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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 2, 2024 6:30pm-7:03pm IRST

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the leader of iran's islamic revolution says that the evil israeli regime will be punished for its deadly air rate on the iranian embassy in syria. seven foreign aid workers are killed in an israelity air strike in gaza as the... death toll from the regime's genocide tops 32,900, meantime, the israeli regime conducts fresh rates across the occupied west bank as part of intensified crackdown on palestinians there. of
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it's 6:31 pm in tehran. this is president of world news. i'm your host berrus najafi, good to have you with this. the leader of iran's islamic revolution has vowed that tehran will make the occupation regime regret it's deadly air rate on the iran embassy in the syrian capital. homani made the remark in a message of condolence of a group of iranian military advisors in the monday's israeli aerial raid on syria. the leader described israel as hated occupying regime and vowed that the evil entity will be punished. also saluted the marters of the attack including two senior rgc commanders, major general mohammad zahi and general mohammad hadi haji rahimi. 13 people have been confirmed dead in israel's monday airwaid and embassy in the syrian capital, according to irg the dead
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included two senior iron military personnel who are on advisor of mission to syria and five of their accomanying officers. meantime iran supreme national security council held emergency meeting after the israelity attack on the counsul of section of the iranian embassy, it said that appropriate decisions were made over what a call another is really war crime against the people enjoying diplomatic immunity. terran also called for a un security council meeting at the israeli aggression going to the russian union. the security council will hold emergency meeting today to discuss the attack on the iranian embassy. the attack is violated international law and the 1961 vienna convention on diplomatic relations. in a blatant violation of international laws and human norms, the israeli regime committed a heinous crime by attacking the counselor services department of the iranian embassy in damascus. the attack destroyed a four-story building killing several people. you can see how all
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the glass and windows of my room were shattered as a result of the attack while i was present in my room at that time, some journalists were in the upper floor and witnessed it with their own eyes. we were speaking with the minister and they documented what happened in my room. design entity does not respect anything at all and iran will respond. decisively, the attack was met with strong condemnations from several countries at the global and regional levels, the syrian people and their leadership insisted that such attacks must be confronted with more resilience and support for the palestinian people and resistance movements. they affirmed that these barbaric attacks would further strengthen the bond between the syrian and iranian people. we expressed our condolences for the loss of life and our...
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over these unjustifiable attacks targeting diplomatic institutions. we emphasized the necessity of maintaining syrian iranian relations, because they are built on ethics and values, unlike western countries that support israel in committing such crimes. observers believe that the attack is violation of international law and humanitarian principles and is a result of the regime's military defeat in its genocidal war on gaza. they say such crimes increases. determination of the region's peoples to achieve victory and expel this cancerous entity, even the peoples of the world have come to realize the criminality and brutality of israel. this is really entity which by western standards is regarded as the oasis of democracy in west asia, only knows the democracy of killing, crimes, destruction, targeting children, women residential buildings and violating international law. this was evident in the targeting of the diploma. iran's islamic revolution guard
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of corps says seven of its officers, two of whom were brigadier generals were killed in the attack. today's aggression is further evidence of the savagery and... respect for international law exhibited by this criminal entity, this regime's behavior underscores the need for a firm, response by the international community. ibrahim wahdi, press tv, damascus. now our news review program, we've discussed the deadly israely air rate on the consul section of the iranian embassy in damascus, the attack already spark global condemnations. let's see what a guests had to say. okay, let's discuss this a little further with our guest are joining us uh for this, we have uh with us uh dr. fuad izadi, uh, he is uh professor at the university of
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tehran, also joining us uh is uh, isha krishna swami, podcaster and a journalist, welcome to you both of what is for start with you, we're looking at this uh terrorist act that you want. called to have occurred and obviously it has broken international uh rules regarding uh targeting an embassy by the israely regime in this case uh but what are the further um i guess uh ways of interpreting this when it comes to the way that uh israel um the israel regime has reacted which is unprecedented in terms of targeting um not only the consult but also the fact that it belongs to the islamic republic of iran. obviously uh "the genocidal regime in palestine is try is trying to wide and the war, they want to have united states and iran enter into a military confrontation,
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they have failed miserably in their genocidal policies and practices in ghazza, they have only managed to kill..." women and children destroy houses, they have achieved none of their goals, their goals are not achievable to to be honest with you, and in order to put the attention on something else, they engage in this type of terrorist activities, and they're not going to be successful in this venture either, the... showing the fact that they're criminals, they engage in war crimes, they engage in genocide, they engaging, you don't use an airplane to attack a consulat in a foreign country, so overall what we see is
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the true nature of the genocidal regime, and the more they engage in this type of activities, they the more... they show their true face, what iran is doing is following international law, the iranian government is has asked for emergency meeting of the un security council, un security council has an opportunity to address this issue seriously, i doubted given the fact that another criminal regime, the the united states is has veto power in the security council and... "the airplane that was used was an american airplane, the missiles that were used were american missiles, the money that was used was american money, and americans are as much responsible for this criminal act as israelis are, and so iran will follow international
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law, and also iran will engage in activities to make sure this type of behavior is not repeated, and so..." what netanyahu is doing is trying to save his job, but i think he is uh making the end of israel closer than what we think. all right, so there's a lot of um issues here, issue that we need to um break open. one of them is the fact that uh, you it's it's said that the us does not want to engage in a war with uh uh with iran um and that israel is doing what it can with this in terms of a provocation to get uh iran not only engaged militarily but but to pull in the... us, how can they even think of that when they can't even be successful in the genocidal war in the gaza strip, which is obviously not even close to the strength that iran has. i think it it is just because of that, um, so they need more and more partners
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to be drawn into this war, and an interesting thing is about 25 years ago this week, the us started bombing belgrade, serbia, and they too um bomb the chinese embassies. so i think the precedent was set um in that act, i just was thinking about that, and yeah, they israel needs more partners in order to... that can reign overwhelming firepower, so it seems like they're using the same strategy that many of the moderate rebels used in syria when they faked chemical attacks and it was the strategy to draw the westen on some kind of fake human rights violations, but with iran they're hoping that iran reacts in a more militaristic way, and then there are many forces in, there are many people or many people in power who do a war with iran, just not the biden administration right now, so there is a bit of an internal conflict in the
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us with those who want to focus on china and those who want to strengthen the us occupation basis in the middle east, and lot them have a really intense and strong relationship with the netanyahu regime, and they also form the biggest zionist lobby, like and and majority of them are christian extremists, um... so the biggest zianist lobby is christians for zionism and so there are forces that if given enough provocation will be able to win the internal battle within the united states, and i think that's what israel is hoping for. all right, thank you for that. krishna swami, their podcaster and journalist, we appreciate your comments and dr. furi, their professor at the university of tehran. thank you to you both. with that we come to an end for this news review. now moving on, iranian security
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forces have arrested two techfit terrorists linked to the so-called daesh k or daesh horasan terrorist group, according to irani media, the individuals are planning to enter holy shrine in the iranian city of glum. the daesh k is a branch of daesh terrorist group that's active in afghanistan and pakistan, it's responsible for numerous deadly operations targeting. civilians including women and children. the museum of miniature, simple things are converted to historic handcrafted masterpieces. it rises from the creativity of the inner child and has tourist attraction. maty mutavasilian was born in
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natans and grew up in tehran. join us on press tv to see his museum. welcome back and is really air strike has left dead seven. national aid workers associated with the us space charity world central kitchen in the gaza strip. the wck team was travelling in a deconflicted zone in two armored cars branded with the wck logo and soft skin vehicle. despite coordinating movements with the idf, the convoy was hit as it was leaving the dairalbala warehouse where "the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to gaza on the maritime
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route. the head of the charity says that she's heartbroken and appalled over a loss of her team in the targeted attack in gaza. eringor called the air strike unforgivable saying the attack was not only on world center kitchen but on humanitarian bodies showing up in the direst of situations where food is being used as a weapon of war. organization also announced that's halting all operations in the region. meantime hamas has slimed the attack saying that a regime is pursuing the policy of systematic killings to terrorize aid workers and disrupt humanitarian operations. since the onset of the war in gaza early october, more than 32,900 palestinians have been killed, mainly women and children. earlier from dera bella in gaza city with an update on the situation in the war ravage district. he says israel
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has continued with the strikes against residential buildings across the beach territory. the israeli forces committed at least seven opponing massacer claiming the lives of 71 palestinian civilians in addition to injuring roughly 130 others. these numbers actually uh talk the whole number of the palestinian uh civilians who have been. killed since the beginning of this onslot on gaza strip to roughly 32,920 palestinian civilians over the last couple of hours the israeli war planes destroyed arrizental building. in the eastern part of their balah city, particularly in abujin town which is located in the eastern part of their balah city, but while when it comes to khanuni city, the western part of khanuni city, particularly the vicinity and the surrounding areas of the nasa medical complex witnessed more destruction as more residental buildings were blown up by the israeli occupation forces in that area, while the eastern bs of
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canun is witnessed also another israeli air strikes and attacks again. the residental buildings there uh when it comes to wafa city, the number of the palestina civilians who uh were uh killed over the last attack that took place and during the last night amounted to 10 palestinian civilians including five palest five balancing and its children after they were attacked while they were sleeping inside their house the israel incubation forces destroyed their house over their heads now mean ti in the west bank have endured intensified rates since the beginning the israeli regime's war on gaza. occupation forces have carried out fresh rates towns, villages and refugee camps across the occupied territories. our correspondent there has more. the israeli troops stalled several
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villages east qalqilia as well as south kalkilia like jayus, hazun and habl. as well as asli village, during the incurgence to these villages, the israeli troops stormed the palestinians homes confiscated belongings, caused damage within the the houses and arrested number of palestinians, the israeli troops had also stormed several areas around al-quts like the refugee camp of colandia for several hours. exchange of fire have taken place between the israeli forces and the residents of the refugee camp, the troops stormed the home of muhammad manasra, martur muhammad manasra, he carried out an anti-israeli operation in near the settlement of ali and he was shot and killed today again the israeli forces stormed his home during
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this operation and during the exchange of fire a number of palestinians had been wounded by the israeli forces, at least seven palestinians were arrested from colindia, a refugee camp, the israeli troops in southern the occupied west bay raided several towns in al khalil area, raided the town of bet umar and arrested at least one palestinian, according to reports coming from bet umar, 14 year old palestinian was arrested by the israeli forces, during the military to colindia refugee. camp the israeli forces stormed palestinians homes and gathered dozens of palestinian uh youths inside the refugee camp, interrogated them and questioned them. the islamic resistance in iraq has a stage of fresh rates on israeli positions in response to the regime's
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genocide in the causa strip. the umbrella resistance group says the attacks reaffirm determination to go... the islamic resistance in iraq has been standing in solidarity with palestinians in gaza by carrying out retaliatory operations in the region. resistance forces in iraq has started their operations by striking number of us military bases in iraq and syria in response to washington's support for israel. the operations have now entered new. as israeli positions have been directly targeted in various locations such as khalat and elsewhere. we have always been firm in our stance to support the people of palestine. the palestinian cause is central to the access of resistance that has supported the people of gaza by striking israeli positions. the regime's positions, whether it spots in
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the mediterranean or elsewhere are targeted using ballistic missiles, drones and all other. weapons by our brothers in yemen, lebanon, and here in iraq. the operations are clear evidence that the axis of resistance works in harmany, and has the strategic potential and the means to pressure israel and those states that support the systematic killing of innocent civilians. the intensification of the attacks on israeli positions shows that the massacers being committed by the regime in gaza will not remain unanswered. the second phase of the operation. groups in iraq and across the region have approved their ability to respond to the israeli crimes against innocent civilians. they vow that their operations will intensify even more as long as the
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genocidal war on gaza continues. muslim salim press tv, baghdad. now, this friday mark's international goats day, in which muslims worldwide hold rallies to express support for palestinians and denounce the israeli occupation. muslim salah has asked the people in bag. about the event and its significance in the muslim world. today, as we witnessed the israeli genocide against palestinians, we call on the muslim world to stand up for palestine and show their support. the whole world is witnessing the systematic killing of innocent people in gaza, even after the un security council order to stop this genocide, the zionist regime insists on continuing its crimes. international day is a chance for all muslims to stand together for palestine, honestly it's unfortunate how some of the arabic countries are standing still without
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taking action against ongoing genocide in gaza. it's a day of solidarity with the palestinian people and to remind the world of this humanitarian case which represents the will and a struggle of the free people against colonialism. initiated the quotes day after many countries left palestine behind we commemorate this day annually to expose those who attempt to normalize their relationship with designist regime. international quds day which was initiated by imam is a great event that pushed the palestinian issue to the four. it showed how the access of resistance is an indispensable regional force and it highlighted the rights of the palestinians. "the genocide against palestinians makes it imperative for the islamic nation and the whole free world to stand together this friday during international putsday to show
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their solidarity with the people of palestine. and uh with that we come to the end of this newscast from tehran. thank you for being with us. crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby, crackdown, diplomacy. israel, iran embassy attack.
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when palestinian journalists shirin abu agile was killed by an israeli sniper on may 11, 2022, the israelis meant to get across a clear message, that they don't want any narrative other than their own and the decades old occupation of palestinian lands and their aggression. it wasn't the first time is really sought to put gag on the alternative narrative, and every time it has
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failed. watch the history of the israeli measures and palestinian counter measures in this documentary.
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as hundreds of people have marched.
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the voice of the voiceless, press tv.
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peace be upon you and welcome to eye on islam the show where we look at current affairs through an islamic lens. one of the biggest responsibilities that muslims have been endowed with has been to propagate islam and spread awareness about the causes that are most important to the muslims. it's also amplified by the fact that the world is under the spell of the zionist owned and