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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 3, 2024 2:30pm-3:03pm IRST

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the headlines, the ceremony is held at the iranian embassy in syria to commemorate the military advisors killed in monday's israeli attack. on the consoler section of the mission. the death toll from nearly six months of the us-israely genocide in gaza now surpasses 32,970, mostly women and children. of and the un chief says attacks aid workers in gaza are unconchionable after and as ready airstrike killed seven of them.
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hello and welcome everybody, it's 2:30 p.m. here in the iranian capital, tehrani, watching press tv's world news, our top story for this half hour, the iranian embassy in syria has held a ceremony to pay homage to the seven military advisors who were killed in monday's israeli attack on the consular section of the diplomatic mission, we were... joined by our correspondent ibrahim wahti from damascus who said that several syrian officials visited the iranian mission to pay tribute to the murders. we are here at the embassy, the iranian embassy in damascus where the iranian embassy just began to receive condolences for the marters who were assassinated by an israeli air strike on monday evening. the yesterday at night the
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ceremonies of funeral ceremonies were held in at say shrine in damascus old city in the heart of the damascus to pay respect to the marters today we are seeing senior officials coming to make their respect to the martters and to offer condolescence to the iranian to in the islamic republic of iran and its people for the marturdom of these irgc senior leaders, as so far we have received religious delegation, representative of the imam imam ali khaminai office, also some palestinian figures, palestinian lead faction leaders, there's the the char the charger fair of the
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venezuelan embassy, we have also the representative now next to me, the representative of say office in syria, also we have the representative of the islamic islamic resistance in iraq in syria, sayed in ali musa just arrived, we are expecting also some governmental figures from the syrian government, as we know yesterday, the head of the government, prime minister hussein arnous came to the embassy, he met with the ambassador, he checked the place, he was heading governmental a senior governmental delegation with the minister of foreign affairs and the minister of economy, the minister of media along with other ministers, they check the the site, they pay their of condolences and their full support uh from
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syria to the islamic republic of iran. the united nations security council has held emergency meeting on the latest israeli attack on the counselor section of the iranian embassy in syria, addressing the event iran's deputy representative to the un called on the world body to vehemently denounce israel's violation of the international regulations. regretably, the absence of accountability and the councils in action has only encouraged and even embuldened this regime to continue its violation unchecked. it is high time for the security council to shoulder its responsibility and address the real threat to international peace and security. the security council must promptly promptly fulfill its duty in response to israel's reckless defiance. urgent and enforceable
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measures must be taken to compell this regime to uphold its obligations said israel's defying security council resolution and shows disregard for its international obligations. syria's ambassador to the un also called the attack a grave violation of international laws and norms. he said, the arab country holds israel and the us fully accountable. the syrian official added the israeli regime would not have dared to attack other nations diplomatic premises. if it wasn't for washington's blind support. the russian ambassador whose country had called the meeting slam the air strike as a flagrant violation of serious sovereignty. he said israel seeks to further fuel. regional conflicts, china's envoy also condemned israel's attack as a grave violation of the un charter and international law and a breach the sovereignty of both syria and iran.
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political commentator is joining us now from the british capital, london, mr. shah, welcome to the program, first of all, i want to get your perspective on this. recent um illegal attack that the israelies have carried out against the iranian consulate in the syrian capital damascus. yeah, i mean it really is outrageous, i mean the fact of the matter is there is no question that this is unlawful, this is provocative, this is actually goes against all aspects of international law, this is escalation of the the insecurity. in the whole region and indeed beyond, there is really no question on this, i mean i don't think anyone anyone with the slight intellect will be able to say anything other than these factual realities,
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but what is really so shocking is not the fact that there is a silence by the international community is the fact that the western so-called allies... under the leadership of united states are actually encouraging this by arming and supporting and giving total sort of support to all barbaric action over the last few months of this rogue state, this this regime, and that is why he been encouraged to do this, and by doing so we are asleep walking into conflict going. much wider and indeed becoming a world conflict and engulfing, not just nations in the region, but far beyond, this is something that needs to be addressed, i mean the the reality is that united state cannot be so
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naive and stupid to think that this sort of action is not going to create reaction and indeed would lead to a conflict becoming much wider. why is it that it's going on with is total and unquestionable support, giving arms to this roger state to be enabled to do this sort of abuses, which which is a scale that it has never ever happened, definitely in my lifetime. mr. shager, one issue uh that uh we were also talking to guess we had previously was the uh the... impunity that the israelis feel uh that they have, they can kill whoever they want, they could attack wherever they please uh and without any fear of accountability uh, what does this say uh about uh the uh the support, it's basically coming from the support that the united
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states uh is giving it, the unequivocal support that it receives mostly uh politically uh, but is this slap in the face the international community? yeah, i mean, actually, yes, indeed it is, but it goes far beyond that, is the slap to the ideology of trying to create a just society, is a slap on the face of never again, sort of genocide should take place, is a slap to every single concept that the international community had tried to build to create better and juster society, is slap in the faith. of justice, human right, and and and a future for mankind to be able to have a address and stop these sort of abuses, i mean everything, everything that we say that is important in our lives,
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for the not just for ourselves in currently, but our future generation are being compromised and indeed shown and and and destroyed by these action of this regime, this barbaric genocidal regime, and those who are supporting these genocide, and is yes of course this united states is... is is is a leadership of this support, but it goes far beyond that, is european nations, is germany, is france, is britain, and and this is what makes it so frightening, because when people and powers like this become party to this sort of rogue state and this sort of genocide and this sort of abuses of international law in in a systematic way, then we as humanity are indeed in trouble. all right, thanks lot.
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shajar uh, political commentator joining us from the british capital, london. the leader of iran's islamic revolution azal tehran will make the israeli regime regretted steadly air strike on the iranian embassy in damascus. said ali khamenei made the remark in a message of condolence on the marteridom of a group of iranian military advisors in the monday attack. the leader described is as hated occupying regime, he vowed that the evil regime will be punished, also saluted the marters of the attack including two senior irgc commanders, major general mohammad reza zahi and general mohammad hadi haj rahimi. the un secretary general is denounced as unconscious. the israeli killing of several international aid workers on duty in the gaza strip. the devastating israeli
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air strikes that killed world central kitchen personnel yesterday bring the number of aid workers killed in this conflict to 196, including more than 175 members of our own un staff. this is unconstionable. it demonstrates yet again the urgent need. immediate humanitarian cease fire, the unconditional release of all ostages and the expansion of humanitarian aid into gaza, as the security council demanded in its resolution last week. the resolution must be implemented without delight. meanwile un agency for palestinian refugees honor says the war on gaza has witnessed the highest number of aid worker deaths ever recorded in any conflict. and as ray the air strike left seven aid workers associated with the us
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based charity world central kitchen dead in the gaza strip on monday. the head of the charity called the incident a targeted attack, the israeli killing of the world central kitchen aid staff has drawn international reactions. western countries have called on israel to offer an explanation. the regime unleashed its war on gaza early october killing at least 3 2,975 palestinians, mostly women and children. the israely massacres in the gaza strip have continued unabated in the past six months. israel with help with the us is committing genocide of epic proportions, yet the us refuses to accept the fact that israel is committing genocide going against the belief of many countries and organizations like the un and the icj, the international court of justice. let's look at the reasons why israel is guilty of this crime.
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this sunday april 7th marx, six months since israel executed its us israri genocidal war on gaza. and the palestinians, when it comes to this aggression, there's no doubt what the israeli killing machine is doing is genocide. it's worth looking at some of the instances where an act of genocide has taken place. the un special rapportour on the rights situation in the palestinian territories. francesca albanesi said recently, there are reasonable grounds to believe israel is committing the crime of genocide against the palestinians as a group in gaza cited. uh in her report title anatomy of a genocide, but uh, why reasonable
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grounds and not definite ones? like the al-shifa hospital massacre. up to 400 palestinians were killed, many of them women and children, bodies recovered after the regime forces withdrew from their operation, looking for hamas fighters and uh operatives. an eyewitness account said the shifa hospital massacre is worse than the 19 48 nakya scene and tantura massacres combined over 300 women and children were slaughtered, many ziptied and executed, some flattened by tanks. burned or hacked into pieces by missiles, skeletal remains and body parts were everywhere. the 1948 nakba and tantura massacres were committed by the israeli regime between 1947 and 1949 where zionist forces took more than 78% of historic palestine ethnically cleansed
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and destroyed about 530 villages and murdered 15,000 palestinians which included more than 70 massacres, another example of massacre called the flower massacre occurred once starving palestinians gathered around aid convoy in hopes of getting food, yet they were faced with barrage of bullets which claim the lives of at least 112 with 760 wounded. israel blamed the carnage a palestinian stamped. one of the first mass casualties of the genocidal war occurred at the alahli hospital. on the 17th of october 2023, devastating explosion took place in the car park of the al-ahli hospital in gaza city, around 500 people were murdered and 342 injured. the excuse by israel, a misfired missile uh by a resistance group, and here are other notable massacres, each brings back
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painful memories of a genocide that is being transmitted in real time on everyone's tv. and mobile screens, each in its own, more shocking than the other, which brings us to the question, where are there any doubts about whether a genocide is taking place? some israeli officials themselves have openly called for the genocide of palestinians like the israeli heritage minister who said dropping nuclear bomb on the gaza strip is an option. yoav galant, israeli minister of military affairs, who said gaza will not return to what it was. before, and uh, we will eliminate everything, and a cness member who called for racing all of gaza from the face of the earth.
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we're moving on for israely troopers. injured a car-ramming attack a military checkpoint in the occupied west bank, the israeli military claims, the operation was conducted by palestinian man who was later killed by the regime's forces. our correspondent in r candle joined us earlier with more details, let's take a listen. well, according to israeli military, after midnight, a palestinian man in his vehicle arrived a checkpoint, near the city of iri in the lands occupied in 1948 central israel known as central israel, he ramed his vehicle into israeli policemen or officers and wonded at least four of those, one of them was in serious condition, then he left the area after uh chase he succeeded to reach a
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military checkpoint known as eliaho near the city of natania also inside the... that were occupied in 1948, there he exited his vehicle and tried to stab israeli officers there as they are saying, and then the israeli soldiers opened fire at him, shot him and killed him, so the israeli military are saying that this man is 26 year old from the city of iri that was occupied in 1948 and he's not from the oc fied west bank, the israeled that palestinians are still living in the in historical palestine let's say are had been carrying out anti-israeli operations in the last few months and number of palestinians there had been killed whether for stabbing israeli soldiers and officers or
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for carrying out ramming attacks and sometimes palestinians had used guns to shoot and kill israeli forces, at the end of the day the israeli tropps had killed let's say since the 7th of october palestinians from all the occupied territories, whether the west bank, the occupied alfots or even in the lands occupied in 1948 had killed over 457 palestinians, of course we are saying that the majority. of those were shot and killed here in the occupied west bank during military incurgence at military checkpoints and others were members of the resistance groups in addition to the fact that children and women had also been killed by the israeli forces in cold blood here in the occupied west bank. tensions remain high between
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lebanons says well the resistance movement in israel since the regime launched its genocidal war on gaza. both sides have been exchanging fire but israel has intensified its attacks on lebanese civilians in recent weeks. we were joined earlier by our beirot correspondent mariam salah to know more about the latest israeli strikes on civilian areas and southern lebanon and potential as well as retaliatory attacks. we know that the israelies have heavily bombarded uh the natural reserves of the towns of ramya and the outskirts of aitashab, we know at least 60 phosphorus bombs uh were fired uh on the natural reserves of ramia, which is considered one of the biggest, one of the largest in the country. we also had some 20 artillery. um missiles that were targeted also on these two towns and addition to another 20 missiles that were targeted that were launched from the tanks uh from the
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israeli tanks on that side. now we know also from israeli reports that that could be a sign that there was a hazballah operation in the in that side which is considered the eastern part of the border uh since there were a sirens that were sounding in the eastern side. the of the gilily region and those settlements there, and usually when you have that type of rage from the israeli army, that usually signifies that hazbullah was able to inflict heavy losses upon the israelis and we're not just talking about destruction of maybe settlement or the destruction of the post and devices and hardware, but we're also talking about losses within the israeli military personnel, perhaps soldiers. which is something of course the israelies don't admit to, but it is clear and evident from their reports that there are usually many uh israeli soldiers
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that are taken to hospital, in addition to the fact that you have lot of officials and even commanders and officers from the israeli army that are talking about the heavy price they are paying um on the northern side, which is of course the occupied palestinian territory in the galile region, so that means although they have not they are not admitting to it official. they are losing soldiers on the ground in that area every year people supporting the cause of palestine mark international goods day worldwide on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan, the day was designated by founding father of the islamic republic of iran, the late imam homania 1979 and solidarity with the palestinian people. this year the occasion will be honored on uh the coming friday, let's see what some south african residents had. to say about the pro- palestine event? i was actually thinking, um, after 76 years,
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some palestinians might say after 100 years, thinking about international cuds day, international day of the oppressed, i thought why we still commemorating this day on friday a holy month, why do why did we need a day for? people and now with this awakening, what would this sort of encourage for us to do? for us as africans, we have come from a history of apart and of fighting apart, even up until this day, and it is, and the international cost day will will truly show the inequalities that are happening, not only just in south africa that are continuing since the dawn of democracy, but also help to fight for. speration and freedom for the palestinian people. it again shows the the quiet brilliance of imam komaini that yes uh on the over and on the explicit he looked a
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particular way and yes we know how he was demonized in mainstream media for looking a particular way um but the wisdom um and the way in which he approached people and i'm not going to say muslims it's certainly it shows one how it transcends a particular space and a particular time. where the focus was on the revolution, the day of cot is also the day where the oppressed actually separate themselves from all that is oppressive and for us to have been able really to face our governments and the powers that be to remind them of the oppression and also to make the oppressed away of the condition and today now 45 years later we see actually the results of this of what's happening currently in gaza. you know and how this there's a global awakening, let's wrap for now with the quran, we've got plenty more to come here on press tv, bye everybody.
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landmines and explosive remnance of war are the terrifying legacy. مین ام 14 تمام پلاستیکی انفجاری زخمی کننده این مینا نبودن من اصلاً اینجوری نمیشدم من چیکار داشتم به مین داشتم زندگی خودمو می کردم حدود چهل ساند در ۴۰ سانت اندازه این مینه اومده بغل چادر عشایه despite all the sanctions and limitations published statistics reveal that the islamic
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republic of iran mine action center boasts the highest number of discovered mines in 2019.
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this is forest. in today's show, we'll be covering the growing popularity of cudsday and the frantic efforts of zinist extremists to undermine and sabotage it. well. "it tells you that they uh intend to intimidate, bully and harass any organization that gets in their way, and they intend to be able to occupy those organizations, so that's it's been saying, these were organizations which did it off their own, but they designers didn't even have to lift finger in some some cases, because the organizations took each other to court, they contacted every uh non-brown named person individual um back in
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2017 saying you work for an'. antisemite, how do you feel about it, but they didn't contact anyone with a brown sounding name, which shows uh where they're coming from really, but yeah, it really does take it out of you, but thanks to friends, thanks to supports, thanks to people like yourselves, we've gone through what you guys have gone through, you know, and that energy helps. vegetarianism was introduced as a healthy lifestyle and later on it became fancy too. some say it can save the planet as well. however, some people hijack the idea and use it as means of earning money. watch in this
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documentary how the millennia old lifestyle was knocked off corps.
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these children are victims of a war that ended over half a century ago, landmines and explosive remnants of war are the cursed inheritance left to them by war.