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tv   SPOTLIGHT Israel incessant incursions  PRESSTV  April 1, 2024 6:02am-6:31am IRST

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welcome to spotlite, the gaza genocide is uh closing in on six months now as the israeli attacks continue all across the bessieg territory causing more deaths and destruction during three weeks of siege on the al shif.
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the hospital, israeli forces have killed hundreds of civilians in and around the medical facility. iof troops still attack hospitals in gaza under the pretext of finding members of the hamas resistance movement. after 177 days, the death toll from the u.s. israeli genocide in gaza is approaching 33,000 from besieging hospitals to wiping out entire families, crimes unimaginable are being committed by the israeli regime at. against the palestinians and as the world watches on, the nightmare continues. joining us tonight's spotlight, we have activist and political analyst alberto garcia watson, joining us from morocco, and former black panther party member jihad abdul mohammed is joining us now from stone mountain, georgia. gentlemen, welcome to the
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program. uh, let's start off with mr. abdul mamet from stone mountain georgia sir, just about every crime uh, imaginable has been committed against the people in gaza. give us your perspective on why the israeli regime is acting in this savage manner against a civilian population. yes, bismillahirrahmanirrahim, in the name of allah, most grace is most merciful. uh, we look it is being uh, rabbit dog, uh, fighting desperately to maintain the hegemony in that area supported by the united states and now that uh the iron dome has been cracked by hamas, they see their vulnerabilities and the only way that they can eliminate this this people's threat, this revolutionary threat, of this this threat against their colonial regime and their party regime, it's a fight back and decimate everything that they possibly can, i think this is the normal history, at least definitely so for the united states and for over 70 years for the israely. regime has been taken in gobbling up
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the land of our palestinian sisters and brothers ever since the beginning, now now we have heighten form of genocide, but it's always been the genocide, it's always been the open air prisoners, it's always been that, and it's always been supported by the united states of america, which is one of the first countries to support israely regime when they raised their flag high over 70 years ago, so what you see is very normal activity at his height and state, there's no way in the world that the united states or israel is going to allow a block of muslim countries, a block of socialist countries, a block of any other countries to be able to get in that area and and take away the united states basting of power, their front there, so now you see this this effort to to raise the ground to raise everything so they think, but just like a grass growing up through the cement uh sidewalk, they'll never extinguish that and they'll definitely never extinguish the light of the muslims fighting back against oppression, never ever. right, mr.
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uh, garcia watson, attacking hospitals and schools, uh, it's been a hallmark of the israely forces in gaza, even in past wars and massacres, do you think the israelies are committing uh such brutality against the civilian population, because it has not been successful against the resistance, well definitely um, israelis have always even before the state of israel was ever declared in 1948. "the terrorist attacks from the radical streamist scionist jewish groups was always focused on on as civilians and they committed massacres that could just be compared to the ones committed by taeshh in syria and in turkey in iraq, i mean they have always pointed at at civilians because they know that that is what they call the attention and that's what actually the majority of the population of israel."
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approved, 68% of israelis today approved the military operation and the gaz strip by the israeli forces, but it's even close to a 70%. of israelis that wish that the israeli forces will be even more brutal against the civilian population, they really cannot fight against uh hamas, hamas is not the only resistance group in the in the gaza strip, we have the islamic jihad, we have the popular front for liberation of palestine, we have different groups that are involved in this struggle, but um, it's only is only when they fight against this groups. that they have to wear diapers and this is not a joke, they do wear diapers, israeli forces when they confront their resistant forces, actually fighting the civilians is so much easier and it gives much better result for their goals, which is to kill as many people as possible and create
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the terror and the gas strip to make the people live in in a situation that is absolutely unbearable and push them out of the gas is strip whenever they have the occasion. israelis have proven not to be very different than any other terrorist group or even the nazi regime in germany in the 40s that actually very much the same, they have picked up really the civilian population as the target because they know they can't fight the resistance, the resistance i will say that is almost intact, the capacity that they have at this point of fighting back, and they haven't been able of liber. rating uh the hostages and they haven't been able of finishing and exterminating hamas as they want and this can take years before they can reach that goal so in the meanwhile they're going to kill as many civilians as possible. mr. abdul mahmoud this genocide in gaza has been extremely but bloody for journalists as
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well. why are journalists uh the one of the targets of choice for the uh israeli regime and should we be hearing more from international journalist organizations? condemning what the uh israeli regime is doing? yes indeed, well targeting the the the journalist is blotting out what's really happening the best way that they can so that the rest of the world won't see the atrocities and as brother bertle just said earlier uh the you know why would they do these are the same this is white supremac white supremacy at his best its best these are the same type of people that would hang a black person from a tree and have picnic. and have their children, these this is the same mentality that we dealing with, so when we say oh they're killing, they are intentionally killing children, they're intentionally killing journalists, so they block out the truth so the rest of the world won't won't see what's going on, they're like rabbit dog, they are so serious about this,
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you know to maintain their hegemony over that area so when they beseed they don't care about hospital, it's like they couldn't care about hanging and cutting a a black woman's stomach out and let the baby come fall out tarring feathering people cash straight people here in united, this is the same mentality, so don't be surprised, and it can get worse because the bestiality has no limits whatsoever and the world is seen and you have to take my my my strong words to show this, all you have to do is turn on youtube alzazer or press network and you can see press news and you can see what is actually going on, so there you have it, so um, this is this is the effort to maintain, they're scared, they cannot defeat the resistance movement now. they may kill and kill and kill, but the baby that's being born today, 15 years from now, that'l be the warrior fighting them, they'll never extinguish the light of allah, they'll never extinguish the resistance moon, they'll never ever, but what they have done for themselves, they have, they have shown the world their immorality, they are no longer as if they
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ever were in the first place, we no better than that, but they have shown the world what type of beast, what type of devils, what type of demented thinking it is, and so there you have it, but they will lose. they will lose. mr. garcia watson on sunday, the regime targeted tents of journalists uh in addition to uh more uh displaced people in gaza. what do you believe uh the regime is trying to accomplish by uh committing such crimes and do you think that this clearly shows that the israeli war is not just with the resistance, but it's on all of the people in gaza. definitely, and and and one of the big uh... target are the journalists, they don't want israelis don't want that the world sees what's going on in the gaza strip, however now nowadays any palestinian in the gaza strip that's got a mobile has become a reporter is is uploading images, photographs,
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videos and the social media so the rest of the world can see what's going on, but they have killed already so many journalists, they have killed more journalists than and then entire 10 years in the vietnam war, which actually shows the brutality and how they target them, and the way that they do it is very often they wait till these journalists have returned back home. so they can kill not just the journalist but the entire family, this this is the way they operate is so brutal and so vicious, what what can explain, what is the justification, and that eyes everything that and everyone that moves around on the gas strip is hamas, when i went to the gas strip the times that i went as an activist as as a human shield, they used to also tell me and the rest of the international brigades that we were also members of hamas, i remember even one correspondent of the spanish tv called jolanda alvarez in 2014, she was a
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corresponded in jerusalem and she was in the gaza strip during the operation in 2014, the israelis had to pressurize in spain, the spanish, the israeli ambassador in madrid, the spanish government that this woman, this correspondent was actually member of hamas undercover. and the spanish at that time the president marino of the conservative party just sat this correspondent and brought it back to madrid and and you know if you show the truth of what's going on and every single operation that the israelies inflict in the gaza strip right away or is a threat for the uh israeli security or they just get rid of them like so many so many correspondents have died and the... duty of informing the world of what's going on, this is information for israel is a big threat and showing the
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brutality of what the israelis are perpetrating, the terrorism that they perpetrating against civilians, it's a shame and embarrassing that the international community is just keeping such an ambigurous position towards this situation, because if this what happened in ukraine, the right away like it did happen, we will have orders of arrest against vladimir putin, we will have all the uh sports, the athletes, the football players, the musical contest, we will have a russia band, which actually is what happened just in the in the weeks after the special uh russian military operation in ukraine, but when it happens with israel it's untouchable, i mean they can continue participating um in the european tournaments, even though it's not a european nation, and they can still keep on participating in absolutely every... that is actually embarrassing. mr. abdul mahmud, the uh, ashifa hospital uh, it's
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still under siege and other hospitals are under attack and now camal adwan hospital, which is the uh, it's basically the only facility left to take care of the severely injured. what do you think uh, the aim of the israeli regime is when it's targeting hospitals in such a brutal manner and kidnapping and even killing uh many patients and hospital staff as well, right? so this is, as my brother, watson just said, this is is terrorism, this is terrorism, this is state sponsored terrorism, historically and systemic the terrorism unabashed, and so now that you're targeting the hospital it is to break the will of the people it is destroy every last vestiges of anybody, i don't care if you're sick, crippled, starving to death for malnutrition. and disease and famine, you know, under the broken bones of buildings falling on you, this is this is terrorism,
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and terrorism is to to be able to to put strike fear in the hearts of anybody any remaining person after this decimation is over, so to think that you never going to do this again, and i didn't answer the second part of your question before, the reason why there's such insipit, weak, timid response for so many countries, you know uh, is is because over the... centuries, many of these countries throughout africa and the rest of the world have become bed fellows with the united states and israel, seeking the advantage the benefits that they think they can get that they really don't buse the united states is raped the whole continent of africa of all this resources, so have other european countries, now they have to reconsider because of the egreges, they have to draw a line in the sand, and it's very difficult, but now that you've been bed fellows with the colonialist for so long, now you have to think and consider how am i going to stand? for justice i'm going to stand against this oppression when i have for decades been bed fellows and seeking the
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benefits uh um self-serving interest of my nation states. forget about the one uma of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam but the nation states that the europeans help you carve out and establish now you have to think am i going to lose the little crumbs that they give you on the table that is the deal and the fear and the fear of losing the material benefits from the united states and whatever comes. to israel and so now you have to recalculate that what it is, so it's putting pressure on countries of the world, and this is a good thing, so it's going to see if you're going to stand up for what is just, you're going to stand up for what is right, you have to de-atch yourself. from the nipple of oppression, from the nipple of imperialism, from the nipple of colonialism, from the nipple of a partide, that's what you have to refigure, and that's what these countries have to do, that's why it's so difficult, you just can't jump up and say, okay, we're going to support our sisters and brothers and gaza, you know, once your brother, if any part of body hurts, the prophet sallam says, that means the whole body hurts, but we're not really under, we're
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not wanting to feel that hot deep and what it really means, so there you go, uh, mr. garcia watson, there have been attempts to have a cease fire in place for the month of ramadan, of course, the most recent one being uh the united nations security council resolution was passed and subsequently ignored by the uh israeli regime, so that didn't happen, now new round of talks have resumed in cairo, how likely are we to to see a uh humanitarian ceasefire soon, what will it take and who do you think is impeeding from a ceire? fire uh from being put in place, the united states could actually make much more of an effort, and when i say the united states, obviously i mean the white house, i don't mean the people, we seen some of the most massive demonstrations against the genocide taking place in in in the united states, but as long
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as president joe biden keeps on in one hand saying that um... well yes, we are pressurizing israel not to perpetrate the land invasion and however if you're going to do it by our weapons here you have few millions and and weapons to keep on killing people and keep on destroying this palestinians lives, the only one at this point that actually apart from the entire world together that doesn't seem to do anything but obey what the united states imposes, i've never seen that. before happening, europe used to be quite independent in the past, i never seen how united states at this point is just imposing and the international community is absolute submission over the policies, but united states could actually stop it - and because we see, i mean the the the international
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court of justics already in january sentence israel. uh for committing what they understand traces somehow of of gestures of facts of genocide and imposed supposedly to stop doing it ever since uh that declaration the of the international court uh the rhythm of kinlings had increased uh then we see that the united united nations resolution that took place a couple of weeks ago. uh hasn't been obeyed and it's no repercussions, we see that is no reaction against it, there's no arms embargo, is no orders of arrest, it's absolutely nothing happens when it comes to israel, it's absolutely untouchable, it's like mafia like a sicilian mafia that nobody dares dealing with or or or actually taking any sort of measures against, so united
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states and i just don't understand joe biden and times that now... a big part of the democrat voters are showing the disapproval in the in the politics and in the policies of the united states towards this genocide taking place in the gaza script that he doesn't change, he does not want to change, he's going sacrifice his presidency just to keep loyal to the sionist regime as he said you don't have to be a jew to be a sionist and i am a sionist he says and and that and that is sad. and that is actually sad that the only one that could actually stop him abstains in the voting of of the resolution uh voted in the security council of the united nations recently, but they will continue given the weapons to keep on killing 20 tons of bombs that been provided in the
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past days to israel to keep on killing the population and actually the the so very very... wrong because what they're creating is more and more resistance, every single child that is going to survive this genocide is going to become one more member of the resistance, and israel then is going to have a real trouble and a real problem in the future. mr. abdul moment, it appears at the regime's goal is to create hell on earth for palestinians in order for them to leave gaza, that's what you and our guest, mr. watson pointed out earlier for us, but we've seen that despite all of the horror and devastation, the majority of... say that no matter what, they will not leave their homeland, with this being the perspective of uh of the majority of gazons, can the israeli regime ever be successful taking control of? also they'll never be successful, well they may take control in the immediacy, but in the long run they'll never be uh successful at all, the justice is always going to prevail
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as allah says in the holy quran, but so their days are are numbered, even though it may not look like it right now, how we look at time and the passing of time, and yeah in the immediacy, this is going to be just what we see it to be, but uh as as my brother watson said, not only did joe biden said that uh he's asignness. also but they said that if if there was if israel didn't come about on their own valitional accord and then the united states first declared that they supported that they would have created their own israel that lets you know you know that the imperialist design of the united states ever since it's existence has always been that the whole um uh uh manifest destiny from sea to sh from sea to shiny c that means going from the west coast going around the world and coming to uh the back to the atlantic ocean not talking about coming across. across the land mass, you know, so it's always was about this aggression, gobbling up land mass, exploiting, extrapolating the minerals and the resources and now that whatever is there, they're going
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to make sure that they have full control of it and they're going to see this, think they going to see this as an opportunity, so no, we don't see them stopping, but we see them failing, in allah is the best of man plans and all plans and indeed allows the best of planners, we cannot lose, my dear brothers, we can even when die, we're not losing, a marter goes to paradise, those that are living will remain to populate the world, to cause more resistance, this is the struggle of in this dunya, in this worldly life that we live, and allah says that makes it very clear and we will not lose to answer your question, they will be the ones that's going to fail, and one last question for you, mr. garcia watson, with everything that's taking place now, is there any viable option for the palestinians other than resistance? absolutely, that's what is pain and... past 75 years, resistance, resistance from all points of view, resistance with with with a weapon or resistance through different
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possibilities like the bds, which is also very, very good weapon against the cionist regime, there are many ways of of activism that can damage the image of israel, but the number one, the number one, and it stands in the... b too is to do the jihad is to defend the values is to defend the nations to defend the people and defend the religion and when you have the enemy and the enemy is evil like israel is resistance is probably the only weapon you can fight back and i met people from the resistance and in the gaza strip and i met them also in lebanon in the years that i was there as a correspondent and there are great people with lot of dignity some of them are teachers some are lawyers, some are working construction, they're not professional fighters, they're not professional military, they're actually people who take the weapon when they need to
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defend their families and they need to defend their values and their territory, and here is the only aggressor in the middle east since the the the 30s and 40s has been this entity, the science entity that they called israel, it didn't exist the phenomenon of terrorism. before they the first jews started arriving to palestine in the 20s and 30s, they had to grab the land, the land that actually palestinians were willing to share with them, because every single time that the jews were prosecuted or they were uh killed, they never left to another european white country, they always went to the muslim countries to the uma, why? because they always welcome them, because the religion tells them, you come if you are a... need and i will provide, but this people when they were when they took the finger then they took the whole arm and they took everything and they not only just exterminating the palestinians, but they
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humiliating them too, and one of the most sacred things for muslims, which is their religion, so i think that instead of exterminating hamas or finishing with the palestinian nation and the palestinian people will they creating this even a stronger resistance for the future okay, that's all the time we have. for tonight's show uh thanks to actives and political analysts alberto alberto garcia watson joining us from marakish morocco and thanks to uh jihad abdul mamit, former black panther party member joining us from stone mountain georgia and also allow me to thank uh our viewers for staying with us tonight's spot night so good night for now and see you next time. bismillahirrahmanirrahim. فرحين بما اتاهم
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الله من فضله واستبشرون بالذين لم يلحقوا بهم من خلفهم الا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزمه الله this is home, first was car, then the house, then i hit the street, that was 15 years ago.
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"we are in los angeles, they are building and modernizing everywhere. the rent is always increasing. the city doesn't know what to do with all the homeless people. this is our main spot for the last 19 years, that's most likely to die on the streets if we don't get her off the streets in the next year. for everyone i house, there's probably at least 12 or 20 in similar situation, so that can make my work very discouraging. first is just the first step, but they need emotional support, they need support to seek treatment, they need support to manage life,
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your headlines on press tv, four more palestinians die of starvation a gaza hospital as a death toll from israel's genocidal war, nears 32,800, mostly women and children. israeli forces kill a palestinin man over a stabbing attack that... left three settlers seriously injured in the southern part of the occupied territories and turkey's president, other one conceeds local election setback cause paul results, a turning point for his ruling justice and development party.