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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 31, 2024 12:30am-1:03am IRST

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the headlines on press tv scores more palestinians are killed in israel and discriminate strikes across gaza. the leader of the palestine islamic jahad movement hales iran's all out support for the palestinian people in the gaza strip and made intensifying israely genocide against the civilian population living there. and thousands of protest as rally in central london to stam israel's ongoing massacre of palestinians in the gaza strip and call for a cease fire there. hello everyone, you're
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of watching press tv live from the studios in tehran, thank you for joining us. now the israely military has launched new areal and ground attacks on gaza as death toll from the nearly six months of onslaught on the besieg strip keeps climbing. now israely war planes have once again targeted the central city of deira balah as well as rafah in this. south, civil defense crew and paramedics are struggling to recover the wounded from bombed out buildings due to lack of equipment. heavy fighting is also on the way in the vicinity of al-shifa hospital located in gaza city. according to the gaza health ministry, 82 people were killed in the last 24 hours, bringing the death toll to more than 32,700 since early october. nearly 75,200 palestinians have also been. most of the
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casualties are women and children. the relatives of the victims of the latest israely strikes condemn the regime for its brutal attacks and narrate the harrowing stories. let's take a listen. they kill women and the elderly, people are not at fault in this war. they are innocent people. we are talking about children. this is a little girl. what has she done wrong? they were sleep and unaware of anything. mr. kamal was an english teacher was been an educator his whole life. they had no hand in anything, but the enemy's planes mercilesly bombed the house, leaving no one alive in the family. the children were asleep. look, he's sleeping like this, like he always does. they targeted the house while they were inside. the home houses more than 50 people, four or five families, including mostly children and women, civilian residents, confined to their apartments. a rocket was dropped on theirf.
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those who died, all of them were children, women and elderly, there is just one child, the rest were all infants, one month to four months, this is not a war, this is extermination, trees, animals, houses, universities, schools, children and women are all being exterminated, the secretary general of palestin islamic jihad. movement has hailed iran's support for palestinians in the gaza strip. the islamic republic of iran has paid the price of supporting palestine with sanctions because of its position regarding the palestinian defense and resistance and its support for the palestinian people and its rights. but in recent years what has distinguished the position of the islamic republic is its constant support of the palestinian people and it would have not been easy for the palestinian people to have this blessed steadfastness in the battle of alaks of flood without the iranian continuous. and
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clear support which has been constant in recent years in the political, military and security fields. nahali noted that evon has always sided with with justice and defended the palestinian nation since the victory of the 1979 islamic revolution. nahal made the comments after meeting iranian foreign minister hussen amir abdullahyan in tehran. the two sides discussed the latest developments in gaza and the ongoing israeli unslaughts against civilians in the palestinian territory. the palestinian official had previously held talks with senior iranian officials. we were earlier. joined by our correspondent in tehran gisu misha ahmadi who said that the visit by the top palestinian resistance figures signifies the importance they attached to ivan and his support for the palestinian cause. at the timing is really important uh ismail hania
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and zad naleb both came to iran after the un resolution was passed uh well of course because the us abstained from the vote so um having them in tehran after that un resolution and the fact that qatari officials are still trying to mediate and uh find come up with sease fire agreement. this means that there are some very important developments that are going on. of course meetings uh with the foreign minister was behind cl closed doors, both the meeting with ismail hania and the one today with ziad alkhale, we're both behind closed doors so we don't know exactly what the developments are, but when the press conference after that... meeting, both of them, both ismail hania and today, they thanked iran and they thanked the nation, the people of iran for their support for palestinians, for the unrelentless support for palestinians, and of course they did mention that iran is a good friend by the
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side of palestinian groups, so this not only highlights iran's role as an important player in the uh political equations of the region, but it also shows the solidarity between... the resistance groups in the different factions of the resistance groups. in london, people have once again hit the streets to slam israel's atrocities in gaza and call for immediate halt to his genocidal onslaught against palestinians. the protest has slamed the uk government's support for israel and call for arms export to tel aviv to be immediately stopped. the participants marched from russell square to trafalvo square. the protest also coincided. with the palestine land day, which marks the massacer of palestinians protesting against israel's confiscation of their land in 1976. the uk has been witnessing regular nationwide pro-palestine demonstrations since early october. in one such rally, hundreds of brits
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shut down arms factories across england and scotland to condemn the country's complicity, a complicity in the israeli genocide against palestinians. our correspondent amina taylor was earlier on the ground reporting on what the protesters are demanding. here's what our reporter and one of the protesters told us. there are so many different aspects of british parliamentarians that are been asking for not just the ceasefire here in in more than you know words and empty records, but actually an end to the fact that we are. this genocidal regime, but there is a fight back, there is an absolute fight back here, let me bring in a friend to the program, producer and broadcaster uh sakina datu, and i'm just going to get her perspective on how those pro-genocidal campaigners, those
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pro-genocidal politicians who supported this uh ethnic cleansing, how they will be impacted at the poll, sakina, people have been very clear about this message, have they not? absolutely, and i think there is such a renewed energy, you can see here, people have come up with one message that first of all, they feel like all the processions that have been coming out too, has made a difference in the sense that the british government voted for a cease fire for the first time, and they feel like this pressure now can be utilized to go further, and without a fail every person we've spoken to has made it very clear that at the polls, this is their aim and this is what they are raising awareness for, you can't that there are some political parties also who are present here who've got their own stores and are mobilizing people and the message is very clear, i think that for any of those politicians who support zionism, who are not speaking out for palestine, there is going to be huge punishment at the polls. the
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deputy secretary general of palestinian islamic jihad movement has said that israel and the us have failed to achieve any of their goals and their onslot on gaza. an exclusive interview with press tv, muhammad al hindi noted that washington and tel aviv were after weakening the resistance. he said the israel regime has been using american weapons to destroy gaza's infrastructure to... forcibly displaced palestinians from their homes. the top islamic jahad official said that israel seeks to divide gaza into two parts and give the control of the strip to another group other than hamas or the palestinian liberation organization. al hindus rest that they after the end of the israeli onslaught, gaza will be under the full control of palestinians. the french firm has just been accused of providing arms components for israel which are being used against civilians in gaza. nearly a ton of
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parts needed for use in israely and nato machine guns were apparently shipped in october in what left this french parliamentarians have turned a massive scandal. romy reports from paris. a new report from a french investigative website alleges that france is supplying arms components for use by the israeli. army in gaza. nearly a ton of parts for machine guns was sent in october to israel by a french firm whose parts have already been discovered in syria, somalia and elsewhere. the parts are for the type of weapon which has been used by israel in many of their recent massacres of palestinians. the french government responded that the parts are being used by israel only for use in arms manufacturing for foreign customers, but many find that explanation hard to believe. opposition lawmakers have called it a massive
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scandal and accused the defense minister of lying before parliament. france claims that the only weapons authorized for export to israel are for purely defensive purposes, but activists say there is lack of transparency in the arms export information which the government declassified and an overall lack of honesty. these quote unquote explanations the french government are a joke and in very bad taste, how on earth can we possibly believe that machine guns are a defensive weapon? however, this is very much in keeping with the national policy, which is total collaboration with and cover for the regime of israel. spain, the netherlands, japan and canada have recently banned all arms exports to israel and... is mounting for all western nations to follow suit. multiple top ngos say
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that france is violating international treaties it has signed by continuing to supply military equipment to israel, even though it seems clear that these arms are being used to commit genocide, crimes against humanity and other war crimes. france, the complicity of france with the israeli genocidal regime is continuing even desp. the emotion and the anger generated by the mass murder of tens of thousands of people in gaza. we shouldn't be fooled when paris rarely and only rarely modifies its tone slightly towards tel aviv, because its actions are 99% against the palestinians. the french arms dealers, eurolinks, who since 1950 have supplied the french army with weapons parts for use in places like algeria, vietnam and elsewhere, is expected to come. under massive local protests in the coming weeks. ramen mazahari, press tv, paris. abu
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hussein, iraq. intefada shaabaniya during saddam hussein's regime by abu hussein. قدام كان اللي ما يروح يلتحق بالجيش لو يقص ذانه لو يقتلوه يعني ايران بالنسبه لنا كشيعه وعايشين برا بالخارج يعني تحس اكو فرد اتصال روحي بينك وبين هالبلد هذا يعني لانه شيعه وبيها الامام الرضا سلام الله عليه see the story of a man who is recounting the tales from the recent
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past. welcome back. the united states has greenlighted the transfer of billions of dollars in arms and bombs to israel. this comes as the white house publicly expresses concerns about the long threatened. israeli invasion of gaza's southern city of rafah and the rising civilian casualties in the gaza strip. we discussed the issue in our news review program. let's take a listen to what our guests had to say. it's time now for the news are this bulletin. the us has in recent days quietly authorized the transfer of billions of dollars in bombs and fighter jets to israel. us officials say the new arms package include more than 1800 bombs. these
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are two thousand pound devices that can demolish entire city blocks and are almost never used in populated areas. israel however has used them extensively in gaza. last week, the state department also authorized the transfer of 25 f-35 fighter jets and engines to israel. early reports that the us had quietly made more than 100 weapon sales to israel since the onslot on gaza began on october 7. the arm supplies go against the us call for ceasefire in gaza. let's bring in larry johnson, former cia analyst from brandington and over in florida, and we also have daniel kavalick joining us, he's a human rights lawyer who joins us from pittsburg, pa. welcome to you both, um if i me first start with you uh over in florida uh larry johnson, i'm taking a look at these 20 uh pound bombs, these are the mark bombs 82 and 84, yeah and uh just by the sounds of the
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weight of it uh it sounds pretty scary but they have been used in the gaza strip uh tell us why "this is something that israel requests, the us provides, or maybe it's both, i'm not sure, and uh, the significance of this coming at this time, when we're looking at over 34,00 palestinians to have been uh murdered in the gaza strip. well, from in terms of the request or the approval, that was given by congress a few years back, so there's been this authorization that you could give these kinds of weapons." to israel uh, from just a practical standpoint, this makes no sense an urban area unless you're intent upon destroying the population, it's it's let's call it what it is, it's a weapon of genocide. um, russia is using a similar kind of bomb, a glide bomb with about that weight, some a little bigger on entrenched
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defensive positions in ukraine, that's a whole different matter when you're blowing the whole in a line. is defended by soldiers, you know, that's military on military. what we're talking about here is military on civilian. uh, these civilians aren't armed, they're not standing there with surface their missiles, and yet they drop these bombs and it's just indiscriminate murder. is all it is. so you see the, you see the biden administration doing sort of kabooki theater tap dance, on the one hand, they're verbally out there, condemming netanyahu, putting chuck schumer up to call... yahoo's removal and then uh on the other hand under the table the they're continuing to fund and pass the weapons. they have zero interest in bringing in into this conflict. yes, it's really hard to swallow the uh damage that this can actually incur daniel. and uh we're looking a time uh where uh the us is playing as i guess
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there said uh the some kind of a almost a chaurade uh in front of the media but yet. reality is providing israel with with the bombs and what's really interesting about all of this is the fact that the us came out on the same day that actually um gave the extension of the un security council saying that the israel is doing all that it can to prevent civilian casualties and that it is abiding by uh and complying with international laws and humanitarian laws. what sense do you make of the us behavior and stance guess when it comes to this in this particular case providing these bombs? well, i agree with you. i mean, what the us is doing, as you say, is playing, double game here, one, they're trying to placate the us population and particularly the democratic base, which is completely furious about what's happening in gaza and blames byden for it and is now calling him genocide joe, so they're not happy with that, so they're
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trying to say, hey, you know, we do support a seesfire, and we're going to build this port two months from now. want to get in by land to feed people and the us is not you know prevailing upon israel to to let those trucks in the truth is what you say the us does not want to cease fire it supports fully supports israel in this slaughter in gaza even to the point that while biden at one point indicated or suggested that it be a red line for israel to engage in a land invasion of rafa, apparently now the u.s. is actually going to help divise a plan for israel to do just that so... um, we know where the us stands on this, it is fully complicit in this genocide, and it is trying to do very minor things to play kate its base, and we'll see if that
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works. those from florida and daniel kaval, human rights lawyer who spoke those from pa. thank you to you both. with that we come to an end for this news review. malaisian police have arrested heavily armed israeli man on suspicion of spying for the regime's notorious mossat spy agency. malaysian police inspector general razzaruddin hussein said at press conference that the 36-year-old man was apprehended with cash of weapons at the kualalum hotel last week. according to the official, the suspect arrived at kualaalumpo international airport using a fake french passport. the toppal asian official said authority. are investigating the possibility that the man could be member of israel's mosad agency. malaysia has criticized israel's deadly onslaught on gaza since it was launched late in october. in 2018, a
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palestinian scientist was shot dead in kualalum by two on unidentified men in a killing that hamas resistance movement said was carried out by israel's mosad. supporters of palestine have rallied in the south korean capital sol to demand israel abide by the international law and the recently passed unsc resolution. activists also protested against hayundai heavy industries exports to israel, a machinery that has been used to destroy palestinian homes and construct settlements on palestinian land. forpress tv correspondent frank smith reports from the south korean capital so. in south korea, supporters of palestine protested against israel's genocide in gaza as pressure mounts on tel aviv. palestinians abroad have stepped
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forward to expose the crimes of israel in its onslaught in gaza. recently, israel has been massacring civilians at alshifa hospital. this massacker is a war crime that has crossed a line that should not be crossed. unfortunately, some people believe israeli lies. however, the palestini. resistance movement is reclaiming the territory of palestine. activists slam the south green company hyundai for providing israel with the machinery, backhose and excavators that's been used to demolish palestinian homes. these illegal settlements, houses and highways are built exclusively for settlers, while the original tenants are evicted in their houses destroyed in an apartide system. that's what bulldozers with the hyundai logo. are doing in occupied palestinian territory. dozens of rallies and marches in south korea have highlighted the plight of palestine in the face of the ongoing israeli war crimes.
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activists suggest international solidarity with palestine is having an effect. israel's atrocities are supported, so i think it's significant that even in places like south korea, voices in solidarity with palestine, condemning israel in the united states are growing loud. march 30th marks the 1976 palestine land day, when six unarmed palestinians were killed during large protests over israel's illegal seizure of palestinian lands in the west bank. demands for hal to israel's genocide in gaza have finally come from the united nations security council with the u.s. the only country to abstain from the ceasefire resolution passed on march 25th, still besage palestinians wait to... together with their supporters around the world for gaza to get much needed aid and food. frank smith press tv. soul. and with
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that we come to the end of this bulletin. thank you for being with us, take care and bye-bye. الباساء والضراء وزلزلوا حتى يقول الرسول والذين امنوا معه متى نصر الله
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