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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 1, 2024 3:30pm-4:03pm IRST

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the headlines at press tv, iran and hamas call for an international investigation as scores of bodies are found in gaza's alpha hospital after the israeli military's withdrawal from the facility. israel forces kill a palestinian men over a stabbing attack that left three settlers seriously injured in the southern part of the occupied territories. the islamic resistance in iraq says it has carried out fresh attacks on israeli targets in the port city of inlat in response to the regime's ongoing genocide in gaza.
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hello and welcome a live from tehran, you turning to press tv's world news and marzia hashimi, thanks so much for being with us first over texas to gaza where it is almost six months since israel launched this general side to war on the strip, the regime's war planes and artillery continue to pound the besieged area causing more deaths and destruction in the last 24 hours, four civilians including journalists. were killed and 16 others injured after israely war plans struck the vicinity of al-aqsa marters hospital in the central gaza city of dead balah. several areas of gaza city were also shelled and bombed, leaving two people dead and 10 injured. meanwhile, four palestinians, including two children, died due to starvation in the kamal adwan hospital in the northern strip. the number of deaths related to famine and malnutrition has risen to...
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34, including 31 children, over 32,800 palestinians have lost their lives and some 7500 injured in the israeli war on gaza that began early october. gaza's health ministry says israeli forces have retreated from al shafa hospital after weeks of siege on the medical complex. the ministry says dozens of bodies were found. at the medical complex after the israeli pullout, according to the ministry, the facility is completely out of service after the regime burned it down. the gaza governort says more than 400 people have of been killed in the area, since israel began its attacks on the health facility on march the 18th. hamas says the heinous crimes committed by israel at this hospital reveal the true nature of the quote fascist regime of israel, there is a group also added that
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it holds the us government responsible for the israeli atrocities, meanwile iran's foreign ministry spokesman says media reports on the scale of the destruction of al-shifah hospital and also the torture and killings of palestinians by israely forces is appalling and shocking. nasar kanani also called for an international investigation. israely forces still attack. hospitals in gaza under the pretext of finding members of the hamas resistance movement. a mother grieves the death of his of her nine-year-old son in the kamal adwan hospital as she recounts the moment iof troops attacked the patients and of their families there. suddenly they closed the doors and there was shooting. we said maybe there is a truth that we didn't know anything about yet. the doctors and nurses were screaming and saying that is really.
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sieged us outside, they started shooting at the doors to get hamas out, but where is hamas? they are all sick children and there is no hamas, only the medical staff and these children is my dead son hamas, what did my son do to them? all the hospital sections were called to the reception, they took the displaced people out in groups of 40, the first day 40, the second, the third and the fourth as well, on the fifth day they said that they want to evacuate the families of patients and leave the patients, they told me leave my son alone, i said i will not go and leave him. some operations were delayed, there are no medical equipment or medicine in the alshufa hospital. there's nothing. the seventh day the doctor came to me and told me that i should go out and that the israeli forces want to enter the hospital and that i was putting my life and the life of my son in danger. they told me to go out and take him with me. i went out and i put him in his chair and then they started shooting so i carried him on my shoulders and there was people. impatience behind me, once we got
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out, they started shooting at us again, telling us that this is not a safe area and we should go right. then they started shooting again saying that this is not safe area as well, we were in a... middle of the thing and we didn't know what to do. we then came to camala adwan hospital and they did what's necessary directly. he had a blockage in his intestines and today he died. his father knows nothing about him, he only knows that he's sick. he's not around, he didn't get the chance to say goodbye. and now to the occupied west bank where israely forces have shat and killed a palestinian man over an alleged stabbing attack a settlement. near the town of ashtad, israeli sources say at least three settlers have been seriously injured in this attack, which occurred in a shopping mall. according to reports, regime forces, fatally shot the attacker who was later identified as a man from al-khalil. the incident came hours after the al-qassim
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brigades, the military wing of the hamas resistance movement republished a message from its commander, calling on palestinians to use all their resources to fight against the... regime, hamas later hailed the attack as a natural response to the occupations massacres in gaza and the west bank. the group added that the operation also shows palestinians conviction toward resistance as the path to liberate palestine. we were earlier joined by our corresponded in ramala, for more details about the recent anti-israely operation in ashtad. let's take a listen to what mona can do. tells us, well, what, what happened this speak about the anti israeli operation, 19 year old from the town of dura in alkhalel, he works in that area near astud, when he arrived at the shopping
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mall, he stapped israeli setlers, according to the israeli police, they opened fire, shot him and killed him, later the israeli forces stormed the town of dura, they raided the house of maselmi and they ordered family members, his father and siblings to come to the intelligence department there in al khalil, of course this means after interrogation they would be arrested, other family members had been detained, the israel is cause severe damage inside the house and we have to mention that this with the killing of masalmi, the number of palestinians who had been killed by the... forces since the 7th of october is over 455 palestinians. well, in a rare admission since the beginning the gaza onslot on october the 7th, israel confirms attack on his positions by iraqi
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resistance groups. in a statement, the israeli military set of flying objects struck the building in the port city of ilat. the attack set off sirence even as israeli air defenses. to intercept any targets, but this comes after the islamic resistance in iraq said it hit a vital target in israel, the resistance group added that the attack was in response to the ongoing israeli genocide against palestinians. the group has carried out numerous such operations against israel during the past six months, but the regime has denied almost all of them. iraqi resistance group however has vowed to continue hitting its rope until the regime ends its crimes. in gaza, now the us has in recent days quietly authorized the transfer of billions of dollars worth of bombs and fighter jets to israel. last week the state department also authorized a transfer of 25 of 35 fighter jets and engines to israel. in
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our explainer segment we've taken a closer look at the issue. the us government has approved new batch of military equipment to the israeli regime. the most recent aid will include bombs and fighter jets. the immediate question, what happened to the rhetoric of concern for civilian casualties? for example, the us secretary of defense lloyd austin has said that the civilian death tool in the gaza strip is far too high, that too many palestinian civilians continue to die, adding that the gaza strip continues to suffer humanitarian catastrophe, one and which can be avoided, and that this situation is getting even worse, echoing the same view as other us officials, including us president joe biden, now it was within one week that the white house authorized transfer of war planes and bombs, the sale amount 2.5 billion dollars. here's a shot list, more than 1800
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mk84 200 pound bombs and 500 mk 82 500 pound bombs. this sale also included. 25 f35 fighter jets, now what can these 2 thous pound bombs do for starters? the immense firepower can inflict damage to people over a long distance. up to a thous feet or 300 meters away. this can create civilian casualties a massive scale, something israel has done on more than one occasion. well, here's a map which shows craters created by these heavy us bombs, more than 500 craters, which are consistent with 200-pound bombs. note that the average destruction is 39.3 ft or 12 meters in diameter. two flashbacks are in order here. first, from october the 7th to november the 1st, euromed monitor reported
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that israel struck at least 12,00 targets, that it had dropped more than 25,000 tons of explosives on the gaza strip, and it said this was equivalent to two nuclear bombs like the ones us dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki, the second flashback, massive us arms deliveries, 244 transport planes from october the 7th. to december the 25th, more than 10,00 tons of bombs and munitions delivered to occupied palestine, and that's over a three-month period only. we're now in the sixth month of the genocide. let's not forget, uh, the us has virtually removed all the meaningful restrictions on the stock pile and the transfer of its arms to israel. this includes surplus weapons limitations, annual spending cap on replenishing the stock pile. and curtailing congressional oversight, and to add insult to injury, the us says that
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israel is using weapons in line with international and humanitarian law, and that israel is not blocking gaza aid, saying israel's use of american weapons meets requirements of new national security memorandum, despite overwhelming evidence that proves otherwise. the us provides israel with nearly $4 billion dollars a year in military assistance if wanted to stop the israeli genocide, it could do so by using that as leverage to condition usaid for israel, but it continues to uh provide israel with bombs, which may be why joe biden has new nickname, genocide joe. the museum of miniature, simple things. are converted to historic hand-crafted masterpieces. it rises
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from the creativity of the inner child and has tourist attraction. maty mutavasilian was born in natans and grew up in tehran. join us on press tv to see his museum. and continue with the second half of this world news bulletin right here at press tv. turkey's president tayp erdogan has acknowledged his party's poor performance in sunday's local elections, calling the outcome a turning point for the justice and development party, also known as the ak party. "we will open-heartedly analyze the results of the march 31st elections within our party and
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make our self criticism boldly, although not finalized yet, the election results show us that we are experiencing a loss of ground in local administrations across the country, of course we will discuss the reasons for this decline we see on the local basis. erdogan issued the statement after early results squashed his party's hopes of winning." municipality in mayoral seats in istanbul and ankara and some other traditional strongholds. the opposition republican people's party has already declared victory for akram emolu, incumbant mayor of istanbul, after 96% of ballot boxes were counted, partial official tallies also showed the chp was leading in other big cities. sunday's local elections appeared to represent a fresh blow to the president, who had set his sites on retaking control of urban areas. turkish
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people in 81 provinces took to the polls to choose mayors and provincial council members in local elections. the vote is seen by many as a test of popularity of president erdogan. erdogan who started his political life as the mayor of istanbul campaigned for the past few weeks to promote his party's candidates. the ruling justice and development party is seeking to win back both the economic hub of the country. istanbul and capital ankara, after receiving a blow from republican people's party, chp in 2019. for his turn, the chp is a scrambling to maintain both cities and win more. all. eyes are now on istanbul as the competition between the two main candidates in the city is crucial. the participation wasn't expected to be same as the previous election. however, it's not less important than the 2023 one. ardon wants to end his presidental term with the victory for his party and opposition candidate who wants to participate in the 2028 presidental run, wants this local election to pay the way for
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his next win. 61 million voters were eligible to vote with more than 1 million. i cast my for the city and for our district, i want the vote for the very first time, i am happy i was able to practice my democratic right, it does not matter who wins, as long as he works best for my city, aside from political ideologies. mayor of istanbul, akram imamo and the akp's candidate murad kurum were campaigning for improving services for the city 60 million residents at the time of wide spread economic hardship and double digit. inflation imamolu has been criticized during his term for heavily focusing on presidential election and his party's leadership rather than solving issues in the city such as transportation and traffic problems and multitude of other issues when heavy snowful crippled life in istanbul. for the past 10 years i have been living in istanbul uh and i found that uh the previous mayor he didn't
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give the promise uh uh he planned to do inside istanbul uh according to the service, the management of the city, we didn't f, we didn't find any change uh in this in this situation, for that i preferred uh to give the party again, because i think they lost the election last time, uh, it was like kind of punishment from the people uh, and i think they learned a good uh from this from this lesson. opposition party supporters consider this election as another chance to topple the justice and development party and win back power in the country. i voted for akram imam oglo and cp. i have always supported chp and will vote for them every time. for this could be our last exit from this nightmare. erdogan who was the mayor of istanbul in 1994 said
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during rally that istanbul is the jewel, the treasure and the apple of our country's eye. analys say "the person that rules istanbul is able to establish himself a political base which then translates into power at the national scale. who wins istanbul wins turkey? that's what erdogan, mayor of the city in the 1990s was quoted by a polster as saying, against that backdrop, istanbul today could be choosing turkey's future president. rusan sagam, press tv, istanbul. over the easter weekend, irish republicans..." the anniversary of the easter rising against british colonialism and the proclamation of the independent irish republic in 1916. this year speeches focus on solidarity with palestinians in wartour in gaza and the continued struggle against imperialism in ireland. our correspondent deter renit reports from belfast. easter weekend is the
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most important date in the irish republican calendar as people mark the armed up. rising against british colonial rule at easterweek 1916. the main commemorations are held in belfast. in the northern irish city, the people assembled at the republican graves and monuments at milton cemetry, where volunteers the ira, as their resistance fighters are called, are buried. among the republican dead is the grave of 1981 hunger striker bobby suns. we got here today to commemorate the 18th anniversary of the 1916 east horizon. we're in milltown cemetry, we're on our own national plot here for. public and network for unity, but not only remember the fallen dead and patrs of 1916, we also remember our own fallen dead her commemorated on this monument behind me here. at the republican party shin fains commemoration, the party aimed to convince its supporters that the referendum on irish reunification would be held within the next few years, however the decision to call for a unity referendum still lies in the hands of the former colonial
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power britain and its government. more and more people are seriously engaged in the debate about constitutional change and won over to the social and economic case for irirish unity. the referendum to achieve that should be held before the end of this. different messages were heard at commemorations of revolutionary republicans critical of shinfine. when we said is time for change, we are not simply asking you to think about the united ireland. instead, we're asking you to envisage a different future. republican network for unity is the political wing of the armed republican organization ogly neiron. at their commemoration, message from the dflp, national resistance brigades, marcher oma al-qassim forces and the resistance in gaza was read. palestinian people are suffering from a policy of starvation, genocide, ethnic cleansing and the imposition of a project. of forced displacement of the from their land. all of this is linked to the thought presented by bobby sans and his comerades as there is a deep connection in the revolution against colonialism and the policy of
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starvation. support for the palestinian people was wide spread at all commemorations. speakers at the commemorations of rnu and the irish republican socialist party stressed the need to continue the anti-imperialist fight in ireland. rease related by former political prisons and the families of the dead marches to remember all those who died in the fight for freedom. since february, northern ireland has a republican first minister with michelle onil of shin fein for the first time in his 100 years history. however, it has been visible at this year's east commemorations in belfast, the revolutionary republicans are not satisfied with the ongoing imperialist imposed partition of ireland, revolutionary republicans such as arinu and oglinaren fouw to continue the struggle against imperialism in ireland. dita reinish, reporting for breastv from belfast. "pakistan has stepped up efforts for the completion of a long-awaited iran-pakistan gas pipeline project to overcome the country's energy needs in order to request waver for the key
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energy project, islamabad has decided to contact washington. press correspondent nasa cosme brings us more. pakistan's government appears determined to finish a multi billion dollar gas transmission project from iran despite. opposition from the us. pakistan's petroleum minister musaddiq malik stated that islamabad urgently needs the gas transfer project with iran and intendts to pursue exemptions from the us sanctions by presenting both technical and political justifications for the project's completion. during a congressional hearing in washington last week, the us assistant secretary of state for south and central asia explicitly said washington opposes. the iran pakistan gas pipeline project and is making concerted efforts to throw out its construction. experts believe that islamabad stands on the
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gas transfer project with tehran is not merely matter of preference, but rather necessity in the current circumstances. we have to look into into things little deeply. the turkia, iraq, they are purchasing iranian gas already and they are not in in us under us exchange. sanctions so we have to see what mechanism they are using the iran, the turkia, the iraq and other governments and we can adopt same mechanism to avoid any sanctions from us, because we have to provide energy to our people, they need cheap energy. iran has granted pakistan an extension of the 180 day deadline until september 2024. if islamabad fails to provide favorable response by then, the... iran will initiate arbitration proceedings at paris based international court seeking damages totaling 18 billion us dollars. iran has already
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invested two billion us dollars in the pipeline known as peace pipeline its side of the border. iran has completed 95 to 96% of the work on the gas pipeline. the ministers from both countries are engaged in talks for the completion of this vital project. we have. been waiting for pakistan's response since 2009. we hope that the ministries from both sides will show their seriousness and will complete it without any further delay whatsoever. tehran has assured islamabad of its cooperation not only in the field of energy, but also in fostering barter trade and enhancing economic relations with pakistan. despite the significant potential benefits, the park iran gas pipeline project has encountered formable challenge. due to us opposition and threats of sanctions. pakistan stresses that the project represents a strategic economic partnership with iran and that it will press ahead to complete the much
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needed project regardless of the challenges. nasik azmi, press tv, islamabad. and with that report brings us to the end of this at world news bulletin right here at press tv. thanks so much for staying with us.
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we're ready to marsh, let's start slowly but strongly and solidarity with the palestine and israel is one of the worst things that has happened or zionism is one of the worst things that has happened to the jewish
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people. the my experience, it really, really wasn't until the 80s that i was able to open my heart enough to see truly what israel and zionism had done and was doing and continued to do. i did not go. i grew up as an anti-zionist, which is what i am today. i grew up as a zionist in a very zionist family that identified judaism with zionism.
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date de date ou le général d'ailleurs, l'approche en chine et pour marquer l'importance de de nos relations, de notre attachement.
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peace be upon you and welcome to eye on islam the we look at current affairs through an islamic lens. one of the biggest responsibilities that muslims have been endowed with has been to propagate islam and spread awareness about the causes that are most important to the muslims. it's also amplified by the fact that the world is under the spell.