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tv   The Conversation The Ditch Investigative Journalists  PRESSTV  March 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:17pm IRST

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some people in his constituency, you know, there's one guy actually uh called us up and he said it was the best thing ever happened to west me, he's like, you know, i mean, you know, like quite regularly, we'll do story about you know state body or a public figure, and you'll get few calls afterwards or few messages, but like robert troy and nile collins actually as well, you know, the nile collins one as well, was funny where... you now, mean the first story um or sorry, it wasn't the first story, there was another story about um, a property deal, um, that was an anonymous email you know from someone who had been trying their best to have this story told you know by anyone you know and people didn't want to know about it you know and like look i'll try to be as objective as possible about it like you know even just like we publish those stories actually funny enough i think the doll wasn't sitting either that time you know so... again no one
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anything write about um became the biggest you know for the at least a week you know was the biggest story in the country like you know so like if the mainstream press could even just see that that like you know there's an appetite for this kind of stuff and that you know people want to read this kind of stuff like but they kind of find it hard to kind of get there like you they're almost going there but not moving i wonder why now you you've been very vocal online uh oli about the the the the growth of the the right in ireland um do you want to tell me a bit about that? yeah, certainly see, it's something that's certainly been building and building over the last number of years, you know, while, while ireland doesn't have a, you know, there isn't a significant far right presence in the doll, and there isn't a significant, you know, there is... powerful
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far right party that has gained any kind of electoral success. now there are people like my graw from tiperary who will go around saying that ireland's being colonized, you having very little to say about the continuing colonization up north, he's very perturbed about what he considers a colonization of people seeking refuge in the country, you know, um, but yeah, while there isn't that kind of electory successful fire right, you know, for years, there has been a relatively... well-organized fire right community around the country, now you lot of these guys are fairly sensitive about being called firnow stuff and the boys would talk about like there were scenes down in ross cray, uh property that was going to be used to house refugees, people were busting you know like middle aged men and women, we we've all seen the footage, these guys you know screaming at women and children, supposedly they were very worried about um on you
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so-called unvatted military age males, whereas h we have women and children, guys screaming out of mother ass and you have all these guys going like oh well suppose this makes me far right now and it's like yeah you might be you might be if you're going to ross cray in the middle of the week to scream at women and children you know you're still tuned into the conversation your weekly alternative probe of political events and current affairs around ireland i'm joined by our special guest on mcneal polil and roman shorttoll from the ditch, i'm actually just have to remember you that norm mcdonald clip where you talk to stepen merchant he was england's not doing too well right now um but um ireland's not doing well it's it's um you know like i would say it's never really you know people like andany and finale would have said that we made a great recovery after the post um after the 2008 crash i would say we didn't the austerity program which was um an
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ideological wealth transfer in that you know 2011-ish to 2014ish um that kind of you know um restructured irish society in certain ways you know the covid-19 pandemic you know hasn't been hasn't been great for the country people are you know like you don't need to be genius to see like there's a cost of living crisis there's a housing crisis you know like we's having a great time and against this, against the backdrop of all this, you know, ireland down south, you like, we're we're projected to have a budget surplus of 25 billion next year, now, aside from the fact it drives me mad this, this obsession with like running a country like it's a company, it's not, like you, like we don't have to have a surplus first of all, and second of all, spend the money, you know, like go and spend it, but finagale, final fall. green
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coalition won't spend that money you know and this is why is that though and your ice what why do you think i'm not spending that money? i think it's um first of all i think it's ideological, i think um, nigel lawson, who was the was the father of nigella lawson, he was a close advisor to margaret thatcher, in in his diaries he would have said, about the mass privatization programs in britain during the 80s, um, he says himself, that like privatizing rail networks and national utilities, it wasn't about you know what would bring best value for money or what would work best, he says specifically, it's an ideological thing, so i think that that is a play there where you know i don't, i don't think are ruling class parties have any real commitment to you know programs like um, truly free education, truly free healthcare,
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um, actual measures that will you bring down the cost of housing, you know, like let's be real about it as well, like i mean, finna galfall. green party, they their primary constituency are property owners, that's a problem. i also think you know to go to go back to ross cray, which was yeah, site of these of these protests and it was announced this week that like there there's a guy down there uh local fenofall td jackie kahal and he was you know very pleased to announce that government was you know it was this um the refugees that were to be housed in ross cray, i believe it was hotel, wasn't it? like jackie karl has announced that there's a disused hotel in ross cray, because you know the people who were involved in the protest were saying that you know the town needs a hotel etc etc. and um jackie halus come out
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now and says this other disuse hotel, the state is going to buy it and make a community hotel, you know, and like... thing that i like you know one of the i'm going to out myself here like but like one of the most you know um personally inspiring kind of uh revolutions for me was you know when fidel castro roll up into havana and basically said see all these hotels that are owned by us capital and the mafia like we're taking them now they're ours like you know it was just like to be blunt about it it was just unreal like and that's what castle and the boys did like that was for the good of the revolution whereas you've guys like jackie cattle and ross crego and oh well the far ride one to hotel so we're going to do this now you know just just to just to give um just to give viewers like an idea of what jackie kall uh
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looks like he's like if you've ever seen the wire he's like the the big bald guy in the wire you know that's the sort of character so you can you can just imagine them negotiating the purchase of this community. hotel to kind of keep all these headbangers sweet, but it just goes to show that government, repeatedly make these concessions to the right and the far right, whatever you want to call them, in ways that they don't make concessions to the left, mean one of the biggest protests of my life was held in dublin last saturday was a pro palestine march and it hasn't you know like tens of like if you want to give the the irish times figure on it, tens of thousands other people were... claiming you know good deal more than that, but it hasn't, it hasn't resulted in in any meaningful shift and government policy. media is similar in that as well, that where you have these flare-ups of relatively well organized far right, and what do they do, they get their far right whisperer, mr. john maggurk from gript, guy
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who's like, mean, what was it, not month or two ago, this is guy, he's the editor of gripped, he's you know deeply cynical man, "um, guy who had a like for anyone else, it would be career ending mistake where there was a stabbing um in north dublin a number of months ago, and the the man who committed or well, the man who allegedly committed the crime is an immigrant, and john mcgrk decided to publish this big exclusive about this man's um, his history with immigration sir." " services you know made a big splass with it like in a week that he been you know he's been invited to all the mainstream you know all the mainstream channels going you tell us about the far right john like you're not a member yourself but you know about them right like this kind of shit like you don't exist but he had a complete like yeah for anyone
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else it would be career ender you know he had the wrong guy like you and and and the guy he didn't name the guy but the guy was readily identifiable his name was being shared on twitter he had have guard of protection because of what john mcgur published, you know, but the media still will go like, oh, let's, that's isn't to john murk about what the far rider thinking, and in ways that... "they don't really, you no, irish media, there's a certain deference to the far right in ways that you know, no one's asking what the far left or the hard left or thinking, you know, but we do kind of make those concessions to the far right, like as well, the threat that these guys have posed as they've kind of been building up momentum has been kind of uh understated and not recognized by the kind of politicians and the media at every step, the official..." policy of drew harris uh the guarda commissioner and the minister for justice allen macinty was
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that we need to give these guys a light touch because somehow would be playing into their hands by arresting them and prosecuting them um and so in the absence of the state taking action against them they've just been able to kind of metastasize into this really really dangerous force that's going around burning down accomodation for uh asylum seekers and refugees all the while um the media has um, you know, minimized, try to minimize what's happening, um, people like mick clifford who wrote a piece saying, it's basically no far right in ireland, right? um, or then when they do acknowledge that these guys, um, that these guys are a problem, they have to equivocate so they say, there's a threat from far right, and of course the far left as well, you know, paul murphy will from time to time go on panel show to talk about the far right, and he speaks extremely well on the issue, but almost without fail, you know, people say, well, didn't... to sit around john berton's car, you know, even though he went to a trial and was found innocent by uh,
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a jury of his pears, right? yeah, i, i don't know, it's it's just that every turn the the state has and and the media have minimized it, you know, listen lads, it's great to have you up in belfast, we're going to do now is, we're going to leave the studio and and uh, work on our plans over the next coming month, and uh, yeah, i'm looking forward to it, so... on, pauly, roman, thank you for coming to the show, thank you very much, and that does it for another week, we'd love for you to join the conversation by sharing the link to today's program to help us grow our audience across all our social media platforms, and once again like to thank our special guests, on mcneal, paulie doyle and roman shorthall from the ditch. in the meantime, the conversation will be back next week with more investigations and analysis. i'm sean murray. bye for now.
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abu hussein iraq shabaniah during saddam hussein's regime by abu hussein. كان اللي ما يروح يلتحق بالجيش لو يقانه لو يقتلوه. يعني ايران بالنسبه لنا كشيعه وعايشين برا بالخارج يعني تحس اكو فرد اتصال روحي بينك وبين هالبلد هذا يعني لانه شيعه وبيها الامام الرضا سلام الله عليه see the story of a man who is
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recounting the tales from the recent past. the israeli aggression against the people of palestine has a long and tumultuous history.