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tv   Iran Today The Arash Gas Field Dispute  PRESSTV  March 27, 2024 12:02am-12:31am IRST

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cities and villages in iran have their own traditions for ramadan which date back to centuries. get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press tv. our ash located in the north. the persian gulf in buchher province is gas and oil field jointly owned by iran and kuwait. over the past 60 years, both countries have of acknowledged each other's rights to a share of the significant resources in the field. surprisingly enough, the supreme council of the persian gulf cooperation council has recently issued a statement claiming that only kuwait and saudi arabia have sovereign rights over the field, raising tehran ayer. the islamic republic of iran has reiterated
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that it cannot stand any violation of its national sovereignty and territorial a integrity. it's just another tension underway in west asia. what's the significance of rash gas and oil field? what is kuwait's position? what is tehran's position? why is saudi arabia engage in this dispute out of the blue? has there been any attempt to reach deal, and if yes, why hasn't it born any fruit? these and more on this edition of iran today. the offshore field known as arash in iran and dore in kuwait has long been a source of contention between these two countries, grabbing headlines from time to time. of
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of iran attempted to initiate the development process, however, unforeseen circumstances continually halted progress, one of the primary obstacles was the ongoing disagreement regarding the phills ownership, which further complicated the project's advancement. the iranian ministry of foreign affairs has given a protest note to kuwait's ambassador to tehran over the country's one-sided statements on the rh natural gas field which iran shares with its southwest. of
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assistant to iran's foreign minister and the head of the ministry's persian golf department said making one-sided claims in various statements and through media undoubtedly cannot be a step forward to resolve the issue and will not establish any rights for the party uttering such assertions. we also talked to muhammad sadeq merju, a senior energy expert. mr. mehju had more to say about the history of arash and the dispute.
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it lies approximately 10 kilometers away from the abuzar and suruish fields. the ongoing dispute revolves around boda claims. using the 1982 law of the sea convention, losc, in its argument, kuwait assist full ownership of the field. conversely, we content that the border was established prior to the islamic revolution, entitling gus to at least 30% of the field. however, where it disagrees and continues to make statements opposing our claim. tehran has frequently proclaimed that a cooperative and respectful environment, rather than one-sided assertions, could lead to an agreement on the matter. otherwise, the region has to prepare itself for yet another unnecessary tension. what is iran's position? جمهوری اسلامی هم خیلی منطقی و به جا بوده. i
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believe that terron has taken a rational approach so far. the iranian ministry of foreign affairs has maintained an open door to diplomacy. tehran has consistently advocated for. negotiations to achieve peaceful resolution that benefits both parties. the dispute over arash dates back to the 1960s when iran and kuwait were granted overlapping offshore concessions for the field, which has been called a treasure under the sea. mr. hamid reza salihi is the director general of federation of iranian energy export industries.
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i'll beat a peaceful cooperation with the rest of the region. iran assigned rights to the anglo-iranian oil company, while kuwait gave its share to royal dutch shell, leading to overlapping claims in the northern part of the reservoir. the two concessions overlapped in the northern part of the field. according to reuters, the arash field reserves are estimated at 1 trillion cubic feet of natural gas of which 200 billion cubic feet. are likely to be extracted immediately, in addition to over 310 million barrels of oil. these figures are of significant importance to the kuwaiti side, as considering kuwait's natural gas reserves, which do not exceed 35 trillion cubic meters, the hydrocarbon value
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the field could increase kuwait's reserves by 30%. mr. hamid husseini is a senior energy expert and chief executive of the monthly donyaya energy or the world. energy: what is the significance of the arash field? the arash field holds approximately 570 billion cubic meters of gas and contains nearly 310 million barrels of oil, making it a valuable resource for countries like kuwait and saudi arabia, which have few if any gas fields, the oraj field holds even greater significance as... rely on gas imports for their domestic needs, refineries and other purposes. they have vested interest in accessing the rh fields resources as soon as possible. that is while iran is not in a rush as it has an abundance of gas fields within this territory. as for iran, nearly 40% of arash
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field is located in iranian waters. in 2001, the national iranian oil company drilled an exploratory well to determine the amounts of its. reserves. kuwait then threatened to take the issue to international arbitration and following the kuwaiti amir's visit to tehran during the khatami administration, tehran stopped exploration and removed the platform built at the site. mr. hossaini added that for iran having good relationships with neighbors is very important and the country is not happy escalate tensions in the region for energy. first country in the region to drill the first oil well. iran was also the pioneer in conducting marine explorations to discover oil and gas fields in the region. the arash oil field was founded in the 1960s by a japanese company working under the commission of the national iranian oil
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company. prior to the islamic revolution, iran had discovered the field and chosen the name oresh for it. today iran shares nearly 30 joint oil and gas fields with countries like qatar, the united arab emirates, kuwait and iraq. the araj field is just one example. the south pols gasfield, the largest in the world is shared with qatar, and despite its significant size, representing over 15% of the world's gas reserves, iran has accepted qatar's two-thirds ownership. this demonstrates iran's honesty and commitment to maintaining good relations with its neighbors. in fact, maintaining positive relationships with neighboring countries has always been a priority for iran. iran's drilling and then it's decision to halt it in fact came year after saudi arabia and kuwait had jointly started exploration and development activities on the field without tehran's knowledge. in 2016, iranian media
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reported that saudi arabia and kuwait had formed the al-khafji joint operations to develop the field a 50 to50 joint venture without any right for iran. loved all parties to reap the benefits of the arash field more effectively. the strained relationship between iran and saudi arabia negatively impacted the project's progress, ultimately leading to a partnership between kuwait and saudi arabia that excluded the islamic republic of iran. improved diplomatic relations among the three countries might facilitate a more inclusive and mutually beneficial approach to the development of the rs field. "the islamic republic has strongly objected to the agreement with officials
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saying the move is illegal as the boundaries the field shared between the three countries have not yet been established. tehran has repeatedly called for a border demarcation agreement to determine its right to exploit part of the field." field situation could posuse a challenge to iran's national integrity and it necessitates a proactive and efficient collaboration. among the involved countries, establishing clear boundaries and fostering open communication can help mitigate such disputes by working together and defining their respective territories, the involved parties can find a resolution that benefits all. in march 2022, saudi arabia's energy minister signed document with his kuwaiti counterpart to develop the orash dora gas field to produce 1 billion standard cubic feet per day of gas and 84% barrels per day of condensates. iran's minister of petroleum javad oj was quick to respond to a
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saudi counterparts announcement, then saying tehran would soon begin drilling at the ash field. although we want to negotiate and cooperate for development of joint fields, unilateral measures will not prevent the implementation of the project, he said. after kuwait and saudi arabia signed document to build the offshore reservoir without tehran's participation. the debate over the arash field has been under intense scrutiny. a joint committee comprising the ministry of foreign affairs, the geography organization the armed forces and the ministry of oil has been assigned to analyze various aspects of the issue. they have made number of decisions so far. the ministry of oil has explicitly stated its readiness for any potential
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outcomes. in a sense, iran is ready to deliver suitable response in the upcoming period if the opposing party insist on their current position. there's plenty more to be said, but first a quick media review to give other outlets a chance to get a word in. hello everyone, welcome to the news section the... program here, we'll go over some important news headlines. iran says a unilateral claim to arash gas field will create no rights for claiment. iran has repeatedly announced its principled stance on the issue based on international law underlined iran's foreign ministry spokesman noser canani. shaw writes, the spokesman made the remarks during his weekly press conference in reaction to a statement issued by the ministerial council of the persian gulf cooperation council, which claims only saudi arabia. and kuwait have the rights to exploit the field known as aldora in the two
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arab states. we have emphasized the continuation of technical and legal talks with kuwait officials, he pointed out. unilateral claim on r. gasfield creates no rights for claiment. iran says tehran times rights, iran has repeatedly announced its principled stance on the issue based on international law. the country tries to create a positive and constructive atmosphere to develop. of its relations with neighbors, refuting such issues in one-sided statements as not acceptable. iran issues fresh warning against kuwait over rh gas field row. iran says it believes in integrated and joint extraction with kuwait and saudi arabia from the disputed arash gas field in the persian gulf warning tehran will start drilling in the field if kuwait does so. iran news daily writes, the iranian vice president for legal affairs muhammad dechan reiterated on thursday that the ownership dispute should be resolved through dialogue. orash is an oil
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and gas field and part of it belongs to us. we do not have a maritime border with kuwait, but we discovered the field and drilled rigs there many years ago without taking advantage of it, so we won't create tensions with our neighbors. deaxan clarified. the arache gas field dispute a thorny issue in persian golf politics. iuvm press rights, the orash oil gas field serves. as poinant symbol of the intricate geopolitical dance unfolding among iran, kuwait and saudi arabia. over time, what began as a cooperative effort has degenerated into a contentious focal point. sparking debates surrounding resource distribution and territorial delineation. nestled within this shared expanse lies the arash gas field boosting a substantial storage capacity of 1 trillion cubic feet alongside an estimated 42 million barrels of crude oil. thank you for joining us in this section. i invite you to go back to the main
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narrative. in last august, tehran officially invited kuwaiti foreign. iranians have had a significant presence in kuwait for over a century, the people of both nations have enjoyed meaningful interactions over the years. additionally, there have been numerous joint investments in both iran and kuwait with their rest improvement in relation. between tehran and riyadh, we aim to achieve similar level of collaborative investment with saudi arabia. i believe that promoting cooperation rather than competition is the best way towards a brighter future. however, the supreme council of the persian gulf cooperation council torpedo deescalation efforts at the end of its 44th summit in
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doha, qatar, claiming that the entirety of the rh gas field lied within kuwait's maritime territories. the council also said the ownership of natural resources in the submerged area adjacent to the saudi kuwaiti divided area, including the entire gas field is exclusively a joint ownership between saudi arabia and kuwait. according to the statement, both have exclusive rights to exploit the natural resources in that area, adding the council firmly rejected any claims of rights by any other party in this field or the submerged area adjacent to the...
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saudis refrain from adopting more controversial positions to prevent escalating tensions among these three neighboring nations. i believe that direct negotiations would be beneficial. the council statement came after both saudi arabia and kuwait announced in july that there was no room for negotiations with iran regarding the arash dora gas field in the persian gulf. that's while historical records of the past 60 years show no south. role in negotiations between iran and kuwait to determine the maritime borders around the rs field and how to exploit its resources, meaning riyat's push to stake out a share has started only since 2000. in reaction to the statement issued by the supreme council of the persian gulf cooperation council, national iranian oil company head mohsen kojas semer announced
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that iran was ready to begin drilling in the ras field. he said once the necessary conditions are met, investment to enhance gas extraction from our the private sector in iran is open to foreign own fields. with their support we can convert gas into lng and export. peacefully, we can consider expanding our cooperation further. after all, we have many projects in iran worth hundreds of billions of dollars that our neighbors can take part as investors. for
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years, iran and kuwait have held talks over their disputed maritime border area, practically with no. according to iran's proposed method, it should be considered a joint field for shared use among the involved countries. however, the kuwaities advocate for second approach, which would result in the field being predominantly under their ownership. unfortunately. there is no universally accepted method to resolve this dispute. i would like to draw your attention to this point: politicizing the case could lead to negative consequences for all parties involved. we have. the politicization of iran's share in the caspian sea, which has turned the issue into a complex and challenging situation for everyone. to prevent a similar destiny for the arash
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field, i would like to ask the kuwaiti authorities to refrain from politicizing the matter. attempts to revive negotiations have failed. kuwait's oil minister saad al-barok, was coded on july 27th as saying his country would begin drilling and production at the rs. field without waiting for demarcation deal with iran. this prompted iran's oil minister to counter, saying tehran may pursue work at the field without an agreement. jawad og said, iran will pursue its rights and interests regarding exploitation and exploration of the field if there is no desire for understanding and cooperation. is there any peaceful solutions to the dispute? negotiations between iran and kuwait. opec,
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with its secretary general being from kuwait, might not be the most suitable choice, due to potential conflicts of interest. alternative options for mediation could include the organization of islamic cooperation or the oic, as they have experience in resolving international disputes and another possibility is enlisting the help of influential individuals from both countries who could act as intermediaries. another approach could be to assign a third party to develop the orash field and distribute the profits fairly between iran and kuwait. this way both sides can avoid the direct involvement in the development project, so it could reduce tensions and foster a more cooperative atmosphere between the two nations. the dispute between iran and... wait over the rh gas field is a complex and longstanding issue that has yet to be resolved. the competing claims historical context and strategic importance of the field
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make it a challenging matter for both countries to navigate. but the dispute for iran is more than a row about an energy reserve. iran shares 28 oil and gas fields with its neighbors which constitutes the country's 20% of oil and 30% of gas reserves and rs. is just one of them. what is at stake in the first place is the territorial integrity of the islamic republic. tehran knows that a step backward might send wrong signals to the intruders. in a similar case like that of arash, the united arab emirates has been laying claims of sovereignty on iran's three islands of greater tom, lesser tomb and abu musa, which are located in the persian gulf. these three islands are of strategic importance due to their location. in the persian gulf and their proximity to important shipping lanes. despite all historical and legal documents that show they belong to iran, abu dhabi still has claims
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over them. iran will never give into such baseless claims over its territory. such claims will just lead to more tensions in the region already known for its volatility. it is essential to maintain diplomatic language when discussing the orash field owner. issue, claiming that iran has no share in the field is neither accurate nor politically correct. historically, iran discovered the r. field in 1967, but chose not to unilaterally exploit it, recognizing it as a joint field. this decision demonstrates iran's commitment to respecting the rights of other nations. when the field was discovered iran was the dominant power in the persian gulf and it had the capability to seiz control of the field. as well as other fields without facing any serious objection, but the country never did that. over the past year, iran has been dealing with the dispute over arash with
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deference for the sake of successful deal with riyadh, but any aggressive push by kuwait and saudi arabia is not going to be tolerated for long in tehran. that's all for today, thank you for watching from the whole team. please do join us again to see what else is. on, you can also follow us on telegram and x, till next time, take care. bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
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in late 2023 south africa filed the case at the international court of justice icj over the israeli apart regimes genocidal war against palestinians in the besage gaza strip. south africa stated that the telavive
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regime has failed to uphold its. commitmentts under the 1948 genocide convention. south africa filed the loss against the israeli regim at the end of december, noting that israel's actions in gaza that cited last october are genocidal in character because they are intended to bring about the destruction of a substantial part of the palestinian national, racial and ethnic group. we have a special guest to discuss the topic today. he's none other than south african ambassador to iran, his excellency dr. francis moloy. thank you, mr. ambassador for your time today. thank you. thank you very much for inviting me, it's a pleasure to be here.
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political bureau chief of hamas resistance movement says israel is facing unprecedented political isolation. ayamin army says conducted multiple operations in the red sea and gulf of aiden in support of palestinians.