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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 30, 2024 8:30am-9:03am IRST

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israeli forces kill scores are palestinians and it strikes across gaza as death tool from regime's campaign of genocide exceeds 32,600. a new report says the biden administration quietly authorized a transfer of billions of dollars in bombs and fighter jets to israel in recent days and the islamic resistance in iraq targets an israeli military site in occupied goal and heights in support of the palestinian people of gaza.
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hello everyone, it's 7ven in the bessieg gaza strip, you're watching press tv, world news, our top story, the death tool in gaza continues, amount amed unrelenting israeli bombing. the northern gaza city has been the focus of the latest air strikes with at least 17 people killed in two attacks targeting a shujaya suburb and among those killed were 10 policemen. tasks was securing the delivery of aid to displace palestinians. elsewhere in gaza city at least 20 civilians were killed including women and children and attacks a vehicle and a residential building near alschifa hospital as a result of almost six months of us really genocide in gaza, over
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32,600 people have been killed and another 75,000 others injured. i got a correspondent earlier from the central city of deer abalah for an update. the israel equivation forces are still attacking the ashhifa medical complex and the surrounding areas with more air strikes and attacks inflicting more destruction and death in those areas, the israeli war planes intensify their attacks against the western parts of gaz city, particularly neighborhood, whereas over the last couple of hours there is really warblanes targeted club, claiming the lives of at least 17 palestinian civilians, including police members and officers, they were uh responsible for securing and organizing the delivery of the humanitarian aid to the people in... does city at least 40
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palestinan civilians were reportedly killed over the continuous and the incessent israeli attacks and the relentless israel strikes and the artillery shilling that was uh intensified against a zitoon neighborhood over the last couple of hours on the other hand the palestinan resistance announced that they have targeted several israeli tanks in the surrounding areas of the ashifa medical complex. we are talking about roughly six consecutive months and the palestinan resistance is still able to fight back clear the eastern. parts of alb fuji camp uh fierce of clash is errupted between the palestinian resistance and the israeli incubation forces when the israeli occupation forces attempted to move forward in the eastern part of alb refugee camp at 21 out of 24 residental towers were flattened by the israeli continuous air strikes against alamal town which is located in the northern part of anosarati fuji camp medical charity. pardon,
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president of the international medical charity doctors without border says there's been no change on the ground in gaza despite a recent un security council resolution calling for the media sees far and flow of aid. we haven't seen any change after this of resolution on the ground, we haven't seen any impact in the people's lives there every day, we haven't seen any impact in our ways of delivering the humanitarian aid. "the situation remains the same and our asks remain the same, and these are the sustained, immediate cease fire, we want to stop being attacked in our medical facilities, we want to stop being attacked with our medical staff, we have to protect the people that the provide the medical health care in in in the gazan population, and we would like to have an unhindered humanitarian aid delivery in.
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gas at this moment, which is not the case at all. we try also to meet a primary health needs of the population, and i will give you an example that really shocked the international community when... they saw that the pregnant women that they have to undergo a cesarian section, they had to be literally kicked out of the hospital after a couple of hours because there were no beds. now msf has increased the capacity of beds in order to offer at least some quality of care to these women. the international court of justice on thursday issued in order for israel to take all the necessary and effective measures and ensure basic food supplies are: in gaza without delay. let's watch and listen to reactions from some palestinians in the war ravage strip on this latest icj ruling. humanitarian conditions are measurable. we want solution, we need a solution. the aid
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that goes to northern gaza does not reach the needy ones, while the aid that arrives in the southern gaza is being sold in the markets in retail or wholesale. will israel abide by the ruling, israel considers itself to be above the law, humanitarian conditions in gaza are not hidden, it is very miserable, prices are very high and there is no monitoring of prices, businessmen put the prices the order came very late, the var has been ongoing for about six months and now the international court of
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justice has found out that the people are on the verge of starvation. what we care about is implementing this order, but is there anyone to pressure israel implement it? i don't think so. limited access to clean water amid unrelenting israely bombardment poses serious risk for gausians, now some displaced palestinians explain the suffering and how they are struggling with access to drinkable water. there is no fresh water in this school that shelters refugees, that's why we come here to feel water. it comes only half an hour a day, water in the school. is undrinkable, it's salty, what can we do? we have to walk 1 km to get water, people are suffering because of lack of water, considering it salty too, we feel water in gallons instead of water tanks, it is really suffering when it comes to obtaining fresh water, we have to queue for everything, we
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walk for an hour in total, sometimes we return empty-handed without water, ramadan, we are in the month of ramadan and we are struggling to get water to our homes, it is difficult and we are suffering from great deal of hardship, we don't even have food to give us the energy to go collect the water, let alone the innocent children, women and the elderly, our problem with water has been a serious problem since the war began, not just today, we are suffering lot from water, because all pipes and pumps stopped working since the beginning of the war. now the us has in recent days quietly authorized a transfer billions of dollars in bombs and fighter jets to israel. us officials say new arms packages include over 1800 bombs. now these are 2ous pound devices that can demolish entire city blocks and are almost never used in populated areas. israel however uses them extensively in gaza. last week, the us state department also authorized transfer
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of 25 f-35 fighter jets and engines to israel. earlier report said us had quietly made more than 100 weapon sales to israel since the onslot. on gaza began back on the 7th of october, arm supplies go against the us call for immediate gaza ceasefire. islamic resistance in iraq says this targeted military site and syria's occupied goal and heights in retaliation for israel's ongoing onside on gaza. the resistance group said drone attack is in response to massacres committed by israel against the palestinians. including the women, the children and the elderly. in recent months of islamic resistance in iraq has carried out series of attacks against israely positions, to also hit us military bases in iraq and neighboring syria in retaliation for washington's support for israel's campaign of genocide. thousands
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of jordanians of march on the israeli embassy in the capital omand for a sixth consecutive night in solidary. with palestinians. protests were slammed israeli crimes, especially attacks on hospitals, they wave palestinian and jordanian flags and confront and jordan's unpopular peace treaty with israel, they also urged their authorities to expel the israeli ambassador from aman, demonstrators voice support for palestinian resistance groups and people in gaza. we will not let down the people in... gaza on palestine, this nation will always be beside palestine and will always have its voice high
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to defend the palestinian case and support our people in gaza to defend the resistance which defends our right in palestine. jordanian security forces have in recent days broken up several such demonstrations with tear gas and made several arrests uh jordan which hostts over 2.4 million palestinian refugees has witnessed numerous. pro-palestine rally since israel launches onslot on gaza back early october. me while tens of thousands of yemenes once again take to the streets to the capital sana and several other cities to reaffirm the full support for palestinians of gaza. press tv correspondent abdullatif alwashali has more. on the third of friday of ramed. and tens of thousands of yemanies felt the streets of sana and several other cities, renewing their unwavering support for palestinians, some
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held banners that read, we are entering the 10th year and the palestinian cause remains our priority. we're entering the 10th year of resistance against an allowed war on the yemani people. we are here today to show our continuous support for the palestinians in gaza and across the occupied territories. that possess enormous military capabilities failed to support the palestinians in gaza and even conspired with the israeli regime against them, the war striking yemenis came out to support their oppressed brothers. they left the world in o with the united front and assuring popularity in the region. protesters chanted slogans vowing to retaliate against the us on the uk air strikes on the yemini cities. they also pledged escalate their naval operations as long as the israeli unslot. inians and the aggression against yemen continue, yemen is also slamped the united nations security council for its
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failure to put in to the israeli atrocities in palestine despite its recent seas fire resolution. we consider the security council complicated in the ongoing genocide against palestinians in gaza, the united states manipulates the security council and the united nations based its interests. that is why the us used its b of power three. times to prevent a seasfiring gaza, but besides that, the security council resolutions are ineffective ending the israeli atrocities against palestinians in gaza. the problem is not with the security council or the united nations, but with the united states, which has the power to control and manipulate these international organizations. there are many binding decisions that have not been implemented because washington uses this power against the weak and oppressed people the world. it is necessary to find effective mechanism for the security council, because there are many countries that are yarning to
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be liberated from the western hegemony. the events that the world is witnessing in some african countries are a clear proof for this desire for change. on thursday, abdul malik al hothi, the leader of the ansarullah movement, criticized the us and the uk for exploiting the humanitarian situation in yemen. he slammed them for threatening to cut the un provided aid to yemenis. in order to stop the country's naval operations. al-huthi asserted that, according to the us officers, the american navy has not faced such humiliation in the international waters since the 19th century. neither the military aggression against yamen know the sessation the supply for humanitarian aid has succeeded in halting yemen's naval operations. further more, officials state that the ongoing western aggression only serves to motivate the yemani army to continue enhancing its capabilities. reporting for presaviab. the french firm has just been accused of
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providing arms components to israel which is being used against civilians in gaza. nearly a ton of parts needed for use and israeli and nato machine guns were apparently shipped back in october and what left is french parliamentarians have termed as a massive scandal. rami mahari reports out of paris. a new report from a french investigative website alleges that franc is supplying arms components for use by the israeli army in gaza. nearly a ton of parts for machine guns was sent in october to israel by a french firm whose parts have already been discovered in syria, somalia and elsewhere. the parts are for the type of weapon which has been used by israel in many of their recent massacres of palestinians. the french government responded that the parts are being used by israel only for use in arms manufacturing for foreign customers, but many find that explanation hard to believe.
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opposition lawmakers have called it a massive scandal and accused the defense minister of. before parliament, france claims that the only weapons authorized for export to israel are for purely defensive purposes, but activists say there is lack of transparency in the arms export information which the government declassifies and an overall lack of honesty. explanations of the french government are a joke and in very bad taste, how on? can we possibly believe that machine guns are a defensive weapon? however, this is very much in keeping with the national policy, which is total collaboration with and cover for the regime of israel. spain, the netherlands, japan and canada have recently banned all arms exports to israel, and pressure is mounting for all western nations
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to follow suit. multiple top ngos say that france is violating international treaties. has signed by continuing to supply military equipment to israel, even though it seems clear that these arms are being used to commit genocide, crimes against humanity and other war crimes. the complicity of france with the israeli genocidal regime is continuing, even despite the emotion and the anger generated by the mass murder of tens of thousands of people in gaza. we shouldn't be fooled when paris rarely... and only rarely modifies its tone slightly towards tel aviv, because its actions are 99% against the palestinians. the french arms dealers, eurolinks, who since 1950 have supplied the french army with weapons parts for use in places like algeria, vietnam and elsewhere, is expected to come under massive local
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protests in the coming weeks. ramin masahari, press tv, paris. pakistan. has hosted a conference dubbed the freedom of palestine in the capital islamabad with the insolidarity with oppressed gosons. participants have called on international organizations to bring about immediate cease fire in the besieg territory. nasir kosmi has your details. in a fervent display of solidarity with the oppressed people of gaza. a high profile event duped palestine freedom conference was convened. in the capital islamabad political leaders, scholars and representatives from various advocacy institutions gathered at the conference to condemn the ongoing israeli atrocities in gaza and to advocate for the rights of palestinians. the united nation role is getting more and more important, but we see that united nation is going on on the agenda
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of israel and the agenda of america, they are not doing their good efforts to stop this war, beside uh stopping the war, they are provoking the war, they are supporting the war. united nation should take important steps to stop this war. the event was aimed implifying voices against the relentless israeli attack. son unarmed civilians in gaza, scholars and experts also slamed global powers for their role in perpetuating the ongoing genocide and supporting the israeli regime. we are not expecting much from the united nations, more than 300 innocent men, women and children have been killed, but the un has no courage to stop israel from doing
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these inhuman action gaza. muslim leaders have taken no effective step for sease fire in the besieg territory. the gathering denounced israel's military aggression against gaza and emphasized the importance of upholding the international humanitarian law. there is a joint venture of western powers, nato and our other allies, they are supporting israel, they are part of this all aggression and inhuman acts of israel, that is the reason, unfortunately the muslim world and the leaders of the muslim world the... are unable to do some solid work to relieve the pain and the sufferings of palestinians. the conference underscored the urgent need for international intervention to halt what. it described as the bloodshed in gaza. it also called for practical and immediate steps to alleviate the sufferings of the war striken palestinians. participants in the
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palestine freedom conference pleged to continue their efforts for the people in the gaza strape they evolve to mobilize the support for the implementation of the un resolution that called for immediate cease fire in the territory. nasir kazmi. press tv islamabad. iranian foreign minister hussen amir abdullah hans made a visit to turkman capital ashqabot in order to boost bilateral ties between the two countries. verzan ashurion has more. iranian foreign minister hussen amir abdullah hian made the visit to the turkiman capital of ashkabad on wednesday in order to boost bilateral ties between the two countries. amir abdullahyan met with turkman president berdi muhammadov, the iranian top diplomat, also met with his turman counterpart rashid maradof. during the
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meeting, both sides expressed satisfaction with the progressing relations between the two countries. the volume of our trade is boosting significantly, and with the agreements we signed today, we expect a jump in our trade. we will also increase our. cooperation in the field of electricity and gas, pursuing the memorandum of understandings assigned by the both countries in 2022 was also one of the main goals of the visit. one of the main goals of the visit was to pave the way for iranian president ibrahim rais's visit to turkmanistan in order to pursue the agreement signed between the two countries. according to iranian officials, the relationship between iran and... is not just a neighborly relationship, but a relationship of brotherhood, and they seek to deepen the ties, as a regional policy is high on the agenda of the iranian president's
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foreign policy. the iranian foreign minister's visit to ashqabad is aimed at consolidating bilateral ties, iran and turkmenistan enjoy good relations as two neighboring countries, and now tehran and nashkabad are planning to further boost their relations in various fields, including trade and economy. that's a wrap for your latest here on press tv everyone, thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now,
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يعني ايران بالنسبه لنا كشيعه وعايشين برا بالخارج يعني تحس اكو فرد اتصال روحي بينك وبين هالبلد هذا يعني لانه شيعه وبيها الامام الرضا سلام الله عليه.
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keeping you up to date with world news every half hour on press tv.
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it's a good way to see how poor people uh in poor countries or even in our own countries live, fasting basically heightens your awareness of your surroundings and everything and it brings back the reasons for doing dua. for reading for on, when the sun sets, uh, it's a fantastic feeling of achievement.
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غادي حوالي بين سبعه.
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the holy city of mashad has long been popular for the presence of the holy shrine of imam raza, peace be upon.