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tv   Mideastream 6 Months of Genocide  PRESSTV  April 3, 2024 10:02am-10:31am IRST

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after six months of genocidal war on the gaza strip and it targeting thousands of civilians, whether by bombing homes over their heads, or by siege and preventing the entry of food and medical aid, or by direct targeting, zionist israel has so far claimed the lives of more than 37,000 palestinian marters, nearly half of them children. the palestinian statistical center announced that the number of children killed as a result of the israeli entity genocidal war on gaza has reached 14,000 children whose lives and dreams will never be fulfilled. meanwhile, zianist israel continues to wipe out entire of generations in gaza with its soldiers competing to kill the highest number of children as we all have watched them boast about it on different social media platforms. according to the palestinian ministry of health, a child is killed every 15 minutes in
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gaza strip since the beginning of the war. this large number of casualties comes not only as a result of bombing and aggression, but also starvation, which ranks second in killing children in gaza. this is due to the israeli occupations blockade on the strip and the prevention of humanitarian food or medical aid from entering this trip. so far, more than 20 children have been killed due to drought and malnutrition in gaza. meanwhile, the occupation warjets and artillery continue their air strikes and intense shelling on their... various parts of the gaza strip, targeting homes and displaced gatherings resulting in hundreds of martters and wounded. designist occupation forces also persist in their aggression against the al-shifa medical complex and its surroundings in western gaza for a third consecutive week, carrying out executions, arrests, torture, and forced displacement of residents. experts estimate that the quantity of bombs and explosives dropped on the gaza strip since october 7th of last year equals the destruction. of power of several atomic bombs
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like those dropped on hiroshima and nagazaki with more than 2,800 massacers in less than six months. this leads us to the zionist doctrine of power, violence, and suicidal deterrance, what cannot be achieved by force is achieved by more force. through the use of brute force, collective punishment policies and targeting civilians in their lives and livelihoods, zionist israel seeks to push palestinians towards what resembles learned helplessness. the intention behind this is to divert the thinking of the people under occupation away from the idea of liberation from the occupation towards completely dismissing the idea of resistance. however, zinast israel acknowledges that its success in shaping the awareness of palestinians remains limited, despite its boasting about its ability to deter states and organizations. why? because we are the natives to the land and they are just illegal a colonial settlers. welcome to the mid stream, i'm madman.
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the israeli entity genocide war against the gaza strip continues for its sixth month, characterized in recent days by the continued targeting of hospitals in general and specifically the el shifa hospital as well as the commission of further atrocities at various levels. israeli occupation military operations have also been marked by intensified air strikes on rafah, hindering aid entry and displacing even more residents. to discuss this issue with us from damascus is independent journalist and very good friend of mine, miss vanessa bili. thanks million for being with us. vanessa, now six months into the genocidal israeli occupation entities war on the largest concentration camp on earth, which is known as the gaza strip, has zinus israel succeeded in achieving its aggressive objectives by uh
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settler crimes, judization, massacres, genocide and ethnic cleansing? no, absolutely not. in fact, the zionist entity is losing on all fronts, in the northern occupied territories, as we know, an estimated 100 thousand settlers and various zionist businesses have been forced out of that territory and to relocate to the south, and it's admitted even by the zinest entity that it's very unlikely that there will be enough. security for them to return. um, we know that the entire resistance access, including of course yemen, has shut down the arterial and shipping lane, and that now elot the southern port and the occupied territories is being targeted a very regular basis in gaza itself and even in the west bank, the zionist entity has met uh, what is effectively besieged, starved, deprived resistance with relatively
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small capability and yet they're unable to defeat them on the ground, they can only take power, let's say by bom. women and children and schools and hospitals and summarily executing unarmed and and defenseless civilians on an almost hourly basis. the israeli economy is its knees, the moral within the military is also decimated um and they're facing a united resistance access that has never been seen before actually, and so in my opinion, despite the... that we're seeing, as i said, on a hourly basis, particularly in gaza, but also in west bank, the zionist entity is losing this war, even even on the propaganda front, their entire edifice of lies and victimhood has been
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eradicated, well vanessa, the the historic epic battle inscribed by the palestinian resistance in the battle of the alaqsa flood operation. number seven has been deemed as one of the most persistent lies so far in the zionist propaganda machine uh by the supporters of this genocidal israeli entity as the main reason, the alaxa flood operation being the main reason behind the calamity that has uh surpassed so far the 1948 nakba by the way with numbers and statistics. look, i myself i'm tired of repeating the history for the people who refuse to acknowledge the right of resistance, the right of return, the right to people to live in peace in their own land. i'm not gna talk about that anymore, but if i am uh tired, do you think that the people who are actively under genocide that we are watching in real time on tv and and on our smartphones, do you think that uh they have uh the designists have completely decimated the last shred of determination in
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the hearts and souls and minds of those people? i think if anything what they've done is to strengthen the result, of course, as i've said before, it it it's... heartbreaking to see the images that are coming out of gazer of starving children, of children that have been completely offened, um, evicerated, lost legs, arms, limbs, etc., but if i speak to, for example, even the few friends of mine that i've managed to stay in contact with, that are now in raffa, there is no intention to leave gaza despite the hardship that they're enduring, and in real reality, what has the the designers entity done? it's it created an entire new generation of resistance, but not only among palestinians throughout the populations of the world, because even those arab states that have normalized relations with israel, that have
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effectively tried to alleviate the pressure on israel since the 7th of october, even in those countries the populations are against their government. look at the protests that are now spreading across the middle east but across the entire world, so what the zinist entity is actually done is to raise awareness in the world of the palestinian issue, put it back on a world stage and turn, you know, if you really want to to be honest, we are all hamas, we are all the resistance, because the zionist entity is exposed for its sadistics. average brutal policy, not only in palestine, regionally and globally. well, venessa, for two decades, we have seen thesignas really entity erecting the apartide separation wall which separates its colonies from the west bank, for example, after seasing much of the
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west bank's land, restricting the movement of the natives inhabited, the native inhabitants in the west bank and turning their lives practically into just living hell. the international criminal court of just... this ruled that that wall is illegitimate and it should be removed, nothing changed. it also ruled that uh, it's or basically on the verge of ruining that was happening in gaza is a genocide, and uh, nothing happened, and the unsc issued a resolution for a temporary cease fire, nothing again happened. what are the options left after all of this zinist aggression and global disregard of what's going on in palestine? well, i mean, i think, we've seen to some degre a bit of a circus between the us and the zionist entity. we've seen recently netanyahu hubres, um, really isolating the zinist entity even more from its global supporters from its support base,
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but despite all of that, of course, the us and the uk and the eu nations that are embedded with israel for various reasons, have still been supplying the weapons and the bombs and... armiments that are a daily basis massacring uh palestinian people and children, and the numbers that we're hearing in my opinion are way lower than they are, in reality we know that these organizations like the un massage and manipulate numbers in order to serve the agenda of those that have actual control of them. you know, the international community, such as it is, whether it's the un security council, the unga, um, the icj are powerless, because they're under the control um of the west and and of its zionist frankenstein, the only option now is for the res. and we're seeing already that israel in order to survive in the region is expanding the war in the
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region, it's bombed syria in the last three four days, every single day, targeting hezballah positions, targeting development centers etc. they want to and they need to expand the war in order to survive, because they're not going to survive as they are, and so now it becomes issue of the resistance strategy, to prevent the final solution, as the zionis call it um in gaza and in the west bank. well, uh, i uh share your sentiment to what's uh going on and i'm very invested in how uh the world will react uh if they will ever react to any upcoming invasion of rafah and how the resistance will react, because uh that's what we are counting on right now. thank you very much independent journalist from damascus for joining us to discuss this issue. now ladies and gents, stay with us because we will next... be talking about how the palestinian people themselves are still actively supporting the resistance.
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now a poll conducted by a leading palestinian institute for opinion polling showed that more than half of palestinians believe that hamas should govern the gaza strip once the current war ends, by only 11% want palestinian authority president mahmoud abbas to manage the territory. more details in the following report. over 50% of palestinians accord. to an opinion poll by a prominent palestinian research institute believe that hamas should be in charge of the gaza's trip
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after the current genicide ends. the palestinian center for political and survey research, pcpsr in romalla published the results last week in collaboration with the conrad indonesia foundation and with growing international concern over the increasing number of palestinian civilian casualties, as result of the israeli entity war against gaza, now entering its sixth month. 59% of response. in gaza and the occupied west bank said they wanted the palestinian resistance hamans to manage the gaza strip after the war. only 13% of respondents hoped for the palestinian authority to return to control the sector, but under a different leadership than mahmoud abbas. the 88 year old has seen a decline in popularity in recent years due to his failure to advance palestinian's hopes of establishing a state and his reluctance to mend relations with the other palestinian resistance factions, most notably hamas. there have also been no substantive. negotiations with the occupation for over decade, where the palestinian authority is widely seen by its people as increasingly
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corrupt and autocratic, simply because abbas who was elected for four-year term in 2005, has not yet appointed successor and refuses to go to elections. according to the survey conducted between march 5 and 10, which included a sample of approximately 1580 adult palestinians in gaza and the occupied west bank, 70% of respondents said they were satisfied with the role of... the palestinian resistance faction hamas played during the war. additionally, 61% approved of the role played by hamas leader yahya sunwar in gaza. the survey also found that 71% of palestinians in gaza and the west bank believe that the al-aqsa flood operation on october 7th was a correct decision, representing only a 1% decrease according to a previous survey conducted by the organization and published in december. furthermore, according to the survey, nearly 70% of palestinians called for the dissolution of the... authority. additionally, 90% of palestinians believe that president mahmoud abbas should resign.
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the survey also showed increase in the percentage of support for armed resistance to confront the occupation with more than 60% of palestinians surveyed believing that resistance is the optimal way to end the occupation. the survey results indicate wide spread frustration towards the international community, especially the united states of america and major european countries, and even the united nations, which press for immediate cease fire for humanitarian reasons in gaza, and yet zionist israel continues its genocide unabated. now, to discuss this issue with us from perth is geopolitical. commentator miss maram susley, thanks million for being with us, maram to discuss this issue now, an opinion poll, as you know among palestinians showed increase in support of the palestinian resistance hamas in the gaza strip, which is facing ongoing israeli entity genocidal aggression. how do you explain this to western audiences who are completely brainwashed by zinanis propaganda with all
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this genocidal violence? palestinians must have rejected hamas by now, but the opinion pulls say otherwise, how you? explain this to them? well, you know, the purpose of israel's assault on gaza number one is to commit a genocide and push the palestinians out, but the other is their hope to destroy the support base of the resistance by, you know, like punishing the people of palestine for the operation a flood, but it seems that this hasn't actually worked, and you know, in the west they claim to support democracy, but when it comes to the opinion of middle easterners who voted in for example in gaza, they voted in hamas, they don't sort of respect those opinions, so they really only respect opinions that uh the you know the uh state department of the united states says is uh acceptable uh so uh i would explain it this way, you know the the fact of the matter
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is that the palestinians have been suffering long before october 7th from the... really aggression, the the terrorist actions of the zionists and of course they're going to support the only people who uh rather than dying on their knees uh will stand up and fight on their feet uh and in spite of the you know the genicide of the uh the israelies are committing the uh the resistance isn't being blamed for that by the people but madam the propaganda machine of the of the west keeps saying that uh it is basically the killing of 100 israelies that triggered all of this, how do you respond? well, in 2023 alone, there was already 800 palestinians that were killed, 400 in gaza alone, in the west bank, the israelis shot a two-year-old in the head just because he was part of the tamimi family, which uh is the family that is
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is very good at resistance, so you know the the notion that the reality started in october 8th, is really the notion that uh only jewish lives matter and palestinin lives are irrelevant um and of course this has been going since even before 1948 when someone had the broad idea to create uh something called israel uh you know these terrorist attacks by the two terrorist groups that became the idf, ergon, lehi and hagana, they were killing palestinians even before israel was created, so of course it didn't start in 1948, well uh madame it was not a surprise for anyone uh who has been following palestinian politics for the past two decades at least that the poll showed an overwhelming rejection of palestinian authority president mahmoud abbas with nearly 90% of those who took the poll said that he should resign, yet we see that the boden administration we see regional normalizing regimes including the pa and mahmoud abbas in every step of the so-called
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ongoing seasfire negotiations. i mean, are they delusional thinking that the pa can actually have any? power inside of gaza or are we missing something here? the fact that the pa even is uh playing along with the notion that they will take power in gaza is is an act of treason in my opinion and also probably in the opinion of many palestinians who will outright reject this the the reason why the pa is no longer uh getting any support is because it's very clear that the two state solution is done and that's that their entire thing that they're based on is pushing for you peaceful resolution, but netanyahu has made it clear over the last several decades that he has no intention of ever creating a palestinian state, and the genocide in gaza has only uh really stuck the final nail in the coffin of that delusion. of course, the people are not are are seeing that, and it's not only that the two state solution is dead, but even the one state solution is its deathnell at this point. it's
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clear from the genocide uh that you know the that designism. just has no place in our region in the levant and it's it's simply uh has to go, but i mean all the possible uh solutions that are be presented by the uh state department, by the secretary of state, by the uh secretary of defense or what we call the war minister in the us uh or in uh other arab normalizing regimes is based on the fact that they don't want to see hamas in gaza anymore, whose decision? is it madam? well, it's really the decision of the people, and it's interesting when uh, the fact is that even in the west bank, the opinion polls show that hamas has become more... popular than the pa, so perhaps hamas should uh be governing the west bank as well, so it just goes to show you that these people think that they can dictate to palestinians what they
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should have, and when we talk about normalizing regimes, we're talking really about saudi arabia because they were about to sign uh the abraham accords just before october 7 happened, and what's interesting is that even inside saudi arabia, in december 2023 poll showed the support for hamas jumped by 30%, so it went you know up quite substantially after october 7th, so you it's gonna be hard a hard cell for saudi arabia, which is not a democracy in the first place, taken, taken from what you are telling us, madame, and according directly to the results the survey conducted by the palestinian center for political and survey uh research in damala, they said that support for hamas in the west bank alone tripled compared to before the war, and that's just a survey that's done on a regionals, on national scale, it's... on a regional scale for arab uh world or for the muslim world, but that's say let us say with the arab world, it's done inside of the arab world and we ask the same questions, it would be a sweeping result in
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favor in support of hamas, where did the western sionist israel go wrong here uh when it came to at least controlling the narrative? you know that's actually very interesting, the poll i was talking about with saudi arabia was was a washington institute poll, so it was conducted by the americans, and that showed a a three times jump in support for hamas since october 7th and i think that the reason is that in the past where we've seen hamas conduct attacks against israelis it's really been like superficial they haven't really uh um have been effective but this time there was a real like they really showed themselves to be a resistance organization and lot of that is because of the of backing by iran rather than qatar um qatar uh was trying to... turn hamas into sort of a pa where they just pay them off and in order for them to never fight the israelis who are constantly pretending uh
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under the table or in whispers that they might uh be talk talking of peace but while they talk of peace of course they plan for war and the people are not blind they know what's up and you know the notion that the americans think that they can subdue the palestinians and their opinion by brute force. and bombs is the miscalculation here because they thought if they could destroy and demolish uh gaza that it would turn the palestinians and the region against hamas and that's just not what's going to happen. well we still have one more minute uh madam and i think that uh the upcoming stage is very vital important stage for the palestinian cause given that everyone who is supporting really supporting uh palestine is also uh under heavy uh blows and air strikes by the zionist entity but it is the first time that we see this kind of a scale of uh support uh for palestine, do you think that this would change at least the minds of those who are against syria, against hisbollah, against iraq, against yemen for the past at least 11
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years. a lot of those people are kind of silent right now uh and sheepis, and i think that opinion polls have inside the region at least have become a lot more pos positive of the huties of iran, and this is a mask off moment for those in the region that pretend to be supportive of the palestinian cause, but are in fact doing nothing for them. for example, erdogans, turkey, you know, qatar as well, saudi arabia, these people are supposed to be the islamic world, and yet they have shown themselves to be complete and other godlus traits. so in contrast to that, iran with the support of the resistance access is is undoubtedly going to gain support. unfortunately, in the west you have the the liberal, who are in control of lot of the pro- palestinian groups who do want to push out like real resistance towards israel, which is very interesting because you know
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it's almost like they are by design being controlled opposition, but even these voices are becoming more and more ostacized with the reality on the ground being that the resistance is serious about firing and that's what we count on madam 100%, the people and the resistance on the ground always and forever, and thank you very much madame for being with us. a political commentator from perth discuss these growing support for the resistance all across the region, only in palestine. thank you very much for being with us. ladies and gents, thank you for watching the media stream right here on press tv. please do follow us on telegram and on x and we promise to give you the latest always from here from west asia in support always for the resistance and the people native people of the resistance. thank you very much for watching, we'll see you again next week.
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in today's show we'll be covering the growing popularity of cudsday and the frantic efforts of zionist extremists to undermine and sabotage it. well, it tells you that the uh intend to intimidate, bully and harass any organization that gets in their way, and they intend to be able to occupy those organizations, so that's it's been saying, these were organizations which did it off their own, but they designers. even have to lift finger in some some cases, because the organizations took each other to court, they contacted every non-brown named person individual um back in 2017 saying you work for an anti-semite, how do you feel about it, but they didn't contact anyone with a brown sounding name, which shows uh where they're coming from really, but yeah it really does take it out of you, but thanks to friends, thanks to supports, thanks to people like
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yourselves, we've gone through what you guys have gone through, that energy helps. bismillahirrahmanirrahim.
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the headlines, iran strongly condemns israel's attack its diplomatic premises in syria saying the regime seeks escalate conflict in the region while evading accountability. president traisi says a terrorist attack on iran's embassy in syria is a sign of israel's. desperation and last struggle of falling regime. the world bank says israel's onslot on gas has inflicted about $18.5 billion dollars in damage to the critical infrastructure there.