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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 2, 2024 1:30am-2:03am IRST

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islamic revolution guard core says israel's attack on iran's consular building in damascus. is a result of a reparable defeat it suffered in gaza. iran and hamas called for international investigation into crimes committed by israel in gaza's al-shifa hospital. an islamic resistance in iraq says a stage fresh attacks on israeli targets in the port city of ilat in response to regime's genocide in gaza.
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hello everyone, thanks for tuning in a press tv, world news. announced several people have been killed in an israeli air strike that targeted the consular section of iran's a embassy in damascus, syria. attack took place in the building or while it targeted the building next to the embassy also, which is resident to the iranian ambassador at the maza neighborhood in central damascus, the ambassador and his family are not harmed. now this is second israeli attack in just a day. on sunday israeli forces targeted the vicinity of the capital damascus with rockets launch from the occupied goal and heights. abraham wati, our damascus correspondent earlier joined us from the scene of israel's attack for more details. at 5 pm today the
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israeli enemy uh launched attack that targeted the iranian counsulat in a blatten violation of international laws and human norms uh the aggression resulted in the destruction of the four stories building uh right behind me uh completely uh ambulances uh firef fighting team civil defense team all rushed to the place uh they start. digging for survivors uh also there uh there has been reports that uh the uh brigadier general sayid mohammed riza zahidi was martered which is a senior uh irgc uh commander uh in al-quds force uh the we have uh heard lately that there has been contamination uh by several countries first the uh iranian forem of minister condemned this attack and considered netanyahu uh maniac, a mad man who wants war
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uh through this provocation, the uh uh the the syrian foreign ministry also condemned this uh attack and the syrian foreign minister dr. faisal maqdad came to the location and uh checked on the ambassador and his family which was fine, he was uh at his office uh doing his work, doing his job uh when the attack happened, but thankfully uh he was ' fine, the dr. faisal maqdad said that uh syria is standing firmly with iran and this attack will never intimidate us, we condemn this attack and consider it violation of the of the sovereignty of syria also as well iran, the ministry of the the russian ministry of defense also condemned this attack and consider it a dangerous escalation. that would lead to that may lead
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to an open war in the region, the they condem the attack as well palestinian factions, the palestinian front for struggle, several of palestinian leaders as well. islamic revolution guard course says that israel's attacks iran's consul mission in damascus out of desperation caused by... reparable defeat that it's recently suffered in gaza. irjc said the palestinians in gaza and the resistance in the region have dealt heavy blows to the uh userping entity. it also confirmed seven iranian military advisors including two senior commanders were killed in the air strikes and regional resistance groups also condemned the attack with hamos calling it a dangerous escalation and blatant violation of both iran and syria's sovereignty. the palestinian islamic jihad described it. as a cowardly act and attempt
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to distract from regime's failures in gaza. lebanon's has vowed israel's crime will not go unpunished. the popular front for the liberation of palestine. also stress attack could not have happened without a green light from the us, several countries, including pakistan, oman and russia also denounce the israeli aggression as unacceptable. hussein akbadi, iran's ambassador to syria, has vowed that the islamic republic will give decisive response to israel's attack. police.
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in a phone call of the syrian counterpart, amry abdul said iran holds israel responsible for the consequences of this attack. he also stressed a need for serious response in the face of such crimes. syria's foreign minister faisel mcdodd has also condemned this terrorist attack in the strongest terms.
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when palestinian journalist shirin abu aghale was killed by an israeli sniper on may 11, 2022, the israelis meant to get across a clear message that they don't want any narrative other than their own under decades old occupation of palestinian lands and their aggression. it wasn't the first time israeli sought to put gag on the alter. narrative, and every time it has failed. watch the history of the israeli measures and palestinian counter measures in this documentary. and welcome back everyone. now
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gaza's health ministry says is really forces of. treated from alchifa hospital after weeks of siege on the medical facility. ministry said dozens of bodies were found at the site after these really pull out. facility has been completely out of service since the regime burned it down. the gaza governor it says more than 400 people have been killed in the area since israel began its attacks on the facility in march 18th. hamad says the heinous crimes uh reveal the true nature of the fascist regime. resistance group holds the us government. responsible for the israeli atrocities. meanwhile, iran's foren ministry spokesperson says media reports on the scale of destruction at al-shifa and torture and killing of palestinians there are appalling. naser cannony call for an international probe of this incident. and
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earlier in our news review program, we discussed latest developments at the al-shifa medical complex with our guests. is our correspondent joining us from bala to give the latest on the genocide that's occurring and also mc napier will break it down for us, he's the co-founder of the scottish palestine solidarity campaign who joges from edinburgh. okay, welcome to you both, good morning to you mutsi, tell us what you have for us uh today, of course we know of the massacer that has taken place uh that that is now unfolded uh with all the diff i guess bodies that have been retrieved, the dead bodies, tell us about that if you can also. this is uh the most important news that we have today, which is about. the withdrawal and the retreat of the israel incubation forces from the ashifa medical complex and the surrounding areas of
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the ashifa medical complex, massive and unbelievable destruction andfolded after the israeli tanks uh withdrew from those areas, we are talking about roughly two consecutive weeks of the brutal aggression that uh touched and reached everything there according to the eyewitnesses and according to the people there and the medical... staff and the civil defense crews that the entire buildings inside the ashifa medical complex were completely or bartially destroyed in addition to uh those buildings that were set on fire by the israeli occupation forces uh the entire complex were reduced to a mass grave that included hundreds of the palestinian dead bodies according to the medical staff and the civil defense. cruise that at least 300 palestinian dead bodies uh
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were found ubicutus in those areas inside the buildings uh inside the complex and outside the complex they found a plathora of the basina dead bodies uh handscaffed and blindfolded they were executed in cold the blood by the israeli incubation forces uh those dead bodies actually uh include uh the children the elderlies and the women uh the the... that the whole people particularly who were stranded and who were beseged inside the ashifa medical complex, they were tortured, they were uh found stripped down by the israel incubation forces, as i've mentioned, they were uh blindfolded and had cuffed and they were uh executioned by the israeli incubation forces, needless to mention that even the surrounding areas of the shif medical complex, the entire squares, the horizontal squares there were completely this... tried by the israeli kicubation forces. i kind of a loss for words here, because when i heard what our corresponded
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there said, uh, it is uh quite shocking, and uh, we continue to get shocked by this genocide that's unfolding. i mean, this is happening in real time. he mentioned how there were 300 bodies that were recovered, uh, there were uh many that were blindfolded, amongst them were women and children, and these are people that were trying to uh take refuge inside the hospital. um, so this is just really. it obviously defines the word genocide that's taking place, but what are your thoughts on what you just heard from a correspondent in terms of what has happened at the al shif hospital? my thoughts are very similar to yours, that the horror is building upon horror and deeper horror every day, and one finds it difficult to find words and your reporter who does fantastic job is to be congratulated for finding the words to describe and bring to us the the horror of what's happening, i mean, given what, given
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what's going on, and given that america has decided to continue to send more bombs to israel to drop on gaza, it's clear that as the price we paid for decades and decades of crime against the people of palestine, slow motion genocide over very long time, this was an open vein in the surface of the world. and it was bleeding horribly, but given that this has taken such a long time to to come to this horrible climax, it seems to me that the price we're paying for allowing this to happen for decades is that israel is dragging the world into a new era of barbarism, new darkness, and i think the ferocity of the of the killings, the the genocidal violence is caused by two reasons, one that they know that they don't have a long..." term future that ultimately 250, 300, 400 million people
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in the area can prevail against seven, despite the their their modern technology, and there's a sense of this at the back of the israeli mind, but also they got such a fright after during october the 7th when the palestinian resistance they thought was was defeated, was broken, could easily be contained by their huge military superiority and and an air bridge of bombs from washington, and also some from from britain and brussels, they thought that they could uh that they could manage the situation and it it's clear that they can't, that's talking to us there from garabala, we appreciate it and also like to... to thank mick napier from the solidarity campaign in edinburgh, thank you, and with that we come to an end for this news review. welcome back everyone, you're watching press tv, world news. israel has confirmed attack its positions by the iraqi
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resistance groups. in the same the israely military said flying objects struck building in the port city of iolet israeli air defenses failed to intercept it, this comes after islamic resistance, any rocks that it hit a vital israeli target, the resistance group added attack is in response ongoing israely genocide against gaz. groups carried out number of such operations over the past six months, but regime has not confirmed most of the attacks. the iraki resistance group hover has vowed to continue hitting israel until the regime ends its crimes in gaza. in yemen, diverse group of politicians, academics and
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scholars of convened for second conference entitled, "you are not alone" in the capital san. has your details titled you are not alone, the second palestine the nation central issue conference from yemen scholars, academics and politicians as well as a chosen group of global supporters who align with the palestinian cause and oppose israel aggression, this academic scientific conference seeks to raise awareness in the... islamic nation and remind people of their true enemy, if our nation reaches full awareness, it will follow the speech of imam khumeini and his call for the islamic nation to come out on international quds day. arabs and muslims must realize their duties in relation to different situations, so that our nation can rise with all dignity. if we do not show an honorable position today, ahmed
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what gaza is suffering from israeli crimes and oppression, then there is no good in us. "the significance of such gatherings and advocating for the palestinian cause on an international level was underscored, particularly following the united nations security council's inability to stop israel's genocide in gaza despite a recent resolution. there is no doubt that this conference is gaining very great momentum and comes a time when gaza is suffering from ongoing injustices and aggression and also in light the approaching international ots day. this is the day that yeman." go out to send the message to the world that the palestinian cause is still live in the hearts of muslims, especially the yemani people, and that it will not die no matter how hard the zionist enemy tries to kill and annihilate it, organized on the lead up to the celebration of international quds day in yemen, a day designated by the founder of iran's islamic revolution ayatullah khumaini to annually
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mobilize the world's of free people in support of the palestinian cause. "since the beginning of the israeli genosader war on gaza, official and public events to show solidarity with the oppressed people of palestine have continued unabated. many here believe that palestine would always remain the central cause of the nation as long as palestinian territories remain under israeli occupation. reporting, israel's campaign in gaza has been among the deadliest and most destructive campaigns of genocide. we'd ever seen, and besides thousands of human losses, airrades have also damaged or totally destroyed all types of infrastructure, including homes, mosks, un shelters, schools and medical centers. we taken a closer look at this issue earlier in our explainer program. the us is early onslot on the gaza's
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trip is one of the most destructive genocidal air campaigns ever. raising entire neighborhoods to the ground, killing tens of thousands and causing damage that could take decades to repair, well the structural devastation is almost as shocking as the loss of lives itself, drawing reactions from many world leaders, like this one from the eu foreign policy chief joseph barall who said this destruction is one of the most intense in history comparable if not higher to levels of destruction of german cities during the second world war. the source of the damage is due to the us bombs that have been dropped in the gaza strip. in total, 7,00 tons of these explosives have been dropped in the gaza strip. this number is surely to rise since the israeli regime will be receiving new batch of us 5002 pound bombs. well, the destruction of buildings, damaged or
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destroyed is mapped out here in this map. uh, the largest destruction has occurred in northern gaza, 81% of the total buildings there. uh, in terms of the number, 37,100. the grand total amounts to 177,00. it's kind of hard to see here, but... that accounts for 61.1% of the total buildings in the gaza strip. this is what has been fact checked. other figures are much higher than this. now when it comes to the types of buildings, damaged or destroyed, that's very important. these figures show that some of the notable ones, the press headquarters at 165 schools including universities coming in at 405, and then you have mosques 227. and here's the one that hurts. the most 244 medical facilities and hospitals, keep in mind that these are the ones that have been completely destroyed, then comes the infrastructure destruction,
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250 kilometers of roads, that's 78% of the total roads, 130 wells, 56.2%, and 130 kilometers of water networks 84%, and then the soul gaza power plants, the only power plant in the gaza strip out of service, especially due to lack of fuel, this is why gazins are fight. for their lives actually, well israel is also after erasing palestine's heritage in the gaza strip, some of the examples of that that we picked monasteries, mosks, churches, palaces, archaeological hills and historic houses, you can see the figures there, the one that stands out here was the historic houses, as matter of fact, this one here, the great amari mosk, it's built in the 12th century and one of the most important and largest historical mosques in...
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the night of destiny considered as the most sacred night in islam in afghanistan, people congregate in mosques and holy sites on this very night to hold prayers and seek divine blessings. reports. people in afghanistan have commemorated lailatul khather or the night of destiny, which marks the moment when prophet muhammad, peace be upon him, received the first verses of the holy book quran.
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observe the night of destiny due to the belief that on this occasion god dispatches his angels earth carrying his decree for each individual. it is during this night that people's destiny for the upcoming year is determined. consequently, this sacred night holds great significance as people engage in prayers, seeking the best outcomes for their destiny, and to invoke god's blessings of prosperity and mercy in their lives. for afghan muslims, lailatul qadr, or the night of destiny is also night of morning for the martidam anniversary of imam ali, they honor the legacy and teachings of the first. tonight is the eve of 21st day of ramadan
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which coincide with the materidom anniversary the shiah imam ali alaihi salam. tonight we hold prayers and mor the martterdom of imam ali who was role model for the mankind. faithful people of afghanistan are devoted to imam ali and honor his school. according to islamic scripture, or the night of destiny is better than a thousand months. muslims believe that on this night their prayers are answered and their sins are forgiven. in crisis is strick in afghanistan, or the night of destiny is also a time of hope and healing. as afghans observed this night. by performing special rituals, they also pray for prosperity and positive changes for their country. rahmatullahwan, press tv, kabul.
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that's it for your latest here on press tv everyone, thanks for tuning in and bye-bye for now.
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why the atomic bomb? why all the power? you scientists are blamed for the weapons to be used. killing innocent people to get what?
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ابو طاهر ايراقي القصه يعني لكل عراقي في ايام صدام حسين له قصه كامله يمكن يعملون منها. an iraqi businessman who recounts saddam hussein's oppression of himself and others. عز وجل او قضاء حاجه او التوجه الى اهل البيت ومنهم الامام ابو الحسن. let's hear abu taher's story together.
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now entering its uh uh fourth day, we're looking at -
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hello and welcome, just few hours ago the iranian consulate in damascus came under a... missile attack and it was completely raised to the ground, so far what we know is that at least five people, three of them iranians have been killed in this attack, and according to the...