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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 1, 2024 1:30pm-2:03pm IRST

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of of i am daniel jadwe, a citizen of chile, originally from palestine, born like so many other palestinians around the world in the diaspora. chile has one of the largest.
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communities outside the arab world. it is said that we are close to 30000, but we are millions spread across the face of the earth, far from our homeland, but committed to the identity, history and struggle of our people, of our land, which is and will forever be palestine. half of gaza's population is at risk of dying from hunger today, the un has warned, but we know that this did not start on october the seventh. let's watch this following video to delve deeper into this dramatic topic.
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we need more help, as has already been said, we are seeing that we may be on the brink of famine in this region en esta región. they need supply, they need medical supplies, of but the first thing they ask for is food and water. they don't have the most basic things.
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everyone knows that the use of hunger as a weapon of war is a crime against humanity. however, israel has been using this strategy to fulfill one of the fundamental objectives of this genocide, which is to force the mandatory displacement of more than 2 million palestinians to user the land. they want their land without its inhabitants. let's see, let's let's go deeper, let's analyze the situation with the following video. according to a report released by unicef, there are 335,00 children under 5 years of age who live in the gaza strip. they are at high risk of
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severe malnutrition and death as famine increases. in recent weeks, at least 10 th00s them suffer from levels of malnutrition that are threatening their lives and it is defined as severe wasting that is a well below normal. one of the main causes of this widespread health problem is the small quantity and poor distribution of humanitarian aid that enters the area. there is little humanitarian aid and widow food. there is a man who prepares food for us from time to time and gives each person a spoonful of food. we only ask that they provide us with at least one meal a day, whatever, lentils, beans, broad beans. we don't order meat, we didn't order lamb, we only... to be able to feed our children, there are days when we don't eat anything because we depend on the charity of some people, we are starving. on december 22nd, the un security council approved a resolution for the immediate delivery of more humanitarian aid to the gaza strip and urgent measures to
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create the conditions for sustainable secession of hostilities. however, until now we haven't noticed any increase in the average number of humanitarian aid trucks entering the strip. it is about 100 trucks a day which does not cover even 10% of gaza's needs. the aid is not enough since we are talking about town of 2.3 million people before about 500 trucks entered daily. these days between 20 and 30 trucks are entering. how are they going to supply all these people? everything is insufficient and cannot supply this population. the aid that enters gaza is collected by unra, the united nations agency for palestinian refugees. so... that it is responsible for distributing the aid among the evacuees, however, this aid, which is insufficient is not distributed equally, and the majority is distributed only to people who are in the schools or refugee camps of this organization. likewise, more than 60% of the evacuees are in places
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outside the on-rock control perimeter and do not receive this help, we have only received one piece of humanitarian aid in the 20 days we been here and it only consists of canned food and stale bread. when we go to ask for help, they tell us that we should receive it from the mosk. we even have to buy water with our money. we can't find food. we eat a can of beans all day. my children ask me eat chicken or meat, but i can't buy it. we can't even buy lentels. help comes in every day, but where does this aid go if we do not receive it? we have not received help for more than 15 days, just not. most cozins are no longer seeking humanitarian aid, but rather an end to the war so they can return to their homes and live in dignity. they assure that they are tired of having to be under israeli occupation and affirm that they are willing to resist until they achieve
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their freedom and put an end to the crimes committed by this hated regime against the palestinian population. my message is that i hope the war is over and people can't return to their home. we don't want help, we want each person to return home and be reunited with their family. there are many families that are separated and are losing many of their members, so we don't think mainly about eight, but rather we think about returning to our lands and to gaza. 85% of an approximate 1.9 million displaced people take refuge in places like rafa. we must highlight that not even the places designated by israel have escaped the indiscriminate bombings. according to the... when gaza has reached a more critical level of humanitarian catastrophe due to famin, hunger should never be used as a weapon of war, since it is collective punishment that in addition to leading to death causes severe physical and psychological deterioration for everyone.
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hispan tv, gaza, palestine. the humanitarian crisis that israel is causing through these actions. of ethnic cleansing, support for illegal settlers who daily practice terrorism against the palestinian population, and the significant decrease in the possibility of receiving humanitarian aid is only one part of... the policy of physical and political extermination of the palestinian people. this is under the complicit eyes and also under the unconditional support of both europe and the united states, which not only have decided to keep silent, but also finance the genocide through countless aid. this is while there is total absence of humanitarian aid to the palestinian people today. we thank god for this interesting report from the epicenter of this crisis and in the next part the program we will talk a little more about the street. israel has been using this
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strategy for more than 75 years in order to use all of palestine. ya estamos de regreso. invite you to a conversation with an international analyst, writer and journalist, we are back and in this sport, i want to specialist and a regular contributor to critical thought and left-wing theory, not only in the bask country, but also in latin america and in the middle east, with particular knowledge of the palestinian case. now let's visit our dear guest, professor iaki gill from san vicente. good morning. yaki, thank you very much for accepting this invitation. i want to start by asking this question, before the october 7th of last
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year, how had israel made palestine agonize over its economy, especially in gaza, and how had it strangled its economy? well, basically it had been doing it through four levels, four practices that although they changed from time to time, depending on the circumstances, remained as such since. 1948 even before when the disposition of lands, the disposition of habitations, houses, homes, the disposition of orchards, the dispositional water etc. this was the first and remains the first, and what it did meant that palestine did not have the capacity to maintain agricultural production, but it was a lie. palestine, due to its weather and soil condition, was very good and had very good production of cereals, fruits and olives, especially olives. this is economy. the second. strategy is the very removal of the palestinian youth and workforce, not only on
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the agricultural level, but over the years on the cultural level. we have seen here in europe, we have seen many palestinian workers, for example, in health section, palestinian immigrants who didn't have the chance to work in palestine, although they had been trained in the universities of countries like russia, like cuba, like the ussr originally, then cuba etc., but they didn't want to work for israel. so they had to immigrate, they could not work in the zianist regime and had to immigrate. this was the second looting, or let's say intellectual looting. now tell you how this benefits the zionist regime. it benefits them indirectly, because when these sophisticated scientific immigrants sent economic remittances to palestine, israel levies taxes on these remittances and enriches its economy. the third strategy is a more sophisticated one, which is to control the arrival of technology. "the arrival of technology even after gaza officially existed and the west bank officially existed. the arrival of
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industrial technology was controlled by the zionist regime, and it let pass what it is interested in and avoid any technology, not in its benefit. this affects agriculture, right? and how did it do it? they did it basically with the internal collaboration of the palestinian bourgeoisie, the bourgeoisie or the middle bourgeoisie, which collaborated with the israeli regime and had to pay taxes. both the palestinian authority, which is a servile authority with respect to imperialism, as well as the palestinian small and medium bourgeoisy, totally corrupt, and the zionist regime derived huge benefits from this, which did not benefit the palestinian people. this has effectively created a subsistance economy in palestine with an appropriate capacity, because it has very industrial people that studies lot, prepares a lot and educates itself lot, but cannot develop everything based its... to give the
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audience the opportunity to ask you two questions to continue delving deeper into this topic. good afternoon, professor, my name's jessica romero, health designer, architecture student. my question is, what are the economic interests in israel's current war against gaza. gran canta in 2000, a large amount of gas was discovered on the coast, of that large amount of gas, approximately a little more than 60% corresponds to the territory of gaza, and internationally. it is gazen gas, gas of the palestinian people, this is one of the things that israel wants to keep. what about palestine? well, israel seeks to expand its settlements throughout the land with the aim of expanding the production it needs. israel, for example, barely manages to produce olives, olive oil. practically, it loots everything palestine has and it buys them,
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but at very cheap prices, and that's because of overexploitation. then there is another third, very important factor for the... which is fishing. the zine regime is doing everything possible to annull the right and practice of fishing by the gazen people, because they have fertile coasts with abundant fish. israel is very interested in their coasts and it cannot plunder, so what do they do? they simply bomb the fishing boats. this way they cause hunger and they hope that when they usurp gaza or bring an authority, even more survival than the one that exists in the west bank, they will win everything. and then there is another... factor as well, apart from the control, let's say of the industries that exist in the gaza strip, and it is the problem of tourism. israel is pursuing very strong tourism promotion policy, and the coast of gaza, of the gaza strip, is a coast especially suitable for tourism because of the waters, the heat, the beauty it has, etc. it's for direct economic reasons. here i mention some
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other factors: what about the military industry, and above all, the information industry, the espionage industry, the... industry and the industry of counter insurgency which exists in our america and has caused numerous problems and also here in. this depends on two issues, it depends on imperialist technology, not only zionist, but also european, north american, because they all are merged in a single business. second, it also depends on the existence of a market, and that market needs guarantees that israel is sufficiently established, tough and solid power capable. of maintaining its economic, research and technological development. that's why the confrontation against the palestinian people is very strong, they need to crush the palestinian people. now here is the question: to whom is zionism going to sell this supposed invincible superiority at the level of technology of counter insurgency, occupation, repression, extermination, infiltration, etc., while they
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themselves have been incapable of foreseing, preparing for, and responding to... as the current world panorama is, palestine is a place of connection of two great axies, two great historical axies, historical in the development of human evolution itself, the great step, the great step of anthropology, anthropology from africa to asia and europe, and then it has been the axis that has connected the silk road with the route
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practically from south to north, which allowed africa to reach asia, russia, europe, caravans brought. a quantity of gold, slaves, ivory, african species, african products. this was practically in progress until the collapse of the ottoman empire, or before, also, until let's say the entire atlantic axis was developed, and with the mediterranean axes already collapsed. this is because the ascendant capitalism since the 16th century pillaged the atlantic axis and pillaged our america and what was the mediterranean axis. the ottoman empire that connected with china, etc., all of that was gradually going into decline. well, that's history, but in the present, those two axies remain, and one of them is taking on special socio-economic importance, and the other one is taking on not only socio-economic importance, but also military importance, and i'm going to explain myself for two very
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simple reasons, pay attention to the axies of development. the middle east occupies the place as it did before. and that is why i refer to anthropogeny. the middle east occupies the place of connection of the eastern zone of eurasia will practically even the central zone of eurasia from china, half of russia, etc., iran, and that entire area of india, pakistan, afghanistan, all of that. it is very, very important, very important access of land in terms of the geographic development of connections. this becomes clearer following 2013, with the... sil road projects, the large railway projects, etc. there may be a maritime connection that has also been studied, but it is unsure, and it cannot guarantee it, it cannot cope with the enormous. of products that are thought to arrive from eurasia to africa, from africa eurasia, all of this would pass through the middle east and that middle east could then diversify towards the west, it could
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diversify towards greece, part of turkey, but from greece it could diversify towards europe, to europe, well in romania, to germany, hungary, poland, and from there directly to italy, etc etc. there are studies and that geographical axis is vital, the geographic access is vital simply in the... projection of a fundamental part of what is called the bricks and what is called multipolarity. this is what these international forces want. it is precisely what they want, fast, safe, land transportation network that would operate 24 hours a day. this would be guaranteed by the control of the indian sea, the indian ocean, what is called the entire indopacific area. today, at this moment, the logical and necessary and just resistance of the yemani people, has caused a serious problem for imperialism and the western economy and for the zionist economy itself, with the practical paralysis of the port of hefa. that's good, that strategic point is clear.
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then there is another point, another point that is also strategic for practically the entire world, but above all for the united states and europe, because the two strates that connect the middle east and serve as the central point of middle east with eurasia and africa, plus the suas canal, plus the canal that israel wants to build now, the bengorian. now it would be one of the sites along the straight of malacka, which is in asia, right next to the straight of panama, and hopefully the straight of nicaragua can be built, which is one of the reasons why imperialism wants to destroy the sandinisto front, that is because nicaragua can now can break the north american monopoly from top to bottom, and ride along with other states such as gibraltar, and those of denmark, that fundamental nucleus together with those straights is the fundamental. nucleus of maritime logistics, but maritime logistics also has a military side, and that is why the danger that threatens the economy and power
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the west arises once again. when i say economy, insist that it is not limited to just the material sense of the term of factories, agricultural products, raw materials, but also their planned economy for the next 15, 20, 30 years. that's what i'm referring to, in its connection with science. above all the situation with the military forces. well, for the us and for europe, it is vital to control the entire access that goes from the atlantic coast of the united states, which passes through the azors islands, which reaches the canary islands, which passes through the straight of gibraltar, which is between the iberian peninsula and morocco, and which runs through the mediterranean and reaches the middle east. about the middle east, i should mention that because the projects that they had planned i believe they're going down, it will go directly to the ocean to the indopacific zone, which is a recent name imposed by the pentagon precisely. this access will go to
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the indo-pacific zone and from there all the way to the east until practically it reaches south korea, passing through india, south korea, japan, the philippines, malaysia, indonesia, australia, etc. and all this for what to achieve absolute control. absolute control of china, afghanistan, turkey, india. conversation with the palestinian diaspora. well we are back, let's continue our today we have invited someone who is very
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special to me. we have known each other for many years and we have worked together for many years. he is actor and social communicator. he has had radio programs and has radio programs today, many years ago he produced palestine forever. he is cesar agueda. some of you may have seen us more than once on. and to reunite with part of the family that had emigrated in 1920. she found them and also the woman who became his wife leher. caesar says that in his family arabic was
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always spoken and the stories from his native land were recurring, however, what connected him with his palestinianness was not these, but his son, who was also born in chile and visited palestine at 13 for the first time, his only son decided to contribute to the cause of his people and he returned to serve, work and live in the land of his grandparents. caesar has returned to palestine twice and was able to see the house that his father had built. the joy of returning was always tined with sadness and helplessness in. face of the abusive treatment of the occupying army, his deep commitment to the palestinian cost has double reason, his parents and grandparents, that your family, your father arrived in the 50s after the nak, exactly, a context that was
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surely the beginning of the entire palestinian diaspora, the denial, the fact that you want to leave everything behind and forget everything. this is a little similar to my family, they passed to us little of the cause and the palestinian sentiment, so in your case and in the case of my parents, how was the whole thing? i somewhat know the answer that after skipping a generation, the palestinian cause break into the family again with the force that broke into yours. first place because until many years ago i thought that even my family was from jordan, jordan was confused with palestine, this guy, what was his name, anvarsad? even thought he was the president of palestine, but no, he was not from palestine, he made a whole mess, of course my parents always spoke arabic all day at home, all day long and they talk about
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everything. didn't understand anything, i know four five words, but with my son things changed, with my son things changed because the relationship between dad and son, and i'm also going to give myself some credit, because you know this shirt is not a coincidence, when curiously i was also away as a football fan, but elias figueras, a palestinian returned as a coach in late 1994 and i said no, i have to come back to the stadium if elias vigorous is mine, we started with javiar, my son, was nine years old, we started there, then he traveled with my father to palestine, my father returned to palestine two, three times and he went with him when he was 12, 13 years old, and it was too strong for him, life changed there with javier, absolutely, javier was clear that he was going to go to palestine, i mean your father did with his grandson, what didn't happen to me, what he didn't do with his son, yeah, kind of, or what his son didn't want
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him to do. 'javier, your son, returned to palestine before you, much earlier, of course, i return to palestine at the age of 53, that is 10 years ago precisely to visit your son, this is one of the few cases that i know of, because in the diaspora always talk about the right of return, but there are only few pocos a palestina exactly.' it's the same feeling that you write about in your book, it's like it's always been there. joy, it was very pleasant for us to arrive at the israeli airport, see soldiers and things like that, keep asking you questions. i went
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with. my brother the first time, there we were already both more or less old, they didn't ask us much, but still this or that, now we go out, we arrived in jerusalem, i remember my son was waiting for us and i felt i'm in a place full of history, full, full of history, it was very, very exciting, and then i stayed a month just like the second time and i started to see the atrocities, i noticed atrocities as tourist, for example, roads were in a very bad condition, the luxury road... are for israelies only and in the occupied territories, the roads that are for the palestinians got forbid are all bumpy and full of the stones, here you start to question to question to question, and i began to value my son's option much more enormously, he said he has friends who have stated because the israeli occupation, as you know perfectly, every day tells you to leave, to give up and leave, you understand me, and as you also say in the book, which i remember
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perfectly, to rise up in palestine. the world is called entrepreneurship, how does it affect economic development? i had very hard experience on the first trip when i went to see the wall of infamy, the wall of segregation, which is an illegal wall declared by the international court of justice. this wall is in the section that crosses bethlehem in the boulevard that is, a tremendously rich, prosperous commercial area full of commercial premises. in the middle and two meters from the stores, those stores. was never opened again, they never had customer again exactly as you saw, terrible daniel, terrible, but one thing surprises me, i remember i visited a stadium in ramal, football stadium built by fifa, believe me, daniel, the wall is too close, one meter from
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the field, i mean it's too close that if the ball is thrown out of the stadium, it hits the wall, do you understand what i'm saying, terrible, terrible, and it surprises me because palestinians have obstacles every day. like the one you describe, i'm surprised by the joy of the palestinian people, the occupation, the israeli s crime has not won the joy of the palestinian people, you must have experienced the same thing i saw in all the places i visited, the hogs, the coffee, it is wonderful how the palestinian people have joy, i don't know, i'm asking you, daniel, how do you explain this? well, it's resilience we need to remember, always mention this point in in all my programs, palestine is a land whose people have had to resist throughout more than 7,000 years of history. invasion after invasion, only having 127 years of peace in its entire history. therefore, it is imaginable.