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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 26, 2024 8:30pm-9:03pm IRST

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israely occupation forces press ahead with their genocidal war on gaza despite the un security council's call for immediate ceasefire. the political bureau chief of hamas movement says israel is facing unprecedented political isolation and lebanants says bull out resistant movement fires rockets at israely targets inside the occupied territories inflicting heavy losses.
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hi to everybody, you're watching press tv world news, this is a live broadcast from our headquarters in tehran, with me, your host najafi, welcome, the israel regime is pressing ahead with his genocidal war campaign on the gaza strip despite a un security council resolution, calling for immediate ceasefire in the basis territory. from the north, they told them to move to the my brother and his family were this place south, here is the south, where is the safety? they bomb them while they were sitting here eating, they didn't even finish their. the more than 30 palestinians were
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killed in fresh aerial rates on gaza city. regime's warplanes targeted the house north of the city arafa killing 19 people there, mostly women and children. israeli air strike also hit baitlah in the north and areas around the nusara refugee camp in central gaza. regime forces also kept up their attacks against alsafa hospital. gaza health ministry saying that iof soldiers are tightening the c the hospital and obdacting people, areas around ml hospital and unis were shelled as well, since the beginning of the war on gaza, more than 32,400 palestinis have been killed, most of them are women and children. the meantime, 18 palestinians have been killed in northern gaza as they were rushing to collect aid packages, hair dropped into the starving strip. according to gaza's media office, 12 people got ground while
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trying to recover aid parcels drop from planes along the war battered strips mediterranean coast. in a different incident in north six etters lost their lives in stampeds that broke out when people tried to collect a desperately needed aight. the media office is criticized the air drops is abusive and feudal in a situation where millions of people are facing famin. the offices called for the opening of more land crossings which can led in far more aid in safer and more efficient manner, eight packages air dropped by the us already hit and killed several gosons earlier this month. the political bureau chief of hamas ismania says that israel is experiencing an unprecedented political isolation and datay after a un security council resolution called for sease fire in gaza. although this resolution late
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and there may be some gaps that need to be filled, the resolution itself indicates that the israeli occupation is experiencing unprecedented political isolation. the hamas of leader says that israel is losing political cover and protection even at the security council. he added that the us, which is israel's closest backer, is unable to impose its will on the international community. he made a comments in a pressor following a meeting with iran's forum. minister in tehran. this is hannah's second trip to iran since amast began the alexa flood operation against israel. over the regime's atrocities, the top hamas officials scheduled to meet with other ranking officials during his visit to discuss political developments and other events surrounding the war ravage gaza strip. leader of the palestine resistance movement, islamic jihad has held. iranian people for
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their support of the people of palestine. gathering, i should say that palestine will live on and resistance will. levan and we will defeat the israeli regime with the support of the islamic republic of iran. the ziad spoken the ceremony in tehran were more than 100 thousand people gathered to denounce israel's crimes in the gaza strip. he noted the importance of the holy quran and the resistance against israel's aggression in palestine. the islam republic of iran has strongly supported the palestinial resistance groups and their actions against the israeli regime. since the victory of the islamic revolution, indirect talks within the palestine resistance movement hamas and israel are going on for seizfire in gaza, that according to qatar, that's mediating the negotiations. carter foreign ministry
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spokesman dismiss reports that the israeli team has pulled out of negotiations in doha. mached al-ansari express optimism about the prospect of a ceasefire deal. but he added that the adoption of the un security council resolution, demanding sease fire, has not had any immediate effect on the talks. the israeli media earlier reported that the talks had fallen through blaming kamasa's response to a us proposal for a prisoner swap. hamasaver says that israel is entirely responsible for the failure of the negotiation efforts so far. is already soldiers have launched new incursions into several areas across the west bank, abducting number of palestinians there. the regime
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forces are raided the cities of jenin, nablus, calcalia and bat feder, among others and gening their rated homes in number of neighborhoods and deployed snipers on rooftops as clash. was broke out with resistance fighters. israely forces also raided the occupied westbank town of albeira firing tier gas at residence. israeli settlers assaulted several palestinians, raided homes and targeted vehicles and bait armor as israelity forces of stormed the town. the palestina was also shot in the balata refugee camp on the outer skirts of noobles. resistance fighters confronted israeli forces across the spain, targeting them with explode. devices. press tv's ramala correspondle joined us a while ago with details regarding the attacks by both these ridy forces and settlers that have become daily occurrences in the west bank. let's
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start with the south the occupied west bank specifically. the israeli forces stormed northern al khalil and arrested at least two palestinians from there before the israeli t israeli settlers had raided bait umar town and attacked palestinians and through stones at the vehicles as well as the as the homes as well smashed the windows of the homes the windshields of the vehicles the israeli sittlers claimed that palestinians from the village of b umar open fire at the nearby israel settlement kermsor and one of the bullets had hit a house there according to the israeli sittlers so that's why they claim they attacked the people there then the israeli forces themselves storm the area and
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detained palestinians from inside baman as well as a preventing any movement to to to the village or out of the village. "the israeli forces also raided the the cities of dura and yatta south al khalil and attacked palestinians there, arrested number of people, set up more checkpoints preventing any movement to inside or outside those cities, south and khalil. lebanon's bolah movement and the israeli military have again targeted each other's positions, it grown." intentions over israel's continued bloodshit in gaza. hasbollah has targeted israel's baranit military base in the northern occupied territories. it hit iof solders in the shulla areas with missiles leaving some casualties. as well also fire rockets to two
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israel targets including the maroon airbase in the upper galile region inflicting heavy losses. israel's yard and barracks and the occupied golen heights also came under attack. that after israel war planes bombed area near the city of balbek in northeastern lebanon. israel missiles also hit several areas in southern lebanon. has been engaged in anti-israel operations since regime began as war on gaza, the resistance fighters mainly target israely military positions, but the regime pounds residential areas in levanon causing civilian deaths. whatever the shape of the treaty, and with a relative dose of optimism, it seems that the temporary cease fire agreement is now behind us, while the battle is raging in another layer of the war that has... become more intertwined and overlapping than before. it's not just about hamas and the resistance factions on one side
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and the israeli occupation on the other, but also between the two allies, tel aviv and washington, especially regarding the day after phase, either to retreat to sease fire and work on imposing a political and security arrangement, or to continue the war until after the invasion of rafah, ensuring a long delay in personal reckoning, according to netanyahu and his coalition's demands to cover their backs. high hopes for truth. news this week on the media stream. welcome back. people in jordan have again attended a rally expressing solidarity with palestinians and denouncing israely genocidal war on gaza. they also demanded the government there shut down israel's diplomatic mission in the country.
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the message and will of our jordanian people and youth, today the embassy of shame, the zionist embassy that defiles our capital amen, should be closed, it should end, we won't back down, we won't get tired, we won't stop until they shut down the embassy of... the zionist embassy in aman now waving palestinian jordanian flags and chanting slogans ralliers marched on the heila of fortified israel, police clash with them and fired tear gas to dispers them. according to eyewitnesses, several protesters were beaten up and some of them were arrested. jordanians often assemble in front of israeli and american embassies expressing their anger at the ongoing blached in the gaza. strip. jordan hosts 2.4 million palestin refugees and is witnessed several such rallies in
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support of gazans since the israeli war on the messagesian strip. the yemini army says it's carried out six drone and missile operations in 72 hours in support of the palestinians in gaza. the spokesman of the yemani armed forces says that five us and uk ships and destroyed. were targeted in the gulf of adian in the red sea, another vessel heading for israely occupied ports was also hit, brigadeer general said that israely targets in the om al rashrash or ilat area south of the akabat lens were also struck, he said that the military operations achieved their goal successfully, he avout that the yemini arm forces would continue their operations against hostile targets until the us israel aggression against gaza comes to an end. and the sage of the palestinian people is lifted. the yemen marking the ninth
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anniversary of this outlet aggression against the country, the leader of movement has praised the many people for the resilience and unity in the face of the war. we've discussed that issue now news review program. are you watching press tv's news review where we look deeper into some of the top stories the day on this segment of the program, today marks the ninth anniversary of the saudi led aggression against yemen where riyadh and some of its arab and western allies failed to achieve any of their objectives. the leader of ara movement has praised the yemini nation for their resilience and unity in the face of the war. and it televised address on monday abdul malik al'. denounce the aggression against his country saying, the goal of
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unjust and treaterous war was to destroy yemen. he emphasized that saudi arabia's plan was to occupy yemen and undermine the rights of its people, whothy said the war resulted in the death or injury of over 50,000 civilians, mostly women and children, saudi arabia, along with some of its regional allies and back by the west launched a war on yemen in march 2015 with the to reinstate a friendly regime there's a bombing campaign and blockade worsened the condition of the people according to the un refugee agency, yemen remains one of the world's worst humanitarian crisis. despite a ceasefire, joining us on this edition of the news review, we have press tv's abdul latif who's joining us from the capital sana and also we have director of center for counter-hegemonic studies mr tim anderson who's joining us from sydney uh gentlemen welcome to the program
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let's start off with abdul latif in the emimini capital sana it's the 9th anniversary of this saudi led aggression and just recently the leader of the also movement abdul malik, he made keynote address a commemorating this uh this day and he spoke of how this war, this brutal war and this cruel siege on yemen has failed to break the will and the resilience of the yemen people, tell us more about that please, thank you so much, you today is the ninth anniversary and multiple ' official and popular events are being held here in sana and also in other cities, the people are celebrating this day, you know today, after nine years of four and siege the yemenis now are stronger than ever, the uh yemeni people and the yemeni army are now facing uh british forces facing america facing israel, so they believe that if it's not for the war that was launched uh against
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yemen by saudi arabia and its allies which was originally planned by the us. and the uk, the yemy army would not be able to face now or today the us and the uh uk, the yemani army managed to develop and to improve its capabilities, to improve its weapons, you know, today we heard about the hypersonic missiles that are being possessed by the enemy army and the yemini armed forces uh will use them uh to attack to uh uh you to chase the uh western ships in the red sea and gulf of air. and also in the indian ocean, mr. anderson staying with you as a result of the years of this blockade uh on yemen, the un refugee agency has said that the situation uh in yemen at the moment remains one of the world's worst humanitarian crisis despite a ceasefire being in place. is it safe to say that the international community has failed
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the people of yemen? they, they shut their eyes, there was no... sent at the security council when they over the last nine years when they passed these resolutions uh imposing the land, air and sea blockaid on the country because it was supposedly a threat to international peace. in fact, the the unseral led coalition government has been fighting al-qaeda groups which are of course back by the emiratis and the saudis and the us on the on the arabian peninsula, so there's this the international community has certainly failed them betrayed them really in terms of the security council, i think... "i hope there's a turn around coming with all of the appreciation of course for the actions that despite this starvation, despite this terrible siege on the yemini people, they still have the will to fight on behalf of their brothers and sisters in gaza, and that's really made a big impression on the world, and apparently also recently on russia and china. i think that um, the the the the saudis have realized that they failed, so
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they don't want to pursue as an agent of the us any further this war, they're looking to avoid further. um misadventures in that area. okay, we're going to have to wrap up this segment um as um we're fresh out of time. thanks to abdullah. our corresponder joining us from the emmy capital santa and also thanks to director of center for counter hejamonic studies mr. tim anderson joining us from sydney. with that it brings us to an end here on this edition of the news review, but stick around, there's plenty more to come here on press tv. see you in a bit. now russia's president vladimir putin says the details of the recent terrorist attack of moscow are being proved while calling for just punishment for the perpetrators. the criminals who directly committed this massacre, as you know, have been arrested.
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investigators are carefully establishing the circumstances of this barbaric crime, finding out its details determined. the role and degree of guilt of each participant and studying the conclusions of criminologists and experts. i hope that prosecutors within their powers, including when presenting state charges and during the trial, will do everything necessary to ensure that the criminals receive fair punishment as required by russian law. putin was speaking at the meeting of the general prosecutors collegium. the russian federal security service said that the gunman responsible for the attack. plan to travel to ukraine where they were to be welcomed as heroes, the fsp added that western intelligence services ated the attackers, four gunmen burs into moscow's caracas city hall on friday and began shooting. people who are attended a concert, they killed nearly 140 people and injured more than 180 others. 11 people including the assails seven detained facing terrorism
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charges. china dismisses accusations by the us, the uk and new zealand about its involvement in a large scale cybernage activity. and uk once again hyped up the so-called chinese cyber attacks and imposed sanctions on chinese individuals and entities. this is typical political manipulation. china strongly opposes and deplores this and has lotched solemn complaints with relevant parties. the chinese spokesperson also urged the us and the uk to stop politicizing cyber security issues and insuring unilateral sanctions against china. he pointed out that the west should have stopped their... cyber attacks against china earlier today, beijing back cyber groups were accused of targeting american officials, journalists, corporations and the uk's election watchdock. the uk also summed the
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chinese ambassador over the elege incident, the us justice department, also charged seven chinese nationals over what is said was a 14-year prolific global hacking operation. the french president manuel macron is insisting on the possibility of sending troops to ukraine from washington to european capitals to the french arm forces acran's refusal of diplomacy is not going on opposed reports. a pan-western meeting of nationalist parties, italy's matteo salvini called french president emmanuel macron a danger to europe for his insistance on possibly sending troops to... salvini added, i don't want to leave our children a continent ready to enter world war ii, as backlash against the western led war continues to grow in europe. some believe
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that macron is using rusophobia as a way to bring together a european union which is increasingly being split by demands for more national sovereignty. the idea that that that russia is a threat and that that's what's going to make europe exist, i think... is illusion, people aren't buying it, as matter of fact, people are understanding, whether it be in germany or whether it be in france, that in fact this war in ukraine, which was unnecessary uh, and which was wanted by the west and by nato, is actually hurting them very badly, you know, inflation, the increase in oil prices and energy and and gasoline and food, you you name it, the europeans are understanding that they're suffering from this war, in two years, macron has gone from major criticism over urging the west not to humiliate russia to being one of europe's leading warhawks. recent polls of french public opinion, however, show a different
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trend. studies show that nearly 80% of france doesn't want their soldiers sent to ukraine. worries about macron's sustained belligerance have gotten major pushback from washington to inside france's armed forces. there are leaked reports that the generals are extremely worried about um macron doing these belligerant uh talks when france is in in no condition whatsoever to to to defy or to challenge russia, i mean even the british about sunak for example saying he's going to send troops to to ukraine, what troops, the the the british can't fill a football stadium with their army, the army that they could put in the field, they couldn't even fill a football stadium, so what is he talking about, so this is all all lot of bluster but extremely dangerous. are extremely dangerous. a new report shows how little france has been affected by the ukrainian refugee crisis, which may make paris more open to more war.
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just 60,000 refugees have been accepted by france, fewer than tiny ireland. france hosts just one ukrainian refugee per 1,000 residents, while poland, the baltics, the czech republic, slovakia and bulgaria are hosting more than 25 refugees per. that's all we had uh for you for now, we'll be back with another newscast in a bit more than half an hour. crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the
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israeli lobby. crackdown, diplomacy, israel, not ceasing genocide, هوا به عنوان: for us humans, air is the most important natural element along with water, food, light and warmth. air pollution can have short-term and long-term effects on human health. one type of energy that plays a key role in human life is...
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electrical energy or electricity. honestly, if fossil fuels are used properly, i think most polluted cities would become pollution free. vegetarianism was introduced as a healthy lifestyle. later on it became fancy too. some say it can save the planet as well. however, some people hijack the idea and use it as means of earning money. watch in this documentary how the millennia old lifestyle was knocked off
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corpse. how designists come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation. how do they form their secret army hagana? how do they grab lands belong? to palestinians, how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary.
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رفيع الدرجات ذو العرش يلق الروح من امره على من يشا. يا من عباده لينذر يوم التلاق يوم هم بارزون، لا يخفى على الله منهم شيء، لمن الملك اليوم، لمن الم
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without preamble, american movements regarding the ceasefire and the exchange of prisoners in the gaza strip have resumed, suggesting the possibility of a breakthrough soon, especially as the head of the mosad david bernia headed to qatar last week to meet with the american, egyptian and qatari mediators. this comes amits leaks attributed to israeli entity prime minister benjamin nahu about immense american pressure being exerted on the mediators to achieve a breakthrough. while the palestinian resistance, hamas has not issued any official statement regarding the resumption of negotiations. when bernia returned to zinas israel from doha last tuesday, after hours of arriving there, where he held indirect negotiations with a hamas delegation.