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tv   SPOTLIGHT  PRESSTV  March 31, 2024 2:02am-2:31am IRST

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welcome to spotlight. israel has carried out its deadliest attacks in monsan syria, leaving dozens of people dead. the aggression is coincided with the drone attack launched by terrorists in itlip. israel has also ramped up its deathme air strikes on lebanon in recent days. this is while the regime is pressing ahead with its genocidal war on the gaza strip and there seems to be no end insight to. nearly six-month assault despite
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growing international pressure. on this edition of spotlight, we'll try to find out why israel uh is uh trying to increase tensions and what would be the repercussions of such escalation for the entire region and beyond. our guests on tonight spotlight are international human rights defender ziad ibrahim patel joining us. from johannesburg and we also have human rights activist movi joining us from houston, texas. gentlemen, welcome to the program. let's start off with mr. patel in johannesburg, it's great to have you with us. so now israel, as we mentioned, in our intros launched a fresh attack on syria targeting number of locations in the northwestern city of aleppo. the attack is left number of civilians and military personnel. that it's damaged public and
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private property. now the syrian military said the israeli aggression coincided with a drone attack by uh terrorist organizations launch from idlib and the western countryside of of aleppo as the massacre in gaza rages on. how do you perceive the israelis actions uh in other areas of the region and how much of this increased aggression would you say is tied to israel's failures in gaza? good evening and thank, thank you for having me on this show. um, yes, indeed, this is the normal course of action that israel has been doing over many years and as the war rages quite rightly in gaza, in fact the genocide as it rages quite in gaza, israel is feeling the pressure, it's having the pressure of the resistance movements that have continued unabated. as israel has continued unabated in
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its atrocities and crimes against palestinians and we got to put this in context that all these extraterritorial attacks are unlawful under international law uh to to come you conduct these strikes in syria and again we got to look at you what was military advantage uh and compared to what you know what human causation in other words what was the human uh beings that were lost in this, you know they would call this uh the um, so for instance, human beings and innocent are always caught up in this conflict unfortunately, but this this continues and israel, we must hold israel to account, but unfortunately this is the situation because israel feels that it's losing control in terms of its fight against the resistance movements and world. try to
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suppress and equalize where he perceives uh thats to be, and that's why we seen this, this increased attacks in the region. mov, let's also focus on the growing tensions between lebanon's hezbollah resistance movement and uh forces of the israeli regime. the israelies have targeted vehicle in the city of tire with a drone leaving one lebanese dead. hezbal has also carried out retaliatory missile strikes. on israeli positions in the occupied territories, are the israelis actively pursuing more tensions in the region and how do they benefit from this? i think this is a sign of israel being very vulnerable and a sign of them being weak, so because they're being defeated in the gaza strip, the solution that they're trying to come up with is to expand the war in the region to create chaos in the region and that's why we see them acting so
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erratically where now they've attacked syria, the the fighting on the northern front with hizbullah has been happening since october 7th in which many of hizbillah's fighters have been have been have been martered, but hizbullah has also been retaliating to to strategically retaliating to israel's attacks as well, and as matter of fact, i wouldn't be exaggerating in in stating that the role that hizbollah has played on the northern front has led to thousands, over 10,000 settlers evacuating from that part of occupied palestine. is playing that very key role, so it is quite clear that just how israel sees a mass as a threat, just like they see syria as a threat, they see hizbullah as a threat equivalent to that of palestinian freedom fighters, so in short, if we summarize and if
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we conclude that the zionist regime of israel considers the access of resistance as a threat as a genuine threat to its existence, then we can understand the attacks on on israel, we can understand the constant, the constant attacks on the southern front in in lebanon as well, and ironically and unfortunately the zionist regime, another sign of the weaknesses that for the most part their targets are usually civilians, may that be in palestine, syria or even lebanon, whereas the resistance from has always focused on targeting military personnel, and adding to the point that my colleague made earlier about syria, i think it's important to note that the fact that itlip, the attack of terrorists in idlib was seem almost
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coordinated with israel's attacks, goes to show that these splinter groups, these terrorist groups who been operating. in idlib who were operating in syria and they were kicked out by hisbullah in syria have always been a proxy of the us empire and the zionist regime they've always served their purpose so those who are criticizing hisbullah of intervening in israel in intervening in in syria now understand and now know why syria has always been of such great importance to the axis of resistance. mr. patel how important has this unified. response been from the resistance front in the region, there's lebanon, yemen, iraq, resistance groups in syria, uh, were the israelis in washington expecting that from all of the resistance fronts in the region? i think we
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all know that palestine uh has been a state of resistance for several decades, undergoing legerent military occupation in the occupied palestinian territory. and in occupied palestine at large, it we've always known, and i mean the enemies of palestine, the americans, the israelis have always known that there are certain groups that will be steadfast to the standing with the resistance of palestine, which is a fundamental right under international law, because the right to resistance is strongly associated to the right of self-determination and palestinians. need to exert that right um so i think in some in some cases they may have been surprised by the uh broadening of the axes of resistance as we've seen uh the amenies in yemen closure of the red sea the you know the
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the stopping of ships in that area and stopping that kind of cargo which is very good dvs campaign and then we've seen the access of resistance in southern lebanon, northern occupied palestine and of course in syria and iraq, and that needs to broaden, we need to look look at this also from from the context that we've got arab countries around palestine, assyria, jordan or well, let me rather put jordan, egypt and other countries that have normalized, some countries have normalized with the zionist regime, and we've seen that there's been... no real military intervention despite the carnage in gaza, and just coming back to my previous point, and i think it's important what my colleague mentioned is that in all of the attacks by these terror groups and israel and backed by the us, and of course we must also remember
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that the united the european union and european union countries sell huge and licensed huge volumes of arms to israel and this is being used indiscriminate. for many years since i think the 2009 war when we issued when we launched the first docket criminal complaint against israel uh with south african authorities we had focused on war crimes where israel has perpetually used indiscriminate use of force and indistinction of military target to civilian population, that has continued, israel is continues to be responsible, criminally responsible for egregous crimes, such as crimes against humanity, crimes of apart, torture, force displacement and many other crimes and of course now we see genocide, whereas the armed resistance of arm resistance groups have have had focused targeted areas and i think when
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we look at this, it needs to be looked at, is it from the perspective of international law, and what are the laws of war and what must, what must be complied with and what, what are the levels that a certain you know use of force comply with, or do we need to look at it from an islamic perspective of what our responsibilities are, and i think the resistance groups are very conscious of the islamic response. responsibilities in terms of conflict and how to what of the aggressor in these instances? yes, let's go back to mr. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has defiantly vowed to go ahead with this military campaign, this genocidal massacre, saying that the international pressure on his regime will not work, have all the years of impunity and us cover for israel made this child killing regime believe that it's actually above the law, and it's safe from accountability. absolutely. there is
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absolutely no doubt about that that the zionist regime independent of the us is nothing, it has no power. the only reason why the zience regime has been imposed on the region of west asia is because of the support that it gains from the us within the international community. we now see that the european union. is also taking a very clear stance in in in shifting away from being a party to the zianist, the the israeli zionist crime that they are committing in in gaza today, we we see them taking a slightly different line from the zionist regime, but the one country that we still see to date that unequically supports the israeli regime, may that be militarily, may that be diplomatically, may that be in the international arena in the united nations, that is the united states of america, so now
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it makes sense when amamini said that america is the great satan, that america is shitan buzurg, when said that many must not understood that statement before, but it is now seen it is now, it is now we can we can now conclude that the statement that was made by imam khumini, it had lot of wisdom in it, is the zionist regime? um is not the real issue, but it is rather the policies of the us empire that has empowered this weak, this this this this so-called state, this occupying power which is as weak as the spiders web in that region, and another statement that i would like to make in in addition to the previous question that was asked few minutes back is that when the zionist regime tries to target a military person. from hizbullah like they targeted shaheed ali abdul hassan naim who was one of
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the leaders of the heavy warhead rocket fire unit of hizbullah we need to understand that and they already know but just to kind of reiterate for the audience is that hisbullah is very organized it's an organized military giant in the region now they thought that they'll be able to weaken hizbullah when iman was murdered they thought that after will become weak, but history has shown us that the the the school of martidom within hizbullah has only strengthened hizbullah and has made them into the giant that they are today, they are so organized that they work in ways that they always have parallel leaderships within their divisions like any other military. mr. batal hamas uh has hailed a ruling by the international court of justice ordering the israeli regime to
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address famin in gaza. the reaction came after the icj ordered israel to allow the immediate delivery of humanitarian supplies into gaza. hamas is called on the international community to create mechanism to ensure uh the orders implementation. how do you see that happening? what would be step one in your opinion? yes. i think this is an important. important development and to give your viewers context, i think south africa has been busy with this since january or december when the hearings initially started at the... national court of justice, the application was made, and in fact the icj has now issued three orders in terms of provisional measures. initially the provisional measures were very clear in secint that there needs to be humanitarian corridor and it needs to be accessed to aid and that was one of the conditions. we saw
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the united states and israel uh use and use it in a different way, they've used the hasbra and the spin on the... order stating that the word cease fire did not was not included, but the order could not be effected without an effective cease fire because of the humanitarian aid that was required at scale. subsequently to that, south africa requested further measures to the international court of justice, and the response from the icj was that no further provisional measures were required, israel was bound to the initial order that was given by the court. and just recently the order based on femine and starvation, we know that the catastrophic situation that now exists in gaza, northern gaza is effectively now separated from southern gaza, netanyahu has spoken about the demilitarized zone, which means effectively more belligerant military
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occupation and and and certainly that feminine and starvation is serious problem so... africa in its application stated that there's almost a concern for about 80,000 civilian deaths that are imminent if this problem is not you know seriously redressed as there is imminent imminent harm to a civilian population and of course there was also the un rapporter that came out with her report an anatomy of a genocide claiming and claiming that israel is guilty of at least three of the five acts in terms of the genocide convention. so the international pressure is mounting, the international community has spoken clearly through the general assembly, unfortunately the un security council has always been politicized and we've seen the number of vetos that the us has exercised, but my view in at just come back from from tehran recently is that there's nothing stopping islamic states or
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muslim countries from intervening in this crisis, and in fact my belief is that they should have interven from the very... outset because we know that israel is is is now a ultra right zio fascist government and they've been held on the destruction of the palestinian population we're not only seeing this genocide unfold in gaza but also the increased rates in the occupied palestinian territories so muslim countries and countries should intervene and and but they need to be politically enabled. and not be politically influenced and controlled unfortunately by the western powers that that you know have neutralized them, that is the reality of of the fact that they've been utterly nutrized, only way that we gain being able to see any movement is through the resistance or the axis of resistance, but they not going to be enable to be able to provide the humanitarian
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aid at scale, so i think we got to insist on the international measures and the international community. uh to force israel to comply with the international court of justice uh orders uh that humanitarian aid be delivered, access be opened and that it be provided to the needs of the kasang population. what we're running short of time, but i want you to uh to discuss a video that surfaceed showing israeli forces executing unarmed palestinians near gaza's coast, they were waving white flags in a show of surrender these. these soldiers, after murdering them, they went to bury their bodies in the sand with bulldozer. is this a clear indication that this genocidal massacre is not only been a war against gaza's resistance, but actually against all of its people. absolutely, the resistance has simply been used as a pretext. um, the civilians in gaza have not, this is not recent, this war
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did not start after october 7th as most of the world might think, but this genocide against... the the innocent civilians of gaza is exactly why you now have freedom fighters in the shave of hamas, islamic jihad, the alaksa brigades who are now defending the very rights of their people, and also i would like to reiterate the fact that to to to to go down on such low levels to to assault and to respect civilians in such manner and only be expected of the zienist regime and only goes to show how weak. they are that because they cannot fight like real men, they can't fight the military, they can't fight palestinian freedom fighters, they exert their frustration and their pressure on innocent civilians. by disrespecting and insulting them like this, but they need to understand is only exposing themselves when they act in such manner. okay, i'm sorry uh,
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we're running short of time now, allow me to thank my guestsuh ibrahim pattel, international human rights defender joining us from johannesburg, and human rights activist, mosa nagvi speaking to us from houston, texas. thank you gentlemen, and also allow me to thank our um viewers for staying with us tonight. spotlight is good night for now and see you next time. ich bin 28 jahre alt und lebe in nordenham, es war auch schwer für mich da auszubrechen, es hat lange gedauert, also es ist eigentlich erst passiert nach. mann, wir wollen beide ein bodenständiges leben und dass ich gehen, wie ich gehen möchte. ja, heute werde ich in
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der moschee das glaubensbekenntnis des islamsaussagen vor einem gelehrten und damit offiziell zum islam konvertiert. ramadan in iran where ancient traditions blend with modern celebrations to create a truly unforgettable spiritual journey. where everything comes alive with the spirit of the holy month, a unique experience like other. these and more on this edition of iran today.
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for us humans, air is the most important natural. honestly, if fossil fuels are used properly, i think most polluted cities would become pollution free. for muslims across the world,
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aid al-fitir, which marks one month of obedience to god, in the holy fasting month of ramadan is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud for their servitude to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their differences and hostilities and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages in iran have their own traditions for ramadan, which... back to centuries. get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press tv.
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ramadan is a special time for britain's 3 million muslims. the fasting hours along up to 20 hours a day. but the physical and spiritual rewards are worth it. ramadan has been a fantastic time uh, in sense in the sense that it's about spiritually connecting with the law of the heavens and the earth and detoxing your bodies. ramadan is the month of prayer in the quran when muslims do their best to cultivate willpower, discipline and self-restraint. but ramadan isn't just about self-sacrifice, it's about sharing food with your family and friends. it's about increasing solidarity with fellow muslims and it's about show. facing the beauty of islam to the non-muslim majority living in the uk. being involved in a community helped me to understand the muslim community even more and
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to... be able to share that with my community back in the states, how designists come from across the world to palestine to occupy a land belonging to another nation, how do they form their secret army, hagana? how do they grab lands belonging to palestinians? how did they build and expand their illegal settlements? israel's former prime minister, goldomir answers these and more questions in this documentary.
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