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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  March 31, 2024 8:30am-9:02am IRST

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recipe headlines, this hour israely forces continue to attack gaza's hospitals and the displaced people taking shelter there as the of regime's genocidal war enters its 177th day, thousands of israeli protesters once again take to the streets of... stock by territories, calling for early elections and the resignation of the regime's premier. also, the headlines, the islamic resistance in iraq carries out another anti-israely operation, this time targeting vital target and occupied galilei with drones.
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of 8:30 am at iras capital tehran, this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. nearly six months into israel's genocidal war in gaza, the regime's attacks on all areas of the besseeg territory, including hospitals and displaced people inside, continue. according to palestinian officials, the regime forces have killed over 400 civilians in the area of alshufa hospital since its siege began the weeks ago. the regime has also destroyed over 1,0 nearby homes, as 107 palestinians are still trapped at the hospital. meanwile, malnutrition has claimed the lives of a child and young man in kamalidwan hospital. fresh strikes on eight seekers near gaza city have killed at least 17 palestinians, while injuring 25 others. the regime's air strikes also targeted the almaghazi camp in the center of the territory. in the north, israeli artillery fire targeted civilians east of jabalia. from the israely genocide
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tops 32,700. the deputy secretary general of of the palestinian islamic jihad movement tells press tv that the palestinian resistance has showed great resilience in the face of israel's genocidal board in gaza. in the beginning of the battle, israel expected that the palestinians would lose. they carried out shelling and air strikes against the residential areas in gaza and thought that the war was over, but then they were forced to fight in the northern gaza, and then they said they had defeated the resistance in hanunis in the south, but later they found of the presence of the palestinian fighters there who fired rockets towards the israeli enemy. israel did not expect that the spirit of palestinian resistance would be so high. they realized that the palestinians in gaza are ready sacrifice and bear all the hardships in order to continue fighting.
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muhammad al-hindi noted that israel and the us have failed to achieve any of their goals in their onslaught on the besige territory. he added that washington and tel aviv were after weakening the resistance. al-hindi said the israel regime has been using american weapons to destroy gaza's infrastructure to forcibly displace palestinians from their homes. the top islamic jihad officials said that israel seats to divide gaza into two parts and give control of the strip to groups other than hamas or the pla. al hindu stress that the day after the end of the israeli onslot, gaza will be under the full control of palestinians. earlier we were joined by political commentator shabir riswe who gave us some insight into israel's genocidal war in gaza. he said that peace is impossible to achieve in west asia as long as the israeli regime exists in the region. in order for the region to be stabilized in order for the region to see peace, israel must be removed.
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uh, it it's it's as clear as day, as long as this illegitimate regime is allowed to stay in any sort of way, whether whether it's um two-state solution or what have you, um, it poses a direct threat to the region, the only way for the region to see any peace is the dissolution of israel, is the overthrow of israel, and iran correctly sees that and correctly backs that, as you saw throughout years, um, specifically uh, with general suleimani who worked... uh on the battlefront of uh with leaders of the of the islamic resistance and also hamas of pij and also the pflp who all praise iran who all praised general sulaimani six months later and they're they're unable to stop the palestinian resistance to the point where the palestinian resistance even from the north is able to send rockets into occupy palestine sending settlers running into their basements uh the israeli regime has been unable to stop the palestinian resistance. and because of
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that um the they're now resorting to killing civilians, they're as they've always have been, they're resorting to these war crimes are resorting to starvation, especially in the month of ramadan which is just absolutely prepostous and you see the true face of the zionist regime, which many of us have seen throughout years, but now it's exposed to the international community that the zionist regime is in fact this genocidal uh illegitimate occupation and even um the the international courts are seeing this, international appendages that once you know ignored palestine are now forced to look at the palestinian issue face to face and and call out israel for what it is, it's it's a parius. it's committing war crimes, it's committing the crime of genocide, all the while it's unable even achieve any of its political objectives, which include eliminating hamas or or or disarming hamas or what have you, they're unable to stop the palestinian resistance. the palestinian
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resistance factions have rejected an israeli proposal to send military forces of some arab countries to manage the besieged gaza strip. the statement issued by hamas, the palestinian factions warned of the consequences of such. proposal, saying that it is a trap set up by tel aviv and washington to help israel go around its defeat in gaza. the factions added that the proposal seeks to draw some arab countries into serving israeli plans a mid the regime's failures on the ground. the statement warned that any international or arab forces entering gaza would be considered an occupying force and will be dealt with accordingly. it also confirmed that the palestinian people are capable of choosing their leaders and institutions to manage the besiest strip. proposal was reported by american media which claimed that israel was seeking to deploy a multinational force in the besieg gaza strip. secretary general of the palestinian islamic jihad movement has met with iran's foreign minister hussen amir abdullahyan in tehran. the meeting comes only
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few days after the political bureau chief of hamas ismal hani arrived in the iranian capital for high-level talks. kisum misha ahmedi has the details. the grounds of solidarity on full display. secretary general the palestinian islamic jihad movement, ziad al-nahala, meeting with iran's foreign minister hussen amir abdullahyan, to discuss the latest developments in gaza and the ongoing genocidal war, and later, taking to the same podium as the political bureau chief of hamas esmil hania took less than a week ago to thank kiran for playing an important role in supporting the resistance of the palestinian people. the palestinian resistance has always been supported by iran, which has paid the prize for constantly defending palestinian's rights. iran's active diplomacy played a leading role in clarifying
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the position of palestine's resistance, and the palestinian people will eventually achieve final victory in their fight against israel. they will. be a model for all the people of the world, words that echo comments made by ismail hannah, who is also in tehran for high-level talks. both officials have met with iran's leader ayatollah sad ali khamenei and other high ranking officials including the iranian president. these meetings with high ranking iranian officials show that iran plays a significant role as a consulting party. it also shows the high level. of coordination between iran and the axis of resistance, sending a clear message that iran will always support palestine. meanwhile, these meetings in tehran come after a un security council resolution calling for immediate cease fire in gaza as the us for the first time abstained from the vote,
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leaving israel isolated. the timing of the the visits by senior palestinian officials to tehran is quite significant given that uh, you know, in the course of time, what we have been seeing in the other front, meaning between israel and its allies, including the united states, is a division among them, and we're seeing that israelies are losing political and international support day by day. there are issues related to the future of gaza, future of the war, and some political efforts in order to establish a cease fire uh, in palestine, and i think those are important issues which can be and have been. raised and discussed in the meetings held in tehran. the presence of palestinian officials in tehran is a clear display of unity a time when the international community is showing more solidarity with palestinians than ever before. yusum shahmi press tv, tehran. abu
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hussein, iraqi. interfather shaaban during saddam hussein's regime by abu hussein. دام كان اللي ما يروح يلتحق بالجيش لو يقص اذانه لو يقتلوه يعني ايران بالنسبه لنا كشيعه وعايشين برا بالخارج يعني تحس اكو فرد اتصال روحي بينك وبين هالبلد هذا يعني لانه شيعه وبيها الامام الرضا سلام الله عليه. see the story of a man who is recounting the tales from the recent
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past. welcome back to the news here on press tv. israel is once again take to the streets as presher is mounting on netanyaho to reach deal with palestinian resistance groups to free the remaining captives have. gaza? we discussed the issue in the news review program. let's take a listen to what our guests had to say. and now it's time for the news review section where we delve deeper into one of the day's top stories, so stay tuned. thousands of israeli protest is have once again taken to the streets, demanding the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu, massive. were held in tel aviv, haifa and the occupied al-quds. protesters
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called on netanyahu to immediately finalize deal with the palestinian resistance movements that would see the return of the captives being held in gaza. they criticized netanyahu for prioritizing his political interest in gaza over the lives of the captives and demanded new elections and long and massive demonstrations in the coming week. netanyahu has been in hot water as he is charged with. and breach of trust in a number of cases. now to talk more in this, we are joined by mr. rick sterling, investigative journalist from berkeley, and also mr. anthony hall, professor of globalization from leth bridge, university, obviously from leftbridge. gentlemen, welcome to the news review section. now, mr. silling, beginning with you, yet again, israelis have taken the street. in anti-netanyahu demos which has been taking place a weekly basis wanting the resignation of the prime
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minister. the main demand is uh the release the captives held by uh palestinian resistance groups and it seems that the demos are getting more violent uh this time at least dozen were arrested. so your initial thoughts on on that and why do you think netanyahu hasn't been able to release the captives? well i think it's the contradictions in israeli society are are escalating uh steadily uh in the demonstration last night or tonight saturday night one of the main speakers said very simply were sick and tired of being lied to uh they went from um from what they're calling hostages square which is probably robine plaza they've gone out into the streets and in the highways and they're blocking the streets there are protesters in small cages in the street. prevent them from being moved. um, so it's just escalating, and
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i think the protesters are obviously right to be severely worried about the fate of the hostages, because it's clear that nahu doesn't really care about them. in fact, i think a case can be made that more israeli civilians have been killed by the idf than by hamas. um, within within gaza, of course, israeli bombs are killing hostages as well. is thousands of palestinians, the israeli siege is starving the israeli hostages and um you you even had the the case in december where three israeli hostages with white flags were gun down by israeli snipers, so the the protesters are absolutely right to be um uh really concerned and demanding that netanyahu change course, of course he won't, and then so along with the protest, there's a demand for elections and the removal of netanyahu.
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the us and israel wants hamas to release all the captives, if hamas, which wants a permanent seas fire does that, what guarantee can there be that israel won't continue his genocidal war, and also hamas won't have any cards left? absolutely, and then there is the reality that the uh, what are the 9,000 palestinian? prisoners, many of them really prisoners of war in the jails of israel, and some of those people inside israeli jails are very important palestinians. marwan,uti, people have been in for decades who represent uh, you know, these are venerable people in the palestinian community, so we haven't really heard about anything on the israeli side about what's going to happen there, of course the so-called hostages, when a group
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like hamas is reduced to being called a terrorist group, how what? bargaining chips do they have? well, they got bargaining chips on october the 7th by virtue of the fact that there were many israelis who are not killed, who were kept alive, or are being kept alive, and of course we saw with the last round of letting these hostages, transferring them to israel, that there was much evidence that was that friendships developed and decent relationships developed between the... so-called hostages and the people taking care them in inside gaza, and i think the idea of these israelis who have now had deep association with hamas and the different elements of the resistance movement in palestine, that that is there not a desire in
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the intelligence community, boy, letting these people loose and talking about it among palestinian. i mean among israel who are subject to a barrage of propaganda all the time, that this may be perceived as a sort of strategic problem, so is it possible that new really doesn't want to see a release of the hostages, he's got to do lip service to it, and again it points out to the fact that within the israeli population the extent of the feeling of humanity of shared humanity is towards their own family. members is towards their own tribe, and yet there seems to be an absence of appreciation of the cosmic scope of what humanity is seeing going on in palestine, which is terrible, awful genocide, i can't remember seeing anything like it, like a mani faceted genocide with starvation, dehydration, use of plagues, using food as
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lure and then as bait, and then killing people. it's it's and and tortures and the kind of humiliations that we've seen and again the destruction of like the media of hospital workers, i mean this is incredible display of israeli contempt for the rule of law, for the united nations, for international law and for human decency, and so the implications of yes it's the hostages. and people worrying about getting the hostages out, but the larger implications, where is there any sign that there's a real debate going on within israel that it's losing so much in this uh, losing in in in deep and profound and long-lived, even permanent ways, who will think of israel as any other than the baby killing society, the
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genocidal society, the genocidal state of... israel: there you have mr. rick stearling, investigative journalist from berkeley and also mr. anthony hall professor of globalization from leth bridge university. gentlemen. thank you for your time sir. thank you. and with that we come to the end of this news review section. thank you for being with us. the islamic resistance in iraq says it is carried out. fresh attacks against israeli positions, response to the regime's ongoing genocide in gaza. resistance group said that it struck vital target in the galileo region north of occupied palestine using drones. this said the attack was in response to the massacres committed by israel against palestinian civilians, including women, children, and the elderly. group said that it will continuous operations against this really strongholds. in recent months, the
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islamic resistance in iraq has carried out series of attacks against israely positions. it is also hit us military bases in iraq and neighboring syria, retaliation for washington's support for the israeli genocide in gaza. palestinian speakers addressed a protest in support of palestine outside of the city hall in belfast. they criticized irish political parties and the governments for not doing enough to stop the genocide in gaza. while the government of ireland has recently announced that it will support the south african case at the icj, speakers. say this is not enough. our correspondent diter ganish reports from belfast. to enable the sign. on saturday afternoon, thousands attended the rally. to support the people and the resistance in gaza, outside the city hall in northern islands capital, belfast. the protest has commemorated the palestinian's
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land day and marked the sixth anniversary of the great return march when aparted israel slaughted palestinians in gaza. the message the rally was, we must keep marching until the genocide ends. uh, make sure every saturday and sometimes every sunday the people of belfas and and show their massive solidarity with palestine. the government of ireland has recently announced it support for south africa's case against israel at international court of justice. however, most participants and speakers were critical of irish politicians. before the satrick day, we issued the call uh not to entertain or legitimize joe biden uh by the largest three political parties who's going to america, irish political parties. finifil and chimpan, they uh continued in their journey and went to the we consider that as legitimizing of genocide do. people of belfast harshly
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criticized shin fain's attendance at the white house in march. politics in general has not done enough to stop - apparatite israel, they haven't um, they haven't pushed for sease fire nearly hard enough, um, regardless of what their positions are, other activists also called. the republican party hypocrites who went to drawn or shamrocks on st. patrick's day in washington with genocidal to beiden by palestinians are journing in their own blood in the rubble underneath the bombs dropped uh by america via israels of irish politicians are not reflective of their people support for palestine as displayed by numerals on the international wall in belfast. to mark land day and the sixth anniversary of the great return march, thousand assemble outside city hall in belfast, while the support for the people and the resistance in gaza is visible on the
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streets of belfast, the speakers and participants of the march were also critical of irish politicians and parties. they say their support for palestine is hypocritical because it only serves their own electoral ambitions. dita reinish reporting for. breastv from belfast. march 31 is pivotal date in iran's modern history, marking the 45th anniversary of the day that millions of iranians voted in favor of establishing the islamic republic system. this historic referendum fulfilled the nation's long cherished democratic aspirations, giving rise to a governance system rooted in the will of the people. or correspondent as the report. iran commemorates. the 45th anniversary of the islamic republic's inception, a significant event that falls on march 31st this year. this commemoration honors the
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momentous day when shortly after the fall of the us supported palavi regime in 1979, millions of iranians participated in a landmark referendum. this vote effectively concluded over two millennia of monarchial rule in iran, an overwhelming 98.2%. the electorate endorsed the formation of an islamic republic, regarded as a watershed in iran's contemporary narrative, the referendum was a manifestation of the nation's enduring quest for an islamic democracy. we commemorate this day because it led to the establishment of a theocratic democracy. the nation cast their ballots in favor of this divine political system to gain freedom and independence. challenges since the revolution's inception, iranians have charted path of success through steadfastness and resolve, positioning themselves as an example
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for nations aspiring to freedom. thank god, iran is now under the magnifying glass of other countries. we have now become role model for regional and muslim countries, and they look up to us. the principles of independence and liberty central to the iranian populaces. overwhelming endorsement the islamic republic 45 years ago, continue to be the government's defining features. the islamic republic day is widely venerated by iranians as a day that puts on display the power of people in determining the destiny of their country. press tv, tehran. and that does it for world news. just bye-bye for now.
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despite all the sanctions and limitations, published statistics revealed that the islamic republic of iran mine action center boasts the highest number of discovered mines in 2019.
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صدق الله العلي العظيم.
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the holy city of mashad has long been popular for the presence of the holy shine of imam raza, peace be upon him.
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