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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  March 30, 2024 10:02pm-10:37pm IRST

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hello and welcome to this uh special segment here, we're very happy to be joined in the of studio by the deputy secretary general of islamic gihad, mr. muhammad al-hindi. um, thank you so much for being with me. you هذا know, in just few days time, the israeli aggression. on the gaza strip will complete a six month mark, what is the resistance assessment of these six months in terms of both gains and losses? first in the beginning of the battle. of
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وانما هي مناطق زراعيه الى حد ما في المنطقه الشرقيه لغزه على امل ان تكون هي مواقع للانطلاق من اجل انهاء المقاومه الان بعد ست شهور we hope that what we're looking at.
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الدبابات لم تغادر محيط غزه وايضا الزوارق الحربيه الاسرائيليه في قطاع غزه وحتى الان هي تدور القتال في كل المواح المواقع تقريبا هي تقول انه انتهينا من غزه وبقي رفح وتهدد نتنياهو كل يوم يهدد بس سياح رفح وهو يعرف ان رفح ليس فيها شيء ولو دخلت القواته الى رفح لن يكون هناك اي تغيير حقيقه في الامر وكما قلت لك الروح الذي يقاتل بها الشباب هؤلاء الشجعان هي الاساس هي التي توقع الخسائر هم يمتلكون سلاح بسيط سلاح مثلا الاربجهات سلاح بعض المتفجرات سلاح. قناصات وهو سلاح خفيف في معظمه مصنع داخل قطاع غزه المحاصره منذ سنوات طويله ولكن الروح اليد التي تحمل السلاح الايمان هو الذي ينتصر في قطاع غزه ولذلك نحن نقول لهم بعد ست شهور المقاومه بخير ومستعده للقتال لفتره طويله بنفس
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هذه الوتيره وربما افضل وكل ما ترتكبه اسرائيل من تدمير هو جرائم ضد المدنيين وليس هناك انتصار في مواجهه حقيقيه، نحن نرى الصور التي يبثها الجيش الاسرائيلي، هي صور عباره عن تمثيليات ومسرحيات لمناطق اصلا ليس فيها قتال، يدخل جيش وهو يجري ويطلق النار على الجدران، وليس على اي اهداف واضحه لذلك نحن نمتلك حتى الان الشعب الفلسطيني رغم هذه الجراح الكبيره، الوجع الكبير في قطاع غزه، هذا الدمار الكبير للمباني، وللمستشفيات، ولابار المياه ولطاقه ال لكل شيء والمدارس والجامعات اسرائيل لا ترتكب الا جرائم في قطاع غزه ليس هناك اي نصر حقيقي في مواجهه عسكريه المقاتلون يقاتلون وهم بهذا السلاح الخفيف ولكن بالايمان القوي وهم يتعرضون
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ذلك وهم مستمرون ولديهم الاراده للاستمرار في هذه الظروف الصعبه للقتال. and they see that the palestinians and their people in gazaka are ready to continue to bear the circumstances and in light of these circumstances and the destruction and everything that they are witnessing they're still able to continue with their fight and ready sacrifice and continue and be steadfast in their resistance struggle against this enemy. well next friday is international quds day which was declared of course by the late founder of iran's islamic revolution imam komaini. how do palestinians view this day and how has this day help to keep alive the issue of al quds in the minds and the hearts
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the world muslims? this reflects the extent of understanding of imam khumaini of the palestinian cause, the
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the plight of the palestinian people and the circumstances and the need for the fact that there needs to be a day to commemorate to keep this issue well alive in the hearts of minds of the palesty. he, this also reflected that he was able to read into what is happening today in the future.
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the surah al isra and the promise that was the divine promise by god almighty that was given to the faithful those who will liberate and will fight for the sake of alqs and the holy sites. not only on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan and the holy month of ramadan and but every single day they renew this pledge and ready to fight for the sake of al-quds. بدون شك هذا صراع طويل وهو صراع ليس مقتصر على الشعب الفلسطيني وانما هو صراع كل الامه. of
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course this is not a conflict that is limited to the people of palestine. this is for the entire muslim nation and this is a long conflict that will continue. من اوجدها المستعمر لسهوله السيطره على الامه الاسلاميه لكن تاريخنا الاسلامي. for example, cutting the borders and so on, these are only borders that were done by the west, this is not part the muslim world or the arab world in our history, we never had any boundaries, there were no divisions and rifts among us and and such light, so therefore this is strange to our nature وعندما نحتفل بيوم القدس العالمي نتذكر دائما الامه الواحده واهميه ال indivisible and we are there to fight
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we know that we are one nation, we are and be together united as one single nation. we of course pray for the mercy and the soul of imam khaunded this very blessed and significant day. the anniversary of the 1948 is coming in about a month and a half and today some are likening what is happening in gaza to that painful catastrophe? how do you expect the commemoration of the naakba day to be this year? and what lessons and insights did palestinians draw from it to...
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slogans that this liberal and so on and the social uh slogans that they held and the banners from this arab world it all fell it all proved to be mistaken proved to be wrong and it did not fulfill the... وقدم تضحيات كبيره ولم يهزم في ال 67 ونحن لدينا هذا التاريخ الان نقراه كيف قاتل في القدس عبد القادر الحسيني وحتى نفذ السلاح برضه القسام كيف قاتل ثوره ال 36 انا اريد ان اوضح مساله كيف شعب فلسطين في ثوره ال36
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تصور يعني في ثوره ال36 لوحدها. 10% of the males of the population gave their life and were there in this battle in 1936 for the sake of this is concerning based on the statistics and
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is very similar to what happened in the catastrophe in 1948, a big a portion of the arab states are conspiring just like they conspired back in 1948, they are conspiring today against the people of gaza and trying
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to go against the resistance inside gaza, and it is of course gaza that is paying the price of this inability and the fact that they are conspiring. what leaks about behind the scene meetings and negotiation regarding the future of gaza are increasingly coming to light, sometimes involving the rule of the
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palestinian authority. are the presence of arab or foreign peace force? says, what do you know about these non-public discussions and what is your vision for the future of gaza that meet your demands and demands of the people? first of all, i want to say that there are similar objectives for israel and the united states administration. and these objectives include that they want to weaken, they want
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to end the resistance in gaza and weaken the resistance and the palestinian people in palestinian cause. one of these differences is how they're going to deal with tactically, how they going to deal with the future of gaza and the
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situation gaza after a war. the israel is telling the netanyahu that if you do not give your vision of what you see gaza is like in the day after the war then there is no way that we can achieve any of the objectives in that you had put forth in the beginning. but this is deception since netanyahu does have vision and he is actually implementing it on the ground right now على الارض هو يقسم غزه الى منطقتين بشارع.
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using the us arms to target gaza and the civilian infrastructure, 75% of residential areas and buildings have been destroyed, he's destroying houses, he destroying hospitals and schools and so on. well, هذه يعني وصفه للتهجير من اجل تهجير اهل غزه حتى يعني يسهل.
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السياده الاسرائيليه. تدير الوضع وفق السياده الاسرائيليه او تحت this objective failed, netanyahu clearly failed in this last month we saw how these tribes and the leaders of those families, they came out to protest and say that they
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are with the resistance and they're not ready sacrifice this and they will continue to be backing the resistance in this war and not accept this israeli governance and he has failed in this, since those tribes, those families, they are the resistance, members of the resistance are the members of these tribes, they are from these families and these tribes and this this failure has led the us administration to go to the other alternative which is to bring in the palestinian authority to try to put it in control in gaza.
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even the biden administration is not talking about the abu mazen government or authority, they're talking about new authority that would take control of gaza. حتى نظهر وحده الشعب الفلسطيني رغم الخلافات مع السلطه التقينا كفصائل مع بما فيها فتح في موسكو واصدرنا بيان ليقطع الطريق على محاولات الاداره الامريكيه ل يعني وضع الصدع داخل البيت الفلسطيني to refuse this we have met with other palestinian factions including moscow and order to say and tell the you administration that we refuse that it put it put its blueprints on this issue and not to interfere in the control of our lands and our
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country. it just in in brief the day after in gaza will definitely be a day of palestinian. and these conspiracies will be buried forever. we've heard also about some positive vibes in cease fire negotiations and prisoner exchanges, especially with three countries, that is the us, egypt and qatar, working at high levels to broker deal. however, all efforts and of talks have remained deadlock without any tangible results, what's the explanation for this?
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يعني كل ما يقال في الاعلام عن تقدم المفاوضات او هناك اجواء ايجابيه انا اعتقد انه نوع من الخداع والتضليل everything that is being said in the media about the fact that there is positivity in the talks and these negotiations, i believe that this is all part.
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and to the war and that the displaced people have the right to return to their hometowns and their areas in gaza. and also a full withdrawal of the israeli forces from the gaza strip. تماما وهي تريد الاسرائيل والاداره الامريكيه تعمل عكسها وهي تريد فقط. all is the israelies are working on the opposite level on contrary to all of these objectives and these goals and israel and we know from the and also the united states as well they only have one objective which is to retrieve the israeli prisoners with the least cost possible في اطار باريس الاولاني نتكلم عن صفقه
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تبادل تشمل كل هذه القضايا وامام تعنت الحكومه الصهيونيه عاد الحديث عن تقسيم هذه ال التبادل تقسيم الى مراحل في المرحله الاولى المقاومه وافقت ان يكون هناك انسحاب جزئي من المناطق الكثافه السكانيه وايضا يكون تهدئه ولكن في المرحله الثانيه التي فيها تبادل جنود ان يكون هناك we saw we said that there would be an exchange, we agreed that there would be some sort of a framework in paris and that there would be an exchange which would be based on several phases, the israelis continue to be stubborn and refuse many of the issues and therefore we could not reach the full agreement, so we decided that there would be more than one phase of the prisoner swap, and we started with the first phase, but we could
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not go to the next phase. هناك ممااطله من جانب الحكومه الصهيونيه مماطله وكسب وقت واستعداد لاستمرار العدوان are procrastinating, they are attempting to make use of their time. هناك اجماع تقريبا في مجلس الحرب الصهيوني وفي الحكومه المصغره اجمع على مواصله العدوان. الشارع الاسرائيلي ايضا هناك نسبه لا تقل عن 75% مع مواصله العدوان وحتى الذين تظاهرون في الشوارع من اجل استعاره الاسرى وعمليه التبادل هم يعني يريدون استعاره ابنائهم ثم مواصله العدوان وليس هم ضد الحرب او معظمهم ليس ضد استمرار الحرب. the israeli
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street is also uh 75% of the israelis are also with the continuation of the war and even those who are protesting for a prisoner swap and so on there and not against the war, they want to retrieve the prisoners but they want the war to re continue right after a prisoner swap and retrieving of the prisoners, we cannot give our cards for free these negotiations, in order for us to reach a prisoner swap, this needs to be done by ending the war, there needs to be a price, which is basically the ending of the war, stopping halt of the hostilities completely,
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and then we can play this card and... there the mediators, you spoke about the mediators, they have no role, actually the main negotiations are taking place between the united states administration and the israeli regime? well, the final question here, i want to look at your assessment of this global movement that is taking place uh throughout the world and the negative israeli perspective that is growing globally, and also... reality that despite everything that the israeli regime has done, they have not been able to be successful over the resistance, they have not been able to defeat the resistance. your comments,
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اللي ارتكبت جرائم لم تحدث على مدار الوقت يعني او لم يشاهد العالم لها مثيلا على مدار الوقت. وهي تبث بالصوت والصوره على مدى 24 ساعه في وسائل الاعلام.
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this is a shame for israel and the united states and israel which had played the role the victim and had confiscated. and the world conscience has avoken, it is quite a live, you could see, especially since these brutal crimes are being committed, have been committed for the last six months and not only a day or two or week or two. هناك حريه فرديه في الغرب من الطبيعي ان يتحرك الضمير الانساني امام هذه المناظر عندما يموت الاطفال جوعا مثلا من الطبيعي ان يتحرك الضمير
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الانساني اذا كان يشعر الفرد بحريته if there is individual freedom in the western world there is that freedom so therefore they are able to express this and they can see the... images of for example the children dying of starvation and so therefore this would move their conscience and definitely this has awoken the world conscience and people have moved and shown their refusal of this brutalityات اي تحرك شعبي ولذلك لا نرى في كثير من العواصم العربيه اي تحركات لها قيمه لانه هناك دكتاتوريات تقمع الصوت الحر. in with however in areas where there is dictatorships, for example you have, you see no protests, they have uh prohibited their people to launch any protest to express themselves freely, and this is why we've seen in mostly the arab regimes that are dictators, we...