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tv   Israel Watch Kiryat Shmona under missiles  PRESSTV  April 2, 2024 2:02pm-2:31pm IRST

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salam alaikum and welcome to the israeli watch which followed the escalation of the confrontation on the northern front on the border with lebanon and netanyahu's retreat from not sending a zinist delegation to washington after the issuence of the security council resolution as well as escalating disputes over the haridi recruitment law and the situation on the ground in gaza. i like to go ahead and welcome my guest dr. imad director.
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מאשר העמדות של נתניהו ובנגביר אמירה מאוד חריפה למעשה לבוא ולומר שביידן תומך בסינואר והדבר הזה צריך לומר מעורר סערה בתוך ארצות הברית אני שומע מלא מעט דמוקרטים שמאוד כועסים על ההשואה הזאת זועמים עליה לא שהם היו צריכים בוא נגיד ככה סיבה ליחוס על בן גביר אבל האירוע הזה עוד יותר נותן להם סיבות למה לא בדיוק לאהוב את האיש מבחינתם אבל המעניין הוא שגם לא מעט גורמים רפובליקנים שאני מדבר איתם היום אומרים שאמירה שכזו היא חציית גבול מודה. is
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that we're going to go ahead and start off with what we saw here, to what extent is the zinis entity shift to the right actually undermining the us israeli ties? if you focus now about the relation between the us and the israeli, we can find that netanyahu seems to be more under the impact of this bin gafir and the zionist influence, and if we go to see the influence inside the administration, the us administration also we cannot find that zeonist still have the same power like apec or other institute to influence also the administration so inside the us administration it seems that they have lot of problem internal problem inside israeli politics in inside social life also there is a big changement so with lot of parties inside. political life inside israel also we
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can find that the zeonist or who influence zeonist it means who support them by money who support them uh to make this policy seems that they change also sometimes their mind or they are in a different position this is why we cannot see that there is one way inside israel also when we talk about more going on in the us with the following: the united states is the losing patience with the zinus entity government's policy that harms the american strategy which seeks to arrange the situation in the middle east based on normalization and saving the zinus entity from weakness. המשוואה שאני מדבר עליה כל הזמן. ארצות הברית חששה מתחילת הדרך בחולשתה של ישראל. החשש מחולשתה של ישראל היה בשתי רמות. אחד זה מה שקרה. שניים הם אמרו לנו לגבי הצפון
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בגבול והזהירו, וכרגע צריכים להחזיר את זה בגלל הנושא הגיאופוליטי שלהם, הם רוצים להסדיר את המזרח התיכון, יש פה סוגיות, יש פה את סעודיה, יש פה את כל המערכת האמירטית וכן הלאה, נושא החתופים חשוב להם, ולכן אמריקה לא יכולה לדשדש מבחינה קונספטואלית וגם יש לה שנת בחירות, כאשר ישראל כל הזמן משחקת משחק פוליטי כזה פנימי, זה פשוט נמאס להם. next few days we can see lot of problem inside the cabinet inside netanyahu political way, how he is managing this war inside palestine or how he is managing the way of fighting let's say in the with lebanon or another place because it seems that netanyahu one of the problem with biden is the policy geopolitical problems so it's not only tactically problems, if we look
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to, let's say administration of biden, also biden tried to get some points in his electoral. preparation, but in the same time it seems that also trump, if if we can talk about biden and trump, it seems that also trump will focus on not to support netanyahu on on his way, in the same time if we look what they are talking, they was talking about the problem related to saudi arabia and emirates, so one of their problem is also how to manage relation with gulf state because... gulf state, if for trump or for biden, it's dollar and money exactly. well, let's go ahead and go over to netanyahu who has actually backtracked on preventing a zinest delegation from heading to washington after the security council resolution and the united states refraining from using the veto
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against the seasfire resolution in gaza, and instead decides to send his close associates to the american capital. נשגר את דרמר והנגבי, שני היועצים הקרובים לו, השר דרמר וראש המעלל הנגבי לואשינגטון כבר במהלך הימים הקרובים, בלשכת ראש הממשלה מגיבים הערב על הדיווחים השונים סביב זה ואומרים שלא הושע יציאת המשלחת, אבל גורמים ישראלים מאשרים, שאכן זה הכיוון, ואנחנו מדובכים מודי הערב על כך שלא רק המשלחת הזאת תגיע לוואשינגטון, אלא שבחירים אמריקנים יתקנו את הבחירים, כמה בחירים ישראלים, שהם מעונייינים להביא לכן גנרלים אמריקנים שישבו עם קציני צהל וידונו איתם באופן מפורט על התוכניות שלפ.
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relation with the us or especially with biden, so he cannot stop the relation or he cannot affect the strategic relation with the us, because also if we look inside the political life inside the israel, we find that not only netanyahu but all the politician from the opposition or supporting netanyahu, they cannot be away or they cannot be not supporting the us policy. in the in the region in the east especially, well doctor, what is expected, we have the zinus delegation going to the united states, what about regarding the rafah attack? regarding graf, it seemed that there is no problem related to the preparation, we cannot say invasion, but we can talk about a military
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preparation against trafah, sure, so you believe it will happen, it will happen, i it seems because when when when when we hear that general from the us will come in the inside the cabinet to control the operation, it seems it will be the operation, but in another way, not like what happened in kanyunis or in other places in gaza. the hebrew media has focused on what the israeli occupation army claimed of the assassination of hamas leader marwan isa in gaza by zinius raids, but the zinist commentators did not see it as a big gain because hamas is getting stronger.
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well doctor, what is your assessment of the zinist claims of assassinating uh marwana issa at this time despite the enemies claims that the assassination took place two weeks ago? uh, if it was, it was american also behind of this assassination, and if really they can... and arrive to to this assassination of mr. isa, everybody knows that hamas and the resistance inside palestine, they are not related to one person, so hamas will continue, and this is why after two week, last week and few days we
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see lot of missile attacking haskalan, esnod, and it seems also... so nothing was affected and resistance military resistance still fighting, still making operation against the israeli inside gaza, and we will be talking about that. קשקוש, אתה יודע ש-20 גדודים שמדנו ברצועה צפונית בג'בליה, בעזה, אז מה? אז מותטנו את
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החמס, אז עוד ארבעה גדודים ימטטו אותו, זה קשקוש, וזה לא יעבוד, אבל בשביל הקשקוש הזה שאנחנו נמטת את החמאס, הם לא רוצים עכשיו לעשות הפסקת אש על מנת לשחרר את החטופים, כי זה יפריע למהלך, זאת אומרת יש כאן השליה שגם פוגעת ביכולת שלנו לשמור על מה שכבר הסגנו וגם. lose the number of let's say 1,200 person
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till now and they don't care about this 150 or 200 person was hamas, so it seems that they are using political issues just to keep his his position inside the cabinet and his position related to the extremist zeonist inside. at the cabinet, so uh, what we can see that he don't care about his people, he just postponed to leave or postponed his life, his political life, and maybe also making some policy related to the influence inside the cabinet, inside the political life in israel. let's move on, calls from zinus officials for the return of settlements in the gaza strip have recently increased.
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in gaza, which actually has been repeated by members in netanyahu's government, as we see that also inside the kenness, inside the cabinet, inside all the political life, natanahu have lot of problem, and also if if we see related to the hardim and related to other community to the use, they believe now to continue fight. fighting or they believe to leave israel, so if we look what will
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happen or what will be the future of uh, so is it doable to resettle in gaza? we cannot say it now, but it seems that who will win after this fight or after this confrontation, it seems till now tactically israel can do what they want. but in strategic way the resistance will uh will win, so lot of this impact the day after will be influenced inside the political life, inside the uses and inside society. let's move to the actual combat situation of the occupation army in the gaza strip today, which greatly resembles the situation it was in southern lebanon, where soldiers were falling daily at the hands of hisballah, just as is happening today in gaza. היינו עמוק בתוך לבנון, היו
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הרוגים ישראלים לצערנו כמעט כל יום, וזה היה במשך שלוש שנים, וישראל יודעת לחיות עם מצב כזה. אם אתה מתעקש לבחור במלחמה ללחימה, אנחנו בלחימה, ומה שלא הצלחנו להשיג, עם 20 חטיבות, אנחנו לא נעשה. עם שלוש ארבע חטיבות, ולכן מה שאנחנו עושים היום הוא יותר דומה לביטחון שוטף, כל העולם מחמס ועד נשיא ארצות הברית וכל מי שבאמצע, well doctor, what can we conclude from the statements by amil sadlin and guiora island, regarding the inability of the entity to engage in a long war, and is, in your opinion, the war in gaza, now the same or
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similar as it was in lebanon? let's talk about what we, what... he finished his talk about difficult uh, it seems that and when they talk about 20 brigades and they are now they are fighting with a small group or because they cannot push more military uh inside this 300 km square, it seems if they want to fight inside 300 km square and if they refer to south lebanon, south lebanon was before 35 years has history, so the history, the technology, the equipment, the fights, technique, everything was changed, this is why now when they are fighting, we cannot make similation between south lebanon or gaza, but i'm sure that in the same when
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they have in between 82 and 85 or after. dr. yamos adlin is a senior figure, so his statement does actually have a good regard, yeah, impact inside society and inside maybe inside the army, so lot of these decision maker know that they have lot of problem inside the security of the region surrounding gaza, they have lot of problems related to the stability in the future, because if it will be sease fire, how they will control the the settlement inside west bank. tank inside inside israel, inside palestine occupied, so and also when they talk that also related to the south lebanon, how they will make stability if they cannot now make it in south palestine, the occupation army has been in a
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real war on the southern front of lebanon for half year, and hezballah response to the attacks on lebanon and its home.
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reaction from israel, what happened in habari or what happened in shibha or another places inside lebanon, we can understand that israel or zeonist are against lebanise, not against hizballah, but also against all the constitution of lebanon, this is why all lebanon now is involved or supporting the resistant are in the... "this is why the complication of the south lebanon related to israel will be more problematic for the israeli and in a few days as they say, well doctor, we are a bit of a short on time, we want to go ahead and continue with heizballah's missile, which actually came in response to zionist attacks in lebanes territory, which targeted kiriyat schmuna
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near the border with lebanon and zionist media refer to the destruction that hit the mission settlement." כן, אתה יודע עודד, המפיק שלנו בקריאת שמונה, שלומי אפרעה אמר לי בבוקר, זה היה כמו בימים האם של שנות ה-90, ככה זה הרגיש לו הבוקר, כשהוא רואה את הנפילות שגם פוגעות בעצם בתוך בבתים בקריאת שמונה, שבע פגיעות ישירות בבניינים שונים ברחבי העיר, הרס גדול מאוד, משהו שלא שלא הכרנו בחצי שנה האחרונה, למרות שמערכת כיפת ברזל פעלה וירתה חלק מהרקטות, זה אולי מלמד א גם על הקף ה'. אבל גם מהנפילות עצמן אפשר ללמוד על מה ירו אנחנו אין התייחסות רשמית אבל החבלנים שדיברתי איתם של המשטרה בשטח דיברו בהחלט על טילים כבדים עם ראשי נפץ כבדים.
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are falling, where is the air defense? dean, where is gallant who also learned to chant slogans? where are the days of the stone age, he promised them? meetan, we lost the north thanks to the government of destruction. dr. hisballah's missile response to settlements including kariamuna was actually compared to the 90s. what is your interpretation of this description by the hebrew media? when when we hear that they are talking about that they cannot intercept, they cannot destroy the the missile sended by hisballah by the air defense, it means that they lose, they lose
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inside the society, they lose as a military, they lose as a technology, and in the other way, it seemed that israeli army still regarding hizballah or looking to hizballah as in 2006 and they are supposing hizballah. launching katosha and this old kind of generation of missile, well we also saw the settlers in the north, they're actually blaming his government and saying that he's responsible uh for the situation, he's responsible yes, but it seems also they are making a lot of pressure if if if we talk about the head of kiratsmon and other shomi, stola and other placement we can hear that, israeli are against netanyahu and if we look more we can understand that we are a bit short on time and with this we're going to go ahead and finalize our news today with the
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hot northern front with hizballah where former zyanis air force leader admits that the lebanese resistance movement has achieved significant accomplishments in the battle including forcing settlers near the border to evacue. את הקווים, בוא ניגש לפה, שם נעשה, לא ישתנה כלום. הם יש להם comמיטמנט להמשיך את הלחימה הזאת עד שלא נפסיק בעזה, והם הגיעו למצב שיש להם הישג מצוין מבחינתם שהתושבים שלנו לא חוזרים, הם לא צריכים יותר מזה, הם צריכים להמשיך לטפטף, רק שאנשים לא יחזרו, זה ההישג שלהם, וגם כלפי האזור וגם כלפי החמאס וגם כלפי האירנים, מבחינתם הם ממלאים את המשימה, לכן הם לא ירחיבו את זה, אבל יש להם גם עניין הרטעתי, בגלל הקושי שאנחנו טערנו.
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these and more on this edition of iran today. in today's show, we'll be covering the growing popular. of cudsday and the frantic efforts of zionist extremists to undermine and sabotage it? well, it tells you that the uh intend to intimidate, bully and harass any organization that gets in their way, and they intend to be able to occupy those organizations, so that's it's been saying, these were organizations which did it off their own, but the designers didn't even have to lift finger in some some cases because the organizations took each other to court, they contacted every ' non brown named person individual um back in 2017 saying you worked for an anti-semite, how do you feel about it? but they didn't contact anyone with a brown
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sounding name, which shows - where they're coming from really, but yeah, it really does take it out of you, but thanks to friends, thanks to supports, thanks to people like yourselves who've gone through what you guys have gone through, you know, and that energy helps, the second sob international media festival in fields of television, radio, new media and a special section for palestine. the deadline for sending your work is april 8th, 2024. for more information, visit this
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week on expo'. say benjamin netanyahu vows to reject any calls to hulk the rafah invasion as he and joe biden intensified their stageed public spat over zionist israel's genocide in gaza. now following the statement made by former president donald trump that there would be a blood bath if he is not elected in november, leftist politicians and media personalities completely lose it on social media. and lastly, a recent politico ipso survey reveals that 50% of americans think... trump is guilty and ought to be tried before the 2024 presidential election. stay tuned for expose. the truth is just the revelation away.
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pr headlines: iran's president says the israely attack on the country's consulate in syria will not go unanswered. seven foreign aid workers are killed in an israeli air strike in gaza as the death doll from the regime's genocide tops 32,900. and the israel regime conducts fresh raides across occupied. bank as part of its intensified crackdown against palestinians.