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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 30, 2024 2:30pm-3:03pm IRST

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of من scores and more palestinians were killed in israel's indiscriminate strikes across gaza at the total death tool from regime genocidal war tops 32,700. israely forces carry out fresh raid. across the occupied west bank, leaving teenager dead and several other young palestinians injured. and geordanians gather outside israely embassy in the capal omand for a sixth consecutive night, calling on their government to cancel all treaties with of israel.
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hello everyone, it's 1 p.m. in the besieg gaza strip and you're watching press tv world news. now the israeli militaries launched new aerial and ground attacks on gaza as death tool from nearly six months of onslot continues climbing. israely war planes once again target the central city of d abalah as was the southern city of rafa, civil defense crew. and paramedics are struggling to recover the wounded from bombed out buildings due to lack of equipment. heavy fighting is also underway in the vicinity of al-shifa hospital located in gaza city. according to the gaza health ministry, 82 people have been killed in the last 24 hours, bringing the death tool to over 32,700 now since early october. nearly 75,200 palestinians have also been wounded. most of the casualties have
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been women and children, relatives of the victims of latest israely strikes condemn the regime for its brutal attacks and narrate their heroing stories. they kill women and the elderly, people who are not at fault in this war, they are innocent people, we are talking about children, this is a little girl, what has she done wrong? they were sleep and unaware of anything, mr. kamal was an english teacher, was been a educator his of whole life, they had no hand in anything, but the enemy's planes mercilesly bombed the house, leaving no one alive in the family. the children were asleep, look, he's sleeping like this like he always does, they targeted the house while they were inside, the home houses more than 50 people, four or five families, including mostly children and women, civilian residents, confined to their apartments, rocket was dropped on their forest story building without prior warning or notice, those who died, all of them were children. women and elderly, there is just
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one child, the rest were all infants, one month to four months, this is not a war, this is extermination, trees, animals, houses, universities, schools, children and women are all being exterminated, israely forces press on with the genocidal on gaza leaving more death and destruction, now our correspondent muti abusabe joined us earlier from the central gaza. city of bala to give us the latest on the situation, actually the israel incubation forces continued and maintain their air strikes and attacks against several areas of gaza strip over the last night those attacks were intensified against uh gaza city and as you know that the uh current brutal israeli aggression is still continued against a shif medical complex and the surrounding areas of the complex that were subjected. to of
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heavy bombardments of the israeli air strikes, several and cruel israeli air strikes targeted the residental buildings their a mid heavy gunfire and constant shilling of the israeli tanks. needless to mention the that the eastern parts of the city, particularly as the two neighborhood also also was targeted by constant israeli shilling. when it comes to khanuni syria as you know the current situation is still catastrophic and drful. as the israeli aggression is still maintained against the wisten parts of the city, including the vicinity of the nasa medical complex and the alamal hospital, as uh over the last night the israeli war with the israeli occupation forces continued targeting and blowing up more horizontal squares and building. it is the same policy for the israeli incubation forces to use salvation and famin as a weapon of war against the palestinian people. this means that uh gas city uh and the northern
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part of gaz strip uh is still deprived of having any real access to those basic humanitarian aid and needs the israeli incubation forces are still reveling and installing that delivery of this humanitarian need to those people, knowing that uh sev that 700 thousand palestinan civilians are still trapped in those areas. in addition to that, the israeli incubation forces deliberately and intentionally target the palestinian popular communities and committees that were formed in order to to secure and to organize the process of delivery. those humanitarian aid to the people as you know that yesterday the israel incubation forces committed an appalling massacre after targeting the uh those members in club 17 palestinian civilians including many uh police officers and police members in
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gaza who were uh supposed to protect and to secure those humanitarian aids in order to be delivered to the needy people inside gaz. hamas releases a statement marking march 30th as land day, saying resistance is the only way to liberate palestine. group said establishing a fully sovereign palestinian state without goods as its capital is not the concern of palestinians alone but all islamic nations and free people of the world. it said alaksa flood operation was part of palestinian's journey to defend their land and holy sites. it stressed resistance against occupation will continue until the. legitimate rights of palestinians are restored, the palestinians commemorate land day on annual basis dating back to march 30th of 1976. that was a day when several palestinians were killed during protests against then the israely regime's decision to expropriate large tracks of ancestral
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palestinian land. israely forces carry out fresh raids throughout the occupied west bank overnight leaving teenager de and several other young palestinians injured. the victim identified as 13-year-old matsam nabil abu abid was hit by israely live fire during a military incursion into the town of kabatia near the city of janin. two others injured in that raid with one reported in serious condition. clashes also broke out after palestiny youth resisted israeli raids on the cities of calkilya and ariha and there were similar clashes in the town of bait umar. where a 13-year-old child was injured by shrapnill and dozens of others suffered teer gas inhilation. the palestinians in occupied territories have endured violent israely raids almost a daily basis since onset of the regime's genocidal onslot on gaza. our
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correspondent mon earlier joined us from occupied romala for more details on israel's latest violent raids on several west bank cities and towns. this time before dawn the israeli forces stormed town southern the occupied west bank city of gen and killed 13 year old in wonded at least one other and he's in serious condition before the israeli forces stormed town the undercover units had sneaked into the town of kabat and then when they were discovered israeli forces were sent and they stole the qabatya town two palestinians were arrested father and his son and the israel soldiers stormed number of
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homes there in qabati and caused the severe damage in the properties of these houses, at least two more palestinians were... been during the uh the operation in qabati town elsewhere in the occupied west bank the israeli forces stormed the the town of the town of tubas and during this operation in tabas exchange of fire have taken place as well and israely drone strike has hit a vehicle carrying un peacekeepers outside southern lebanese. bordertown of rames, wounding several of them a lebanese media said three unifill members and a translator were injured in the attack. unififil, a peacekeeping force that helps monitor the border between lebanon and israely occupied territories, gave no immediate comment.
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israely regimes denied that his forces hit any unifill vehicles. israel is carried out number of air strikes and shelling against lebanon since october the 7th, which has caused civilian casualties as well. and november unifel said that one of his patrols was hit by israely gunfire in southern lebanon. unifel last month also said that israely military violated international law by fatally shooting a group of... clearly identifiable journalists, lebanon's hezbillah resistance movement and this really regime's military have once again exchanged fire in areas along the southern lebanese border. earlier, our beirot correspondent madiams joined us with the details. but that is only just one part of course of the continuous israeli shelling and aggressions against lebanon, which have escalated in the last few days and weeks. as well uh today we had several attacks whether from the air force and air strikes or artillery uh again several
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towns just recently there was an air shelling against mars and yaron. there were also three different um air strikes against the town of al taibe that targeted agricultural fields and that's is just also part of the systematic destruction of lebanon's agricultural fields. there was also lot of artillery fire uh from the... area towards farkila and the surrounding towns like khiam and al-wazani as well, we also had other attacks against malkia and bleeda in addition to the attacks. hisbullah has of course been adamant attempting to limit the scope of the confrontation as a whole. we even saw that yesterday they targeted the 91st division with the use of burcon rockets, however they... are using more heavy or heavier rockets or they are increasing the number of
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operations against israelies last night and actually just after midnight there was a movement of israeli soldiers and vehicles in almaliki and they made sure that they targeted that area they said they inflicted heavy losses upon those units um as well and even yesterday when they targeted the 91st division they used heavier rockets like full-up instead of their normal guided missiles morders and so we see that there's an attempt by hazbulah to go back to make sure that they are bringing the israelis back to this limited scope of the confrontation, we know from sources uh that there are western and european sides that are reassuring the the lebanese, the lebanese government after having put so much pressure on the lebanese government to try to stop hazbil's operations, now we see their reassurances that they are trying to limit. uh the israeli escalation and they are trying to put pressure on israel not escalate the
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situation further, abu hussein iraqi, intefada shabaniah during saddam hussein's regime by abu hussein. كان اللي ما يروح يلتحق بالجييش لو يقانه يعني ايران بالنسبه لنا كشيعه عايشين برا بالخارج يعني تحس اكو فرد اتصال روحي بينك وبين هالبلد هذا. see the
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story of a man who is recounting the tales from the recent past. welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv world news. thousands of jordanians have marched to the israely embassy in the capital a man for sex. sixth straight night in solidarity with the palestinian people. protesters are slamed israeli crimes, especially attacks on hospitals, they wave palestinian and geordanian flags and call for an end to jordan's unpopular peace treaty with israel. they also urged the government. to expelled the israeli ambassador, demonstrators voice support for the palestinian resistance groups and the people
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in the gaza strip. we will not let down the people in gaza and palestine, this nation will always be beside palestine and we will always have its voice high to defend the palestinian case and support our people in gaza, to defend the resistance which defends our right in palestine. gordinian uh security forces have in recent days broken up several such demonstrations with tier gas, they made arrest and they've left several people injured. jordan, which chose over 2.4 million palestinian. refugees has witnessed numerous pro-palestine rallies since israel launched its onslot on gaza. tens of thousands of yemenes have also taken to the streets to the capital sonna and several other cities to reaffirm their support for oppressed people of palestine. press tv correspondent abdul latif al washali reports. on the 3rd of
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friday. ramadan tens of thousands of yemanies felt the streets of sana and several other cities, renewing their unwavering support for palestinians, some held banners that read, we are entering the 10th year and the palestinian cause remains our priority. we're inring the 10th year our resistance against an allowed war on the yemani people, we are here today to show our continuous support for the palestinians in gaza and across the occupied territories. in the countries that possess enormous military capabilities failed to support the palestinians in gaza and even conspired with the israeli regime against them, the war striking yemenis came out to support their oppressed brothers. they left the world and o with the united front and assuring popularity in the region. protesters chanted slogans vowing to retaliate against
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the us and the uk air strikes on the yemeni cities. they also pledged escalate their naval operations as long as the israeli on slot. palestinians and the aggression against yemen continue. yemen is also slamed the united nations security council for its failure to put into the israely atrocities in palestine despite its recent sees fire resolution. we consider the security council compliced in the ongoing genocide against palestinians in gaza. the united states manipulates the security council and the united nations based its interests. that is why the us used its better. three times to prevent a seasfiring gaza, but besides that the security council resolutions are ineffective ending the israeli atrocities against palestinians in gaza. the problem is not with the security council or the united nations, but with the united states which has the power to control and manipulate these international organizations. there are many
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binding decisions that have not been implemented, because washington uses his power against the weak and oppressed people the... world: it is necessary to find effective mechanism for the security council, because there are many countries that are yarning to be liberated from the western hegemony. the events that the world is witnessing in some african countries are a clear proof for this desire for change. on thursday, abdul malik, the leader of the ansarullah movement, criticized the us and the uk for exploiting the humanitarian situation in yemen. he slamed them for threatening to cut the un provided aid to yemen. in order to stop the country's naval operations.i asserted that, according to the us officers, the american navy has not faced such humiliation in the international waters since the 19th century. neither the military aggression against ya know the situation of the supply for humanitarian aid has succeeded in halting yeman's naval operations. further more, officials state that the ongoing
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western aggression only serves to motivate the yemani army to continue enhancing its capabilities. reporting for. us has in recent days quietly authorized a transfer of billions of dollars in bombs and fighter jets to israel. us officials say new arms package includes over 1800 bombs. now these are 2ous pound of munitions that could demolish entire city blocks and are almost never used in populated areas. the regime in tel aviv though has used them extensively throughout gaza last. the state department also authorized transfer of 25 f35 fighter jets and engines to israel. earlier report said that us had quietly made more than 100 weapon sales to israel since onslot um by the regime on gaza began back on october the 7th. armed supplies go against the us call for gaza seasfire. a french firm has just been accused
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of providing arms components to israel which have been used against the... alians in gaza. nearly a ton of parts needed for use in israelian nato machine guns were apparently shipped back in october, and what left is french parliamentarians are referring to as a massive scandal. has your story. a new report from a french investigative website alleges that france is supplying arms components for use by the israeli army in gaza. nearly a ton of parts for machine. was sent in october to israel by a french firm whose parts have already been discovered in syria, somalia and elsewhere. the parts are for the type of weapon which has been used by israel. in many their recent massacres of palestinians. the french government responded that the parts are being used by israel only for use in arms
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manufacturing for foreign customers, but many find that explanation hard to believe. opposition lawmakers have called it a massive scandal and accused the defense minister of lying before parliament. france claims that the only weapons authorized for export to israel are for purely defensive purposes. but activists say there is lack of transparency in the arms export information which the government declassifies and an overall lack of honesty. these quote unquote explanations the french government are a joke and in very bad taste. how on earth can we possibly believe that machine guns are defensive weapon? however, this is very much in keeping with the... policy which is total collaboration with and cover for the regime of israel. spain, the netherlands, japan and canada have recently banned all arms exports
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to israel, and pressure is mounting for all western nations to follow suit. multiple top ngos say that france is violating international treaties it has signed by continuing to supply military equipment to israel, even though it seems clear that these arms are being. the complicity of france with the israeli genocidal regime is continuing, even despite the emotion and the anger generated by the mass murder of tens of thousands of people in gaza. we shouldn't be fooled when paris rarely, and only rarely, modifies its tone slightly towards tel aviv, because its actions are 99% against. the palestinians, the french arms dealers, eurolinks, who since 1950 have supplied the french army with weapons parts for use in places like algeria, vietnam and elsewhere,
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is expected to come under massive local protests in the coming weeks. ramin mazahari, press tv, paris. the iranian foreign minister hussein amir abdullah handas made a visit to turkman capital ashkobut in order to boost bilateral ties between the two. has your story. iranian foreign minister hosen amir abdullahyan made the visit to the turkiman capital of ashkabad on wednesday in order to boost bilateral tires between the two countries. amir abdullahyan met with turkiment president sardar gorban goliovic berdi muhammadov. the iranian top diplomat also met with his turcaman counterpart rashid meradof. during the meeting, both sides expressed satisfaction with the progressing relations between the two countries. the volume of our trade is boosting
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significantly, and with the agreements we signed today, we expect a jump in our trade. we will also increase our cooperation in the field of electricity and gas. pursuing the memoranda of understandings assigned by the both countries presidents in 2022 was also one of them. one of the main goals of the visit was to pave the way for iranian president ibrahim race is visit to turkmanistan in order to pursue the agreement signed between the two countries. according to iranian officials, the relationship between iran and turkmenistan is not just a neighborly relationship, but a relationship of brotherhood, and they seek to deepen the ties as regional policy is high on the agenda the iranian president's foreign. policy, the iranian foreign ministers visit to ashqabad is aimed at consolidating bilateral ties, iran and turkmenistan enjoy good relations as two neighboring countries, and now tehran and
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ashkabad are planning to further boost their relations in various fields including trade and economy. farsani on press tv, ashkabad, that's the very latest here on pres tv, everyone, thank you for tuning in and goodbye for now. 2014, a small african nation began to rip itself apart, the greay p of death and destruction descended over the muslim community.
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this is sarayavo, a country that shares borders with serbia and croatia and has survived years of genocide. this country has managed to keep islam alive by itself in europe. mjesec ramazan aktivira ovdašnjeg čovjeka na poseban način. ovdašnji čovjek. od
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od davnih vremena u mjesecu ramazanu uči vrlo intenzivno kuran. commemorating ramadan and holding ceremonies to mark has had an important impact on preserving the religious and cultural identity of bozniak muslims over the years.
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حسبنا الله يا محمد رحمه الله حسبنا الله ونعم الوكيل عليهم حكام العرب يا so beautiful, i
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can, i can't wait, right? todos estamos con ustedes, aquí, ahora. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم انا نحن نزلنا الذكر وانا له لحافظون ولقد ارسلنا من قبلك في شيع الاولين وما ياتيهم من رسول رسول الا كانوا به
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يستهزئون، كذلك نسلكه في قلوب المجرمين. يؤمنون به وقد خلت سنه الاولين ولو فتحنا عليهم بابا السماء فظلوا فظلوا فيه يعرجون لقالوا انما
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the holy city of mashad has long been popular for the presence of the holy shrine of imam raza. peace be upon him.