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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 2, 2024 8:30am-9:03am IRST

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first of you headlines, the islamic revolution guard score says israel's attack on iran's consular building in damascus is a result of the irreparable defeats it has suffered in gaza. you want urgency? security council to strongly condemn israel's attack is consular building in syria calling for an urgent meeting of the regime's violation. in israel's indiscriminate strikes kill several foreign aid workers in gaza as the death though from the regime's genocide nears 32,850, mostly women and children.
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8:30 am in iran's capital tehran, this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. several people have been killed in an israeli air strike targeting the consular section of iran's embassy in damascus, syria. the attack targeted the building next to the embassy that is also the residence of the iranian ambassador at the maza neighborhood in central damascus. the ambassador and his family are unharmed. this is the second diserally attack targeting the syrian capital in one day. on sunday. israeli forces targeted the vicinity of the capital damascus with rockets launched from the occupied golden heights. the correspondent in damascus earlier joined us from the scene of the israeli attack for more details at 5 pm today the israeli enemy launched attack that targeted the iranian councilate in a blatant violation. of international laws and human
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norms, the aggression resulted in the destruction of the four stories building uh right behind me uh completely ambulances, fire fighting team, civil defense team all rushed to the place, they start digging for survivors, also there uh there has been reports that the brigadier general sayyad mohammed riza zahidi was martered. which is a senior uh irgc uh commander uh in al-quds force uh the we have heard lately that there has been contamination uh by several countries, first the uh iranian forem minister condemned this attack and consider netanyahu a maniac, a mad man who wants war uh through this provocation, the the the of syrian foreign ministry also condemned this
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attack and uh the ser foreign minister dr. faisal makqdad came to the location and uh checked on the ambassador and his family, which was fine, he was uh at his office uh doing his work, doing his job, when the attack happened, but thankfully uh he was uh fine, the uh uh dr. faisal makqdad said that uh syria is standing firmly with iran and this attack uh will never intimidate us. uh we candem this attack and consider it a violation uh of the of the sovereignty of syria also as well iran, the ministry of the russian ministry of defense also condemned this attack and consider it a dangerous escalation that would lead to that may lead to an open war in the region um the they condem the attack as well palestinian factions. the palestinian front for struggle,
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several palestinian leaders as well. the islamic revolution guard score says israel's attack on iran's consular mission in damascus of is out of desperation and has caused is caused by the irreparable defeats it has recently suffered. the rgc says palestinians in gaza and the resistance in the region have dealt heavy blows to israel. it also confirmed that seven iranian military... advisors, including two senior commanders, were killed in the air strikes. regional resistance groups also condemned the attack. hamas called it dangerous escalation and a blatant violation of both iran and serious sovereignty. the palestinian islamic jihad described it as a cowardly act and attempt to distract from the regime's failures in gaza. lebanlah vowed that israeli crimes will not of go unpunished. the popular front for the liberation of palestine also stressed that the attack could not have happened with
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iran's ambassador to syria has vowed that the islamic republic will give decisive response to israely attacks its consulate in damascus سوریه هم در این عملیات مجروح شدن که دیوارها و ساکنمان اصلی سفارتوری. این جنایتی که رژیم صهیونیستی مرتکب شده خیلی تعجب نیست چون بیش از ۶ و جنایتی که ممکن هست مرتکب میشه در حق کودکان وزنان و انسان های بیگونه در کلان حتی
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در سوریه در مناطق مختلفونوار نتانیاهو یک تنه د جنایت ها رو مرتکب میشه تا بتونه خودشو حفظ بکنه و وقتی ک
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minister has called for immediate and appropriate response by the organization of the islamic cooperation to the israelite terrorist attack on iran's consular mission in damascus. osan made the call in a phone conversation with the oic secretary general. the irani for minister said the attack violated all international laws. for his part, hussain brahim taha pointed to israel's criminal history, strongly condemning the air strikes. iran has also called on the un security council to condemn the israely attack in the strongest possible terms and to hold an urgent meeting to address the violation. iran's ministry also summoned the swiss ambassador, which represents us interest in tehran. amir abdullahan said, an
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important message was related to washington as the main supporter of the israeli regime. he said the us must answer for the crime. another news scores, more palestinians have been killed in gaza as the u.s. israel genocide in the beast strip approaches the grim six-month milestone. in the central city of daryl bola. israely forces targeted vehicle owned by food aid agency, world central kitchen. four foreign aid workers and their palestinian driver were killed. the hamas resistance movement strongly condemned the attack as part of israel's policy of systematically killing unarmed civilians and international relief teams. elsewhere in derrobala, the regime bombed mosque which claimed the life of a child and injured 20 other people. to the south of the strip, israely bombardment and shelling of rafa and khanus claimed more than dozen civilian lives. since the beginning of the usis genocide in gaza on october 7, more than
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32,800 people have been killed and some 75,400 injured. for muslims across the world, aid al-fitr, which marks one month of obedience to god in the holy fasting month of ramadan is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud for their servitude to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims. aside their differences and hostilities and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages in iran have their own traditions for ramadan which date back to centuries. get a glimpse
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of it in this documentary on press tv. welcome back to the news here on press tv. israel's campaign in the gaza strip has been among deadlies and the most destructive campaigns, besides thousands of human losses, the rates have also damaged or have totally destroyed all types of structures, including homes, mosks, schools and medical centers. we have taken a closer look at the issue in our explainer program. the us is really on slot on the gas trip is one of the most destructive. socidal air campaigns ever, raising entire neighborhoods to the ground, killing tens of thousands and causing damage
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that could take decades to repair, well the structural devastation is almost as shocking as the loss of lives itself, drawing reactions from many world leaders, like this one from the eu foreign policy chief joseph barall who said this destruction is one of the most intense in history, comparable, if not higher to levels of destruction of german cities, during the second world war. the source of the damage is due to the us bombs that have been dropped in the gaza strip. in total, 70,00 tons of these explosives have been dropped in the gaza strip. this number is surely to rise since the israeli regime will be receiving new batch of us 50 and 2 pound bombs. well the destruction of buildings damaged or destroyed is mapped out here in this map. the largest. production has occurred in uh northern gaza, 81% of the
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total buildings there, terms of the number, 37,100, the grand total amounts to 177, it's kind of hard to see here, but that accounts for 61.1% of the total buildings in the gaza strip. this is what has been fact checked, other figures are much higher than this. now when it comes to the types of buildings, damaged or destroyed, that's very important. these figures show that some of the notable ones, the press headquarters at 165 schools including universities coming in at 405, and then you have mosks 227, and here's the one that hurts the most, the 244 medical facilities and hospitals, keep in mind that these are the ones that have been completely destroyed, then comes the infrastructure destruction, 250 kilometers of roads, that's 78%. the total roads 130 wells (56.2%) and 130 kilometers of water networks (84%) and
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then the soul gaza, power plants, the only power plant in the gaza strip out of service, especially due to lack of fuel. this is why gazans are fighting for their lives, actually. well, israel is also after erasing palestine's heritage in the gaza strip. some the examples of that that we picked, monasteries, mosks, churches, palaces, archaeological hills and historic uh houses, you can see the figures there, the one that stands out here was the historic houses, as matter of fact, this one here, the great ari mosk, it's uh built in the 12th century and one of the most important and largest historical mosks in palestine, gone. naturally, some are asking, what is israel after? well, this is what many media organizations have said, quote, israel wants to make the gaza strip unfit for human habitation in the hopes that there will be large scale immigration for the... ethnic cleansing of gaza's palestinian population, this is what many organizations believe is
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israel's intense. listens in iraq since it has carried out fresh attacks on israely positions in response to the regime's ongoing genocide in gaza. the umbrella resistance group said as fighters used drones to target the tel nof airbase in central israeli occupied territories. reaffirms its determination to continue striking israeli strongholds, added that the operations are in response to the israeli massacer of palestinian civilians, including women, children, and the elderly. in recent months, the islamic resistance in iraq has carried out series of attacks against israeli positions. it has also hit us military bases in iraq and neighboring syria, retaliation for washington's complicity in the israeli genocide in gaza. the iraki anti-terror group says it is ready to send military supplies to
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fellow resistance fighters in jordan to help defend palestinians against israeli crimes. kataib hisbollah says it has prepared supplies for over 12,00 fighters. it said the provisions include light weapons, anti-armor launchers, tactical missiles, ammunition and explosives. the resistance group said it seeks to form a united front against israel. ketbullah also voiced readiness to block the land routs. leading to israeli occupied territories, if it receives the go ahead from palestinian resistance movements. qib hisbullah has carried out multiple military operations against israel and to the us since the beginning of the. slot in gaza. in january, at least three us forces were killed in one such attack a military base in jordan. housing prices across the west have gone so high that many people have given up on the idea of ever owning their home. in europe,
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protests are being held to demand more government intervention on the issue of building more affordable housing. ramin masary report. from paris: in a statistic which may amaze and anger, those in their 20s and 30s, in 1973, the average french person dedicated just 10% of their income to housing. in places like lisbon, that figure is now 63%, as the housing situation across europe is being called the worst it has been in 70 years. with winter prohibitions a addictions ending with the arrival of spring, protests are being held across europe against the lack of affordable housing, houses are made for living in and not for financial speculation. this is a fundamental truth which has been forgotten by successive french governments. they have turned their back on the many victims of our long-running housing crisis, and across europe it's the same.
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what's worse is that they'll have many people evicted by landlords looking to cash out tourist money for the summer olympics. one out of four french people suffer from serious housing problem, so it's no surprise that better housing has been a top issue for voters in election after election. there's a real lack of decent, new and safe housing in france and europe, as much of our stock dates from after world war ii, the laws requiring that 20% of lodgings be made available to lower income citizens is not inforce, and we just don't see that the government cares about the... incredible difficulty of finding affordable housing here in france. in paris, housing prices are up backbreaking 70% since 2009, the start of the great financial crisis and the failed response of far right economic austerity. the hiking of interest rates in 2022 caused some housing markets in europe to decline slightly, but others continued to
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rise, that also caused building cost to sore, reducing private construction. housing groups insist that lodging issues could be fixed nationwide in just 5 to 10 years, if the government's laws favored renters and regular citizens instead of land owners and real estate speculators. the primary culporate seems to lie in the refusal of right-wing economics to allow governments to invest tax revenue in building more affordable real estate and also in the vast selloffs to private corporations. of government housing since the 1980s. ramin masahari, press tv, paris. ranians of mark the second of the three lailatal nights, the religious occasion traditionally celebrates the revelation of the holy quran to prophet muhammad, may peace be upon him. however, with the ongoing genocidal war in gaza, this year, praying for
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the liberation of palestine has become the main theme of the ceremonies. gisumi shah medi has more from tehran. reciting along with the joshan kabir prayer, calling on god by the 1001 names and attributes mentioned in this powerful prayer and tearing up while asking god for redemption on one of the most sacred nights for muslims. also referred to as the night of power. or the night of destiny. in iran, people traditionally gather in holy sights and mosques and keep vigil on this occasion, which is observed on the nights before the 19th, the 21st and the 23rd the holy month of ramadan. this year, however, like many other occasions over the past six months, the genocidal war on gaza
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dominates the ceremony. al-aqsa mask in jerusalem. is profoundly revered for us muslims because of the significance of miraj commemorating prophet muhammad's miraculous overnight asession to heaven. it's qadr tonight, i'm praying for god for the liberation of palestine and al-aqsamas is one the most sacred nights in islam and i come here every year to pray, but this year all i want is for the atrocities against palestiny. is to stop, performing religious rituals in a free al-aks mosque and in a free jerusalem is a wish that iranians always pray for, but this time around these prayers are mostly dedicated to the liberation of palestine from zionis and an end to the genocidal war on gaza. what's happening in gaza right now is
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absolutely heartbreaking. that's why tonight we are praying for our muslim brothers and sisters in palestine. we are all praying to god for the defeat of zainas and the victory of palestinians. and what better occasion than gad night? a night which is... in islamic scriptures marks the night when the holy quran was revealed to prophet muhammad, according to the holy quran, this night is better than one thousand months, our destiny is determined, and we pray that we can keep serving god, serving god by serving god's people a night dedicated. to good deeds, this is the best night for charitable activities as well, and everyone who is present here wants to make the best of it. which is also
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referred to as the night of power or the night of destiny, is considered one of the most sacred occasions in the islamic calendar, one that muslims try not to miss. gisumy press tv, tehran. which marks the moment when prophet muhammad, peace be upon him, received the first verses of the holy book quran from angel gabriel. afghans spend the night to pray and recite quranic verses, hoping for god's compassion and forgiveness. of destiny due to the belief that on this occasion god dispatches his angels earth, carrying his decree for each individual. it is during this night that people's destiny
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for the upcoming year is determined. consequently, this sacred night holds great significance as people engage in prayers, seeking the best outcomes for their destiny and to invoke god's blessings of prosperity and mercy in their lives. tonight we hold prayers and mor the martterdom of imam ali who was role model for the mankind. faithful people of afghanistan are devoted to imam ali and honor his school
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of thought. according to islamic scripture, or the night of destiny is better than a thousand months. muslims believe that on this night their prayers are answered and their sins are. forgiven in crisis striken afghanistan or the night of destiny is also time of hope and healing. as afghans observed this night, by performing special rituals, they also pray for prosperity and positive changes for their country. press tv and with that we come to an end for this additional. world news, thanks for being with us, let's bye bye for now,
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bismillahirrahmanirrahim. الا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون صدق الله العليم.
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2014, a small african nation began to rip itself apart, the greay p of death and destruction descended over the muslim community, c'est les maisons de qui sont détruit, les maisons des musulmans. tuer les musulmans, comme ça?
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انا يا حسين قد على في الخافق يا انا وصوت كل
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الملا فائل.
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soil, sun and water. these are the symbols of life and creation, best understood by arid and dried out lands. in south of horizon razebi province, there is an old city known for its quick sands and aquaducts hidden. at the heart of the soil. gonabad, an arid land that's stranger to snowfall and rain, a land where water can only be accessed through aquaducts.