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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 27, 2024 5:30pm-6:03pm IRST

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of headlines, this hour: nearly 80 palestinians are killed on the 173rd day of this. a holocaust in the gaza strip. the root cause of all insecurities in the west asia region, that is how iran's president racey describes the tel aviv regime in his meeting with a visiting hamas leader. and more countries stop weapon sales to the israel regime over his genocidal war on gaza. this time ukmps urged the government not to let iof kill more palestinians using british made arms.
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5:30 p.m. in iran's capital tehran, this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. nearly of six months into the israeli genocide in gaza, the regime continues with this bombing and shelling campaign, causing more deaths and destruction across the besieg territory. israeli war planes have targeted three residential buildings in the vicinity of alshifa hospital in northern gaza. regime forces also set palestinian homes on fire in the area. according to the israeli military, of its forces continued to lay siege to the hospital where over two dozen paramedics are still inside in the catastrophic condition. in al-shajaiah, one of the largest neighborhoods in gaza, the regime's troopers killed eight civilians. meanwile the death though from overnight strikes on rafa climbed to 11, elsewhere two people were killed in the israely shelling of area near the barage refugee camp in central gaza. "the overall
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death toll from the israelite onslot since early october is nearly 32,500, mostly women and children. our corresponder muti abusaba joined us earlier from the central gaza city of derrubala to update us on the situation in the bessieg territory. it doesn't look like in we..." have that prepared, we'll make sure we play for you maybe a little later on in this bulletin. with you one special reporter on the occupied palestinian territory says israel is committing unprecedented war crimes in gaza. francesca albanese says israel has destroyed gaza by its relentless attacks since the beginning of the war in october. she added that tel aviv's actions can only be interpreted as intention to systematically destroy the palestinians as a group. she emphasized that israel tries to destroy everything in gaza, which is known as genocide. abbanese pointed out that the
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zionist regime stated goal was to destroy hamas, but his actions have led to the death of a large number of civilians. she urged the world to confront the regime's brutality and to make it adhere to international law. palestinians hold a funeral for three youths murdered by israely occupation forces. they were targeted in a drone attack in the city of jane emit intensified rates on the occupied west bank. early we were joined by our correspondent in ramalandial. who gave us more details a 19 year old palestinian was shot and killed by the israeli forces during a military raid to janin a city now we are speaking about two more palestinians had been killed but this time they were killed by an israeli a drone strike israeli military carried out done strike at an area in the neighborhood of a damage in the refugee camp
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of genine, killing two more palestinians and wonding at least nine others, those two palestinians who had been killed, one of them is from the city of nablelis and the second is from gen refugee camp and they were killed in this joine strike, this brings the number of the palestinians who were killed by the israeli forces in genen since the early hours of wednesday to three we have. to mention that the israeli forces had also stormed the town of qabati in jimin, exchange of fire has been carried out between palestinian members of the resistance groups and the israeli forces, the israeli troops as usual they used their guns to shoot the palestinians, at least five palestinians had been wonded according to paramedecs, this means that the number of palestinians has been killed since
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the 7th of october is today over 450, maybe of specifically 453 palestinians in addition to the fact that thousand had been wounded by the israeli forces over 7 and 7,800 palestinians had been arrested across the occupied west bank since the 7th of october. in a fresh retaliatory attack, the lebanese resistance movement hisbollah has fired a sava of missiles of israeli city of kiriyamona in the occupied territories. home was damaged and two settlers were wounded in the strikes. plum of black smoke was seen rising over the targeted strike or sight. the attack followed an israeli raid a medical facility in southern lebanon. israely warplanes targeted emergency and islamic relief center in the town of habaria killing several paramedics. hezbollah had condemned
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the act of aggression and vout to avenge the attack. tensions remain high between hezbollah and israel since the regime launched his genocidal war in gaza early october. both sides have been exchanging fire but is has intensified its attacks on civilians in lebanon in recent weeks. the correspondents mariam salus says the israel regime plans to evacuate settlers from the city of kiriot shamona, which has been the latest target of the lebanese hezbollah resistance movements in his retaliatory attacks. we know from israeli media that the rockets hit their target. we're talking about some 30 catusha rockets that landed. in what the israel is called the city of kuriatishmona, which is very large area, big portions of it has already been evacuated by the israeli authorities, now we know that the rest will also be evacuated, seemingly, after this targeting, the israelis said that there
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is at least one factory that was inflames, there was one settler that was killed so far, others that were... really severely wounded um even those uh firefighters and the paramedics trying to get still people from that factory that were stranded inside um they were also wounded as a result of trying to extinguish the fires and remove the uh those the settlers inside the the factory we know that there are still rescue efforts as we speak in the city of kat chamuna right now addition to the the fact that hazbullah also said they targeted the barax which is the command center for the 769th division which is also very significant. now you notice that the israeli media and has is completely blocked out from any sort of casualties when it comes to the military. iran's president
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has labeled the israeli regime as an anti-peace entity and the root cause of all insecurities in the region. we described the unfolding massacers in gaza as the biggest war crime and genocide in the history committed with the support of the us. ye added that those crimes have laid bear the true face of the west, especially that of the us. the iranian president reaffirmed tehran's determination to continue defending the rights of palestinians and their cause. he added, the issue of palestine has now gone far beyond the islamic world thanks to the allox of flood operation. risy made the remarks during a meeting with the visiting head of the hamas political.
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calling the trend totally unacceptable 130 mps and the house of lords members is... should a letter to the british foreign secretary david cameron. the letter urges cameron to immediately halt selling weapons to the israeli regime. it also says israel is using uk made weapons against palestinians in gaza. the letter also notes that london suspended arm sales to israel during the two previous wars on gaza. global pressure has been rising on governments providing israel with weapons. canada, denmark and italy have already suspended their arms exports to the israeli regime, and a court in the netherlands has ruled the government to do the same. in our news review program, today we discuss the growing anger in jordan, where people are demanding the authorities to cut all kinds of relations with the israeli regime over the gaza genocide. we're watching
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press tv's news review where we look deeper into some of the top stories of the day. on this segment of the program, thousands of jordanians have once. and filled the streets the capital amon to vent their anger at the us-israeli genocide against palestinians in the gaza strip. شعب الاردن كله معاك شعب الاردن كله معاك شعب الاردن كله معاكل عز الدين تحيه الكتل عز الدين حمساويه كل الاردن حمساويه وكل الاردن حمزاويه كل الاردن حمزاويه والعدوان على غزه. aggression against gaza, we have been here in the courtyards of alkalitimosk in order to send message to the palestinian
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resistance that we are with you, and all the jordanian people are with you, and from here i appeal to the jordanian people who are sitting at home for everyone to go out to the streets, what are you waiting for, we must make our voice heard, there is no need for all this attack by security forces, we have one enemy, here there is land for the occupier, israeli embassy and we are here to demonstrate against this land. this was the second night of island protests in aman with people demanding the government sever all kinds of ties with the israeli regime and stop the country being a transit for goods into israeli occupied territories. they were chanting slogans in support of the palestinian resistance movement and its military wing algasan brigades. security forces use batons and tear gas to disperse. demonstrators who tried to reach the israeli embassy on tuesday evening and during the
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early hours of wednesday. security forces also arrested number of demonstrators including at least one uh female jordan, which host 2.4 million. palestinian refugees has witnessed several rallies in solidarity with gazen since israel launched its war on the besieg strip. the country has also been actively involved in air dropping humanitarian aid into gaza. joining us on this edition of the news review, we have palestinian scientist and joining us from bethlehem, also co-founder of the scottish palestine solidarity campaign, mr. mcnape here is joining us from edinburgh, gentlemen, welcome to the program, let's start off with mr. rumsia and bethlehem, i want to get your perspective on these uh massive and serious demonstrations that are taking place uh in jordan, the demonstrators and protest protesters who... participating uh in these uh rallies which have been ongoing since the
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israelies uh started this genocidal war against the palestinians has been persistent not just in jordan but in many other arab governments as well uh please break that down for us and the impact that that has had uh globally and also um given the support that the jordanians are showing for the palestinian cause and the anger that they're showing against the israelis why are we not seeing action from the jordanian government, well to start with, i can say, salute to the jordanians, palestinians in jordan and internationals in jordans who flooded the street, streets of jordan demonstrating against this genocide that's ongoing, equal side that's ongoing etc. and demanding that their government takes good. position, so i salute them, i respect them, and as palestinians here in the occupied
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territories, we are very grateful to them, for the jordanian government, i say shame on you that you are repressing your own people, from demonstrating, from showing what international law expects from the jordanian government and people, which is to stop this genocide. mr. napir, i want to get your... perspective on the same issue as well about these uh demonstrations that are taking place uh in jordan and also if you may expand on these unprecedented pro-palestinian and anti-israeli demonstrations uh public demonstrations that we've been seeing worldwide. i mean it's very clear from everybody who measures it that uh israel and this european and american allies are very very isolated. in terms of the whole world uh the vote at the unsc was just one stark
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example of that, even the british government felt compelled to vote um against israel, but within those government within those countries those governments also are very isolated from their own populations and we can see this across the usa and across britain and europe as well, but jordan's very special, to see those vast crowds. on the streets of a man, i think in washington they'll be looking at this and getting very worried, they're already worried that the the genocide in gaza is like an acid eating away. at the at this at the status quo that are in millions and millions of homes across the region people can see palestinians being killed only because they are palestinians and zionists are already selling the the the the the the land in gaza as real estate and to other settlers so people can see that the
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their brothers and sisters but in jordan it's their cousins and their relatives who are being massacred. in gaza and in the west bank only because they are arabs and and the the jordanian regime of course has been complicit in design his project since 1948, but certainly until the present day. now what happens next? i think everything now hangs on the next few days, because people who know about these things describe how in this situation where the popular forces are being repressed by the by by by the paramilitary police, everything depends upon the determination and the resoluteness of the of the of the demonstrating in order to break the will of the repressive forces. all right, thanks gentlemen, that's all the time we have uh for this segment to the program, palestinian scientist andsia joining us from
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bethlehem, and thanks to co-founder of the scottish palestine solidarity campaign, mr. mick napier joining. is from edinburrow, but that brings us to an end here on this edition the news review, but stick around, there's plenty more to come here on press tv. more than 100 thousand iranians have attended a huge religious ceremony at azadi stadium on tuesday. participants marked the birth anniversary of the second imam of shia muslims (imam hasan) may peace be upon him, and showed their undwavering support for the palesty. ans in the gaza strip. farazona ashuron has more. this is iran's largest football stadium where over 100 thousand iranians gathered on tuesday to celebrate the birthday of the second imam of shia muslims imam hassan. peace be upon him. during the
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ceremony, iranians were seen holding flags and reciting the holy quran. palestine as the most important issue of the muslim world was at the center of the religious event. people are holding the palestinian flag saying they want to share the reward of the ceremony with the palestinian people. the situation of the palestinian people is unpleasant for every muslim and i want to share this moment with palestinians and pray for them. i want the whole world. to know that we have not forgotten the palestinian people and we will always support them. the ceremony had a special guest the leader of the palestinian islamic jihad movement iranians on wavering support for palestine. palestinians hearts are always with the people of iran. the holy
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quran always unites us. i assure you that palestine will live on. iran will live on, the palestinian people will continue their resistance. today iranians once again express their solidarity with palestinians and condemn the israeli atrocities in the beseest gaza street in one of the largest events in the country. they emphasized that the palestinian cause is a central issue for all muslims and will not be forgotten until the liberation of palestine. position of extensive sanctions against iran, the country has managed to emerge as a global powerhouse when it comes to knowledge-based companies. science and technology parks play a key role in complementing iran's knowledge-based production ecosystem. fatima masomi has the details. one of the main goals of
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knowledge-based pharmaceuticals is a formulation of herbal medicines using modern pharmaceutical. science in order to achieve high quality and effectiveness, also taking advantage of the wide range of medicinal plants in the country, these companies seek to help improve public health. in this regard, so far, various medicinal products in the forms, syrups, ointments, gels, capsules and shampoos and also medicines for treatment of numerous diseases are produced and supply to pharmacies all over the country. it is worth mentioning these products. were once all imported from other countries. this company is specialized in extraction, purification, formulation and production of herbal medicines. and as knowledge based company, it has done the formulation of more than 20 of herbal medicines and has supplied 14 in the country pharmaceutical market. some
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these medicines and some of our activities have led to the achievement of various honors and awards such as recobisol, which is available in forms of shampoo ointment and gel. "the idea of innovation is created before a knowledge-based company established, then the entrepreneur develops innovative idea into a unique prototype. finally, the manufacturer rolls out the product a small or large scale. we as knowledge-based and technological company, with great investment and serious focus on innovation, are pursuing the production of high quality products, having a central laboratory and standards, we have paved the way. for relevant search areas, one of the foremost innovations is antibacterial and nanostationary, including the smart ink, which has been recognized and
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registered internationally. ordinary ink may go bad in high or low temperatures, but smart ink undergoes little change and maintains its properties in different temperatures. knowledge-based, innovative and nanotechnology driven organizations utilize all available potentials. in order to contribute to the sustainable development of the entrepreneurship ecosystem in the country, some manufacturers aim at boosting a national success by getting connected to international supply and distribution chains and improving their professionalcy in the field of research and development. also, with massive exports to develop countries, these groups can help iran economic growth. innovation, knowledge and entrepreneurship are different parts. the development phases of science and technology parks. there are over 7,00 knowledge-based companies in iran which provide services and products to domestic industries. many are active in
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biotech, computer software, agriculture, food production, chemical tech, steel and gas industries, toys and so much more. fatih massumi, reporting for press tv, tehran. and with that we come to an end for this additional world news. thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now. the dispute between iran and kuwait over the rsh gas field grabs the headlines from time to time. but what's the whole story about? is just another tension underway in west asia?
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what's the significance of rash gas field? what is kuwait's position? what is tehran's position? why is saudi arabia engage in dispute out of the blue? and has there been an attempt to reach deal? these and on this edition of iran today.
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bismillahirrahmanirrahim. وسعته فاي فاعبدوا كل نفسي.
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in 1964, every swiss woman of childring potential would give birth to almost three children. what happened to the traditional family? se fate figli però non rompete le scatole, datori di lavoro, non lavorate. c'è il messaggio per intanto attuale questo. e
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quindi questo è venuto. dopo che lei ha detto praticamente, in un secondo tempo sono anche arrivati problemi finanziari e quindi quando tu hai dei problemi finanziari comincia a pensare a tutt'altro che magari mettere su una famiglia. in takino, households are spread out over a large area. 37.9% are single people, 24.7% are couples without children, and only 27.3% are couples. with children.
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as hundreds of people have morning.
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the voice of the voiceless press tv.
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our ash located in in the north of the persian gulf in boschher province is gas and oil field jointly owned by iran and kuwait. over the past 60 years, both countries have acknowledged each other's rights to a share the significant resources in the field. surprisingly enough, the supreme council of the persian gulf cooperation council has recently issued a statement claiming that only kuwait and saudi arabia have sovereign rights over the field, raising tehran eyer. the islamic republic of iran has reiterated that it cannot stand any violation of its national sovereignty and territorial integrity. it's just another tension underway in west asia. what's the significance of orash gas and oil field? what is