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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 2, 2024 2:30pm-3:03pm IRST

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first of the headlines eran's president says the israely attack on the country's consulate in syria will not go and answer it. seven foreign aid workers are killed in an israeli air strike in gaza as the death doll from the regime's genocide tops 32,900. and the israel regime conducts fresh raids across the occupied west bank as part of it intensified crackdown against palestinians.
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2:30 p.m. in iran's capital, tehran. this is press tv news. thanks for joining us. seven people have been confirmed killed in israel's monday's air strike on the iranian consult in the syrian capital damascus. according to iran's islamic revolution guard score, the dead include two senior iranian military personnel who were on an advisory mission to syria as well as five of their accompaning officers. meanwile supreme. national security council held emergency meeting after the israely attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy. the council said appropriate decisions were taken over what it called another israeli war crime against people enjoying diplomatic immunity. tohon also called for a un security council meeting on the israeli aggression. according to russia's uni, the security council will hold emergency meeting later on tuesday to discuss the israely attack on iran's consulate in damascus. the attack has violated international law in the 19. vienna
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convention on diplomatic relations, in a blatant violation of international laws and human norms, the israeli regime committed a henus crime by attacking the counselor services department of the iranian embassy in damascus. the attack destroyed a four story building, killing several people. iran's ambassador to damaskus said that the crime will not go and answered. you can see how all the glass and windows of my room were shattered as a result of the attack while i was present in my room at that time. some journalists were in the upper floor and witnessed it with their own eyes. we were speaking with the minister and they documented what happened in my room. the sign entity does not respect anything at all and iran will respond decisively. the attack was met with strong condemnations from several countries at the global and regional levels. the syrian people. and their leadership
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insisted that such attacks must be confronted with more resilience and support for the palestinian people and resistance movements. they affirmed that these barbaric attacks would further strengthen the bond between the syrian and iranian people. we expressed our condolences for the loss of life and our sorrow over these unjustifiable attacks targeting diplomatic institutions. we emphasized the necessity of maintaining. and iranian relations because they are built on ethics and values, unlike western countries that support israel in committing such crimes. observers believe that the attack is violation of international law and humanitarian principles and is a result of the regime's military defeat in its genocidal war on gaza. they say such crimes increases the determination of the region's peoples to achieve victory and expel this cancerous entity. even the peoples of the world have come to real. the criminality and brutality
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of israel, this is really entity which by western standards is regarded as the oasis of democracy in west asia, only knows the democracy of killing, crimes, destruction, targeting children, women, residential buildings and violating international law. this was evident in the targeting of the diplomatic consulat building. iran's islamic revolution guard corps says seven of its officers, two of whom were brigadier generals were... killed in the attack, today's aggression is further evidence of the savagery and disrespect for international law exhibited by this criminal entity. this regime's behavior underscores the need for a firm response by the international community. ibrahimov damas damas: the leader of iran's islamic revolution says the country will make the occupying regime regret as deadly air strike on the iranian consulats in the syrian capital damascus. i tell us ali khamenei made
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the remarks in a message of condolence on the martinum of a group of irani military advisors in monday's israeli ariel rate on syria. the leader described israel as hated occupying regime. he voud that the evil regime. will be punished. khamenei also saluted the marters of the attack, including two senior irgc commanders, major general mohammad riza zahidi and general mohammad hadi haj rahimi. iran's president says the dudly israely air strike on the country's consulate in syria will not go unanswered. risy said zinis should understand that they would never achieve their evil goals by carrying out such inhumane actions, he noted that the regime is desperate as it is witnessing the reinforcement of the resistance front a daily basis. ry added that the hatred of free nations against israel's illegitimate nature is also surging day by day. earlier the iranian for ministry deplored israel's aggression. it summoned the
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swiss ambassador, which represents us interests in tehran. the foreign minister himself said that an important message was related to washington as the main backer of the israeli regime. amir. ayan added the us must be held accountable for the israeli crime. in separate statement, the irgc said the wolfish zionist regime launched the air strike on the iranian consulate following its irreparable defeats to palestinians in gaza and resistance fighters in the region. well condemnations are pouring in following israel's deadly air strike on the iranian consulats in the syrian capital damascus. the popular resistance committees and umbrella group made up of several palestinian. actions in a statement said the regime's crimes must not go unanswered. the hamamas resistance movement said and the islamic jihad also separately condemned the attack on the iranian consulat. movement said that such crimes will result in more determination to resist and to confront the israely enemy.
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yement denounced the israely attack as aggression on two brotherly countries. the popular front for the liberation of palestine said that the attack would not force iran to halt its support for palestinian. resistance several countries, including iraq, pakistan, oman, qatar, the uae, saudi arabia, china, and russia, also denounced the israely aggression as unacceptable. political commentator tim earlier joined us with his stake on israel's air strike on the iranian consulate in syria. it's not unique, there are number of iranian advisers who have been.
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is really seeing at the the number of palestinians are killing, but also um syrians, iranians, um, willy nearly, the aid workers, journalists, so i think this is particular provocation aimed at iran to try and get escalation, really the israelis are unique in the region of wanting escalation because they're feeling more and more isolated. an israel air strike has left seven international aid workers associated with the us-based charity. world central kitchen dead in the gaza streb, the wck team was travelling in a deconflicted zone in two armored cars branded with the wck logo and soft skin vehicle. despite coordinating
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movements with the idf, the convoy was hit as it was leaving the dairalbala warehouse where the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of him humanitarian food aid brought to gaza on the maritime route. the of the charity said she is quote heartbroken and appalled over the loss of her team in a targeted israely attack in gaza. aaron gore called the air strike unforgivable, saying the attack was not only on world central kitchen but on humanitarian organizations showing up in the direst of situations where food is being used as a weapon of war. the organization also announced that it is halting. all operations in the region, meanwile, the hamas resistance movement slammed the attack saying that the regime is pursuing his policy of systematic killings in order to terrorize aid workers and to disrupt humanitarian activities. the mus also urged the international community to help put an end to israeli crimes. since the
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onset of the israeli war in gaza early october, more than 32,900 palestinians have been killed, most of them women and children. let's get an update on this uh from the corresponder joining us, tell us more about this uh a convoy uh that's uh spaced uh the circumstances of how it was targeted and then for the people inside the convoy to have been assassinated and of course other developments that are important coming out of the gaza strip. yes, thank you. first of all let me begin with the latest statement of gaza's health ministry in terms of the israeli atrocity is committed over the last 24 hours against the palestinian people here in gaza strip uh whereas the israeli force. has committed at least seven opponing massacers, claiming the lives of 71 palestinian
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civilians in addition to injuring roughly 130 others. these numbers actually uh talk the whole number of the palestinian uh civilians who have been killed since the beginning of this onslot on gaza strip to roughly 32,920 palestinian civilians. these numbers as you can see are rising incrementally with the continuous and ongoing israeli attacks and incursions that... are still hitting several areas of gaza strip over the last couple of hours the israeli war planes destroyed arisental building in the eastern part of their balah city particularly in abul ajin town which is located in the eastern part of their balah city as you know two palestinan civilians were reporttedly killed as a result as a result of that attack in addition to douzens of the injuries they were reported to the alaxamarters hospital here while in the northern part of the central area of gaza strip a group of number of the israeli tanks actually uh raided uh gaza valley area which
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is located in the northern part of the central area uh and uh between the central area and gaza city uh a mid heavy gunfire and the continuous and chronic israeli shelling towards the residential buildings in the anusarati fugi camp uh the central area has been subjected to heavy and continuous attacks of the israeli war planes and the the strikes and the israeli artillary shiling for the last couple of months that left dozens of the palestinian casualties and inflicted more damage and destruction in the residental buildings and in the infrastructure, while when it comes to khanuni city, the western parts of kanuni city, particularly the vicinity and the surrounding areas of the nasa medical complex witnessed more destruction as more residental buildings were blown up by the israeli occubation forces in that. area needless to mention that the entire area actually has been transformed to
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be just mount of depri over the seasless israeli attacks, there are many rising concerns and fears among the people there that the same scenario that toks in the ashifa medical complex would be reiterated and repeted in that area in the surrounding areas of the naser medical complex while the eastern b of khanis witnessed also another israelick and attacks against the residental buildings there, when it comes to wafa city, the number of the palestinian civilians who uh were killed over the last attack that turkey blaze and during the last night amounted to 10 palestinian civilians, including five, five balance children after they were attacked while they were slaving inside their house, the israel incubation forces destroy their house over their heads, in the meantime another attack took a place over the last couple of hours. against another residental building in that area, claiming the lives of three palestinian uh
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civilians, so uh the israeli incescent attacks are still continued and maintained against all areas of gaz strip, claiming more lives of the palestinian civilians. on the other hand, when it comes to the the horrendous crime the israeli occubation forces committed against the aid workers uh in der balah city as you know that uh those workers uh uh were working for the and international the food uh the the the international and the world kitchen actually and they were helping the people, they were alleviating the suffering of the palestinian people, they brought a group of the humanitarian aid in order to be delivered to the people, and as you have mentioned in the report that they are coordinating their movements on the ground with the iof side with the israelicubition forces, and they are moving using their cars which are marked with the slogans of... the uh their organization, however the israeli uccupation forces uh deliberately attacked them, according to the
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people, this crime actually comes in the context of the continuous and the systematic israel attacks against everything about the humanitarian conditions here in gaza strip, as you know that uh at the beginning the israeli incubation forces targeted the onrua and the distribution centers belong to the agency uh different and multiple distribution centers were attacked and this destroyed uh, after that they targeted the police officers and the policemen and members uh who were working on the ground in order to uh secure and to uh guarantee the... fair distribution of this humanitarian aid to the needy people uh, particularly in gaza city and the northan b of gaza strip. hundreds of the palinian uh police officers and members uh well were killed by the israeli continuous attacks. now they are targeting and after and before that even the the they have targeted even the popular committees formed by the palestinian big families and tribes in gaza city and the
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northern part of gaza's strip in order to secure those humanitarian aid and in order to debunk. israeli claims that uh gaza police, as you know that the authorities here are accused by the israeli incubation forces that they steal the humanitarian aid in order to overcome and in order to debunk those claims the palestinian families formed those popular popular committees in order to humanit the people, however the israeli ocubation forces killed roughly 70 uh palestinian members of those popular. committees now they are, they are attacking the international bodies who are working on the ground, who are coordinating with the israeli ucubation forces and they are, they are moving under the permission of the israeli ocubation forces, however they are being targeted and they are now targeted by the israeli accubition forces, it's another crime added
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to the continuous and the open record of the israeli crimes against the people here in gaza strip, it's a continuous. the salvation that is being used as a weapon of war against the palestinian people in order to deepen the suffering of the peticine and people. thank you so much for that, we appreciate it from, thank you. for muslims across the world, which marks one month of obedience to god in the holy fasting month of ramadan is a special. muslims feel festive and proud for their servitude to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their differences and hostilities and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages
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in iran have their own traditions for ramadan which date back to centuries. get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press tv. welcome back to the news here on press tv. israel's campaign in the gaza strip has been among the deadliest and most destructive. campaigns, besides thousands of human losses, the ever rates have also damaged or totally destroyed all types of structures, that includes homes, mosks, schools and medical centers. we have taken a closer look at the issue in our explainer program. the us is really on slot on the gaza strip is one of
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the most destructive genocidal air campaigns ever, raising entire neighborhoods to the ground, killing tens of... and causing damage that could take decades to repair, well the structural devastation is almost as shocking as the loss of lives itself, drawing reactions from many world leaders, like this one from the eu foreign policy chief joseph, this destruction is one of the most intense in history, comparable, if not higher to levels of destruction of german cities during the second world war, the source of the damage is due to the u.s. bombs that have been dropped in the gaza strip, in total, 70,00 tons of these explosives have been dropped in the gaza strip. this number is surely to rise since the israeli regime will be receiving new batch of us 502 pound bombs. well, the destruction of buildings, damaged or destroyed, is mapped out here in this map,
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uh, the largest destruction has occurred in uh northern gaza, 81% of the total buildings. there uh in terms of the number 37,100, the grand total amounts to 177, it's kind of hard to see here, but that accounts for 61.1% of the total buildings in the gaza strip. this is what has been fact checked. other figures are much higher than this. now when it comes to the types of buildings, damaged or destroyed, that's very important, these figures show that some of the notable once, the press headquarters at 160. five schools including universities coming in at 405 and then you have mosks 227 and here's the one that hurts the most 244 medical facilities and hospitals, keep in mind that these are the ones that have been completely destroyed. then comes the infrastructure destruction, 250 kilometers of roads, that's 78% of the
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total roads, 130 wells (56.2%) and 130 kilometers of water networks (84%) and then the soul gaza power plants, the only power plant in the gaza strip out of service, especially due to lack of fuel. this is why gazins are fighting for their lives, actually. well israel is also..." after erasing palestine's heritage in the gaza strip, some of the examples of that that we picked, monasteries, mosks, churches, palaces, archeological hills and historic uh houses, you can see the figures there, uh, the one that stands out here was the historic houses, as matter of fact, this one here, the great amari mosque, it's uh built in the 12th century and one of the most important and largest historical mosks in palestine, gone. naturally, some are asking, what is israel? well, this is what many media organizations have said, quote, israel wants to make the gaza strip unfit for human habitation in the hopes that there will be large scale
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immigration for the ethnic cleansing of gaza's palestinian population. this is what many organizations believe is israel's intense. palestinians in the west bank have been enduring intensified raids by israel since the onset of the regime's war in gaza. israeli occupation forces carried out fresh raids towns, villages and refugee camps across occupied territories. the regime has stormed homes, made multiple arrests, wounding number of palestinians during these raids. the correspondel joined us earlier with more updates. let's take a listen. the israeli troops stormed several villages east kalqilia as well as south kaltilia like jayus, azzon and habli as well. as ali village, during the incurgence to these villages, the israeli troops stormed the palestinians homes, confiscated belongings,
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caused damage within the the houses and arrested number of palestinians. the israeli troops had also stormed several areas around alqs like the refugee camp of colandia for several hours, exchange of fire have taken place between the israeli forces and the residents of the refugee camp, the troops stormed the home of muhammad manasra, martter muhammad manasra, he carried out an anti-israeli operation in near the settlement of ali and he was shot and killed today again the israeli forces stormed his home during this operation and during the exchange of fire a number of palestinians had been wonded. by the israeli forces, at least seven palestinians were arrested from colindia, a refugee camp. the israeli troops in southern the occupied west bay, raided several towns
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in al khalil area, raided the town of bet umr and arrested at least one palestinian. according to reports coming from bet umar, 14 year old palestinian was arrested by the israeli forces, during the military to colindia, refugee camp the... israeli forces stormed palestinians homes and gathered dozens of palestinian youths inside the refugee camp, interrogated them and questioned them. diva: islamic resistance in iraq says it has carried out fresh attacks on israeli positions response to the regime's ongoing genocide in gaza. the umbrella resistance group said as fighters used drones to target the tal enough airbase in central israely occupied territories. the group said the attack reaffirms its determination to continue striking israeli strongholds, added that the operations are in response to the israeli massacre of palestinian civilians, including women, children, and the elderly.
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in recent months, the islamic resistance in iraq has carried out series of attacks against israely positions. it has also hit us military bases in iraq and neighboring syria, retaliation for washington's complicity in the israely genocide in gaza. and that is for this additional brow news. thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now. bismillahirrahman. ام حسبتم ان تدخل الجنه ولمما ياتكم مثل الذين خلوا من ال
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مشکل تعبیه توی همه کارخونه جات تولیدی بود از جمله خود ما به این فکر افتادیم که یه کار اساسی اینجا انجام بدیم برای تعویه سالن با خیس شدن آجورای سفالی و عبور هوا از دیوارهای مشبك آجوری هوای خنک مطبوعی به داخل سالن هدایت
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میشه. یه دمای ۱۸ درجه خیلی مطلوب با کمترین هزینه به شما میده.
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soil, sun and water: these are the symbols of life and creation, best understood by arid and dried out lands. in south of horison razabi province, there is an old city known for its quick sands and aquaducts hidden at the heart of the soil. gonabad and arid land that's stranger to snowfall and rain, a land where water can only be accessed through aquaducts. the city is home.