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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 3, 2024 10:30am-11:03am IRST

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the headlines iran strongly condemns israel's attack its diplomatic premises in syria saying the regime seeks escalate conflict in the region while evading accountability. president traisi says a terrorist attack on iran's embass in syria is a sign of israel's profound desperation and last struggle of falling regime. the world bank says israel's onslaught on gaza has inflicted about $18.5 billion dollars in damage to the critical infrastructure there.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's 10:30 am here in the iranian capital tehran, you're watching press tv's world news, our top story for this half hour, the united nations security council has held emergency meeting on the latest israeli attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy in syria addressing the event, iran's deputy representative to the un called on the world body to vehemently denounce israel's violation of the international. regulations, regrettably, the absence of accountability and the council's in action has only encouraged and even emboldened this regime to continue its violation unchecked. it is high time for the security council to shoulder its responsibility and address the real threat to international peace and security. the security council must promptly promptly fulfill its duty in response to israel's.
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defiance, urgent and enforceable measures must be taken to compell this regime to uphold its obligations. israel is defying security council resolutions and shows disregard for its international obligations. syria's ambassador to the un also called the attack a grave violation of international laws and norms, he said the arab country holds israel and the us fully accountable, the syrian official add of the israeliem. would not have dared to attack other nations diplomatic premises if it wasn't for washington's blind support. the russian ambassador whose country is called to meeting slammed the air strike as a flagrant violation of syria's sovereignty. he said israel seeks to further fuel the regional conflicts. china's envoy also condemned israel's attack as a grave violation of the un charter and international law and a breach of the sovereignty of both syria and iran.
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regarding earlier we were joined by political analyst muhammad marandi from terron to discuss the israeli strike on the counselor section of iran's embassy in syria, he says israel continues its atrocities in the region because of the us political and military support. israeli regime is allowed to carry out any atrocity because of western support, we've seen for... decades, how they've imposed apartide, how they've carried out ethnic cleansing, how they regularly carry out massacres in gaza, in the west bank, and now we have a genocide, so when the west allows the israeli regime to conduct itself this way, there's really no surprise when it carries out attack on sovereign countries, the iranian embassy is a part of iran's
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sovereignty and the murder of iranian officials in that uh building is is attack on the iranian people and the iranian state. what i find extraordinary though is that even now western regimes uh do not condemn the regime even in in a way in which makes it look as if they're serious. the us is... definitely complicit, it's more than complicit, the united states is the senior partner in the holocaust in gaza, everything that the israeli regime does can only be done with direct us support. a funeral has been held in the assyrian capital damascus for the victims of the recent israeli air strike on the consular section of the iranian embassy in syria. press more. scores of morners have
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attended a funeral for the commanders of iran's islamic revolution guard corps who were assassinated in an israeli air strike on iran's embassy. the crime committed by the israeli regime is definitely a serious one, it's a violation of international laws and norms. the un security council has met over the attack, the world body must respond to this crime appropriately. according to the international law, iran has the right to give a proportionate response to the israeli attack. the funeral was attended by religious and political figures. as well as syrian people, morners there stressed that the marters will bave the way for the final victory in gaza. we as followers of the path of martyrs must not allow despir or frustration to affect us in the access of resistance. god willing we will follow the
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path of the martyrs with firmness and patience until god grants us victory. people carried the marters coffens on their shoulders, promising to keep their legacy alive and continue their path until the final victory in gaza. with pride, sadness and grief, mourners bit farewell to their hero marters, and affirmed that the crimes of this barbaric regime will only strengthen their faith in the excess of resistance and its ability to defeat zionism and its sponsors. ibrahim wahdi, press tv, damascus. well, the leader of iran's islamic revolution has vowed tehron will make the occupying zionist regime regretted steadlier strike. on the iranian embassy in the syrian capital damascus. said ali khamenei made the remarks in message of condolence on the maridom of a group of iranian military advisors in monday's israeli aeriel raid on syria. the leader described israel as hated occupying regime. he vowed
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that the evil regime will be punished. khamini also saluted the marters of the attack including to senior irgc commanders major general mohammad reza zahiri and general mohammad hadi haj rahimi. now let's take a look at the profile: brigadeer general muhammad zahi was killed in the israeli attack in damascus. brigadier general muhammad rezahedi, a senior commander of the islamic revolution guards cores kots force, was killed in an unprecedented israely attack targeting the five-story consular building of the iranian embassy in damascus. borning. in 1960 in the central iranian city of esvahan, zahidi joined the irgc in 1980 and fought in various battles during the iran-iraq war. zahidi quickly rose through the ranks and from 1983 to 1986, took command of an
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important brigade of irgc ground forces that was used to break enemy lines in multiple major operations. later he was promoted to commander of the irgc's 14th imam. division, a position he held until 1991, several years after the war had ended. in the 2000s, zahidi served in more senior positions, including commanding the irgc's air force and also grand force. during his tenor as the irgc's ground force commander, he also spent year at the helm of the thara law headquarters, which is responsible for protecting security in the capital, tehran. zahidi joined the quodtz force in 2008, there he led operations in syria and lebanon and played a key role in iran's advisory support for syria's war on terror. from 2016 to 2019, the brigadier general returned to tehran to serve as the
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irgc's deputy for operations. he rejoined the irgc's gots force in 2019 and served the force until his martterdom. iran's president says the terrorist and criminal attack on the iranian embassy in syria is the side of israel's profound desperation and helplessness. abraham was speaking with his syrian c bashhard on the phone. micey added that the passivity and weak position of some arab countries has prevented the islamic world from adopting a united stance against israel and made the regime more brazent in committing crimes. he described israel's insane actions as the last struggles of this falling regime. he also slammed the us and its western allies for providing financial weaponry and media support to israel. assad for his part condemned israel's attack as violation of international law and a sign of moral degeneration of the regime. he also expressed his condolences to the government
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and nation of iran and the families of those killed in the israeli attack. iranians in several cities across. country, including the capital tehran, have held anti-israeli, anti-us protests after several iranian generals and officers were killed in an israeli attack in syria. the protesters demanded acise. response and revenge for the deadly strike on iran's embassy in damascus f reports. iranians took to the streets of the capital, tehran and gathered at iconic palestine square at midnight after the deadly israeli attack on iran's embassy in syria. they chanted death to the israeli regime and death to america as they waved palestine flags. protesters expressed their support for palestinian people in gaza as israel's
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genocidal war continues unabated. when we heard what has happened, we couldn't tolerate it, and we came here for the sake of our marters, our muslim brothers and sisters, palestinians, syrians, are all a part of our own nation, and there is no difference between us. two of our generals were martered, so we have gathered here to show our readiness for retaliation. "we are asking the islamic republic of iran to take serious action against these atrocities and the disrespect towards our nation and also the innocent palestinians. on monday, iran's ambassador to damascus hussein akbadi confirmed that brigadeer, general mohammad reza zahedi and his deputy mohammad hadi haji rahimi were killed in the israeli attack. it is our duty to come out because we felt that even though the resistance movement is showing. asians towards the israeli regime, we are still witnessing that the regime is pressing ahead with its atrocities with the
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recent incident of the attack on the iranian council. we have gathered here at this hour to show that the innocent marters in syria were killed injustice and impunity by the bloody hands of the zionist regime. the regime has been killing innocent people, especially children for many years. the attack came as almost six months and the gaza hostilities, the regime has failed to achieve its objectives of destroying hamas, despite killing tens of thousands of palestinians, mostly women and children. the two slain iranian generals had been comrads of top iranian anti-terror commander, general qasim sulaymani, who was also assassinated in attack in january 3rd, 2020. general suleimani played a key role in fighting and decimating the... daesh takferi terrorist group in the region, particularly in iraq and
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syria. a large number of people have gathered here in palestine square to strongly condemn the recent israeli attack on the iranian consular in the capital of syria, damascus. reporting for press tv, tehran. the joint report by world bank and the united nations shows israely war on. has caused damages of around 18.5 billion dollars to gaza's critical infrastructure. the report says a structural damage caused by the israeli carpet bombing of gaza has affected every sector of the palestinian territory's economy. the damages are equivalent to 97% of the combined gdp of the west bank and gaza in 2022. the report covers only the first four months of the israeli genocide in gaza and embodies some aspects of the besieg strips humanitarian crisis as well. it has found out
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that more than half of the territories population is on the brink of famon. the report also said over 70% of the palestinians in gaza has been displaced due to the ongoing israeli air strikes and bombing. israel deliberately terrorizing aid workers and disrupting humanitarian activities in gaza. the un agency for palestinian refugee. honor says nearly 180 of its staff have been killed in israeli on sought on the warridden territory, several in the line of duty. the un body added, the war on gaza has witnessed the highest number of aid worker deaths ever recorded in any conflict emphasizing the humanitarian personnel must be protected at all times. the statement comes as an israely air strike in the central city of dar albalah has claimed the lives of seven international aid workers associated with a us-based chairman. the wck team was travelling in a
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deconflicted zone in two armored cars branded with the wck logo and soft skin vehicle. despite coordinating movements with the idf, the convoy was hit as it was leaving the dairalbala warehouse where the team had unloaded more than 100 tons of... humanitarian food aid brought to gaza on the maritime route. israeli premier benyamin netanyahu has admitted the attack was carried out by regime forces, but claimed that the raid was unintentional. the head of the world central kitchen, however, has called the incident a targeted attack saying the strike indeed targeted humanitarian organization showing up in the direst of situations where food is being used as a weapon of war. meantime, international condemnations have been pouring in following the attack with the
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us, which is a regime staunchest ally expressing deep concern over the strike. australia has also slammed the attack and is completely unacceptable, uh, the uk meanwhile has urged israel to provide an explanation. the islamic resistance in iraq said it is carried out new anti-israeli strike targeting the regime's highi airport and support of palestinians in the gaza strip. the iraqi resistance said the op the operation was carried out. using drones, it added that the attack was in response to the massacres committed by israel against. palestinian civilians, including women and children, and the elderly, the group said that it will continue its operations against israeli stronghold. in recent months, yazamic resistance in iraq has carried out series of attacks against israeli positions, it has also hit us military bases in iraq and neighboring syria in retaliation for washington support for the israeli genocide in gaza. international otsday is annual
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pro-palestinian. that marked on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan, the day was designated by founder of the islamic republic of iran imam komeini in 1979 and solidarity with palestinians. muslims worldwide will mark this year's gots day on the coming friday or beyroot correspondent mar has asked some lebanese about the event and its importance in the muslim world. let's take a listen. who established it, imam khamani, god bless his soul. we also salute the courageous iranian people and we give our condolences to iran for the recent assassination of their great leaders who were martered at the time of al-kud's day and on the path of alquds. this is evidence that alqud's day that was declared by imam khameni has blossomed and is beginning to be fruitful with signs of near victory getting near a tatsay as alaxa mosk. as palestinians we feel
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that we are closer today to alkurs. every year we used to take part in the protests and events of... international day, but this year is different. ever since it was declared by imam khumaini and it was commemorated by factions and peoples, it accumulated over the years and has grown, and it became more and more significant and influential, and the number of people who took part in commemorating increased exponentially. international hoods day has not only been commemorated through media. average protest and seminars, it was actually realized in the year 2000 when the resistance fighters defeated the israeli army, which was considered invincible. it was also realized in 2006 with the divine victory, which was realized that the hands of the resistance fighters in lebanon who dealt a heavy blow to this regime to question its existence, with alaxa flood, the courageous resistance
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fighters in gaza reiterated the meaning of this day. it was declared as a day to be commemorated, but this year will commemorate alcot's day with slogan which is noteworthy. the flaud of the free is slogan that is derived of the alaxafloud operation and the israeli war on gaza and the west bank and algots and it is a war that overshadows all other wars. this is a war launched by an enemy which is monstrous untamed and in its killing and has no regard for any rules or laws or ethics or morals. this call to take part in god's day and to strive for the liberation of algots is a religious duty of muslims based on an initiative by the late founder of the islamic republic of iran imam komaini. it's also a humanitarian duty for all the free people of the world who support
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righteousness and the struggle facing oppression and tyrany and occupation. despite the tight israeli security procedures, checkpoints, arrests and aggressions against the people inside the city of algos, there is readiness on the part of our people there and inside the lands of 1948 and the west bank to commemorate the international goods day. this is in harmony with the protests which are taking place in many capitals across the globe where people have expressed their need for freedom, and day is manner in which people express and fulfill that need. and they are all voicing their support for gaza and palestine. the second phase of the decade long ukraine conflict. has recently entered its third year and it shows no sign of slowing down. france has announced say will send hundreds of armored vehicles to ukraine as visit from united states secretary of state, anthony blincon produced promises of
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more war. romy has more from paris. france has announced they will send ukraine hundreds of used armored vehicles and dozens of their patriot equivalent anti-aircraft missiles as the west continues to push the path of war. not diplomacy. germany is busy as the second largest armed supplier to israel, and they recently criticized france for not sending more arms to ukraine. united states secretary of state, anthony blincan was in paris to push for even more weapons and he admitted that ukraine is a critical moment in the conflict after repeated battlefield defeats and reduced domestic support for further mobilization. ukraine, which many predicted would fall, a matter of days continues to stand strong, but we are a critical moment where it is absolutely essential to get ukrainians what they continue to need to
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defend themselves. it's out of the question for us to support any plans which aim to increase the belligerent war mongering around ukraine, for us what is urgent is that this war stop and that people get around the table and make peace? just there support for ukraine in the united states has weined, french president emmanuel macron has made a complete turn around to become europe's main warhawk, even repeatedly threatening to land french troops in ukraine. macron's belligerance has continued, despite condemnation from his western allies, domestic public opinion polls and even leaked reports from the french armed forces. macron is so belligerant because he knows that nobody in france is going to follow him on his war march. it's very easy to be tough from so very far away after all, but at the same time it's frightening because... such talk can spiral out of control, and then who knows where this will end? both top diplomats strongly condemned an israeli air strike which killed seven aid workers for an
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american charity in gaza. however, they showed no sign of anything but unconditional support for israel's latest bloody invasion of palestine, despite global outrage. ramin masahari, press tv, paris. that's wrap for now, but stay tuned, we've got plenty more. to come here on press tv, i'll see you soon. bismillah.
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وعلم ادم الاسماء كلها ثم عرضهم على الملائكه
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فقال فقال انبئوني باسماء هؤلاء ان كنتم صادقين قالوا سبحانك لا علم lebe in nordenham, es war auch schwer für mich da auszubrechen, es hat lange gedauert, also es ist eigentlich erst passiert, nachdem ich kennengelernt habe, für mich war klar,
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ich möchte ein... eine muslimische frau sein mit einem muslimischen mann, wir wollen beide ein bodenständiges leben und dass ich dem, wie ich gehen möchte, ja, heute werde ich in der moschee das glaubensbekenntnis des islamsaussagen vor einem gelehrten und damit offiziell zum islam konvertiert.
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ابو طاهر ايراقي القصه يعني لكل عراقي في ايام صدام حسين الى قصه كامله يمكن يعملون منها. an
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iraqi businessman who recounts saddam hussein's oppression of himself and others. الله عز وجل او قضاء حاجه او التوجه الى اهل البيت ومنهم الامام ابو الحسن موسى علي بن موسى. let's hear abu taher's story together.
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this is for palestine. this is for the child that is searching for renal. this is not just a war of stolen land. why do you think little boys are going stones attanks and we'll never really know how many people are dead? they drop bombs on innocent girls while they sleep in their bed. israel is a terror state, the terrorists that terrorize. how many more resolutions have to be violated, how many more children have to be annihilated. this is not a war, it is systematic genocide, but whatever they try. hello, i'm...