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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 1, 2024 1:30am-2:03am IRST

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"your headlines on press tv, some 80 palestinians are killed during iof attacks on day 177 of the us israely genocidal war on the gaza strip. more protest rallies in tel aviv and alghots, israelis want benjamin netanyahu to resign over his handling of the war on gaza. and the israeli regime launches
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fresh airways targeting locations in the vicinity of the syrian capital, damascus injuring two civilians. hello everyone, your... watching press the v live from the studios in terron, thank you for joining us. nearly six months into the us israely genocidal war on gaza and attacks continue all across the besieg territory causing more deaths and destruction.
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"according to palestinian officials, around 80 people lost their lives in just 24 hours. a most of them were killed in fresh strikes on eight seekers near gaza city. a number of civilians were also killed as israeli forces, targeted tents belonging to displaced palestinians in the central city of dairal balah. during three weeks of siege on the alshifa hospital, israeli forces have killed hundreds of civilians in and around the medical. facility, some 100 palestinians are still trapped inside the hospital while the regime has destroyed over one 100 nearby of homes. the death troll from the us-israeli genocide in gaza is approaching 32,800. now thousands of israelis have once again rallied in tel aviv and algod to protest against prime minister benjamin netanyahu over his failure to secure the release of the captives in gaza. the... protesters ageged netanyahu
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to resign and call for early elections. they vowed to continue their vallies until all israeli captives are released. netanyahu has been in hot water over his handling of the gaza war. israel has failed to release any of the captives by military means. it has also failed to achieve any of the stated goals of the war. israelis have held anti-netanyahu rallies for months. the premier is embroiled in series of scandals and charges, including fraud and breaches. of trust, israeli forces still attack hospitals in gaza under the pretext of finding members of the hamas resistance movement, mother grieves the death of his nine-year-old son in kamal adwan hospital as she recounts the moment iof troops attack the patients and their families there. let's seculis. suddenly they closed the doors and there was shooting with. said
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maybe there is a truth that we didn't know anything about yet, the doctors and nurses were screaming and saying that israeli beseaged us outside, they started shooting at the doors to get hamas out, but where is hamas? they are all sick children and there is no hamas, only the medical staff and these children is my dead son hamas, what did my son do to them? all the hospital sections were called to the reception, they took the displaced people out in groups of 40, the first day 40, the second, the third and the fourth as well. on the fifth day they said that they want to evacuate the families of patients and leave the patients. they told me to leave my son alone. i said i will not go and leave him. some operations were delayed. there are no medical equipment or medicine in the al-shifah hospital. there's nothing. the seventh day the doctor came to me and told me that i should go out and that the israeli forces want to enter the hospital and that i was putting my life and the life of my son in danger. they told me to go out and take him with me. i went out. and i put him in his
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chair and then they started shooting so i carried him on my shoulders and there was people and patience behind me, once we got out they started shooting at us again telling us that this is not a safe area and we should go right, then they started shooting again saying that this is not safe area as well, we were in the middle of the thing and we didn't know what to do, we then came to camel at one hospital and they did what's necessary directly, he had a blockage in his intestines and today he died, his father knows nothing about him, he only knows that he's sick, he's not around, he didn't get the chance to say goodbye, lebanon's hezbollah of resistance movements and israeli forces continue to exchange fire as tensions remain high over the war in gaza. in the latest such tensions, the lebanese resistance has carried out several retaliatory operations against israeli positions in southern lebanon. this after assassination drone assault targeted vehicle in lebanon's southern town of kunin.
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our correspondent mariam soleh as the details. the most dangerous uh aggression today. from the israeli side was that an israeli drone targeted vehicle in the southern town of kinine and we're talking about assassination it seems uh they we know from reports that there was one person in that vehicle and that has become part of the israeli uh policy of targeting individuals which could be members of either the hamas uh as you know hamas is active in lebanon it does have a branch here in lebanon and they are active in south lebanon we also see that they israelies are targeting when they do have intelligence, they're targeting some vehicles that include members of hazbullah, but in times there's also uh targeting of civilians in their vehicles as well. hazbullah has made it of course clear that they will continue to retaliate for the continuous israeli aggressions and there were several operations today, the israelis tar excuse me hazbulah targeted uh the the post
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of jordah, they targeted specifically, they said the espionage devices uh in that post, they also targeted theeseim post and alam which has become a routine operation for hisballah targeting the occupied lebanese shabba farms. we also saw today targeting of recent post which is called the barta launching site where the israelis keep their tanks and their artillery and they launch their aggressions from that area and hazballah mentioned in their statement that this is a recent post and this show shows that hazball that uh the israelis uh are attempting to move away from their original post, perhaps trying to stave off. any uh operations, but seems to have the intelligence to be able to know about these recent posts and target them as well. israelis have carried out fresh strikes on syria targeting the vicinity of the capital, damascus. the syrian military says the
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rockets were launched from the direction of the occupied golen heights. it added the aggression resulted in the injury of two civilians and caused some material losses. the attack comes two days after the... regimes fatal air strikes on syria's aleppo killed a number of civilians and military personnel. the syrian government has on numerous occasions called on the united nations to force the israeli regime to stop his acts of aggression. damascus says the assaults are in violation of international law and aimed at propping up terrorists. the iranian president says one way to end the us israely genocide of the palestinians in gaza is to cut off all the'. matic ties with the tel aviv regime. ibrahim raisi made the comment in a phone call with his turkish counterpart recep tip erdogan. rais he condemned the crimes committed against palestinians despite a cease fire resolution by the un security council. he added that israel's violation of more than 400
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international resolutions exposes his aggressive and anti-human nature. the president called on islamic countries to send more humanitarian aid to the gaza strip in a bit to check famon. the besieg territory. ray also expressed willingness to promote political, economic and cultural cooperation between tehran and ankara. erdogan for his part stressed the commitment of the turkish government implementing bilateral agreements between iran and turkey. for muslims across the world, eid alfitter, which marks one month. obedience to god in the holy fasting month of ramadan is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud for their servitude to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month,
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muslims put aside their differences and hostilities and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages in iran have their own traditions for ramadan which date back to centuries. get a glimpse of this. in this documentary on press tv: now iran's foreign minister has emphasized the need for israel to end this aggression in the gaza strip and implement seasfire as required by the recent un security council resolution was in amir abdullah yan made the comment in a phone call with his egyptian counterpart same shukri, both minus is voice the rejection of force displacement of palestinians outside the gaza strip and any ground assault on the
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southern city of rafa. the two top diplomats also called for ensuring full access to humanitarian aid in the besieg strip. they erged israel to remove any obstacles hindering aid delivery and comply with the relevant security council resolutions. shukri and abdullah yan also addressed egypt-iran relations agreeing to maintain consultations to improve bilateral. relations, partial results from turkey's local elections show the opposition is ahead in two key cities of istanbul and ankara, with 40% of the ballots counted, ekrem emamoglu, the current mayor of istanbul, is leading with 50% of the votes compared with 41% of his main rival who is back backed by president erdogan. in the capital, ankara, the mayor is leading with 56% compared with 36. percent for the ruling party candidates. the opposition is also leading nationwide with almost 39% of the
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votes a first in more than three decades. sunday's election was held to choose mayors and provincial council members across the country's 81 provinces. in our news review program we have discussed with our guests the significance of the turkish municipal elections. let's take a listen. well joining us on this edition of the news review we have uh emeritus professor of political science at istanbul university joining us from istanbul also journalist and commentator esral turk uh who's also with us from the turkish city of uh istanbul welcome to the program uh to the both of you let's start off with uh turan, give us your perspective on the significance
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the vote, and also were any questions regarding the turnout answered today? well, we actually the count is still continuing, so it would be difficult to venture opinions about the rate of participation, but the significance of elections we can talk about, because the elections, though they are local, have been conceptual. as national election in which the support for the governing party is tested. now this sort of conclusion was also promoted by the governing party itself, because the president was in actively involved in the campaign, and not only was she involved in the campaign, but he also allowed his ministers in the cabinet to go in and campaign for particular candidates, popularly in istanbul that you in your newscast identified as the jewel of turkey,
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the voting couch is still continuing, but there was depending on the polls, or if we are to believe in the poles that the governing party will experience difficulties in many areas, particularly in the more economically developed. sections of turkey and these sections tend to stretch along the mediterranean, the agen and the marmara coast and apparently also along the black sea coast. miss oosturk, give us your perspective on what's it stake in these elections, do you believe that this was a litmus test for uh president erdogan and his party? no doubt, no doubt, yes this uh this elections are very critical, was actually very important for a party and for its constituency, because it was considered as a milestone whether akbolo
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is going to win in this elections or not, so the thing is the constituency expect ekram imamolu to get more strength strengthened for the upcoming elections in 2028, if he will get the result from this elections as a with victory he will be most probably the presidential hopeful for for the next presidential election, but the thing for a party constituency, they did their best, they really had a big campaign, they they had big gatherings even though it was ramadan and for for many people it was very hard to uh do it outside, mean campaigning and this gatherings uh joined by president erdogan so uh what do we have? mean let's look at the numbers so we had more than 61 million voters but almost five or six million of them are generation z
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which are not islamists which which who do not like political islam who do not like uh mean the overall policies of a party let's say and majority of them votes for chp. the second important thing uh which we can consider as an important factor uh which which is going to actually give us the result um for the for the benefit of republican people's party let's say is the high inflation and bad economic conditions in the country. all right thanks lot that's all the time. uh we have for this segment of the program uh thanks to professor joining us uh from istanbul, also thanks to journalists and commentary also speaking to us from istanbul. with that it brings us to an end here on this edition of the news review, but stick around, we've got plenty more to come here on press tv. welcome back in pakistan, people have
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shown. solidarity with palestinians in water on gaza by holding protests and setting up roadside iftar meals in ramadan. they have condemned this rules brutalities and call for immediate cease fire in the besieg territory, in particular in the holy month of ramadan. press tv's correspondent nasa khasmi reports from islamabad. this year, the holy month of ramadan in pakistan has been dedicated to the oppressed people of gaza with pakistanis. asserting that they will never forget the plight of palestinians in war at on gaza. throughout ramadan, they have continued to raise their voices against israel's brutalities and the genocidal war on gaza. this week activists from save gaza campaign organized protest demonstrations in all major cities of the country. they also staged
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protestitins to condemn what they perceive as israel's barbarism in kaza. pakistan should move on international fora, united nation, oic and other international fora for sease fire, to save ghazza, to save palestinian to stop this genocide, number one, number two, establish humanitarian assistance corridor, number three, start proceeding against israel and international court of justice and international criminal court and also on the platform of the oic for the work. for their crime against immunity and gazah while leaving the comfort of their houses behind, individuals from different faiths and backgrounds gather on the streets, setting up makeshift iftar meals to break their fast during ramadan. these gatherings were not just about sharing food, they were about sharing solidarity, empathy and hope for the people of gaza. this is message from d chok
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islamabad pakistan that we are with you, our hearts are beating in ghaza and for the regimes across the globe, the our message is that you have been exposed, you are so-called democracy, your so callalled freedom of speech, your so callalled international humanitarian law are badly exposed. images of destruction and suffering from the israeli war sparked wave of empathy among people from various works of life in pakistan, prompting them to increase their advocacy campaign within their communities for the plight of oppressed people in gaza. "the gesture of pakistanis holding protest demonstrations and breaking their fasts on the streets to show solidarity with the oppressed people of gaza underscores their steadfast commitment implifying voices against israel's ongoing genocide and advocating for a cease fire. nasikhazmi. press tv, islamabad. the us has
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in recent days quietly authorized the transfer of billions of dollars. with a bombs and fighters to israel. last week the state department also authorized the transfer of f 25 f35 fighter jests and engines to israel. in our explainer segment, we taken, we've taken a closer look at the issue. the us government has approved new batch of military equipment to the israeli regime. the most recent aid will include bombs and jets, the immediate question, what happened to the rhetoric of concern for civilian casualties? for example, the us secretary of defense, loid austin has said that the civilian deat tool in the gaza strip is far too high, the too many palestinian civilians continue to die, adding that the gaza strip continues to suffer humanitarian catastrophe, one in which can be avoided, and that the situation is
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getting even worse, echoing the same view as other us officials, including us president joe biden, now it was within one week that the white house authorized transfer of war planes and bombs, the sale amount 2.5 billion dollars. here's a shot list, more than 1800... mk84 2000-pound bombs and 500 mk 82 500 pound bombs. this sale also included 25 f35 fighter jets. now what can these 2000-pound bombs do? for starters, the immense fire power can inflict damage to people over a long distance up to a thousand feet or 300 away. this can create civilian casualties a massive scale, something israel has done. on more than one occasion, well here's a map which shows craters created by these heavy us bombs, more than 500 craters which are consistent with 2 lb bombs. note
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that the average destruction is 39.3 ft or 12 meters in diameter. two flashbacks are in order here: first from october the 7th to november the 1st, euromed monitor reported that israel struck at least 12. targets that it had dropped more than 25,00 tons of explosives on the gaza strip and it said this was equivalent to two nuclear bombs like the ones the us dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki, the second flashback, massive us arms deliveries, 244 transport planes from october the 7th to december the 25th, more than 10,00 tons of bombs and munitions delivered to occupied palestine. and that's over a three- month period only. we're now in the sixth month of the genocide. let's not forget, the u.s. has virtually removed all the meaningful restrictions on the stock pile
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and the transfer of its arms to israel. this includes surplus weapons limitations, annual spending cap on replenishing the stock pile and curtailing congressional oversight. and to add insult to injury, the us says that israel is using weapons in line with international and humanitarian law and that israel is not blocking gaza 8, saying israel's use of american weapons meets requirements of new national security memorandum despite overwhelming evidence that proves otherwise. the us provides israel with nearly $4 billion a year in military assistance, if it wanted to stop the israeli genocide, it could do so by using that as leverage to condition us aid for israel, but continues to uh provide israel with bombs, which may be why joe biden has new nickname, genocide joe. iranians get together in mosks
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and other religious places in the month of ramadan to observe laid qadr or the night of destiny. a correspondent farzane ashuriun who is in the holy city of mashad tells us more about nights which are considered the most virtuous before god. tonight i'm in the holy shrine of imam razza, peace be upon him, the eighth imam of shia muslims in northwestern city of mashad, and uh where actually thousand, hundreds of thousands of people have gathered here to hold special vigils and pray uh for forgiveness, for blessing, and muslims actually believe that on this night the holy quran was revealed to the prophet muhammad, peace be upon him, and according to the holy quran, praying at this night is
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actually better than a thousand months of prayers, this night, which is the night before the 21st date of the holy ramadan is also the date of the martedom of imam ali, please be upon him, the first imam of shiam muslims and another... important uh actually uh point that i wanted to mention is that i was talking to people here about with different people from all walks of life, from actually children, different ages, and uh palestine as the most important issue of the muslim uh world has not been forgotten here and i was talking to them and they said that they have not forgotten about them and they are praying for them in this very significant night for the muslims all around the world. and there you have it those with the top stories on press tv. thank you for listening, take care and bye-bye.
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landmines and explosive remnants of war are the terrifying legacy. min m14 تمام.
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the museum of miniature, simple things are converted to historic handcrafted masterpieces, it rises from the creativity. the inner child and has tourist attraction. mathy mutavasilon was born in natans and grew up in tehran. join us on press tv to see his museum.
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every news channel claims that it covers the latest breaking news as we do, so that alone is not what sets press tv apart. what mainstream news outlets conveniently leave out, with breaking news from around the world, we are here to bring to you, we fill in the blanks. "we are the other side of the story, the less represented side of the story. we are tellers of inconvenient truths. while they continue to silence our website, our live broadcast, and our social media platforms are persistent, always perseveres, and it makes you wonder, what is it, we're saying that they don't want you to hear. we are the shadow band, we are the censored,
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we..." are the voice of the voiceless, we are press tv. welcome to spotlight. the gaza genocide is uh closing in on six months now as the israeli attacks continue all across the besiege territory causing more deaths and destruction. during three weeks of siege on the al-shifa hospital, israeli forces have killed hundreds of civilians in and around
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the medical facility. iof troops still attack hospitals in gaza under the pretext of finding members of the hamas resistance movement. after 177 days, the death toll from the us israeli genocide in gaza is approaching 33,00 from besieging hospitals to wiping out entire families, crimes unimaginable are being committed by the israeli regime against the palestinians, and as the world watches on, the nightmare continues. joining us tonight's spotlight. we have activist and political analyst alberto garcia watson, joining us from morocco. and former black panther party member jihad abdul mamit is joining us now from stone mountain georgia. gentlemen, welcome to the program. let's start off with mr. abdul mamet from
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snow mountain georgia, sir, just about every crime uh imaginable has been committed against the people in gaza. give us your perspective on why the israeli regime is acting in this savage manner against a civilian pop. yes, bismillah, in the name of allah, most gracious, most merciful, we look it is being a rabbit dog fighting desperately to maintain the hegemony in that area supported by the united states, and now that the iron dome has been cracked by hamas, they see the vulnerabilities, and the only way that they can eliminate this, this people's threat, this revolutionary threat, this this threat against. their colonial regime and their party regime is to fight back and decimate everything that they possibly can. i think this is the normal history, at least definitely so for the united states and for over 70 years for the israeli regime has been taken and go gobbling up the land of our.