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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 26, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm IRST

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as hundreds of people have merged.
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okay, now yemen army spokesman is making the speech less. a statement issued by the yemeny armed forces. in the name of god the almighty, the most merciful, god almighty has said that those are faith. if you give victory to god almighty then he will make you stat fast and he will support you. god is the most faithful in order to give victory to the palestinian people and support of the palestinian people and the continuous steadfastness in the face of the israely (us aggression against our country) the yemani armed forces have launched six military operations during the last 72 hours with a of big number of ballistic missiles and drones.
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and they are as follows: the yemeny armed forces, the naval forces, the yemini armed forces and the rocket force have launched four joint operations against ships, one of them is the american vessel in the aden gulf, and another one is the at american vessel and another british vessel and another third vessel which was... was heading towards occupied palestine and the drones force also launched a very qualitative operation which attacked two naval carriers, us naval carriers in the red sea. the rocket force also launched with god's support, an operation that targeted number of israeli targets in the area of umar rashrash in the south of occupied palestinian territory, and these operations were able. to achieve their
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objectives with god's support, the yemen armed forces as they give these military operations, significance for all the operations, and these are in support for our fighters in gaza, they also, we also stress that we will continue to launch military operations against all aggressive enemies, especially those heading in the sea toards occupied palestine, whether in the... see or the arabian sea and in the indian ocean as well until the aggression on gaza stops and until the siege is lifted on gaza and god is our supporter, god is our leader and he supports us, may yemen live free and sovereign, independent and victorious to yemen and all the free people of the muslim nation, this is sana okay, that was a statement r out live uh by the uh spokes man
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of the yemani armed forces brigadier general yahya sari has said that in continuation of the yemani support for palestinians and also retaliation for us and british operations against yemen. six operations were performed in a matter of uh three days in which ballistic missiles as well as drones were used and uh they were used against ships one of them being american in the gulf of aiden and another one a british vessel and the third one was destined for israeli occupied territories, two us navy vessels were also targeted as well as parts of the occupied lens and the general stress that such operations will continue until the aggression on the gaza strip comes to an end and that was the latest sabad yemani operations. now let's begin with our news bulletin. israel regime pressing ahead with its genocidal war of campaign in gaza. by a un security council
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resolution calling for immediate ceasefire in the basige territory. they were all civilians, my brother and his family were displaced from the north, they told them to move to the south, here is the south, where is the safety? they bombed them while they were sitting here eating, they didn't even finish their iftar. more than 30 palestinians have been killed in fresh aeral rates on gaza. city, regime war plins also targeted house some north of the city of rafa, killing an entire family, most of them women and children. israely air strikes also hit baits lahya in the north and areas around the nasirat refugee camp in central gaza. over the past day at least 150 people have
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been killed in indiscriminate bombings. israely forces also kept up their attacks in the vicinity of al shafa hospital, leaving a trail of death and destruction areas around amal hospital. and khan unis were also shell. since the beginning of the war in gaza, more than 32,400 palestines have been killed, mostly women and children. our correspondent joined us from the central gas earlier with an update on the situation in the basis territory. let's begin from rafa city, whereas an opponning israeli massacer was. committed over the last night after the israeli war planes destroyed several residental buildings in the northern part of the city, as muslim women and children were reporttedly killed and massacred while dozens are still trapped and missing under the rubble. in the meantime, when it comes to khanuni city, the israeli aggression against
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the nasar medical complex and the and the alamal hospital uh is still continuous so far with more attacks uh that are targeting. the surrounding areas of those hospitals, according to multiple eye witnesses that the israeli occubation forces kidnapped and abducted thousens of the palestinian evacuees who uh are taking shilter in the medical and the nasa medical complex and they enforced uh the women and the children to evacuate uh into the almasi area, when it comes to gaz city as you know uh the broral israeli aggression is still underway against ashifa medical complex and the surrounding areas of of of the ashifa medical complex, more swinging bombardments reach the area and targeted that area, inflicting more destruction in the presidental buildings of the palestinan residence living there. need this to mention how catastrophic the
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situation is for the palestinian evacuees who are still beseed and surrounded inside the buildings of the ashifa medical complex. we are talking about hundreds of the palestinian civilians who are still besseged in those buildings. according to what they have experienced over the last couple of days, whoever surrenders uh for the israeli occupation forces, uh, he will be killed by those by those occupation forces, at least 140 balestian civilians were reportedly killed, the vast majority of them were executed in the field in the yards of the shipfa medical complex. a un rights expert says that there are reasonable grounds to determine that israel has committed acts of genocide and ethnic cleansing in the onslot on gaza. francesca albanese is a un special reporteur on the occupied palestinian territories. she said in her report that israel has violated three of the five acts
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listed under the international genocide convention. the expert added that the overwhelming scale of israel's attacks on gaza reveals the regime's intent is to physical. proposal the group had submitted as part has reacted to israel's response to a of truth negotiations that first initiated in paris that it has remained committed to the proposal, it's presented to the kati, egyptian and american mediators on the 14th of march. the group power expressed concerns over the israel response to the proposal saying it doesn't meet any of the basic demands of the palestinians. says that prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu and his far ride cabinet bear full responsibility for the failure to reach an agreement. a comprehensive seasfire, pull out of israeli forces from gaza, return this place, prisoners swap... and the reconstruction are parts of the proposal. officials have repeatedly accused regime of sabotage and negotiations, last round of which was held in doha. "the political bureau chief of the palestine resistant movement has met with the iranian for minister during his visit to tehran. ismail han sat down with hussein amir abdullahian upon arrival in the iranian capital city. the two sides discuss the political developments as well as other uh developments surrounding the war ravage gazas trip. this is hannah's second trip to tehran since sams launched the lx. flot operation against israel over the regime's decades of atrocities against palestinians. israely
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troops have launched new incursions into several areas across the west bank abducting number of palestinians. the regime forces rated the cities of virginia. ablas, calcilia and bait fazure among others. engineing, they raided homes in number of neighborhoods and deployed snipers and rooftops as clashes broke out with resistance groups. meantime, israeli settlers also assaulted several palestinians raided their homes and targeted vehicles in baitamer as israely forces stormed the town. palestinian was also shot in the balata refugee camp on the out of skirts of annapolis. resistance fighters confronted these. forces across the west b targeting them with explosive devices. now
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ramal correspondentl joined us earlier with details regarding the attacks by israeli forces and settlers that have become daily occurrences in the occupied west bank. let's start with the south, the occupied west bank specifically. the israeli forces stormed northern al-khalil. and arrested at least two palestinians from there before the israeli t israeli sitlers had raided bait omar town and attacked palestinians and through stones at the vehicles as well as the as the homes as well smashed the windows of the homes the windshield of the vehicles the israeli settlers claimed that palestinians from inside the village of b omar open fire at the nearby israel settlement kermetsu and one of
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the bullets had hit a house there according to the israeli settlers so that's why they claim they attacked the people there then the israeli forces themselves storm the area and detained palestinians from inside b umman as well as a preventing any movement to to to the uh village or out of the village, the israeli forces also raided the the cities of dura and yatta south alkalil and attacked palestinians there, arrested number of people, set up more checkpoints, preventing any movement to inside or outside those cities, south al khalil. in late 2023, south africa filed a case at the international court of justice (icj) over the israeli apath
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regime's genocidal war against palestinians in the besieg gaza strip. south africa stated that the televive regime has failed to uphold its commitments under the 1948 genocide convention. south africa filed the lawsit against the israeli regim at the end of december, noting that israel's actions in gaza that sited last october are genacidal character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of our substantial. part of the palestinian national, racial and ethnic group. we have a special guest to discuss the topic today. he's none other than south african ambassador to iran, his excellency dr. francis moloy. thank you, mr. ambassador for your time today. thank you very much for inviting me, mubarak. it's a pleasure to be here. let's move on with the second part of this news cast. lebanon's hazbala movement and the israeli military
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have again targeted each other's positions amit growing tensions over the israel regimes continued blotched in gaza as well as targeted israel's baranit military base and the northern occupied lines. it also fired rockets at two other israeli targets including the maroron air base in the upper galilei region inflicting heavy losses. the operations followed the killing of a resistance member. while israel missiles hit two areas in southern lebanon, no emited reports of casualties or damage from those strikes, as well as been engaged in anti-israel operation since the regime launched its war on. in october resistance fighters mainly target israeli military positions, but the israeli regime pounds residential areas and lebanon causing civilian deaths. now jordinians have once again attended a rally, expressing solidarity with palestinians and denouncing israel's
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genocidal war on the gaza strip. they demand the government shut down israel's diplomatic missions in their country. the message and will of our jordanian people and youth, today the embassy of shame, the zionist embassy that defiles our capital amen should be closed, it should end, we won't back down, we won't get tired, we won't stop. until they shut down the embassy of shane, the zianist embassy in aman. now waving palestinian and jordanian flags and channing slogans, protesters marched on the heila fortified israeli embassy in aman. police forces clutched with ralliers and fire tieryaas to disperse them. according to eyewitnesses, several protesters were beaten
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up and some of them were arrested. jordanians often assembled in front of israelian american embassies to express anger. at the ongoing blatched in gaza. jordan that's hosting 2.4 million palestine refugees has witnessed several such rallies in support of gazans since the launching of israel's war on the gaza strip. today marks the ninth anniversary of the south alatic russian against yemen, where riyad and some of its arab and western allies failed to achieve any their objectives. the leader of ansarlo movement has praised the aminya nation for the... brazilians in unity in the face of the war, in a televised address, monday abdul malik denounced the aggression against his country, saying that the goal of unjust and treaterous war was to destroy yemen. he emphasized that soudi's plan was to occupy yemen and undermine the rights of its people, he said that the war resulted in the death or injury of more than 50 thousand civilians,
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mostly women and kids, saudi arabia along with some of its regional allies and back b of... launched a war yemen in march 2015, the aim was to reinstate a friendly regime there, years of bombing campaign and blockade wars in the condition of the yemani people, according to the un refugee agency, yemen remains one of the world's worst humanitarian crisis, despite a seasfire. us occupation forces have performed series of air rates against targets in eastern. near the border with iraq. american warplanes carried out 10 simultaneous strikes on residential neighborhoods and military installations in derral zor province, including the cities of deral zor, al-madin and albuquemal. at least 20 people, including women and children were poorly injured. no more details have been provided. the us regularly conducts rates in
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syria under the pretext of fighting terrorism. damascus has written numerous letters. un calling on it to put an end to us attacks and military presence in the arab country. the iraqi prime minister will make his first visit to washington on april 15th, trip that's believed to be major step toward the end of international coalition mission in iraq. our correspondent has a report from baghdad. iraqi prime minister muhammad. sudani will meet with us president joe biden in washington on april 15 for talks on the us military presence in the arab country, also arrange of other issues, including the fight against daesh, and the ongoing iraqi financial reforms will be discussed. the demands of iraqi nation and political blocks will be taken to washington by the prime minister. we all know there is a large consensus in the country to end the foreign
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forces presence. the prime minister will also discuss the economic situation and challenges most. importantly the us dollar exchange rates, which have been affecting the market since the imposition of sanctions by us treasury on iraqi banks. in january, baghdad in washington began formal talks about ending the coalition mission proportedly formed to help the iraki forces to fight daesh terrorist group. after the defeat of daesh in 2017 by iraqi anti-terror forces, the us still stationed some 2,500 troops in iraq and 900 in neighboring syria as a part of the coalition mission. for the government to end the coalition mission, it's the demand of the iraqi people. we all agree that these forces have gone too far violating our sovereignty, so today we witness the cause by the iraqi nation that the... time has come for these forces to leave. following the parliamentary decision in 2020, iraqi authorities have agreed for drawing up a timeline to end the presence of foreign forces, which proved by
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action to be a threat to the country's stability. iraqi nation agrees that foreign forces presence is no longer necessary and the prime minister will carry their demands to washington. muslim salim press tv, baghdad. now french president emmanuel macron insists on the possibility of sent. troops to ukraine, now from washington to european capitals to the french armed forces, macron's refusal democracy is not going unused. reports from paris, a pan-western meeting of nationalist parties, italy's matteo salvini called french president emmanuel macron a danger to europe for his insistance on possibly sending troops to ukraine. salvini added, "i don't want to leave our children a continent ready to enter world war ii, as backlash against the western led war continues to grow in europe. some believe
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that macron is using rusophobia as a way to bring together a european union, which is increasingly being split by demands for more national sovereignty. the idea that that that that russia is a threat and that that's what's going to make europe exist, i think is is illusion, people aren't..." as matter of fact, people are understanding, whether it be in germany or whether it be in france, that in fact this war in ukraine, which was unnecessary, and which was wanted by the west and by nato, is actually hurting them very badly, inflation, the increase in oil prices and energy and and gasoline and food, you you name it, the europeans are understanding that they're suffering from this war. in two years, macron has gone from major criticism over urging west not to humiliate russia to being one of europe's leading warhawks. recent polls of french public opinion, however, show a different trend. studies show
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that nearly 80% of france doesn't want their soldiers sent to ukraine, worries about macron's sustained belligerance have gotten major pushback from washington to inside france's armed forces. there are leaked reports that the generals are extremely worried about uh macron doing these belligerant. talks when france is in in no condition whatsoever to to to defy or to challenge russia, i mean even the british about sunak for example saying he's going to send troops to to ukraine, what troops, the the the british can't fill a football stadium with their army, the army that they could put in the field, they couldn't even fill a football stadium, so what is he talking about you, so this is all all lot of bluster but extremely dangerous bluster, extremely dangerous. a new report shows how little france has been affected by the ukrainian refugee crisis, which may make paris more open to more war. just 60,000 refugees have
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been accepted by france, fewer than tiny ireland. franche hosts just one ukrainian refugee per 1,000 residents, while poland, the baltics, the czech republic, slovakia and bulgaria are hosting more than 25 refugees per 1,0 citizens. raminmasa. press tv, paris. now we get one more report for you, latest survey showing that the upcoming european parliamentary elections in june will revolve around rising prices and social inequalities. european voters seem to be quite concerned about decaying state of the finances and lifestyle. let's watch a report. next june, more than 400 million european voters will take to the polls to elect 700. 20 politicians to the european parliament, the composition of the eu's executive arm, the european commission, will also be renewed. a recent poll by the multinational market
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research group, ipsos has found that european citizens most important electoral issues in the upcoming elections are the rising prices and social inequalities in the continent. the cost of living in the eu countries has been rising much faster than people's wages, even. inflation in the block has dropped over the past year, around one european out of three or almost 100 million people is experiencing a precarious financial situation faithfully the eu recent historic events, events which have seen the pandemic crisis first and the energy crisis triggered by the war in ukraine later, greatly affecting economic growth. this explains why europeans are very... concerned about social security and employment, immediate consequence of this social crisis will be the final rise of populist movement. other issues deemed
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very... important by the survey respondents in view of the june elections were economic growth and unemployment in the block, after narrowly escaping recession in late 2023, brussels has downgraded its growth outlook for 2024 a modest .9% from the previously expected 1.3%. employment in the eu is suffering across all sectors, the increasing use of non-permanent contracts, informal work and insec'. having said that, it must be noted the price here in italy are still much lower than prices in other countries of the block. european borders hope that new eu leadership won't introduce sturity measures which will
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translate into more suffering. analysts have also pointed out that voter turnout will be the biggest election challenge next june, as the election campaign ramps up and discontent is growing across europe, many fear that much less than half of eligible voters will cast ballot in the european elections. in 2008, the european union's economy was larger than that of the united states. however, following the global financial crisis, the covid. and the ukraine russia conflict, today the united states economy is 50% larger than that of the european union. max chivili, press tv, rome. and that's a wrap for this news cast from tehran. thank you for watching.
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it's a good way to see how poor people uh in poor countries or... even in our own countries live, fasting basically heightens your awareness of your surroundings and everything, and it brings back the reasons for doing dua, for reading quran, when the sun sets, uh, it's a fantastic feeling of
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achievement. for us humans, air is the most important natural element along with water, food, light and warmth. air pollution can have short term.
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in late 2023, south africa filed case at the international court of justice, icj over the... israeli apather regime's genocidal war against palestinians in the besaged gaza strip. south africa stated that the tv regime has failed to uphold its commitments under the 1948 genocide convention. south africa failed against the israeli regime at the end of december, noting that israel's actions in gaza that sited last october are genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part the palestinian national.