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tv   Documentary Breath of Life 1  PRESSTV  March 31, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm IRST

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i was at the age of 16 very interested by the world, what happened around me, and i traveled when i was 17 years old, i traveled even to iran, and during my studies always traveled, i started even i was studying architecture, during my study i was working as as a war photographer, i was not really
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interested only by war, but i was interested by the what's going on in the world and i was thinking photography could change the world, but after 50 years i can say no, nothing has changed, of course it's easier to look through the lens because you have some kind of protection behind the lens and something you cannot see by yourself when i've i've seen so many people kid around me and and the bad. uh, i think without my camera, it would have been much more difficult, the camera is kind of a protection between me and the rest of the world, and it's very, very useful. now... to talk about the pictures, um, there
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was two important thing in that revolution, one is the uh dimension of religion, mean it, this revolution at something top of any other revolution, it's also connected with the uh religion, because of course not everything was on the side of religion, but for many is a religious leader and during the whole process, the religion was a part of of the revolution and of course imam khumani was a center of that and i have one picture in my mind which is very important for me because i was trying always to to show him like kind of prophet you know and in in in in my image i was looking to have something like iconic image like in the church or like in the temple wanted to have have. one picture in my
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mind where imam khumani was surround is surrounded by different people and it's like team of prophet and the hand of the of the of the people down trying to touch him, this is one image which is very important for me because it's a good symbol of of this of this revolution, otherwise i mean this was i'm talking about the picture of the imam homini is he was a symbol human human symbol of that. when i came here for the first time before the revolution in february march 78, well i came in because i had the feeling something.
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was going to happen, i was young photographer, i have just some news about some demonstration happening in iran, and of course the name of the imam homani at that time was not known, and the name of the imam komani became more and more known after few weeks and all of them, they were talking about this person you know with the name of homani, but nobody knew really him, we had no image, no picture of him, he was, we knew he was in iraq, he was in he he was in a kind of a retreat, he was sent by by the by by the shah uh in 63 and he was najaf but we did not know anything about him really he was like a ghost and people in the demonstration were mainly using this name as as a cry as slogan we had no image no photography of him the uh
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the newest image we had where uh the image from the 63 he was at the time young young mola you know then we are coming up to we are now in uh september 78, october 78, and at that time, i think, i don't remember the exact date, i think it was, i don't, maybe november, i got a, i was still covering the revolution in iran, and of course the name of romani was becoming like the the difficult to say, it was the name of everything, he was the name of revolution, it was a name of the change, it was a name of hope, he was a name it was key, key a keyword, like romney was everything.
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i'm here today in the museum of revolution and and sacred defense for this exhibition uh this exhibition is about uh my story during the revolution uh i started at the beginning of 78 until 80 more or less and follow almost
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everything starting with the first demonstration in 78 after that july august etc and uh you have to remember that time it was not uh like today, everybody didn't have a cell phone in his pocket, we were quite a few people, with a good technology, with a good way to, with the possibility to send our pictures abroad, and if you think about it, uh, this is not only story of the revolution, it's also the story of iran in 40 years ago, and some images are talking about uh iran. 40 years ago, the poor area, the life in the countryside, so many things, these images became from ch, they change from news, 40 years ago, this image were news, and they became after 40 years a kind of historical
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testimony, that's why it's so different and so important today, and as you know the history passing by very quickly, and again this, this is... it's very important to understand today, i mean the what happened today, the present, you cannot understand iran or any other country in the world if you don't know the past, how the country become like what it is. "i was a journalist during the revolution and when i met for the first time the ayatollah romeni in offil chateau, that was after several months i've spent in iran covering the revolution, he arrived few days before in paris coming back from iraq,
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and that day on november 8, i think, i was one of the first to meet him in that small garden outside of paris." a small house, in a small village. "he was a symbol and of course he became very famous because when you see billion of people in the street claiming the name of uh durut that mean long life to homini and des to the shah, mean it slogans, but i can say we knew
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nothing about him, and then one day i arrived in that garden in château and this man was..." like a prophet, like uh, he was not real until that day, he was kind of word in a demonstration, but not a real human being. and from one day he became a real human being, one day i could see him sited in the garden like anybody and the contrast between what happened in the street and what i see in front of me was incredible and it was so simple and of course it was for me a big contrast to seem like like that when when i had in my mind something like huge uh not the symbol, huge, it's over everything, you know, i mean, the gap was incredible,
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he invited us to have seat, i was there with an another friend. from liberation and we are invited to sit with him and to share a cup of tea, that was that simple, you know, for me it was kind of very strange situation, he was just a simple human being there, very quiet, very peaceful, very serious, i could say very tance, he was not really smiling, but he just offer us have tea with us and we talk about it, and we start talking with the translator, you know, and the translator told him who we were. he was this person was a journalist from this newspaper, this person was a
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whatever, and they came to me and he sayid this young photographer is covering the revolution since the beginning, he's in the treat with the people every day, and uh, he had always his face very serious, you know, and he talked to me like that, and he said, oh, you are doing that, it's good, it's important what, what you are doing, it to report about our people, our life, what we how we suffer in, under the regime of the sh, but you have to continue that and you don't have to be here, you know, i'm not the important person in that revolution, you have to continue your work, you should go back to iran and report on what's going on, don't stay here, that was a bit of a surprise, because for me, of course, ayatollah homani was so important, i went back to iran after a couple of days and what was interesting at that time, i was the first photographer to... to iran with real pictures of the
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in the garden under the there was some clos where drying in the garden just. move the cloths and the they just pray under this close you know it was so familiar so simple you know like in a in family courtyard he just sayid first thing he sayid was he has to go he has to go he has to go and that's all and that was my first pictures of him and of course uh nobody could imagine we were in november who could imagine in november. three months, the whole regime would collapse, it was incre, it was something you could not
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imagine, especially at that time, but he was sure to win. "you could see him always, you now, he was always very tense, very, he was not smiling often, you know, only that day i saw him like that, but most of the time he's always focus, he was always focused on uh, his goal, he was always focused on what he had to do, for him, you know, you could feel what he has." in his mind was kind of order from god, not from
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himself, then we was invested by something else, and you could feel that all the time, whatever you sing on him or not, it's just what i saw, at that moment, that was one of the very important moment of the revolution. this picture is interesting because i remember very well what happened that day, of course that was the return of the imam khumeini in interant for the first time since so many years and the first visit he made was
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to that semetory bestezara, he was a small sitting a small place in small... table surrounded by people and it was very emotional moment because at that time some people came in and they started to explain what happened to their family to their children and i remember espcially some boys, a boy was singing i think at one time, i couldn't got the word, but it was so silent you, everybody stopped talking and people were crying, i couldn't get. the words i couldn't get anything, but i understood it was very, very special moment, very strong moment. after maybe one hour, of course, imam homani was surrounded by thousand of people, and he had to go back to terran, and that was also a time where people were were singing
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for the first time, before that nobody had seen him, he was in in paris and before in..." in iraq and that was the first time they they saw kind of god for real, people were wanted to touch him, you see all the ends, the ends and during... "all day long, everybody coming from all over iran came in this small courtyard, and every day by thousand, 10 th00 here, another 10 th00 women on one side, and then men and it's the friend of the imam khumeini, you can see and other people here, you see, this is a window,
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people had to go quickly." because you have got another 1000 waiting outside.
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we are in the house of the imam komeini in gum, in front of picture taken, i think before 64, he was there at the same place, and that remember me when i first met him in paris when he came back after his exile, when he came to paris, sorry, and... that was on november 10 or 11 and we he offered me a tea in the garden like today and we were maybe a bunch of people, few journalists, few friends of him, we were seated on his side, he start talking with us and we had cup of tea like that, like today in front of this picture.
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and then the last time i met him again was here in gum, i think before the election, he was welcoming the crowd from the rooftop of the house.
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actually et difficult to imagine imam khamaini spend his life here and there. is an hospital just behind this house, but this house is very, very small, it's only two rooms, one kitchen, nothing else, then he could reseve important people here in this small room, and then when the crowd was coming, there is a bigger place here where thousand of people could come for speech, prayer, lesson, whatever, he just had to cross this few meters, it was not so difficult for him that time to meet the people who are sharing him and then coming back here and spend the rest of the day,
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actually this place was called husseini jamaron. was a place where the imam khumeini gave all his speech prayer when he was meeting people, we have seen from his house where he was staying over there in the small bedroom, he just had to cross 10 meters, open this door and he was seated on that chair here, but it's difficult to imagine how many people could stay in that small building. i mean few hundred women of course separate with men upstairs and people were coming in just to meet him and uh he stay here until
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his death every day giving speech prayer to other people. yeah, this trump is very important, actually this is tomp of a man would change history, would change the world and at least the middle east, and because i was a witness of this big revolution. change the world, the imam khameini is very important for me, because since that time, after 40 years, iran is still in the middle of this history, and
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of course what that have done around, i was not there when he died, i just left iran in 1980, but of course for the iranian people, he is the center of the world. yes, when i heard the deaths of imam khameni uh 10 years after more or less 10 years after the revolution uh of course. i was very interested because it was important part in my life and of course didn't love imam khumani because i'm not iranian, it's not my
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country, i'm not muslim, but respect him as as a man, as a leader, mean you have to imagine it change a country like iran from the shah to something just the opposite, then of course it was so important, and i couldn't come for mainly one reason at that time, 10 years after after the revolution, there was so many photographers here, iranian photographer were very good, very talented, wonderful, and there was no reason for me to come, of course for me it would have been interesting as human being to be there, but again during all that time uh after the revolution until few years ago, it's like a good cook you know, good food, it takes time to make something good, then my image... move from again news to historical event, and we don't see today the history the same way like
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in the in the past, that's why... "the pictures of the revolution are becoming big history, and that's why it's important to explain that today, you like or you don't like it, you know, it's what it is, you know, it's just the result of a long process, and i'm not here to judge, i'm just here to tell a story, to explain what's going on, and it's a choice of iranian people, today or their future, it's they have to decide by themselves, no one has to change that." from outside, in 1964, every swiss woman of childbearing
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potential would give birth to almost datori di lavoro, non lavorate, cioè il messaggio per intanto attuale è questo e quindi questo è venuto dopo che lei ha detto praticamente, in un secondo tempo sono anche arrivati problemi finanziari e quindi quando tu hai dei problemi finanziari comincia a pensare: area: 37.9% are single people, 24.7% are couples without children, and only 27.3% are couples with children. when palestinian
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journalist shirin abu agile was killed by an israeli sniper and may 11, 2022, the israelis meant to get across a clear message that they don't want any narrative other than their own under decades old occupation of palestinian lands and their aggression. it wasn't the first time israeli sought to put gag on the alter. native narrative and every time it is failed. watch the history of the israeli measures and palestinian counter measures in this documentary. bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
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ولنبلونكم بشيء من الخوف والجوع ونقص من الامwalat wa bashrir sabirin. inna lillahi wa inayhi rajiin.
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palestinians are killed during iof attacks on day 177 of. the genocidal war on the gaza strip. another protest rally in tel aviv israel to resign over his handling of the war on gaza. the initial results of the municipal elections in turkey. the opposition is ahead in the two major cities of istanbul and ancora.