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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 3, 2024 2:30am-3:02am IRST

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amazon press tv, you want strongly condemns israel's attack its diplomatic premises in syria saying the regime seeds to... escalate conflict in the region while evading accountability. president raise says the terrorist attack on iran's embassy in syria is a sign of israel's profound desperation and last struggle of falling regime. and the un agency for the palestinian refugees says 176 of his staff have been killed since the start of the israeli unslaught on gaza.
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hello everyone, you're watching press tv live from the studios in tehran, thank you for joining us. in today's top story, the united nations security council has held emergency of meeting on the latest israeli attack on the consulat section. the iranian embassy in syria, addressing the event, iran's deputy representative to the un called on the world body to vehemently denounce israel's violation of the international regulations. regretably, the absence of accountability and the council's in action has only encouraged and even embolden this regime to continue its violation unchecked. it is high time for the security council to shoulder its responsibility. and address the real threat
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to international peace and security, the security council must promptly promptly fulfill its duty in response to israel's reckless defiance. urgent and enforceable measures must be taken to compell this regime to uphold its obligations is defying security council resolutions and shows disregard for its international obligations. syria's ambassador to the un also called the attack a grave violation of international laws and norms. he said the arab country holds israel and the us fully responsible. the syrian official added that the israeli regime would not have dared to attack other nations diplomatic premises if it went for washington's blind support. the russian ambassador whose country has called for the meeting slamed the israeli air strikes calling it a flagram violation of serious sovereignty. moscow said. israel's actions
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are designed to further fuel the ongoing regional conflicts and must immediately stop. earlier we were joined by a political analyst sad muhammad marandi from tehran to discuss the israely the israeli strike on the consulat section of iran's embassy in syria. he says israel continues this atrocities in the region because of the us political and military support. "israeli regime is allowed to carry out any atrocity because of western support. we've seen for decades how they've imposed apartide, how they've carried out ethnic cleansing, how they regularly carry out massacres in gaza, in the west bank, and now we have a genocide, so when the west allows the israeli regime to conduct itself."
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this way, there's really no surprise when it carries out attack on sovereign countries, the iranian embassy is a part of iran sovereignty, and the murder of iranian officials in that uh building is is attack on the iranian people and the iranian state, what i find extraordinary though... is that even now western regimes uh do not condemn the regime even in in a way in which makes it of look as if they're serious. the us is definitely complicit, it's more than complicit. the united states is the senior of partner in the holocaust in gaza. everything that the israeli regime does can only be done with uh direct us support. meanwhile the
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leader of iran's islamic revolution has vowed tehran will make the occupying zanas regime regrett is deadly air strikes on the iranian embassy in the syrian capital damascus. ayatollah said ali khamenei made. the remark in message of condolence on the maridum of a group of iranian military advisors in monday's israeli aerial raid on syria. the leader described israel as hated occupying regime. he voud that the evil regime will be punished. ayatollah khamin also saluted the marties of the attack, including two senior irgc commanders, major general muhammad riza zahidi and general muhammad hadi haj rahimi. iran's president says the terrorist and criminal attack on the iranian embassy in syria is a sign of israel's profound desperation and helplessness. ibrahim raisi was speaking in a phone conversation with his syrian counterpart bashar al-assad. he added that the passivity and weak position of some
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arab countries has prevented the islamic world from adopting a united stance against israel and made the regime more braizen in committing crimes. racey described israel's in insane actions as the last struggles of this falling regime, which does not respect any humanitarian and international principles. he also slammed the us and his western allies for providing financial, weaponry and media support to israel. assad for his part, condemned israel's attack as violation of international laws and a sign of moral degradation of the regime. he also expressed his condolences to the governments and nation of ivan and the families of those killed in the israeli attack. the israeli attack which has struck the consular section of iran's embassy in the syrian capital damascus to the nemaridom of brigadier general muhammad reza zahidi and six other iranian military advisors is a profile of the
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general. brigadeer general muhammad zahedi, a senior commander of the islamic revolution guards cores. force was killed in an unprecedented israeli attack targeting the five-story consular building of the iranian embassy in damascus. born in 1960 in the central iranian city of esvahan, zahidi joined the irgc in 1980 and fought in various battles during the iran-iraq war. zahidi quickly rose through the ranks and from 1983 to 1986 took command of an important brigade of irgc ground force. that was used to break enemy lines in multiple major operations. later he was promoted to commander of the irgc's 14th imam hussein division. a position he held until 1991, several years after the war had ended. in the 2000s, zahidi served in
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more senior positions, including commanding the irgc's air force and also grand force. during his tenor as the irgc's ground force. commander, he also spent year at the helm of the thara law headquarters, which is responsible for protecting security in the capital, tehran. zahi joined the quods force in 2008, there he led operations in syria and lebanon and played a key role in iran's advisory support for syria's war on terror. from 2016 to 2019, the brigadeer general returned to tehran to serve as the irgc's deputy for operations. he rejoined the irgc's gots force in 2019 and served the force until his martur them. now syrian prime minister mohammed hussein r news has denounced israel's recent attack on the consulat section of the iranian embassy in damascus.
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this is an unlawful attack. we are doing everything we can to retrieve the bodies from under this building. we have been working nonstop since the moment of the... attack until now, what happened is unacceptable to common sense, as you notice as journalist, this is a crowded highway, but this enemy knows nothing except violating laws. our news made the comments while visiting the site of the incident earlier foreign minister faisal makdad condemned the terrorist attack in the strongest terms, adding that israel will not be able to undermine the relations between iran and syria, the military wing of the palestinian resistance movement hamas also offered this condolences on the martydom of iranian general zahidi and his fellow advisors in syria. in a statement them bes denounced quote, the cowardly assassination the iranian advisers who died for the cause
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of alcords in the treasurous is really bombing. iranians in several cities across the country in... including the capital, tehvan have held anti-israely and anti-us protests after several iranian generals and officers were killed in an israeli attack in syria. the protesters demanded decisive response and revenge. for the deadly strike on ivan's embassy in damascus. fatima masumi reports. iranians took to the streets of the capital, tehran and gathered iconic palestine square at midnight after the deadly israeli attack on iran's embassy in syria. they chanted death to the israeli regime and death to america as they waved palestine flags. the protesters expressed their support.
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iran to take serious action against these atrocities and the disrespect towards our nation and also the innocent palestinians. on monday, iran's ambassador to damascus hussein akbari confirmed that brigadier, general mohammad reza zahidi and his deputy muhammad hadi haji rahimi were killed in the israeli attack. here is our duty to come out because we felt that even though the resistance movement is showing patience towards the israeli regime. we are still witnessing that the regime is pressing ahead with its atrocities with the recent incident of the
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attack on the iranian council. we have gathered here at this hour to show that the innocent marters in syria were killed injustice and impunity by the bloody hands of the zionist regime. the regime has been killing innocent people, especially children, for many years. the attack came as almost six months into the gaza hostilities. the regime has failed to achieve its objectives of destroying hamas, despite killing tens of thousands of palestinians, mostly women and children. the two slain iranian generals had been comrads of top iranian anti-terror commander, general qasem sulaymani, who was also assassinated in attack in january 3rd, 2020. general sulaymani played a key role in fighting and decimating the daesh takfiri terrorist group. open the region, particularly in iraq and syria. a large
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number of people have gathered here in palestine square to strongly condemn the recent israeli attack on the iranian consular in the capital of syria damascus. reporting for press tv, tehran. israel deliberately terrorizing and work aid workers and disrupting human. humanitarian activities in gaza. the un agency for palestinian refugees anra says nearly 180 of his staff have been killed in israeli onslaught on the warriden territory, several in the line of duty. the un body added that the war on gaza has witnessed the highest number of aidworker deaths ever recorded in any conflict emphasizing that humanitarian personnel must be protected at all times. the statement comes as an israeli air strike in the central city of dairal balah as claim the lives of seven international aid workers associated with a us-based charity. the wck team was
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travelling in a deconflicted zone in two armored cars branded with the wck logo and soft skin vehicle. despite coordinating movements with the idf, the convoy was hit as it was leaving the dairal ballah warehouse. where the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of humanitarian food aid brought to gaza on the maritime route. the israely prime minister benjamin netanyahu has admitted that the attack was carried out by regime forces but claimed that the raid was unintentional. the head of the world central kitchen however has called the incident a targeted attack saying the strike indeed targeted humanit. organizations showing up in the direst of situations where food is being used as a
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weapon of war. meantime, international condemnations have been pouring in following the attack with the us, which is the regime stuunchest ally, expressing deep concern over the strike. israelralia has also slammed the attack as completely unacceptable. the uk meanwhile has aged israel to provide an explanation. of course, command mouti abu musab joined us earlier from the central gaza city of dairal balah to give us an update on the situation in the war ravish strip. he says israel has continued with this strikes against residential buildings across the... sieged territory, let's take a listen, the israeli forces committed at least seven opponing massacres, claiming the lives of 71 palestinian civilians in addition to injuring roughly 130 others. these numbers actually uh talk the whole number of the palestinian uh civilians who have been killed since the beginning of this onslot on gaza strip to
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roughly 32,920 palestinian civilians over the last couple of hours the israeli war planes destroyed a residental building in the eastern part of their balah city, particularly in abulajin town which is located in the eastern part of their balah city, but while when it comes to khanuni city, the western part of khan city, particularly the vicinity and the surrounding areas of the nasal medical complex witnessed more destruction as more residental buildings were blown up by the israeli occupation forces in that area, while the eastern bs of kanunis witness also another israeli air strikes and attacks against the residental buildings there uh when it comes to wafa city the number of the palestina civilians who uh were uh killed over the last attack that took place and during the last night amounted to 10 palestinian civilians including five five palestinian children after they were attacked
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while they were sleeping inside their house the israel incubation forces destroyed their house over their heads. the islamic resistance in iraq has carried out fresh attacks on israeli positions in response to the regime's ongoing genocide in gaza. the umbrella resistance group says the attacks reafirmas determination to continue striking israeli strongholds. our correspondent muslim salim reports from baghdad. the islamic resistance in iraq has been standing in. solidarity with palestinians in gaza by carrying out retaliatory operations in the region. resistance forces in iraq has started their operations by striking number of us military bases in iraq and syria in response to washington's support for israel. the operations have now entered new phase as israeli positions have been directly targeted in various locations such as khalat and
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elsewhere. we have always. been firm in our stance to support the people of palestine, the palestinian cause is central to the access of resistance that has supported the people of gaza by striking israeli positions. the regime's positions, whether it's force in the mediterranean or elsewhere, are targeted using ballistic missiles, drones and all other weapons by our brothers in yemen, lebanon, and here in iraq. the operations are clear evidence that the axis of resistance works in harmony and has the strategic potential. the means to pressure israel and those states that support the systematic killing of innocent civilians. the intensification of the attacks on israeli positions shows that the massacers being committed by the regime in gaza will not remain unanswered. the second phase of the operations, which directly targeted israeli positions, proves that regional resistance
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groups are able to inflict serious damage to israel's maritime and air space. interests. resistance groups in iraq and across the region have approved their ability to respond to the israeli crimes against innocent civilians. they vow that their operations will intensify even more as long as the genocidal war on gaza continues. muslim salam prest tv baghdad. the syrian capital, damascus has hosted the political symposium to commemorate the international quts day. the event revolved around the significance of alxa flood operation. and his repercussions in the region. iran's ambassador said that the meeting that the country will make proportional response to israel's attack on iran's embassy in damascus. our correspondent ibrahim wadi reports from damascus. under the title flood of the free, and as part of the activities scheduled to commemorate al-qod's
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international day. the permanent committee of al-qads international day organized a political forum this tuesday. at al-assad library in damascus. the iranian ambassador said that defending palestinians is the duty the free world. we will continue to defend palestine because it is a fundamental principle, not a time-bound interest. all free people in the world must support the palestinian people as today we witnessed the zionist entity committing various crimes from killing innocent people to the recent attack on the embassy building. the response of islamic republic of iran will be proportional to the zionist assassination crime. during the ceremony, syrian and palestinian researchers and specialists focused on the need to preserve the achievements made in operation. they condemned the israeli criminal aggression against the... iranian embassy, we offer our condolences to the islamic republic of iran on the marterdom of brigadier general mohammed raza zahidi and
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his comrades who are martered in the zionist attack on the iranian embassy building in damascus, we affirmed serious solidarity with iran which is facing these attacks due to the hysteria of the defeated entity in its war against the palestinian people in gaza. the researchers considered that al-quds international day should be an opportunity to... increase public pressure on the international community to force the israeli regime to stop its war on gaza. the zionist enemy is trying to send message that resistance comes a high cost through the destruction of gaza, killing and genocide, unaware that our peoples cannot be intimidated. alaxaf flood operation overthrew and buried all the sectarian projects sewn by western colonialism and the zionist entity. what makes al-quds international day this year special is the steadfastness of the resistance and the people of gaza who thoughted the goals of the israeli enemy. the
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symposium concluded that al-quds international day has consolidated the concept of resistance while al operation proved that with strong faith the oppressed palestinian people can achieve victory over designist occupation. ibrahim washi press tv damaskus. turkey's main opposite. party has won the local elections in the two key cities of istanbul and ankara. analys say recep tayp erdogan's defeat is due to two main reasons, one is the economy and the second is his weak stance towards gaza. rasan saglam reports from istanbul. president rejap tayyib erdogan has accepted his party's defeat in the local elections from the headquarters of his justice and development party, also known as the ak. ruling party in ankara, erdogan appeared with his wife, thanking his supporters for participating in the elections and admitting his loss. erdogan assured that the results were a turning point for his
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party and vowed to respect the nation's decision. for his turn, the akp candidate murad kurum expressed his gratitude to his supporters and the promised to continue working for istanbul. kurum, who was a former environment minister, lost the istanbul mayoral election for his opponent, akram imam molu with a 12% difference. "i will persist in my endeavors for this city, we will be present among the people in the streets following president erdogan's guidance, or nations message are of most importance and we are committed to interpreting and acting on these insights for better future for our country. turkey's opposition republican people's party delt a severe blow to president erdogan and his party by winning major cities and several provinces in the country. analys say this is the result of neglect from the ruling party to the voters's demands in previous elections among. among several issues, the economic crisis and erdogan's inability to control the lira drop was the main issue for voters. another one was his double standards on gaza, which
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forced many of his supporters to vote for other islamist parties. what happened in local elections is punitive voting from the people we expected the ruling justice and development party to lose in both istanbul and ankara. once again, but this surprising results shows that there is major setback and that their supporters are trying to send the message. economy alliances and parties performance decline during 22 years are part of it. however, the main issue is that islam is supporting akp were expecting a different stance from the war on gaza. the opposition party did not only win istanbul, but also sees several districts from akp that were considered a stronghold of the ruling party. turkish people believe that a change is needed and that both the ruling party and opposition need to work for the sake of the country and its people.
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more than 61 million were eligible to vote, voters turnout was registered at 76% across 81 provinces. the local elections results are alarming for the ruling party, many are considering it a chance for opposition parties to unite and start a preparing for the 2028 presidential run if they want to ask erdogan and his party. rasan saglam, press tv, istanbul. there you have it those with the top store. is on press tv, thank you for listening, take care and bye-bye.
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bismillahirrahmanirrahim. bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
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for muslims across the world, aid alfiter, which marks one month of obedience to god in the holy fasting month of ramadan is a special feast. muslims feel festive and proud for their servitud to god. ramadan is called the month of blessings. out of respect for the holy month, muslims put aside their differences and hostilities and forge a stronger unity. different cities and villages in iran have their own traditions for ramadan, which date back to centuries. get a glimpse of it in this documentary on press
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اوعى اوعى وجهك اوعى.
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after six months of genosittle war on the gaza strip targeting thousands of civilians whether by bombing homes over their heads or by siege and preventing the entry of food and medical aid, or by direct targeting, zianist israel has so far claimed the lives of more than 37,000 palestinian marters, nearly half them children. the palestinian statistical center announced that the... number of children killed as a result of the israeli entity genocidal war on gaza has reached 14,00 children whose lives and dreams will never be fulfilled. meanwhile, zianist israel continues to wipe out entire generations in god.