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tv   Documentary Rodion 1  PRESSTV  March 28, 2024 8:02pm-8:31pm IRST

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вот а по звонил в 7:00 - нет в 7:00 наверное да а вроде как будто номер был что-то прошляпила это самое где на работе а ты на работете толка а понятно на работе да просто там заходил вообще налите там девчонки спят сейчас вот на лестницу курить понятно вот и прощу.
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сколько времени кевал месяц месяц да. как бы смотрел разные вещи, мне почему-то очень хотелось туда поехать, сейчас очень много ночи, очень красиво, везде разные цвета, сейчас твоё мировозрение изменилось, да ты чувствуешь, что у тебе изменилось,
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it's not like everything changes for you all of sudden, moscow is still the same city i know and love. it's people haven't changed and i still have many fond memories of this city. i was born and raised in moscow. but my family is originally from vladimir, a smaller city nearby. i spent all my childhood here, my identity was formed here.
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в твоей семье и наши семьи тоже вбивают такие вещи и э, например, как - тётя, угу, у меня тоже много, угу, вот да, я помню, и нет, ты меня слушаешь, ты не реально начинал, что не знаешь, я слышу, да, у моей тети тоже. вот и
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вообще, знаешь, самом деле, ты не должен переживать, ты не должен себя показать славе, ты не должен себя показать славу.
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ну вчера мы просто говорили и ну она не сказала мне что она простора. at first, i would think about how to prepare my mom to come to grips with my new way of life, but contrary to my expectations, things are different now. it's now me who needs to be prepared to deal with her new condition. i
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study linguistics and literature at the people's friendship university of russia. i love. my major, the people i've met at this university have become my best friends and have changed the course of my life, but these days i don't feel like attending my classes.
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yanna is a specialized children's nurse. in other words, her job involves helping sick children recover, comforting them, and providing them with post-surgery care. i guess her job is another reason for her kindness and patience. yanna is the kind of person who inspires people to love everything and everyone around them.
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when yanna's home, she constantly keeps herself busy and her presence is strongly felt. it's hard to be at home when she's not there. before setting off for this journey, she was worried whether i'd return or not. now i'm back, but she's not.
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ну спасибо, ты меня любишь, да, всё равно любишь меня? ну в общем, короче, это главное, что мне, что тебе хорошо и мне хорошо, да, вернёшься, уедешь, оттуда и ну конечно вернусь, мама, ты что, вернусь, как максэн, теперь у меня два сыночка, ты и макссен, мы тебе угоняем, я ему сказала, никакого общежития у нас всё, и даже, а он встал огнял,
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about iran through my iranian friends at my university, they say that learning new language is like discovering new world. at first, i became familiar with arabic, farcy was next, and so i found this new world. i've been following iran for the past few years, it's been my dream to visit this country for a while, now i'm finally here alone. and mohsen's family is hosting me. mohsen and his
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brother are my best friends back in moscow. when they learned about my love for iran, they did all they could to make the journey possible. here, i realized that mansen and his family are not an exception. i found the iranian nation to have the same characteristics. that they have, my main destination though is not tehran. after few days in the capital city, i'll start my main journey. i've anticipated this journey for so long. back in moscow, when i was studying at an armenian high school, i learned to play. an armenian instrument called the balabon or the duduk. i had always wanted to own one of
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them, but after a while i couldn't get hold of my music teacher, nor could i actually find the instrument in moscow. i had heard that huge population of armenians live in iran, so i figured i might be able to find the instrument there. come to think of it, i'd love to learn how to play iranian instruments like the santuur as well. this one and another one. you put this one in your mouth, this is iranian olavan yes.
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there are certainly some difficulties and obstacles on my new path, but i feel my real freedom will only expand. what i found in this path is new definition of the concept of freedom. freedom to me is the liberty of having your own choice. that's what i found in islam. "i know that people will look at me differently upon my return to russia, but
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that's not important. i want people to see me and reconsider what they've been fed about islam through the mainstream media. i'd love to show them what i've witnessed for myself. as i got closer to the main leg of my journey, but..." both passion and stress consumed me. for a long time, i'd read and researched about this new thing that was finally going to happen. now i wanted to take my final steps towards it with peace. and tranquility. in the final days of my stay in tehran and before departing for mashad, i went to see a prominent cleric along with mohsen's brother ali. this cleric's sermons are widely popular among the youth. خیلی
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خوشحال هستم که دارم با یک شخصیت آزاد که به بزرگترین شخصیت تاریخی ما مسلمان ها علاقه مند شده از نزدیک گفتگو می کنن داستان این آشناییشون با امام حسین علیه السلام رو آشناییشون با اسلام رو برای ما توضیح بدن یا تو که знала о суннитах, но в то время я уже хотел уже принимать ислам, но - потом одно время немножко забыл об этом, но когда увидел по телевизору, аэ трансляцию ашуры, не ашуры из разных стран, мне стал очень интересный,
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именно шиитский, с этого момента я начал - смотреть в интернете. я стал больше читать про него и как-то даже не то, что я прочитал, а то, что я почувствовал, как будто бы, он очень близкий для меня, а... что в моём сердце, ну он тоже как-то присутствует, уже после этого я больше захотел принимать ислам, аэ для меня больше стало, большое желание появилось, من فکر می
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کنم روزی امام حسین علیه السلام قلب final step as soon as possible. you can't accept or choose something without being passionate about it. had i not experienced the love of the house of prophet muhammad, islam wouldn't have become important for me and i wouldn't have tried to get to know it. now i'm going to the shrine of a person who i
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knew before choosing islam, and whose love had already found its way into my heart. each step for me was like getting closer to the dearest person i've ever known. this was very strange feeling for me. it's impossible to explain it. it was like meeting someone who's closer to me than my mother. this is the final destination of my trip and it's the ultimate purpose of the journey i started few years ago. in those moments i wanted to have
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all the people i love by my side, especially my mother. i could feel my heart getting bigger and bigger. right then in there, i asked imam reza to make it easier for my mom to accept my choice. i was thinking that i was going to have a hard time making my family. and my mother understand my new life. in iran, i was asked lot about my family's reaction to my conversion. i thought about it over and over. how would i tell them about my conversion? but what happened that day was totally unexpected. my mom herself called me a few moments after my conversion and congratulated me. it was like a miracle. my
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mom had called me from the hospital, but didn't know that. my mom could have fallen sick. at another point in my life, but i can't say how i would have reacted to it had it not happened right now. now i'm sure that everything is being supervised from another place. maybe this is all a way to help me understand how much i've changed from within. this is much harder than having to struggle to make my family come to terms with my new way of life. now there's no struggle, but...
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años ajá.
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ramadan is a special time for britain's 3 million muslims. the fasting hours are long, up to 20 hours a day, but the physical and spiritual rewards are worth it. ramadan has been a fantastic time uh, in sense, in the sense that it's about spiritually connecting with the law of the heavens and the earth and detoxing your bodies. ramadan is the month of... prayer in the quran when muslims do their best to cultivate willpower, discipline and self-restraint, but ramadan isn't just about self-sacrifice, it's about sharing food with your family and friends, it's about
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increasing solidarity with fellow muslims, and it's about showcasing the beauty of islam to the non-muslim majority living in the uk. being involved in a community helped me to understand the muslim community even more and to be able to share that with my... my community back in the states.
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for muslims across the world, aid alfitter, which marks one month of obedience to god in the holy. the passing month of ramadan is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud for their servitude to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their differences and hostilities and forge astronger unity. different cities and
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villages in iran have their own traditions for ramadan which date back to centuries. get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press tv. bismillahirrahman.
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first to be headlines in leader stresses that this really massacers in gaza shows his failure in spite of all the western military and financial support. they clashes are underway in the vicinity of the alshufa hospital as the us is really genocide brings the death doll in gaza to more than 32,500. and dozens of protesters enter the department of business and trade in london to call on the british government to...