have a clear stance. our stance is clear, we want to reach a just and clear agreement that would
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reach those articles of the agreements and would lead to peace, but stance of the us and uk, of course our stance is clear, our position is quite clear in there when it comes to the united states and this is the 10th year and our development whether at the military level and protecting our people and supporting the oppressed people of gaza and facing and detering the aggression, our people, our faithful people have also mixed between the... two experiences, we have come with this mobilization with clear awareness, with clear popular support, with clear unity at the internal and domestic front. at the end of the speech, i would like to give thanks to all those who stood with our country throughout the past years, mainly the
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islamic republic of iran, which was in solidarity with our people, very clearly, very... and our brothers in lebanon who had a supportive stance and a stance which was also in cooperation and solidarity, and they faced many problems. as a result of this, our brothers in iraq as well, all the free people in the world, and all the free people in the arab world and muslim world who stood with our people. well, you that has been a speech by the secretary general of ansarullah, sayid abdul malik al huti, this on the ninth anniversary. the uh us backsidelet war against the yemeni people, he talked about the challenges that the yeminies have faced during this time, during this dangerous aggression. by the by saudi arabia, us, uk, uh, uae, and he talked about, um, how they had uh, trying to basically starve the yemeni
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people and attack them in so many hainous ways, whether uh, at weddings or at funerals and trying to cut off the lifeline of the people in yemen, targeting their infrastructure, targeting residential homes, universities. loss and so on, basically just trying to destroy the yemini people and their culture, even attacking um ancient ruins and sites, and he says that the goal was trying to basically humiliate and destroy the yemen resistance and their resilience against the united states backed saudi led um aggression up on them, and he says and none of this broke the will of... the yemen people despite uh everything that they threw at them, the yemeni people are proud people and they stand strong even today, and he says that he's
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calling on all muslim countries and arab countries to understand who the enemy is, that the enemy is the israeli regime, that they try to tell them, try to tell the yemini people, this is from the us, that the enemy is iran, he they said, and they try to tell them that their friend is israel, when in reality that is not the... case and he said that us and israel are basically two faces of the same coin and he says and they use so many different faces to do things using the tack furies against muslims themselves and he said however we see the tack furies are doing nothing uh dealing with the genocide that's taking place in gaza so obviously this aggression is being done by the united states and uk and israeli plotting and uh at the end the speech she said we have to thank those who have stood firm with us, thanking islamic republic of iran and hezbullah and iraq, and he called on saudi arabia and the united arab
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emirates to distance themselves from the us and uk and that they can have a permanent agreement with yemen, um, one that uh protects the interests of the people in yemen, and he says that no arab country can benefit from us plots and working with the us. well that has been a summary of the speech out of uh sana tonight from sayid abdul malik al huti, the leader of the ansarullah movement, and that brings us to the end of this uh edition of press tv's news. thank you so much for staying with us and uh hopefully my colleague will be joining you for the next news bulletin. goodbye for now.
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ما ياتيهم من رسول الا كانوا به يستهزئون، كذلك نسلكه في قلوب المجرمين، لا يؤمنون به، وقد خلت سنه الاولين، ولو فتحنا عليهم بابا (
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"iran and turkmenistan do not consider themselves just neighbors, but relatives. throughout ages, they have bolstered their ties from culture economy and science and technology and a myriad other fields. yet they have set the stage for..." bolder steps in order to faster vibrant trade ecosystem between the two nations and make the region an energy hum. iranian entrepreneurs,
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officials and business people have held an exhibition in the land of their relatives to pave the path for greater synergy. watch this documentary to catch a glimpse of the neighborly ties. now entering its uh fourth day for muslims across the world, which
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marks... one month of obedience to god in the holy fasting month of ramadan is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud for their servitude to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their differences and hostilities and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages in iran have their own traditions for ramadan which date back to centuries. get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press tv.
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القصه يعني لكل عراقي في ايام صدام حسين الى قصه كامله يمكن يعملون منها مجلدات an iraqi businessman who recounts saddam hussein's oppression of himself and others. كل ما عندي امر بالله عز وجل او قضاء حاجه تتوجه الى اهل البيت ومنهم الامام ابو الحسن let's hear's story together.
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assalam alaikum, peace be upon you and welcome to iran islam, the show where we look at current affairs through. islamic lens each week we evaluate a trending new story and we break it down from an islamic perspective, with muslims observing the holy month of ramadan, many will be engaging in social activities with their brothers and sisters, including iftars, communal prayers and