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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 31, 2024 2:30am-3:03am IRST

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of of as hundreds of people have marched.
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your headlines on press tv scores more palestinians are killed in israel's indiscriminate strikes across gaza as total death toll from the regime's genocidal war tops 32,700. deputy chief of the palestinian of
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islamic jihad tells press tv that israel is using american weapons to destroy gaz's infrastructure and forcibly displace his people. and thousands of israeli protesters once again take to the streets across the occupied territories, calling for early elections and the resignation of the regime's premier. hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehron, thank you for joining us. today's top story, the israeli military has launched new aerial and ground attacks on gaza as death toll from the nearly six months of onslaught on the beseest strips at keeps climbing. israel war planes are once again talked to the central city of dairal balah as well as rafah in the south. civil
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defense crew and paramedics are struggling to recover the wounded from the bombed out buildings due to lack of equipment. heavy fighting is also on the way in the vicinity of al-shifa hospital located in gaza city. according to the gaza health ministry, 82 people were killed in the last 24 hours, bringing the death toll to more than 32,700 since early october. nearly 75,200 palestinians have also been wounded. most of the casual. are women and children. the deputy secretary general of palestinian islamic jihad movement tells press tv that the palestinian resistance has showed great resilience in the face of israel's genocidal war in gaza. in the beginning of the battle, israel expected that the palestinians would lose. they carried out shelling and air strikes against the residential area. in gaza
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and thought that the war was over, but then they were forced to fight in the northern gaza, and then they said they had defeated the resistance in hanyunus in the south, but later they found the presence of... the palestinian fighters there who fired rockets towards the israeli enemy. israel did not expect that the spirit of palestinian resistance would be so high, they realized that the palestinians in gaza are ready sacrifice and bear all the hardships in order to continue fighting. mahammed hindi noted that israel and the us have failed to achieve any of their goals in their onslaught on the besieged territory. head that washington and tel aviv were... after weakening the resistance. al-hindi said the israeli regime has been using american weapons to destroy gaza's infrastructure to forcibly displaced palestinians from their homes. the top islamic jihad official said that israel seeks to divide gaza into two parts and give
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control of the strip to another group. al hindi stress that the day after the end of the israeli unslot, gaza will be under the full control of palestinians. not to talk more on this, we are joined by mr. shabir rizvy, a political commentator from chicago. mr. risby, welcome to press tv. now, mr. risby, first of all, your thoughts on the islamic republic's support for the palestinians and the palestinian cause, and why do you think since the 1979 islamic revolution, iran continues to support the palestinian course, despite the numerous sanctions slapped on the nation. we know that it isn't uh the... reason for the sanctions, but is part of it as it goes against the west policy and most importantly zionism. yes, thank you for having me. the first day of the the islamic revolution in 1979, khomini promised that iran would would step up for
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palestine and would have full solidarity with the palestinian cause. this was actually even reflected on by the leaders of the of the pij back then. i believe they came out with the booklet called the islamic solution and the alternative where they praised the islamic revolution in iran and saw this as as as a light an an otherwise dark world for the palestinian cause that they now had had vehiment ally behind them in order to fight the zionist regime and as you know throughout the years um iran has faced many sanctions uh whether it is just for stepping up for itself or stepping up for palestine and the thing about this is iran correctly points out that the the israeli regime, the zianist regime is a cancer on the region, what it does is it acts as a military outpost for the united states, this is going to uh, if left unchecked, it is going to grow, it's going to you know go into other territories, it it
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posess an imminent threat to the entire region, iran correctly analyzed this and saw uh what the zionist regime is capable of on the behest of western regimes, the best of west on the behes of western imperialism, so in order for the region to be stabilized in order for the region to see peace, israel must be removed, it it's it's as clear as day, as long as this illegitimate regime is allowed to stay in any sort of way, whether whether it's a two-state solution or what have you, it poses a direct threat to the region, the only way for the region to see any peace is the dissolution of israel, is the overthrow of israel and iran correctly sees that and correctly backs that as you saw throughout years um specifically uh with general sulaymani who worked on the battlefront uh with leaders of the of the islamic resistance and also hamas of pij and also the pflp who all praise iran who all
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praised general sulaymani the thing about this form of resistance that really angers the western imperialists is that iran and general sulaimani help this resistance. uh become self-sustaining, they taught them how to make weapons, they taught them how to um, subvert their zianous enemies, they taught them battlefield tactics, it's not the same as how the united states creates proxy forces for itself that are only supported by the united states and its and its corporate schemes, no, iran actually taught the resistance to be self-sufficient, which is why western regimes are so angry with iran, but but it's also why the palestinian resistance sees iran as a beacon of hope and legitimate. ally and partner of the palestinian cause. world learn uh from the iran's islamic revolution, especially now in this day and age, as we see the us israely onslot on gaza, especially being supported by the us, killing and destroying whoever or
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whatever is in their way. yes, so it's it's very unfortunate that it's it's coming down to this. the way that the pales the palestinian resistance um is kind of um able to respond to this is only because of the the the alliesship of iran and the tactics that iran has... saw it throughout the years and also their own uh courageousness and their own tactics that they've learned throughout the years. what we're seeing on the battlefront right now is palestinian still over six months in responding to israeli threats, destroying merkava tanks, destroying uh zionist troops um six months later and they're they're unable to stop the palestinian resistance to the point where the palestinian resistance even from the north is able to send rockets into occupy palestine sending settlers. into their basements, the israeli regime has been unable to stop the palestinian resistance, and because of that,
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um, the they're now resorting to killing civilians, they're as they've always have been, they're resorting to these war crimes, they're resorting to starvation, especially in the month of ramadan, which is just absolutely preposterous, and you see the true face of the zionist regime, which many of us have seen throughout years, but now is exposed to the international community, that the zionist regime is in fact this genocidal uh illegitimate occupation and even um the the international courts are seeing this, international appendages that once you know ignored palestine are now forced to look at the palestinian issue face to face and and call out israel for what it is, it's it's a paraya state, it's committing war crimes, it's committing the crime of genocide uh all the while it's unable even achieve any of its political objectives which include eliminating hamas or or or disarming hamas or what have you, the... unable to stop the palestinian resistance, and of course this speaks to years of experience of the
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resistance, the resistance that was backed um fundamentally by iran since day one of iran's islamic revolution, and i and i think that you know the praise that we see from the leaders of hamas and pij for iran is completely without question um accurate, iran has been there for their allies since day one, and i don't think that's going to go away uh any point throughout history. mr. riswee, the other nations that follow in the footsteps of the islamic republic in supporting the palestinian cause, we can mention lebanon, yemen, iraq and syria. so why aren't other uh regional blocks or arab governments stepping up to support a just cause or at least now uh do something to stop the genocide and onslot on innocent women and children in gaza. many officials have called on muslim arab countries uh to openly express their opposition to israel and severatize with the israeli regime, so why is that not happening? yes, there are many countries that
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come to mind that aren't helping the palestinian cause, but rather directly helping the zinanis cause. few that come to mind immediately are the united arab emirates, jordan, saudi arabia, and although not an arab country, turkia who has actually boosted its trades with the zionist regime. this is flat out cowardis, it's flat out treatury, and the way that these the leaders these countries, i won't say the people, will say the leaders, the leaders of these countries see themselves as having a seat uh with the united states, they want to have economic ties with the united states at the at the at the cost of their own people, and some of them like saudi arabia are demanding for example, the the recognition of a palestinian state, but this is again the two-state solution, we've seen what a two-state solution looks like and what that looks like is is an israeli occupation over all palestinian land and the working. hand in hand with the palestinian authority to basically repress any palestinian that wants to actually have that has legitimate
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regrievances with the israeli regime. these countries do not actually have a unique um tie with palestine, they are rather, they are rather more interested in having ties with the united states, they're rather more interested in having ties with this imperialist world order that they want to have seat at the table with. either they're they're extremely selfish, they're driven by greed or they're afraid. uh, they're afraid and they're cowards uh, that's what it's essentially comes down to, they're afraid of receiving sanctions, they're afraid of a us overthrowing them, as most of them even sit on illegitimate governments that aren't even supported by their people. they have in mr. shabir risvy, political commentator from chicago. mr. risby, thank you for your time, sir. now continuing with the rest of the news, the palestinian resistance factions have rejected an israely proposal to send military... forces of some arab countries to manage the besieged gaza strip. in a statement issued by hamas, the palestinian
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factions warned of the consequences of such proposal, saying that it's a trap set by tel aviv and washington to help israel go around its defeat in gaza. the factions added that the proposal seeks to draw some arab countries into serving israeli plans amit the regime's failures on the ground. the statement warned that any international or arab forces entering gaza would be. an occupying force and will be dealt with accordingly. it also confirmed that the palestinian people are capable of choosing their leaders and institutions to manage the besieg strip. the proposal. was reported by american media which claimed that israel was seeking to deploy a multinational force in the besieged gaza strip. the secretary general of palestine's islamic jihad movement has hailed iran's support for palestinians in the gaza strip. the islamic republic of iran
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has paid the price of supporting palestine with sanctions because of its position regarding the palestinian defense and resistance and its support for. palestinian people and its rights, but in recent years, what has distinguished the position of the islamic republic is its constant support of the palestinian people, and it would have not been easy for the palestinian people to have this blessed steadfastness in the battle of alas of flood without the iranian continuous and clear support which has been constant in recent years in the political, military and security fields. noted that iran has always sided with justice and defended the palestinian nation since the victory of the 19 1979 islamic revolution: nahala made the comments after meeting iranian foreign minister hussein amir abdullahuan in tehran. the two sides discussed the latest developments in gaza and the ongoing israeli onslaught against civilians in the palestinian territory. the palestinian official had previously held talks with senior iranian officials. thousands of
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israeli protesters have once again taken to the streets demanding the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. massive rallies were held in tel aviv, haifa and the occupied al-quits. protest has called on netanyahu to immediately finalize deal with the palestinian resistance movements that would see the return of the captives being held in gaza. they criticized netanyahu for prioritizing his political interests in gaza over the lives of the captives and demanded new elections. the opponents of the government and the families of the captives say they are also planning days long. and massive demonstrations in the coming week. netanyahu has been in hot water as he is charged with fraud and breach of trust in a number of cases. meanwhile tens of thousands of protesters turned out at the 11th national pro-palestin demonstration in the british capital, london. protesters are still frustrated at the lack of pressure being
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placed on tel aviv to avert more palestinian lives being lost. amina taylor reports from london. it was the 11th time the british capital had played host to another national demonstration against the us led israeli genocide of palestinians inside gaza. coincidentally, this march was taking place on auspicious day for palestinians. march 30th is commemorated as land day. to mark the 1976, israeli killing of six palestinians and the wounding of scores more who had gathered to show their affinity for a land. has literally witnessed the constant shedding of palestinian blood. in an act of solidarity with palestine, central london showed it would not be letting up on the pressure. and they come in waves after waves, after waves, tens of thousands taking to the streets of the british capital in a very clear message to the leaders within air shots of hair that
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what is going on inside gaza is a genocide and it will not be taking place with the complicity of... the british people, flash forward to this most recent attempt to ethnically cleanse palestine of its people, and it's clear the uk is being blasted for its complicity in allowing sease fire motion to go acknowledge by tel aviv. we're calling it cease fire, but they're saying for sease f for two weeks to end the ramadan, that hasn't even happened yet, so the question always becons, what does internationally mean, how much power does the un really hold, how much power does our government hold to hold israel's account, why is? government not imposing sanctions on israel, that's what we need, we see a genocide continuing, we see new icga ruling ask for aid to be delivered, none of it's happening, where our government, where is our government, where our politicians speak up for international law and international justice, they've been millions across the world who have taken to the streets, to make it clear, it is the rulers, the rulers who are complicit,
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countries like the us, countries like the uk, who could easily stop this by just not selling arms? stop the provision of arms, withdraw it, and in that way, israel has other option. a comparatively small counter demo by pro israel supporters was peacefully drowned out by pro-palestinians. the protesters taken part in the demo had a variety of reasons why their presence on the marches mattered. we we just want to bring this, bring this conflict into the consciousness of everyone, so everyone understands what's going on here, you know, children being slaughtered. "you know women being slaughtered, the schools and hospitals just completely completely destroyed you, it's it's it's just inhumane, it's just beyond" imagine i should, we have to stop this, we have to, don't you, no one can, no one can be blind to what's happening, it has
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to stop, it has to stop, showing ourselves like this, demonstrating how horrified and outraged we are, and then boycott israel, this has to be constant pressure, uh, eventually there will come a time where... where you know then we will get what we're asking for. i think the evidence is like undeniable. demonstrators have pledged to keep turning out in the streets to protest against the genocide in gaza until there's a cessation of violence and justice for palestinians. amina taylor, press tv, london. protests were also held around france to mark the 48th annual commemoration of palestinian land day. the west continues to extend total. port for tel aviv despite the wanted violence the israeli regime which has already violated the united nations order for a cease fire. rami reports from paris. in paris and across
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france major rallies were held on palestinian land day, which recalls the events of march 30th, 1976, when israelis killed six unarmed palestinians and injured 100 others during. protests against israel's confiscation of palestinian land. the united nations security council finally passed a resolution for a cease fire in gaza, but israel continues to trample on the most basic human rights. its main arms dealers and political bodyguards, the united states and germany, have taken no steps to prevent tel aviv from murdering even more innocence. the casualty count in gaza is now well over 100 thousand. what's going on in gaza is absolutely intolerable to anyone
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with a conscience, the world is witnessing a genocide right before its very eyes, so everyone needs to get out into the streets and protest immediately. israel continues to do what it once virulently denied ever doing, illegally bombing hospitals and even arresting scores of doc. inpatience in just the last week. despite spreading famon, israel has told the united nations it will not allow any food convoys into northern gaza, which the un secretary-general described as moral outrage. an investigative report just revealed that a french arms company sent nearly a ton of machine gun parts to israel in october, which were likely used against civilians in gaza. that contradicts the long-time stance of
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of president lies to its people and to our parliament, and all this makes it an aggressor against the palestinian people. christians in gaza are celebrating their holy easter weekend amid the invasion, carpet bombing and famon. hundreds of historical sites, including many churches, have been destroyed by israelis in what's been deemed a cultural genocide. ramen mazahari, press tv, paris. and supporters of palestine have vallied in the south korean capital so to demand israel abide by the international law and the recently passed unsc resolution. activists also protested against huyundai
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heavy industries exports to israel, machinery that has been used to destroy palestinian homes and construct settlements on palestinian land. for press tv, correspondent frank smith reports from the south korean capital, so in south korea support. of palestine protested against israel's genocide in gaza as pressure mounts on tel aviv. palestinians abroad have stepped forward to expose the crimes of israel in its onslaught in gaza. recently, israel has been massacring civilians at el shifa hospital. this masker is a war crime that has crossed a line that should not be crossed. unfortunately, some people believe israeli lies. however, the palestinian resistance movement is reclaiming the territory. activists slam the south green company hyundai for providing israel with the machinery, backhose and excavators that's been used to demolish palestinian homes.
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these illegal settlements, houses and highways, are built exclusively for settlers, while the original tenants are evicted in their houses destroyed in an apartide system. that's what bulldozers with the hyundai logo are doing in occupied palestinian territory. dozens of rallies and marches in south korea have highlighted the plight of palestine in the face of the ongoing israeli war crimes. activists suggest international solidarity with palestine is having an... israel's atrocities are supported, so i think it's significant that even in places like south korea, voices in solidarity with palestine, condemning israel in the united states are growing louder. march 30th marks the 1976 palestine land day, when six unarmed palestinians were killed during large protests over israel's illegal seizure of palestinian lands in the west bank. demands
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for a hal to israel's genesis. side and gaza have finally come from the united nations security council with the u.s. the only country to abstain from the cease fire resolution passed on march 25th, still besage palestinians wait together with their supporters around the world for gaza to get much needed aid and food. frank smith press tv. so and with that we come to the end of this politic. thank you for listening, take care and bye-bye. مشکل تربیه توی همه کارخونه.
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همین سنتی آجر است تو هوای خنک خودش یه دمای ۱۸ درجه خیلی مطلوب با کمترین هزینه به شما میده.
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as israel's aggression continues in the gaza strip, more lives are being lost, at the same time we're looking at the way that israel's economy is suffering, but close to six months of this onslot. there needs to be a review as to where the future uh lies for israel when it comes to its economy, from its credit downgrades to uh disruption in this labor force. let's review some of the highlights of today's program: first, the downgrade of credit of israel is hurting it, the way that it has to get funds and loans has been impacted, and also uh the continuation of the aggression relies on loans that it now can't get, so that puts into question whether it can continue. aggression or not other cost to israel, well you have israely linked vessels uh and us and uk uh vessels also being targeted by the yemani army impacting the maritime trade of israel that affects consumer price.