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tv   Palestine Declassified Celebrating Quds Day  PRESSTV  April 2, 2024 8:02am-8:30am IRST

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the voice of the voiceless press tv. and we'll never really know how many people are dead. they drop bombs on innocent girls while they sleep in their bed. israel is a terror state the terrorists that terrorize i'll testify my television televise i'm telling lies how many more resolutions have to be violated how many more children have to be annihilated this is not a war it is systematic genocide but whatever they try palestine will never die free palestine free palestine free palestine hello i'm chris
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williamson and you're watching palestine declassified. broadcasting twice a week, we're the only tv show that's dedicated to investigating and exposing the israeli regime's global war against solidarity with the illegally occupied people of palestine. in today's show, we'll be covering the growing popularity of kuds day and the frantic efforts of zionist extremists to undermine and sabotage it. record numbers are expected at this year's rallies, because the world has been awoken by the unspeakably horrific atrocities being perpetrated. by the zinest entity in gaza and the occupied west bank. latif abochakra has been looking at the history of kud's day and the extraordinary efforts by the zinist lobby to close it down. quds day is celebrated all over the world traditionally on the last friday of ramadan. it is a day of international solidarity with the palestinian people named with the arabic word for jerusalem, the capital of palestine. quds day was introduced in 1979 by ayatullah komeini. quds day was a response to jerusalem
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day in which jewish settlers rampage around the quds, which they called jerusalem, chanting racist slogans including may your village burn. the zionist entity heightened attempts to suppress quds day after the ghaza massacre between 2008 to 2009. the worldwide revoltion against the massacre led to a significant rise in support for the palestinians and worldwide protests. good stay is marked throughout muslim and arabic countries. in over 80 islamic and non-islamic countries in total. in the west, these include the united states of america, canada, australia, germany, spain, the united kingdom, france, and greece. the muslim unity displayed in quod's day is a threat to the zionist entity and its supporters and assets in the west and elsewhere. accordingly, they mobilized to smear and denounce could stay and to claim that its celebration exhibits extremism and anti-semitism. in the uk,
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zionist groups have been attempting sabotage the celebration for more than 15 years. in the us, zianist entity assets have gone on the offensive. the anti-deformation league denounced the quds day in 2016 as hateful demonstration of anti-israel and anti-semitic sentiment. in 2022, it ludicrously labeled calls for the dismantling of zionism as genocidal ambitions. in germany. this ampf sungsh or federal office for the protection of the constitution in english, is the domestic intelligence agency. in 2019, it published a deeply racist report on antisemitism in islamist extremism. it specifically singled out could stay and denounced a huge range of muslim political groups as extreme. all were labeled with designist created notion of islamic anti-semitism. the report openly states that german. intelligent spies on peaceful and
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legal muslim activists, so long as they're defined as islamist, racist term which effectively covers any muslim active in politics. the temporary zionist entity continues its onslaught of ethnic cleansing and murder in ghazah and throughout the region. complicit western governments continue to try and repress pro-palestine sentiment, but this year the celebrations of kudstate go ahead in a situation where support for palestine is... a historic high as the result of the genocide in gaza. joining me in the studio as usual, is our resident expert david miller. david is academic and a former professor at bristol university and he's now a senior research fellow at the center for islam and global affairs at estable zeam university. he's also a co-director of the lobby watch dog spinwatch and he's a leading british scholarly critic of israel. our guest contributor today is nazim ali who joins us via zoom. in his professional life nazim is a pharmacist but he's also passionate
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pro-palestine campaigner and it was his activism that brought him to the attention of the zionist lobby. these extremists subjected him to seven year long malicious hate filled campaign and pressure eye the general. pharmaceutical council to strike him off. thankfully, the despicable ploy to destroy nazim's career and deprive him of his livelihood was rejected. welcome to the show. nazim, uh, what's been your experience of cudsday in the united kingdom? hi, chris. hi, thanks for having me. um, it's been very interesting. i went to the first one in 1988. it's a very inclusive protest that occurs every single year, as latifa said in the... prequel that on the last friday of every ramadan, we actually have it mainly a sunday in england because of it's a weekend, um, probably the safest annual rally ever in the history of the united kingdom without doubt, i don't have any arrests, if anything the
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arres happened with the counter protesters, it's unique actually, it seems to galvanize the far right, are the bnp etc and designers to come on protest against us to... so it's one of the only few um processions um where you'll get the country demonstrators uh having a union jack having a zinus flag far right stickers all over them coming together so it's helped unite these right really extreme right-wing groups but over the years absolutely peaceful from our side absolutely yeah well so ask me my experience of it mean and i've attended the the could stay demonstration last year and certainly endorse everything you've just said there dim, but david, the the zinanists they've been trying to suppress the codsday for the 15 years, haven't they? they have, they don't like it, and they don't like it because of course it's a militant demonstration and it doesn't pull its punches, it says you know this is cool,
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this is the capital of palestine, it's not the capital of israel, and of course they've been trying uh in the uk, certainly it's the case in nazim's case especially, but also in in the us where the deformation league of... very active, we've talked about that many times in this show before, and also in that case in germany, a truly extraordinary case there where the the german intelligence services were actually smearing and labeling pro palestine demonstrators as being somehow uh effectively nazis and uh this is the kind of stuff you get from the designers of course we've seen this in many, many occasions and many episodes of the show, this is what they do, they want to stop any possible expression of support for palestinian rights, well nazim, i mean how does... could stay then differ would you say from from other pro- palestine marches? mean i think is origin, is origin story, i think is really important, again as a mentioned, it was initiated by the late aitumaini, um, and it differs in the
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sense that it does come from a real political base, it comes from point of no compromise with the oppressor, it comes from very anti-colonial standpoint, and it's very strong on that. it's all about freedom and it's all about removing the chains of colonialism and oppression, understanding the fact that palestine is the key, so wherever there's a pression going on in the world, wherever there's colonialism still in its various forms existing, if we can unlock the situation of palestine, it will unlock every other puzzle that's going on, that's the uniqueness of of of kuds day, and that's why it's so important, and come rain wind or shine cris in england, it it takes place, there's a... if it's because it's in ramadan, it changes 10 days every year, so we have it when it's snowing, we have it when it's hailstones, thunderstorms, we've never councelled accepting covid, and then we went online, yeah, no, absolutely, well david, i believe you're speaking at this years, could stay demonstration in london aren't you, i
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mean that kind of demonstrates doesn't the sort of serious politics of of the organizers, wouldn't you agree, well it does, i mean since i've won my case at industrial tribunal, i've not had a single uh invit. um to speak cancelled, which is unusual before before my uh tribunal uh judgment was released, most meetings that was invited to were canceled or indeed sometimes there were attempts by pro- palestine campaigners to cancel my meetings as well, not just designers but also uh people from the palestine solidarity campaign headquarters have tried to stop me from speaking at psc branches, but this is an indication really that the organizers of this demonstration that the serious about the anti-sianism and and about not compromising the sionism, sionism is a form of racism, it's a genocidal ideology, everybody can see that now, and we should have nothing to do with sionism, sionism is something which should be challenged and we should be moving towards an eradication of zionism as a as racist
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ideology, and not all of the pro-palestin movement, i'm afraid to say would endorse such politics, no and we talked in this show haven't we about the the need really for designization. a process to basically eradicate this kind of racist ideology from the from the country and indeed from from the world, but what's your assessment of the palestine solidarity? movement today, mean david just mentioned there that um, previously when he's had speaking engagements he's had objections indeed from uh the uh palestine solidarity campaign, mean what's your thoughts about that today? yeah, mean look, i think we know there's always been a history, especially in the uk of certain organizations infiltrating other organizations and trying to change the narrative, and as david has just alluded to, it's imperative we stick to the anti-zionist narrative. um because there's a lot of blowback format format, especially when we are being absolutely determined to take on
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zionism, it causes a lot of constination of certain people and a bit of fear of the blowback and the potential of consequences, whatever they are that people and organizations feel, and some organizations don't want and i mean this respectfully if i can, don't want to be tired under the same type of... label as other organizations etc etc. bit of a cop out if you ask me, i don't think there's any space to compromise when it comes to palestine, when it comes to talking about uh far right ideologies like zisism and we've got to be out there and we've got to put it a plate and serve it. well david, mean you despite the the 15 year long campaign by the zianis to try and destroy a could stay, mean the actual demonstrations getting bigger. and bigger every single year and as i've said in the introduction, i think we're expecting record attendances at the the
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demonstrations this year. what what do you think that says? well, it says that the movement for palestine, palestinian liberation is on the march and that it's rising, it support for it is rising across the whole world, including in countries like western countries where the governments are supporting the zionist on gaza, but the population is becoming more and more radical in support of the palestinians and could say is is kind of cutting... edge of that and we see the the increased consciousness that there is in the country and the increasingly increasing inability of the zionists to stop this kind of campaigning and so so so we have the situation where we look at this the other day just in in the show where the government is trying to step in and to to divide the movement by labeling some parts of the palestine solidarity movement as being extremist now of course this will this is going to fail but as an indication of the threat that they face that they feel that and the uh the attendance at the the kudsday demonstrations is is incredibly uh mixed isn't it? very diverse attendies a big jewish
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contingent for for example, i believe is that briefly, mean that's true isn't it? absolutely, absolutely, mean it's a very family friendly um protest, lot of children come along with their families with their parents and we have a large contingent of jewish people, especially rabbies from neutral car time movement as well as um other jews as well be come and jews to come to the procession, in fact it's very multi- faith and people of no faith attend as well, and even from the speakers list, if you go back historialy, is a big variety from the far left to people who are more sort of religious, coming from a religious perspective and so on and so forth, so yeah, very, very diverse, no, indeed, well, we'll come back in in a moment nazim to our discussion, um, after our next report about the truly astonishing lengths that the zianist lobby went to in their efforts. to ruin the career of our guest nazim ali. the
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london pharmacist nazim ali has finally won his long-running legal battle against zionist regime proxies. it all started in 2017 when nazim ali spoke at the kudsday rally. zianers complained about his anti-zianist comments to the police. the crown prosecution service refused to press charges. the signers took a private prosecution that was eventually stopped. by the cps, they took out a judicial review against the cps and lost. in january 2019, ali's professional regulator, the general pharmaceutical council, said the fake answer, but warning for being offensive. the ca and bully the regulator inter position in july of that year. the council concluded his words were not semitic in november 2020, but the uk lawyer for israel joined to continue to harass ali in december. 2020, uklfi complained to the body which regulates the regulator, the professional standards
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authority for health and social care or psa. the intimidation worked and the psa took the gpc to court, at which point the gpc folded and offered no defense. the high court then sent the case back to the gpc, which made the absurd determination that two of ali's remarks were objectively, if on intentionally antisemitic, however, it gave him a warning as before, the zionists were still not happy and appealed to the court to get ali sacked in march this year, the court declared that there was no case to answer. this is a historic and hard fought victory, but who are the zionist groups who have bullied and intimidated the professional regulators into such submission? the campaign against antisemitism took up the cudels first. the caa is a creature of the zinis regime. it was set up to attack the pro-palestine movement
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with fake anti-semitism allegations. much of its early funding came from the... national fund, the racist land theft group, which is one of the four so-called national institutions in israel, the uk lawyers for israel is a group which appears to have been set up under the auspices of the israeli ministry of foreign affairs, its whole purpose is to use lawfair tactics to manipulate the law and bully british institutions into doing its bidding. the case tells us how foreign agents of the zionist regime can harass, bully and intimidate. effectively that they can, in effect, occupy the professional bodies regulating the profession of pharmacy. this is what state capture looks like. it also tells us that people can fight back and win. in fact, this is one of a number of recent victories against the zionist movements. the tide is turning. well, congratulations on your
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historic win, nazim. mean, it was been a great relief to... to finally resolve this, what can only be described as nightmare? yeah, yeah, absolutely, seven years long, and um, you know, every point, every part that we won, they would come back, and the interesting thing is chris, um, lot of this didn't cost any of these campaigning organizations, the the the zinest ones any money, apart from the judicial review if i recolect correctly, um, because they've been pressurizing, you know, the powers that be to to take the... cases on in this last one, i think it's important to know that - as they lost, they had to pay the psa has to pay costs, it had 4300 pound of its own costs and 13,000 of the gphc's cost to pay, so that's all come from a government fund, and that is taxpayers money, 56,000 pound just to get me struck off, which they fail to do, which
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makes no sense when the gphc committee, fitness and practice committee have been well within the... rights to find the determination that they found um and they found me that a warning was ample enough, so questions need to be asked really what made the psa take this back to the high court at expense of the taxpayers money, no indeed, questions certainly do need to be us, but i mean david, i mean what do you make of of of nazim's case, i mean seems absolutely crazy doesn't it, you have to go through what four different processes, numerous different processes actually involving seven in fact separate organizations between... between the zionist, police, the courts and and the regulators, i mean, what's that tell us about the nature of of the zionist lobby? well, it tells you that they intend to intimidate, bully and harass any organization that gets in their way, and they intend to be able to occupy those organizations, so that's it's been saying, these were organizations which did it off their own, but the designs didn't
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even have to lift finger in some some cases, because the organizations took each other to court and fought like rats in the... back to to to more effectively implement the zionist uh the zionist organizations wishes, so what we have is is not just an occupation of these regulatory bodies, the regulator of pharmacists and the regulator of the regulator of pharmacists, not just occupied but effectively captured by the state of israel and and doing the bidding of the state of a state of israel which is currently engaged in a genocide, this is no way to run any kind of democracy and it shows the way in which they've... foreign power, which is israel, is able to actually get inside regulatory bodies and to turn them against the purposes the intended to be there for. it's kind of unbelievable vindictiveness, isn't it?ing, it really is, but nazim, mean how was this long and and drawn out battle affected you personally and and and of course professionally as well? quite badly, if i'm
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honest, you know, you're not used to seeing your face on the center spread of the jewish chronic. called front page being called a preacher of hate um terms like islam is being used and they do it deliberately so all the way from the right-wing press in the uk to the rightwing press in america and and in israel itself so if anyone was going to work with me and google my name as which people do these days all this stuff comes up so it's all planned it's all done in a very methodical way the way they release the news it first comes in the more zionist press and then it comes in the mainstream press two three weeks later it follows a set pattern and of course it affects your mental health, it affects your well-being, it affects your relationships, it affects everything and your place at work just to give you a side thing on that, they're funny enough what i work, they they contacted. every uh non-brown named person individual um back in 2017 saying you worked for an anti-semite, how do you feel about it, but they didn't contact anyone with
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a brown sounding name, which shows uh where they're coming from really, but yeah it really does take it out of you, but thanks to friends, thanks to supports, thanks to people like yourselves, we've gone through what you guys have gone through, you know, and that energy helps to stand up and fight the fight, which we have to do collectively, well... "you know the old maxim unity of strength is absolutely uppersite here and is so important and i know from personal experience how how crucial that is actually that that kind of solidarity from grassroots supporters, so i can certainly relate to that and i'm pleased that that you felt that that was something that that helped you through what must have been absolutely appalling ordeal, but david, i mean, what do you make of the committee's judgment then that um, i mean they said that they they could discern no reasonable..." or persuasive connection between zionists and grenfall that you know the jewish chronicle headline had there and uh and this the remark must be anti-semitic. well i mean first of
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all the idea that a committee can decide whether something is anti-semitic on the basis that they can't see what the the connection with the zionist movement is is completely observed they need to get out a bit more and to do some more research but of course what are the connections between greenful and the zionist one that ministers in the government are all sionist the conservative friends of israel the members of that organization, but more importantly, arconic, which is the company which provided the cladding, its top shareholder is an organization called uh elliot management run by guy called paul singer, he's the top doner to the friends of the israel defense forces, one, one connection, two connections, arc is an organization which which is is a construction company which also is engaged in constructing f35 fighters which have being sent to israel to bomb palestinian children, two connections, it's not my fault, it's not it's not an else his fault that they can't perceive this, but there is a connection between grenfall and the zionis and we can we can point this out with many, many other examples, so and and we should be not, we should not be be scared of saying that, it's
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not anti-semitic to say it, there are connections between the zionis and all sorts of appoling things which going on in the uk, including grenfall, one think about the zinits, they never let the facts get in the way of a good old fashion smear do they, well that's right, mean as everyone has now been saying, they lie and they lie and they lie, and that's that's the way, yeah indeed. well nisim, as as far as i'm aware, there's been absolutely no media coverage of your historic win. i mean, why is that do you think? well, it's almost they've got custard pie in their face, haven't they? seven years, seven years of chasing me, left, right and center, going through the courts, the various bodies, seven different organizations you mentioned, they've got nothing to show for it at the end, apart from what was determined back in you, 2020, a warning, um, so it's been um, like i said, taxpayers money a waste of time and it's shown how vindictive they've been towards me uh like i said you know financially it's been a big burden on me emotionally health-wise it has been as well
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and it just shows the nastiness of them of designist movement how vindictive nasty and pretty much evil they are that um they just used everything they could that actually didn't affect them financially as david made a great point there they got people to inter fight on the... behalf which is you know amazing, but who wants to admit failure? um, and that's what they would have to do, admit failure, because they were all go, but yeah, we're going to get him struck off, we're going to get him struck off, yeah, yeah, no, indeed, i mean, uh, well, as i say, i mean, you're through it now, thank goodness, and uh, you've prevailed, and um, and thankfully, as we were saying, you got that grassroots, support and solidarity to to help you through, what must be the terrible ordeal, and you've won, and... i think everybody will be all right thinking people anyway will be absolutely delighted that that you have got through it and you've got through it relatively on the skate not withstanding what you've already said but uh you're here and
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you stand victorious so you know congratulations again on that nazim but uh unfortunately that's all we got time for today so thanks for watching and and thank you to our guest nazim ali and of course our residence expert professor david miller remember you can follow the show on facebook, twitter and telegram where we post regular clips and updates you can also help us to counteract the disinformation pedaled by the corporate media about palestine and the resistance of the designist entity by showing today's program on your social media platforms. so until next time when palestine declassified will be back with more forensic investigations and analysis. this is chris williamson saying bye for now. this week on expos a benjamin netanyahu vows
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to reject. any calls to help the rafah invasion as he and joe biden intensify their staged public spat over zionist israel's genocide in gaza. now following the statement made by former president donald trump that there would be a blood bath if he is not elected in november, left this politicians and media personalities completely lose it on social media. and lastly, a recent political ips survey reveals that 50% of americans think trump is guilty and ought to be tried. for the 2024 presidential election. stay tuned for expose. the truth is just the revelation away. ramadan in iran, where ancient traditions blend with modern celebrations to create a
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truly unforgettable spirit. journey where everything comes alive with the spirit of the holy month, a unique experience like other. these and more on this edition of iran today. depressive will covered. this assassination now entering its uh uh fourth day, we're looking at uh.
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first of your headlines: the islamic revolution guard score says israel's attack on iran's consular building in damascus is a result of the irreparable defeats it has suffered in gaza. iran urges the un security council to strongly condemn israel's attack its consular building in syria calling for an urgent meeting of the regimes violation and israel's indiscriminated strikes kill several foreign aid workers. gaza as the death doll from the regime's genocide nears 32,850, mostly women and children.