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tv   A Window To Palestine Israel weaponising hunger  PRESSTV  March 30, 2024 10:00am-10:23am IRST

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in ramal, football stadium built by fifa, believe me, daniel, the wall is too close, one meter from the field, i mean it's too close that if the ball is thrown out of the stadium, it hits the wall, do you understand what i'm saying, terrible, terrible, and it surprises me because palestinians have obstacles every day, like the one you describe, i'm surprised by the joy of the palestinian people, the occupation, the israeli science crime has not won the joy of the palestinian people, you must have experienced. the same thing i saw in all the places i visited, the hogs, the coffee, it is wonderful how the palestinian people have joy, i don't, i'm asking you, how do you explain this? well, we need to remember. always mention this point in all my programs, palestine is a land whose people have had to resist throughout more than 7,000 years of history, invasion after invasion, only having 127 years. of peace in its entire history,
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therefore it is imaginable that the palestinians who were there before the first invaders arrived, who will surely be there after the last one's leave or used to it. in these successive blows of life, others who are not from this land argue that the control and possession of this territory is so important for the history of humanity. the palestinian nation has learned to live, to reproduce their existence and to deliver the fruit of their work to the rest of humanity under those conditions. "the last time you lived in palestine was 2015 when this process of increasing pressure on gaza had already begun and the objective was to user gaza at some point and make palestinian people disappear from there. did you have the opportunity to visit gaza? al pueblo palestino de ahí. tuviste oportunidad de visitar gaza? i arrived at the gate of gaza. i had traveled there with my nephew. it was a brutal experience. at that time my nephew was 20." years old and he had to undergo three to
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four hours of interrogation. i walked around, looked at him, he was locked in a table and they kept asking him questions. we rented an israel car. arrived at the gate of gaza, there was an old man at the gate, it was like gate. told them, i come from chile, how can not know gaza? understand me, at least i want to be able to say that i have visited gaza. i said, open the door for me, and i slept my head inside, took look. and left, believe me, daniel, he aimed at me with his gun, he said he wanted to make sure i do not enter gaza, what language did you communicate in spanish? why, where did they come from? an argentinian was talking to me, well i burst out please, it is interesting that those who were born in argentina, their parents were born in argentina, their grandparents were born in argentina, their great great grandparents were born in argentina. a thousand times
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more. what strikes me so many times dear daniel is that how the only country created by the united nations, the only country in the world created by the united nations is the one that is most often violated the international laws. these days you have talked with javier with your son, what does it tell you about the current situation?
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of palestine has to provide jobs for the people. i remember that my son, who is also very fond of soccer, told me that the only possibility for me to return to chile is if they offer me a position in the palestino soccer club. that's because he has strong feelings for palestine, and they did, they offered him, they called him once and offered of him to be the general manager palestino. and he said, no. he said no. con palestina. "i
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know him and the commitment he has towards not only palestine, but also the right of return. this right is a universal inalienable rights, and many have forgotten that it is part of what is being..." discussed today in this genocide, that's because what israel intends to do is to displace 2 million people who have already been proposed a territory other than the original one where they used to live. with peace of mind, they simply say, let them go to congo, let them leave, and the international community has said nothing under these conditions, hasn't javier thought about returning either. is from palestine, daniel, is from palestine, in fact, he's palestinian today, he is there because he wants to make his homeland in palestine, and he's happy in palestine, despite the current conditions and the atrocities, they want their land back, this nation acts quite
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contrary to those who are escaping to their countries of origin today, because they feel insecure in a regime that had promised them security and peace, well, i thank you very. for this conversation, it has been very constructive and hope that we can continue to communicate and talk about palestine, we are imposing gaza, there will be no electricity, no food, no water, no fuel, everything will be closed, we are fighting animals and we are acting accordingly, the fisherman in gaza are experiencing a true and terrible catastrophe in northern and southern areas, fishing has become an impossible activity. we are only allowed to fish within a space of six nautical miles in the western area. we risk our lives to work because israel's naval ships attack us. even when we are within the fishing zones, they monitor us with a special screes. we could be shot, kidnapped or
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injured within five minutes and we can be arrested for up to three or five years. as you can see, there is not a single person in the fishing port. dos videos, uno, we have just watched two videos, one very topical with the israeli war minister talking about a strategy to annihilate the palestinian people in gaza through total blockade, we're cutting off water, electricity, preventing any economic activity, and any entry of humanitarian aid becomes a tool for the objective of exterminating the palestinian people, with the excuse of confronting an alleged armed faction of the palestinian resistance. the other video is a video from 15 of a fisherman who at that time was already denouncing the blockade and the entire policy of preventing economic activity in the territory of gaza in such a way as to deepen the forced dependence of the palestinian economy on the israeli economy, which was effectively ratified by a report
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from the united nations conference on development and trade in 2020, analyzing a period of 11 years. it came to determine that the blockade of israel, similar to what happens with cuba, which is a collective punishment, which is an illegal action in every possible way, one can understand why only when the blockade of cuba is voted in the united nations, the united states and israel are the only countries that support it, and it is for a fundamental reason, it is a tool that they are using in gaza simply to do the same thing they do with cuba, with the palestinian people. how does it work? stifle the economy, prevent the emergence of the historical activities of the palestinian territory, which are ag culture, livestock, fishing, and also small-scale manufacturing, small weaving industries and others, which have been disappearing with a strategy that starts from preventing this country of raw materials, preventing exports, but also separating the palestinians from the territories that are completely isolated and
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impossible to connect with each other in such a way that the scales of production are incompatible with the scale of trade that they themselves possess. according to the united nations, already in 2020, 80% of the palestinian population depended directly or indirectly on foreign aid, humanitarian aid and unemployment had risen to close to 30% in all of palestine and in the case of gaza it was close to 50% with much higher levels in the segment of young people and women. what is the objective of this? not only force displacement, but also the creation of a manipulated market. cheap labor for the israeli economy, which is the main economy where palestinians who do not... have opportunities to develop activities in their own territory have to go to work for paying and receiving poverty wages, hunger wages, really. the israeli minister of tourism declared few weeks ago that the palestinians had three possibilities, either to all leave palestine or to stay and work as slaves or to
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be exterminated. nothing more eloquence and by confession, a relief of evidence. now let's go to the questions from the audience. romero, i am director of the magazine revista the frente and i have been listening very carefully to the program, to everything it tells us, and i wanted to ask you about something that you already mentioned about the palestinian economy, how it is structured, what it's branches are, also if there are linked economic institutions to the palestinian state, if there are banks, etc. and i wanted to ask you how all of this has been affected following what happened in the october of last year and ultimately. the palestinian population, both in gaza and the west bank is currently resisting this entire
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economic attack. thank you so much. thank you to the program too, thank you for being here very much nicholas for your question. welcome with us. indeed, today we are perhaps experiencing the last step, that is, the last chapter, the last link of a policy of economic extermination that has been going on for decades. in fact, the palestinian economy has no right to have currency, it does not have the right to have its own currency, which is already an absolute limit, because it can only operate directly with checks, which is the israeli economy, which generates dependence on the entire monetary policy of the occupying power, or in jordanian money, which also has difficulties circulating. until very recently, there was no palestinian banking, there were some arab banks with israeli permission to... operate in the occupied territories, but today a palestinian bank has began to emerge, but absolutely
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incipient, which still fails to respond even to the credit needs let alone with the leverage needs of the industry or small palestinian commerce. in addition, there are other obstacle such as the fact that all tax collection is done by the occupying power, and the occupying power withholds the money from the palestinians, when it wants and how much it wants, sometimes even affecting the money that has to reach the palestinian local government. which are those directly involved in solving the direct, most pressing and daily problems of palestinian population. they also limit access to those resources, including humanitarian aid, to the central government, to the palestinian national authority. there is a permanent and systematic weakening that has been destroying everything for palestinians. with honorable exceptions, there are some cities that still manage to survive, for example, from tourism, as is the case of the bethlehem conerbation due to the... great tourism activity, especially christian, that comes to the area throughout the year, and especially in
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situations like easter or christmas and other holidays, there's a niche that allows subsistence, but absolutely controlled. a clear example, tour guides have to have permission to operate from israel, and palestinian tour guides do not have permission to enter israel, and therefore anyone who arrives and departs a tourist trip from israel, the israeli tour guide is the one who takes it to all of palestine, not being able to do the same the other way around. there is an indirect control and attempt for absolute subordination of the palestinian economy with these two objectives. there is also attempt to help usurpers finance the regime. this policy in fact reduces the possibility of the israelis losing this captive market of slaves who work for almost nothing, forced by illegal military occupation.
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in some conditions such as in the case of domestic care work, never paying the value of a work that is done every day and that sustains the entire society. in the case of occupied palestine, there is the captive market with low-priced slaves that allow israel to have a competitive industry. this market receives more than $3.8 billion dollars annually from israeli military aid, but it is aid that being military activates the entire economy and therefore we have a an israeli industry that is capable of working with much higher profits than the rest of the
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world, soly and exclusively because it has a forced precariousness of the labor market. its main asset is this captive market for cheap slaves who are in fact the palestinians the occupied territories.
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not all of it is bad news, the absolute complicity and financing that the united states and europe give to israel to commit this brutal genocide. are beginning to be opposed by the people of the world who are rising up in all latitudes to represent not only their discomfort, but also their indignation over this genocide and make an urgent call for a cease fire and to stop this monstrosity of the international community called israel. along with this, numerous union organizations from around the world begin to rise in various ports around the
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world to prevent 90% of the imports that israel receives, which are by sea even managing to stop the import of... weapons during this crisis, notable examples are yemen, which has decided its own risk to prevent the passage of all israeli flagged ships or companies that trade with israel and bring supplies to israel until the blockade of gaza is lifted. 30% of the ships that arrive in israel of this 90% of imports passed through the red sea, and today they are adding incredible amount, not only of additional days to the journey, but also a cost that is undermining not only the... economy, but the economy of all the countries involved. parallel to this, malaysia has also taken measures to boycott israel. the boycott, divest and sanction movement is making a global call not to consume products from companies that directly or indirectly finance this genocide through their businesses. here we have an image of the
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companies that are involved, some notable ones are missing such as starbucks. and therefore we are making a call to the world because we have a fresh image of how the boycott of the africans played a fundamental role in dismantling this black page in the history of humanity. i thank you all for your presence today in this program and thank you dear viewers, don't miss our next episode, thank you very much, i'll see you next time. muchas gracias a todas y todos, nos vemos en el próximo episodio.
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم انا نحن نزلنا الذكر وان. انا له لحافظون، ولقد ارسلنا من قبلك في شيع الاولين، وما ياتيهم من رسول الا كانوا به
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يستهزئون، كذلك نسلكه في قلوب المجرمين، لا ي وقد خلت سنه الاولين ولو فتحنا عليهم بابا من السماء فظلوا فظلوا فيه يعرجون لقالوا انما سكرت اب
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fight against gaza since october 7th, last year. the war, like any other israeli action, has received full support from the united states, but the amount of us support for this particular war has been consequential, and the death and destruction caused by it have been horrendous.