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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 2, 2024 1:30pm-2:03pm IRST

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first of headlines ebrals president says the israely attack on the country's consulate in syria will not go unanswered. seven foreign aid workers are killed in an israeli air strike in gaza as the death doll from the regime's genocide tops 32,900 and the israel regime conducts fresh raides across occupied west bank as part of its intensified crackdown against palestinians.
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1:30 pm in iran's capital tehran, this is press tv news, thanks for joining us. seven people have been confirmed killed in israel's friday air strike on the iranian consulats in the syrian capital damascus. according to iran's islamic... revolution guard score, the dead include two senior iranian military personnel who were on an advisory mission to syria as well as five of their accompaning officers. meanwile iran's supreme national security council held emergency meeting after the israely attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy. council said appropriate decisions were taken over what it called another israeli war crime against people enjoying diplomatic immunity.ron also called for a un security council meeting on the israely aggression. according to russia's un envoy, the security. will hold emergency
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meeting later on tuesday to discuss the israely attack on iran's consulate in damascus. the attack has violated international law and the 1961 vienna convention on diplomatic relations. in a blatant violation of international laws and human norms, the israeli regime committed a henus crime by attacking the counselor services department of the iranian embassy in damascus. the attack destroyed. four story building, killing several people, iran's ambassador to damascus said that the crime will not go unanswered. you can see how all the glass and windows of my room were shattered as a result of the attack, i was present in my room at that time. some journalists were in the upper floor and witnessed it with their own eyes. we were speaking with the minister and they documented what happened in my room. the zin entity does not respect. anything at all, and
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iran will respond decisively. the attack was of met with strong condemnations from several countries at the global and regional levels. the syrian people and their leadership insisted that such attacks must be confronted with more resilience and support for the palestinian people and resistance movements. they affirmed that these barbaric attacks would further strengthen the bond between the syrian and iranian people. ces for the loss of life and our sorrow over these unjustifiable attacks targeting diplomatic institutions. we emphasized the necessity of maintaining syrian iranian relations because they are built on ethics and values, unlike western countries that support israel in committing such crimes. observers believe that the attack is violation of international law and humanitarian principles and is a result of the regime's military defeat in its genocidal war on. they say such crimes
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increases the determination of the region's peoples to achieve victory and expel this cancerous entity. even the peoples of the world have come to realize the criminality and brutality of israel. this is really entity which by western standards is regarded as the oasis of democracy in west asia only knows the democracy of killing, crimes, destruction, targeting children, women, residential buildings and violating international. law, this was evident in the targeting of the diplomatic consulat building. iran's islamic revolution guard corps says seven of its officers, two of whom were brigadier generals were killed in the attack. today's aggression is further evidence of the savagery and disrespect for international law exhibited by this criminal entity. this regime's behavior underscores the need for a firm response by the international community. ibrahim wahdi, press tv, damascus. iran's president says the
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deadly israeli air strike on the country's consulate in syria will not go unanswered. raisi says scientists should understand that they would never achieve their evil goals by carrying out such inhuman. main actions. he noted that the regime is desperate as it is witnessing the reinforcement of the resistance front a daily basis. r added that the hatred of free nations against israel's illegitimate nature is also surging day by day. earlier the iranian for ministry deplored israel's aggression. it summoned the swiss ambassador which represents us interest in tehran. the foreign minister himself said that an important message was related to washington as the main backer of the israeli regime. what added that the us must be held accountable for the israeli crime. a separate statement, the irgc said the wolfish zionist regime launched the air strike on the iranian consulate following as irreparable defeats to palestinians in gaza and resistance fighters in the region. condemnations are pouring in
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following israel's deadly air strike on the iranian consulats in the syrian capital damascus. the popular resistance committees, umbrella group made up of several palestinian factions in the statement said the regime's crime. must not go unanswered, the hamas resistance movements and the islamic jihad also separately condemned the attack on the iranian consulate. hisbollah's movements, lebanon's movements said that such crimes will result in more determination to resist and to confront the israely enemy. yemen's un movement denounced israeli attack as aggression on two brotherly countries. the popular front for the liberation of palestine said that the attack would not force iran to halt to support for palestinian resistance. so countries including iraq, pakistan, oman, qatar, the uae, saudi arabia, china, and russia also denounced the israely aggression as unacceptable. frauze is a journalist, author and activist who joins us. welcome to the program, so we're looking at attack that
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is obviously against international law, but who's to talk uh about international law with the israeli regime? nevertheless, they've committed this act, that's illegal, and it it appears on multiple fronts. that there are reasons for it to justify the fact that it needed to attack the consult of the islamic republic uh on the territory of syria, why do you think it went ahead and did that? uh, firstly may i offer my condolences to the murdered and the injured in this hienous attack. i think what we're witnessing is uh, i, i, i think so, the best way for me to describe this would be the legacy from general solomon "i mean, this man uh brought together the access of resistance and made mind someone who is several thousands of miles away from what's happening in west asia, but he was murdered, murdered by the americans because of the strength and resilience and steadfastness that he brought
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to the axis of resistance in the region, so by murdering him, the americans were trying to to - in many ways destroy the personal link. that he had with uh the commanders uh the other members of the access of resistance in the region and this appears to me to be a complete follow up. firstly it's an act of war upon uh the iranian people because the army is there to protect the revolution from 1979 and it is a job of the army to protect the iranian people against internal and external uh people who would uh tried to uh destroy the uh revolution, the counter revolutionaries, so what what we're looking at is a continuation of violation of the legacy of general solemani, so the people that have replaced him have now been murdered uh by the zapacist regime in tel aviv with
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the green light and with the uh the go ahead from the american biden uh administration, so i see this as as an act of war, attack upon the iranian people, attack upon the access of resistance, but primarily attack to try to uh upset and try to somehow uh model the connections and the personal connections which appear to be so strong and west asia among the leaders of the access of resistance, this is a way of trying to send message to the irina military that you're not safe anywhere it sayid over on and the fact that... solomon is at his uh anniversary uh in uh where where he's buried uh that outside aggressor aggressors attacked the mooners dam just shows that uh general solomani was was
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such hero and such a leading figure that they don't want anyone else to replace him and i feel the strongest reaction that the access of resistance could show to these ongoing motors. the leaders of the irgc is to uh to strengthen the access of resistance and and strengthen the legacy of general solomon and all those she followed in this steps and murdered and injured indeed with iran's obviously um stands for the resistance groups in the reason in terms of one of the senior military commanders that were uh that was murdered and uh there's obviously appropriate comparison to be made there in terms of uh the function or the goal that they had but there was an interesting statement made by um an interview that we had and that was the fact that he said uh israel regime was uh in
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control of a american f35 jet with american bombs and struck uh the iranian consulate, it's doing the same thing in the gaza strip uh so the us is as responsible, do you think that the us is as responsible as the israel regime itself? i've said consistently from the very beginning of the satucious attack on gaza and indeed the west bank it is this is beiden's war. netanyahu might be pulling the trigger and giving the orders, but it's the americans were supplying the arms, the intelligence and the world with all both political, financial and military assistance to this rogue terrorist state, so i have no doubt that your previous interview is 100% correct in pointing out that america is behind us. i said that myself at the at the very beginning of uh of the... interview that america has given the green lake for this, and if i could just mention that as soon as i
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heard what had happened in damascus and seeing the coverage and bearing in mind what's just happened at elsia hospital, nobody in in the international political arena uh bombs uh hospitals, executes doctors, rips pregnant women inside the hospitals, then destroys the complete infrastructure so people cannot have treatment for cancer, dialysis. babies and incubators uh, never mind, the people who are starving uh with this man-made is really forced uh famon as a weapon of war against the people of uh palestine and gaza and the attack on the uh the diplomatic uh quarters associated with the iranian embassy in damascus, i see absolutely no difference between the murder, reap, killing and summary execution of civilians in shifar hospital. with the murder of iranian generals and and others in damascus in what is a diplomatic
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house which is protected just like the hospital under international law, but as we all know, israel does not follow international law because america and britain and the eu and these white anglo-saxon uh western hegemonic imperialist countries uh curren nothing for the color of the skin of the people that they are helping to murder in west asia because basically all these regimes that i just mentioned are all racis and they are all fascist, they are imperialist and they are capitalist and they curren nothing for anyone, it doesn't fit into their uh kabal of uh warmogers. thank you very much for that, we appreciate it for he's journalist, author and activist there from belfast. thank you. moving on, an israeli air strike has left seven international aid workers associated with the us-based charity, world central kitchen, dead in the gaza. script: the wck team was travelling in a
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deconflicted zone in two armored cars branded with the wck logo and soft skin vehicle. despite coordinating movements with the idf, the convoy was hit as it was leaving the dairal balah warehouse where the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid, brought to gaza on the maritime route. the of the charity said she has quote heartbroken and appalled over the loss of her team and the targeted israely attack in gaza. aaron gor called the air strike unforgivable, saying the attack was not only on world central kitchen, but on humanitarian organizations showing up in the direst of situations where food is being used as a weapon of war. the organization also announced that it is halting all operations in the region. meanwile the hamas resistance. movement slammed the attack, saying the regime is pursuing its policy of systematic killings in order to terrorize aid workers
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and disrupt humanitarian act activities. hamas also urged the international community to help put an end to israeli crimes. since the onset of the israeli war in gaza, early october, more than 32,900 palestinians have been killed, most of them women and children. israely forces press on with the genocidal onslot on gaza, leaving more deaths into. destruction across territory, of course, one of joined us earlier from the central gaza city of jaralbala to give us the latest on the situation. attacks were maintained over the last night here city as well, another israeli air strike targeted al-bashiir mosk which is located in alhiker town. al-hiker town is known as one of uh as one of the most densely populated areas in their balah city and it has been subjected to different and to relentless air strikes over the last couple
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of months, so we are talking about another crime, at least 20 palestinian civilians were reporttedly in... addition to a palestinian baby who was killed over that attack, while on the other hand, when it comes to the northern part of the central area of gaz strip, that area witnessed feast clashes between the palestinan resistance and the israel incubation forces as the israeli incubation forces maintained their artillery shilling against that area, mean almraga town and even town which is located in the northern part of refugee camp, while when it comes to gaza city, more residential buildings were destroyed by the israeli war planes particularly in a daraj neighborhood, another residental building was hit and destroyed in that area, while rafaah also the israel war blanes continue their air strikes against the city, another horizontal building was destroyed in al brazil neighborhood, that area as you know it's overcrowded and
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overwarmed with the people uh so far uh roughly six palestinian civilians were reporttedly killed in including women and its children, in addition to dozens of the injuries. what kind of people do they think we are? is it possible they do not realize that we shall never cease to persevere against them until they have been taught a lesson which they and the world will never forget. "now i am become death, we now have a name for the disease, and it is covid-19, a state-wide order for people to stay at home, that's why comes from china really deeply,
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that if people are sharing more, then the world will be more open place where people can understand what's going on with the people around them, and that's really..." we want to get towards, did you appear on the on the um and give a presentation to the launch of yes, did. welcome back to the news here on press tv. israel's campaign in the gaza strip has been among the deadliest and most destructive campaigns. besides thousands of human losses, the air rates have also damaged or totally. all types of structures, including homes, mosks, schools and medical centers. we've taken a closer look at the issue in our explainer program. the us is early onslot on the gaza's trip is one of the most destructive genocidal air campaigns ever, raising entire neighborhoods
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to the ground, killing tens of thousands and causing damage that could take decades to repair. well the structural devastation is almost as shocking as the loss of lives itself, drawing reactions from many world leaders, like this one from the eu foreign policy chief joseph barall, who said this destruction is one of the most intense in history, comparable, if not higher to levels of destruction of german cities during the second world war. the source of the damage is due to the us bombs that have been dropped in the gaza strip in total, 70,00 tons of these explosives have been dropped in the gaza strip. this number is surely to rise since israely regime will be receiving new batch of us 5002 pound bombs. will the destruction of buildings damaged or destroyed is mapped out here in this map. the largest destruction has occurred in northern gaza, 81% of the total
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buildings there, in terms of the number, 37. 100, the grand total amounts to 177,000, it's kind of hard to see here, but that accounts for 61.1% of the total buildings in the gaza strip. this is what has been fact checked, other figures are much higher than this. now when it comes to the types of buildings, damaged or destroyed, that's very important, these figures show that some of the notable ones, the press headquarters at 165 schools including universities coming in at. 405 and then you have masks 227 and here's the one that hurts the most 244 medical facilities and hospitals, keep in mind that these are the ones that have been completely destroyed, then comes the infrastructure destruction, 250 kilometers of roads, that's 78% of the total roads, 130 wells, 56.2%, and 130
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kilometers of water networks 84%, and then the soul gaza power plants, the only power plant in the gaza strip out of service, especially due to lack of fuel, this is why gazons are fighting for their lives, actually, well israel is also after erasing palestine's heritage in the... strip: some of the examples of that that we picked, monasteries, mosks, churches, palaces, archaeological hills and historic houses, you can see the figures there, the one that stands out here was the historic houses, as matter of fact, this one here, the great amari mosk, it's built in the 12th century and one of the most important and largest historical mosks in palestine, gone, naturally some are asking, what is israel after? well, this is what many media organizations have. said, quote, israel wants to make the gaza strip unfit for human habitation in the hopes that there will be large scale immigration for the ethnic cleansing of gaza's palestinian population.
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this is what many organizations believe is israel's intense. palestinians in the west bank have been enduring intensified raids by israel since the onset of the regime's war on gaza, israeli occupation forces have carried out fresh raids towns, villages and refugee. camps across occupied territories. the regime has stormed homes, made multiple arrests and has wounded a number of palestinians during these raids. the correspondents in ramalandeal joined us earlier with more updates. let's take a listen. the israeli troops stored several villages eastqilia as well as south ka like juos, hazun and habli as well as asli village during the incurgence to these villages, the israeli troops, storm the palestinians homes confiscated belongings, caused damage within the the
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houses and arrested number of palestinians. the israeli trips had also stormed several areas around al-quds like the refugee camp of colandia for several hours, exchange of fire have taken place between the israeli. forces and the residents of the refugee camp, the troops stormed the home of muhammad manasra, marter muhammad manasra, he carried out an anti- israeli operation in near the settlement of ali and he was shot and killed today again the israeli forces stormed his home during this operation and during the exchange of fire, number of palestinians had been wounded by the israeli forces, at least seven palestinian. were arrested from colondia refugee camp, the israeli troops in southern the occupied west bay raided several towns in al-khalil area, raided the town of
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bet omar and arrested at least one palestinian, according to reports coming frommar, 14 year old palestinian was arrested by the israeli forces, during the military to colundia refugee camp, the israeli forces stormed palestinians homes and and gathered dozens of palestinian youths inside the refugee camp, interrogated them and questioned them. the islamic resistance in iraq says it has carried out fresh attacks on israely positions, response to the regime's ongoing genocide in gaza. the umbrella resistance group said its fighters used drones to target the tell nof airbase in central israely occupied territories. groups at the attack reaffirms his determination to continue striking israel. strongholds, it added that the operations are in response to the israely massacre of palestinian civilians, including women, children, and the elderly. in recent months, the islamic resistance in iraq has carried out series of
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attacks against israely positions. it has also hit us military bases in iraq and neighboring syria, retaliation for washington's complicity in the israeli genocide in gaza. an iraqi resistance group says is ready to send military supplies. fellow fighters in jordan to help defend palestinians against israely crimes. says it has prepared supplies for over 12,00 fighters. it said the provisions include light weapons, anti-armored launchers, tactical missiles, ammunition and explosives. the resistance group said it seeks to form a united front against israel. also voiced readingness to block the land routes leading to israely occupied territories if it receives the go ahead from palestinan resistance movements. hisbula has carried out multiple military operations against israel and the us since the beginning of the onslot on gaza. in january, these three us forces were killed and one such attacked a military
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base in jordan. and that is for this edition world news, thanks so much for being with us, this bye-bye for now.
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"the rivers of mesopotamia are going through their most critical times. with the deaths of the tigris and the euphretes, what will the future hold for the people of iraq and syria? will the udas river end up the way the
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tigris?" and the euphretes did, the future for millions of people is tied to the freedom of captive called water.
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salam alaikum and welcome to the israeli watch which followed the escalation of the confrontation on the northern front on the border with lebanon and netanyahu's retreat from not sending a zinis to... allegation to washington after the issuence of the security council resolution as well as the escalating disputes over the haridi recruitment law and the situation on the ground in gaza. i like to go ahead and welcome my guest, dr. director.