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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 27, 2024 12:30pm-1:02pm IRST

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the headlinesraly genocidal war on the gaza strip enters its 173rd day with death tool surpassing 32,400 mostly women and children. lebanons. fires a barrage of rockets at israeli targets in response to the overnight air rate a lebanese medical center. thousands of jordanians protest against israel demanding the closure of the regime's embassy in ammon in solidarity with gaza and the hamas resistance movement.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's half past noon here in the iranian capital tehran, you're watching press tv's world news. our top story for this half hour, israeli forces are stepping up their attacks on the gaza strip, killing and wounding number of uh more palestinians gaza gaz health ministry says at least 32,414 palestinians have been killed since march. our correspondent in the central gaza city of darabala updated us on the latest is really onslot on the besieg territory. let's begin from rafa city as the israeli occuvation forces intensify their attacks against the residential buildings and the areas, particularly those adjacent to the egyptian border uh we are talking about at least the three residential buildings were destroyed by the israeli uh successive air
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strikes that hit the western part and the eastern part of of the rafa city, at least nine palestinian civilians were rotidly killed over those continuous and successive attacks and air strikes, needless to mention that those attacks are still continues so far. when it comes to khanuni city, as you know the current israeli aggression against the western part of the city, particularly the vicinity and the surrounding areas of the nasa medical complex as still continued so... far with more air strikes and more artillery artillery shilling that reach that area and we are talking about also continuous attacks that are still hitting the residental uh buildings and the residental areas there knowing that the vast majority of those buildings were completely destroyed and devastated by the chronic israeli air strikes that uh breached and targeted that area when the israeli incubation forces carried out their face the ground uh ground offensive against that area ' inflicting more damage
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and destruction, according to multiple eyewitnesses that the israeli cubition forces opened the gunfire directly uh towards the palestinian civilians after releasing them, they were kidnapped from the nasal medical complex and after that they were uh shut dead by the israelicubation forces in a continuation of the continuous israeli crimes and massacres. over the last night the israeli artillery shilling was maintained against the northern part of anoserarat refugee camp and the eastern part of alb refugee camp, at least two uh palestina civilians were reporttedly killed over uh those continuous and intense attacks against the central area of gaza strip. when it comes to gaza city, as you know the israeli aggression is still continued against the western part of the city, particularly the vicinity and the surrounding areas of the shifa medical complex. more attacks are still
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hitting those areas. israeli raids on the occupied west bank have become almost daily occurrences over the past several months a regime troops have carried out new raids including a drone strike on the city of janian and its refugee camp killing several more palestinians. we were earlier joined by our correspondent in romdel who gave us more details on the mission. a 19-year old palestinian was shot. and killed by the israeli forces during a military raid to genen city. now we are speaking about two more palestinians had been killed, but this time they were killed by an israeli done strike, israeli military carried out done strike at an area in the neighborhood of damaj in the refugee camp of genen, killing in two more palestinians and winding at least of nine others, those two palestinians who had
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been killed, one of them is from the city of nablis and the second is from janian refugee camp and they were killed in this zone strick, this brings the number of the... palestinians who were killed by the israeli forces in genine since the early hours of wednesday to three, we have to mention that the israeli forces had also stormed the town of qabati in jemen, exchange of fire had been carried out between palestinian members of the resistance groups and the israeli forces, the israeli troops as usual they used their guns to shoot the palestinians and at least five palestinians had been wonded according to paramedex, this means that the number of palestinians who had been killed since the 7th of october is today over 450, maybe specifically 453 palestinians in addition to
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the fact that thousands had been wonded by the israeli forces over 7 and 7,800 plus palestinians had been arrested across the occupied bank since the 7th of october. in a fresh retaliatory attack, the lebanese resistance moven hazbela has fired a salvo of missiles at the israeli city of cariot shamona and the occupied territories. home was damaged and two settlers were wounded in the strikes. a poom of black smoke was seen rising over the targeted site. the attack followed an israeli air aid a medical facility in southern lebanon. israeli warplanes targeted the emergency and islamic relief center in the town of uh hibaria, killing several paramedics. hezbol had condemned the act of aggression and vowed to avenge the attack. tensions remain high between hezbollah and israel since the regime launched its genocidal war on gaza early
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october, both sides have been exchanging fire, but israel has intensified its attacks on civilians in lebanon and recent weeks. our correspondent mariam sal says israele regime plans to evacuate settlers from the city of kiriyat shimono, which has been the latest target of the lebanese hezbulah resistance movement in its retaliatory attacks. we know from israeli media that the rockets hit their target, we're talking about some 30 pitusha rockets that landed in what the israelis called the city of kmona, which is very... large area, big portions of it has already been evacuated by the israeli authorities, now we know that the rest will also be evacuated, seemingly after this targeting, the israelies said that there is at least one factory that was inflames, there was one
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settler that was killed so far, others that were severely severely wounded, even those uh firefighters and medics trying to get still people from that factory that were stranded inside, they were also wounded as a result of trying to extinguish the fires and remove the those who the settlers inside the the the factory, we know that there are still rescue efforts as we speak in the city of kat mona right now, in addition to the fact that hazbullah also said they targeted the barras which is the command s for the 769th division, which is also very significant. now you notice that the israeli media and has completely blocked out from any sort of casualties when it comes to the military. the islamic resistance in iraq says it has
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carried out new operations against israeli targets and solitary with palestinians in the gaza strip iraq's islamic resistance said the first operation targeted the ovda airbase. and the occupied palestinian territories using drones. in the second operation resistance drones hit israel's spear military site, also in the occupied territories. the iraqi resistance said the operations were carried out in response to the latest massacers of the people of gaza, by israel's resistance groups have conducted numerous operations against israeli targets in recent months. they've also attacked us military bases in iraq and neighboring syria in response to washington support. for the israeli genocide in gaza. we're watching press tv's news review where we look deeper into some of the top stories of the day. on
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this segment of the program, thousands of jordanians have once again filled the streets the capital aman to vent their anger at the us israly genocide against palestinians in the gaza strip. that we are with you, all the jordanian people are with you, and from here i appeal to the jordanian people who are sitting at
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home for everyone to go out to the streets, what are you waiting for? we must make our voice heard. there is no need for all this attack by security forces. we have one enemy, here there is land for the occupier, the israeli embassy, and we are here to demonstrate against this land. this is: the second night of island protests in aman with people demanding the government sever all kinds of ties with the israeli regime and stop the country being a transit for goods into israeli occupied territories. they were chanting slogans in support of the palestinian resistance movement and its military wing algasan brigades. security forces use batons and tear gas to disperse the angry demonstrators who tried to reach the israeli embassy on tuesday evening and during the early hours and of wednesday, security forces also arrested number of demonstrators, including at least one uh
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female jordan, which hosts 2.4 million palestinian refugees, has witnessed several rallies in solidarity with gaz, and since israel launched its war on the besieg strip. the country has also been actively involved in air dropping humanitarian aid into gaza. joining us on this edition of. the news review we have palestinian scientist another mazensia who's joining us from bethlehem, also co-founder of the scottish palestine solidarity campaign, mr. mcnape here is joining us from edinburgh. gentlemen, welcome to the program, let's start off with mr. gomsia and bethlehem, i want to get your perspective on these uh massive and serious demonstrations that are taking place uh in jordan, the demonstrators and protest protesters who are participating uh in these uh rallies with have been ongoing since the israelies uh started this genocidal war against the palestinians has been persistent,
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not just in jordan, but in many other arab governments as well. uh, please break that down for us and the impact that that has had uh globally and also um given the support that the jordanians are showing for the palestinian cause and the anger that they're showing against the israelis, why are we not seeing any action from the jordanian government? well, to start with, i can say, you know, salute to the jordanians, palestinians in jordan, and internationals in jordans who flooded the street, streets of jordan demonstrating against this genocide that's ongoing, equicide that's ongoing, etc., and demanding that their government takes good position, so i salute them, i respect them. and as palestinians here in the occupied territories, we are very grateful to
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them. for the jordanian government, i say shame on you, that you are repressing your own people from demonstrating, from showing what international law expects from the jordanian government and people, which is to stop this genocide, so this is to start with. now in terms of what is happening in jordan, i think it's it's shown six months into this fighting so to speak, which is genocide, with the resistance, showing heroic resistance in gaza. it is clear that the people in the streets of the arab world, the muslim world, and indeed all over the globe, hundreds of millions of people, that these movements are growing, not diminishing, they are increasing their pressure on their governments. "and this is very good sign and is very important sign to stop this, enough is enough, six
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months after the start from october 7th of this onslot and massacres in gaza, it's time to stop it, so we again, i salute them, i appreciate, we we palestinians appreciate all of this, and i hope the jordanian government stops repressing its own people, stop. allowing trucks of aid to israel and instead insist on trucks of aid to gaza, not tokenism of dropping some things from the air to show that they are doing doing something. mr. nape, i want to get your perspective on the same issue as well about these uh demonstrations that are taking place in jordan and also if you may expand on these unprecedented pro-palestinian and anti-israely demonstrations uh public demonstrations that we've been seeing worldwide. i mean, it's very clear from
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everybody who measures it that israel and it's european. and american allies are very very isolated and you in terms of the whole world uh the vote at the unsc was just one stark example of that, even the british government felt compelled to vote um against israel, but within those government within those countries those governments also are very isolated from their own populations and we can see this across the usa and across britain and europe as well, but jordan is very special, to see those vast crowds on the streets of a man, i think in washington they'll be looking at this and getting very worried, they're already worried that the the genocide in gaza is like an acid eating away at the at this at the status quo, that in millions and millions of homes across the region, people can see palestinians being
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killed only because they are palestinians and zianists. are already selling the the the the the the the the land in gaza as real estate and to other settlers, so people can see that their their brothers and sisters, but in jordan it's their cousins and their relatives who are being massacred in gaza and in the west bank only because they are arabs and and the the jordanian regime of course has been complicit in design as projects since 1948, but certainly until the president now what happens next? i think everything now hangs on the next few days, because people about these things describe how in this situation where the popular forces are being repressed by the by by the paramilitary police, everything depends upon the determination and the
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resoluteness of of the demonstrating in order to break the will of the... of forces, somebody who really knows about these things describes how in the russian revolution, for example, as crowds of of desperate people approached the cossacks, the repressive forces, one of the one of the guys winked at the ordinary people, and he said, the road to revolution runs under the belly of the policeman's horse, and when those repressive forcess and in a man break, when they can no longer beat the demonstrators, when they go home and families berate them and say, what are you doing? this is massacle, this is genocide in in in israel and and palestine, and now you're beating the palestinians here on the streets of a man. sooner or later that repressive force will break. now iranians know about this under the shah that it was terrible cost that they paid, but finally the repressive forces were defeated at very high
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cost. so in the streets of a man, i think something's being played out, which when you take into account that... yemen, the yemenis are coming to the aid of the gaza people, but this is happening right across the middle east, the the the fear, the desperation, the rage at the genocide that people can now see on their tv screens, then there's everything to play for, but i think it depends on two things, depends on the resoluteness of the palestinian and jordanian people to pursue and to and to and to let the the the police know that if they come over to the crowd they'll be welcomed. but if they don't come over to the crowd there will be a price to pay, it's a balance and we see this playing out time after time after time in history, it's a moment of great fear for i think for people in washington, for people in london, you for the governments, they will be looking at this and thinking, will the whole place follow a man and follow follow yemen, and israel's already contained its northern
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border, um, and now now you know on on on the border with jordan the... a real fantastic ferment, i think it's glorious, it's it's the possibility of victory for the palestinians, if this can spread, and and you know it will also influence the behavior of governments in in washington and elsewhere to put more pressure on israel for sease spire, because they need to be afraid, and what's happening a man makes them afraid, because you know at the end of the day there are 7 million uh, probably only six million jewish z. in israel surrounded by two 300 million arabs and other people in the region, when that sleeping giant awakes, israel's finished, and and and this is what's at stake i think it's a... and and it's it's a great example of how the balance of power can change when when people begin to move in their huge numbers, military resistance in in in lebanon, mass political
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resistance in the streets of a man, resistance from yemen, this, this looks very dangerous for israel even as it continues its fantastic mass executions of palestinians. right, back to mr. bethlam, sir, do you agree with mr. here that uh uh the uh the nexus of uh of all the uh the resistance and uh the demonstrations, the popular demonstrations, mass demonstrations that we're seeing out on the streets, this all um adds to being a very dangerous situation for the israeli regime. indeed, mean the israeli government, which is the most fascist, most right-wing government ever in the history. of this regime, which has always of course right-wing, but this is the craziest regime they have, and the fact
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that even they are alienating some of their allies, including even the united states is starting to get impatient with israel, israeli policies in gaza, so i i totally agree with mr. napier from edinburgh about this. situation, i would only add that the us itself is a pickle in in trouble, because the us has been the they sponsor, the partner with israeli crimes and they've lost all credibility, the us itself has lost credibility among its own allies like the european unions because they insist on continuing this genocide. and on this silly notion that they want to end the resistance, well if you want to end the resistance, a way to end the resistance is to give the palestinians a human rights, even if you
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miraculously eliminate hamas and islamic jihad, which you are not going to be able to, but if even miraculously you do that, you will have 10 other organizations of resistance that are even more more strident and stronger than islamic jihad in hammas, because the longer this genocide, the longer this 75, 76 years of of oppression continues, the more the resistance gets stronger, this is what needs to get into the brains of policy makers in washington and in tel aviv, they cannot kill the resistance, it's as simple as that, they either give us our rights as... or we will continue to resist until we extract our rights and we will extract them one way or the other they have to understand that and the people in jordan
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that you are showing on the screen and the people around the world in barcelona, spain everywhere, madrid in paris, in london, hundreds of thousands of people, new york and washington, in tehran in in yemen. in everywhere in the world people understand this, it's just that these governments controlled by the lobbies of special interest and the benefit to particular individuals like netanyahu, political career if you want, and biden looking for elections and trump looking for you zionist money support in the elections, they are they... are going to go in the dust spin of history. all right, thanks gentlemen, that's all the time we have uh for this segment to the program, palestinian scientist joining us from
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bethlehem, and thanks to co-founder of the scottish palestine solidarity campaign, mr. mick nape here, joining us from edinburg. with that brings us to an end here on this edition of the news review, but stick around, there's plenty more to come here on press tv. it's a good way to see how poor people uh in poor countries or even in our own countries live. fasting basically heightens your awareness of your surroundings and everything
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and it brings back the reasons for doing dua, for reading quran, when the sun sets, uh, it's a fantastic feeling of achievement.
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when palestinian journalist shirin abu agile was killed by niswedy sniper on may 11, 2022, the israelis meant to get across a clear message, that they don't want any narrative other than their own and the decades old occupation of palestinian lands and their aggression. it wasn't the first time israeli
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sought to put a... gag on the alternative narrative and every time it has failed. watch the history of the israeli measures and palestinian counter measures in this documentary.
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not facing a us v to this time, the un security council finally called for immediate seaspire in the gaza strip which has so far fallen on televize deaf ears. israel definally in says it will perform an operational arafa where a million and a half palestinians have taken shelter. this is faced global criticism and stern warnings even from israel's closest ally, the us. now meantime truth negotiations are still on.