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tv   In a nutshell An Otherwise American War  PRESSTV  April 1, 2024 11:19am-11:31am IRST

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more than 30,000 palestinians have so far been killed in israel's full-blown campaign of genocide against gaza since october the 7th last year. the war like any other israeli action has received full support from the united states, but the amount of us support for this particular war has been consequential and the death destruction caused by it have been horrendous, the us supports for israel's bloodched. has
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been so unconditional that it has prompted the closest allies of washington and tel aviv to speak up and urge an end to the american administration's blindbacking for the israeli regime. in this episode of the program we'll take a look at how the united states is liable for genocide in gaza as much as the israeli regime is in anout show. the united states has been using its veto power at the united nations security council to protect the israeli regime. as a result, israel. killing machine has been able to keep going unphased despite the atrocious conducts of war, which has resulted in the incredibly high civilian death toll. the us first vetod a draft security council resolution calling for immediate ceasefire in october last year days into the war. the brazilian drafted text was killed on october 18th, and along with it hopes that the mass murdering of the palestinians would stop. us ambassador to the
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un linda thomas greenfield said that the veto was because the draft did not mention what she called israel's right to self-defense, already over 3,00 palestinians had been killed. then on december 8th last year, washington rejected another security council resolution aiming to mandate a ceasefire in gaza. deputy us ambassador to the un, robert wood said that text was rushed and ignored you. us demands, the palestinian death doll at the time was 17,400. the third us rejection of a cease fire came on february 20th, when thomas greenfield bizarrely claimed any cease fire would jeopardize us negotiations with the warring sides. the palestinian death tool kept mounting and the humanitarian crisis in gaza grew worse. the us stonewalling at the security council came even as votes at the united nations general assembly. overwhelmingly called for a
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ceasefire. while resolutions agreed at the general assembly are non-binding, they carry political weights and reflect the international community's real stance on the israeli war, but the united states calous posture and utmost disregard for civilian loss of life has not been limited to vetos at the security council. us officials have been making numerous trips to tel aviv to show support for the regime. us president joe biden made a wartime visit to israel in a dramatic show of support in october last year. us secretary of state anthony blincan has made several visits to tel aviv since the war started. us support for the war has been more than those vetos and official visits. the united states has been replenishing the israeli arsenal which would have gone dry days into the war given the intensity of the bombardments and other military operations in the densely populated gaza. us made military
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hardware of all kinds has been flowing into israel from ammunition for small arms to missiles, land vehicles and aircrafts. while it is true that israeli forces are involved in gaza, they are essentially fighting an otherwise american war. as the war continues, case of genocide against israel is also proceeding at the united nations international court of justice, what is also referred to as the world court. "the final verdict will probably take several years, but the fact that south africa has filed the motion at the icj and is effectively prosecuting israel shows how the international community is thirsty for justice.
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the museum of miniature, simple things are converted to historic handcrafted masterpieces. it rises from the creativity of the inner child and has tourist attraction. maty muttavasilon was born in natans and grew up in tehran. join us on press tv to see his museum:
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it speaks with me, the saint of the soil, from the blood and the ashes, it speaks with. give me the sound of the rain from the battle and the victory victory.
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oh palestine, i free you! oh palestine, i free you! oh palestine, i free you! oh palestine, i free you! "my every prayer is a cry to my enemy, and i cry out, cry out, cry out to the evil enemy, the flame within my heart will burn you, i cry out, and the
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thunder in my voice will defen you." i cry out and the tornado within my soul will rul you away, my bleathing wound once felt those on forgotten. but the aching sorrow in me never gone, raise it will, my anger and love, love of my land, anger at
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your deeds, raise it with my... anger and love, love of my land, anger at your dear, wounded by hatred, i'm breathing, breathing, breathing, the magic perfume of my homeland palestine, wounded in love, my hands turn around. from the branches of the olive tree, seeking peace, seeking peace, but as long as the pillows of our children are drenching blood, as long as you have the thorn crown of
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evil force, i'm the flame and thunder and tornados. and i cried out, i cried out. i you, i pray you, i miss you, oh my son, i pray you.
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first to be headlines this hour, hamas officials say that the bodies of scores of palestinians have been found in gaza's austra hospital. after israely forces withdrew from the barricaded medical complex, regime forces kill a palestinian man over stabbing attack that left three settlers seriously injured in the southern part of the occupied territories, and turkey's president conceeds local elections setback, calls poll results a turning point for his ruling justice and development party.