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tv   Mideastream 6 Months of Genocide  PRESSTV  April 3, 2024 5:02pm-5:31pm IRST

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and the west and they are the real supporters of the zionist entity and its crimes. the stands of the dignified iraqi people and the courageous iraqi people towards the foreign occupation is a firm stance, a stance based on principle whereby the iraqi people reject all forms of occupation and their firm principal stance rejected occupation. in the revolution of the 20th and also the stands rejecting the american occupation of iraq after year 2003, whereby the iraqi, the heroic iraqi resistance fighters fought against this occupation until a complete withdraw of the foreign forces from iraq was achieved on the 21st of december year 2011 and full sovereignty, full national sove. was
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achieved and the occupation returned without any legitimate justification to iraq under the pretext of fighting terrorism, and we also rejected this presence from the beginning, and the iraqi parliament issued its decision calling on the coalition forces to leave at the beginning of you 2020, this stems from our belief that this presence is the reason behind all of iraq's problems and the problem. in the region, americans support and the western support of for the zionist entity in the battle for gazza has made us even more determined, determined for these troops to leave, and we will not back down from this decision, and today the iraqi government, the honorable iraqi government and the iraqi people and the islamic resistance, they are more insisting, the
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withdraw of these troops and achieving complete national sovereignty to our people in gaza and in palestine, the nation of the prophets and messengers, and the place where of the victory was achieved, for our prophet may peace be upon him and his family. our hearts are full of pain as a result of your sufferings, and we will so we feel sorrow as a result of losing loved ones, large numbers of marties. the women and children whose cleansed souls cling to the lights. we are witnessing a like scenario in alaqsa. your revenge is the revenge of god, and there will be no escape for the killers, no escape from the wrath of god almighty, and we stand with you, with our souls and with our blood. we are hearing, the calls, the cause, is there
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anyone who will come to our aid? any faithful person with vision will come to your aid, the cowardly people have abandoned you, and your day, it's a day of godly sorrow, at the same time, it's a day for the faithful, courageous people on the battlefield, standing against those who have humiliated. and will be humiliated in this world and the after world and may peace be upon you all, auzu billahi minajim, bismillahirrahmanirrahim. i seek refuge from
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the st devil in the name of god, the merciful, the compassionate, praise be to god, lord of the worlds and i testify that there is no god but he, and that our master muhammad is his slave and messenger, the last a of the prophets, praise on muhammad and the family of muhammad, and blessings be on muhammad and the family of muhammad, as you praised and blessed. god be satisfied with his companions and with all of your good worshippers and brothers and sisters, may peace be upon you all. i salute, and we also pray for the palestinian people who stand and
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we salute all of the honorable gathering in the capitals of the access of jihad and resistance those meeting now as part of the occasion of day, god almighty says in the holy quran, oh you who believe, be pias towards god, and get from him the means and practice jihad in his cause, so you may achieve success, our honorable yemen people based on the identity of faith, the yemen of. faith and wisdom is standing with all his capabilities and is taking action on all fronts at the official and popular level, in order to support the palestinian oppressed people, and also to protect the sanctities of the um, first and foremost the holy mos, and
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it has been revealed to the whole world the efficiency of the complete stance from our beloved people, which included military operations in the red sea. and the arabian sea reaching up to the indian ocean, in addition to using ballistic and winged missiles and targeting occupied southern occupied palestine to attack targets that are linked to the israeli enemy, and how this complements the jihadi resistance france in gazza and lebanon and iraq within the broader framework. step forward to provide it with support as much as we can, and we are ongoingly trying to advance our missile and naval capabilities to contribute further in
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supporting and standing with the palestinian people and also to attack the israeli enemy, the palestinian oppressed. people are suffering from oppression and are suffering from killing and kidnapping and torture and demolishing of homes and also demolishing of agricultural lands etc and the confiscation their rights to liberation and independence and also seizing their territory and occupying their nation and the attacking of the sanctities, the holy sites there ever since the british occupation which was not s with the crimes it committed, it even added further the crime of enabling the jewish zionists and supporting them to continue the occupation and to continue the criminality, and with support from the western nations and governments reaching up to the american role,
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which has become effective accomplice along with the israeli enemy, and it is participating completely in its crimes and aggression against the... palestinian people and on the other hand, the muslims have not done what is required in supporting the palestinian people who are part of them and also regarding their sanctities in palestine. some recently have even cooperated with the efforts to eliminate the palestinian cause under the pretext of normalization and the failed deal of the century, the palestinian cause. is the central cause of the ummah and it is unique because righteousness in this cause is very clear, the injustice committed against the palestinian people which has been ongoing for decades, it is a well-known
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injustice throughout the world, and no party has taken any action to put an end to this injustice and to restore the rights of the rightful owners, whether it be international or... organizations or institutions or the united nations or the security council or other parties, none of them have done anything, they contributed to ongoing occupation and depression, they have also not succeeded, no efforts that rely on bargaining will succeed under the pretext of negotiations or two state solutions or other similar initiaties that all of these are option will be jihad in the cause of god failed approaches and the only successful almighty and it is the option which the resistance movements in palestine and along with the free people in the um took action
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based upon and it's the option which proved itself before in lebanon after the israeli enemy was defeated and was forced to leave in 2000 and als current aggression whereby it's committing the crimes of genocide in gazza for six months without succeeding in bringing about an end to the resistance or retrieving the prisoners without a pris deal nor achieving any form of victory, but rather an ugly image of criminality. what makes the palestinian cause different is that it is cause that is linked? to the faith of the ummah and the faith of the ummah is also linked to it and
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the repercussions are clear have been clear for a long time, the holy quran referred it in al, and it showed the israeli certain certain defeat by its worshipers and the and the cohesion of the palestinian people and the despite the killing and masturbation, this is a clear indicator of the repercussions of the issue according to god's righteous promise and and god always lives up to his promise, but most people do not know,
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the duty of the ummah as a whole, the religious duty, the ethical duty, the human duty, and also for the interest, for the sake of its national security, all of this requires serious action in order to support the palestinian people, and this mujahidin by all possible means, and it's also necessary to realize that the israeli. enemy is an enemy of all parties and that the palestinian people are waging the battle of the um as a whole and its mujdin are in the first ditch are on the frontlines, they mujahidin are the first ditch on the front lines, and if the israeli enemy succeeds in inflicting great damage on the arab countries and first and foremost the neighboring countries of palestine which were attacked. by the israeli enemy before, by launching aggression, we will spare no efforts, godwilling in
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supporting the palestinian people and its honorable mujahidin in gaza, those who with their steadfastness and firmness and with their perseverance and with their heroism have presented an image which have really we have seen in the history of mankind and we salute them and we express our appreciation and bow down to them and to the mujahidin who saluted and who are striking the israeli enemy god, my god salute you, my god grant you victory, i kiss your hands which are on the trigger against the enemies and fighting the cause of god and your heads which have raised the heads of the um high and we pray to god that we achieve victory. and we also salute and extend our appreciation to the
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palestinian people, those who are standing and the free people in the west bank, and to the palestinian people throughout palestine, whether it be in palestine or abroad, our people and our nation at the official and popular level will spare no efforts in supporting you, and your cause is our cause, is the first cause for the people, and they raise the flag of jihad and the waging the battle of holy jihad, and are countering the american and british aggression, and are attacking the israeli enemy, and are also preventing the enemy from passing through the red sea and the arabian sea reaching up to the indian ocean, and our steadfastness on this stands. "given that it is a fundamental part of our faith and our religious and human
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and ethical duty, and for this reason, it is a stance which is not up for bargaining and a stance which we shall not back dow from. will continue to complement the efforts of our brothers in the resistance access to further enhance the stands and enhance the cooperation and to raise the level and the performance until the promise victory is achieved, god willing, and may peace be upon you all. praise be to god lord of the world, praise be
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on the master of the messengers o master muhammad and may peace be upon his family and companions, god who sent his worshipper from the haram mosk to alsaamosk, alsaamosk which we blessed to reveal to him our verses, he is listening, brothers and sisters, to the people of our blessed islamic ummah, you who have gathered to commemorate al-quds day. i salute every one of you and i congratulate you on this large participation whereby you are renewing the pledge of al ummah to al-quds and at the start we recall on this
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great dayni may peace be upon his soul who made al-quds. he called on the ummah to rise and do its duty and to unite its forces in order to liberates and the zionist occupation international is taking place this year in the midst of the great storm confrontation and al-quds is now in a state of optimism, at the same time in a state of sorrow, it is suffering from oppression as a result of a zionist, open-ended aggression against the
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islamic and christian sanctities, and also against the people of al-quds. and its human heritage and despite the bitterness of this pain al-quds is in a historic phase after alstorm, the blessed al storm battle, this has given hope that the liberation of al-quds and clearing it, cleansing it from the occupying invaders is a historic certainty and diverse. and the pling of the fighters with god, almighty. the enemy during the past few years tried to determine the confrontation on the palestinian territories from al-quds and al-aqsa, so the resistance came from the heroic gaza front with al-aqsa
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storm. restored the conflict to its true nature and revealed all of the masks, those masks which were hidden behind the false peace, and it has also revealed clearly the true nature of the zionist entity, the hostile nature, and its crimes which shock humanity, whereby the whole world is witnessing the occupations crimes today in gazza and the west bank and quds. and which extends to target our people and the people of our ummah in the region outside palestine, whereby they defy all of the international laws and laws and international humanitarian laws and norms, to our palestinian people, to
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the people of our arab and islamic um and to the resistance fighters in our ummah. the battle of liberation from the from the enemy, focus on five points, first of all to our palestinian people and especially our people in the gaz strip, in the beloved gaz strip, for more than 100 years, people have been... sacrificing greatly in order to gain their independ, gain their liberation and to put an end to the zionist occupation of his territories, so it sacrifice and continues sacrifice martins. and thousands of our people have spent many years of their lives in the prisons of the occupation and our
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people suffered as a result of a siige and destruction and the wall and displacement and as refugees and all forms of zinus criminality, and here is gazza, now writing a heroic chapter, a glorious chapter in the chapters of the ummah, and this jihad and resistance, and its resistance which is not weakening, whatever be the brutality and terrorism of the occupation, and whatever daily massics are committed, and whatever be the genocidal war which is being waged, but regardless, the resistance is continuing to stand its ground on the battlefield, and it is countering the enemy on all fronts, which proves that it cannot be broken and that it will continue to do its duty in defending its
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people, and this blood, this blessed blood and the numbers of marties throughout the script, this proves or this increases the strength and insistence and determination and god has given palestine a loyal people, people were worthy, worthy of taking up the duty from the prophets who all prayed in the isr and this was revealed in this battle, this glorious battle, the battle of a storm, congratulations the palestine for its people and for its ummah and let the whole world here people who have sacrificed and have have
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displayed heroism and showing this dignity and steadfast and resistance like our people, this is the best what palestine has, and this people of jihad, this people who continued to stand with steadfastness and perseverance, they deserve for all the ummah to stand with them as a result of the sacrifice, and we in the resistance movements in palestine, we have made a pledge to god and then to our people, to always live up to the sacrifices and the aspirations of the people, the aspirations of freedom and retrieving their territories and rights, whatever be the price we pay. and the leadership of the resistance stands in the front lines to set an example in sacrificing marties and in exercising
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patience and pursuing ongoing efforts until god grants his victory and until there is a return and the establishment of a palestinian state with its capital in this battle. all of the illusions and fantasies which the zionist enemy created for itself, all of this has collapsed regarding the enemy and its army, its elite and many of its allies are speaking about the existential crisis the entity confronts, and there is no doubt, there is no doubt that the brutality of the zionist enemy which we witnessed today was a result of its realization that it won't succeed and continuing to exist as user occupying entity in confronting the palestinian people that have risen and who refuse to surrender and to
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let palestine go despite all the attempts of normalization which have been dashed away as result of number two to our arab and islamic um the design aggression against our people. and its sanctities would not have continued and reached this level of brutality were it not for the american cover provided, but rather effective american participation in the crimes of this occupation, and were not for the american direct participation in the aggression against our people by providing the science occupation with thousands of tons of lethal weapons and bombs and
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all of this proves that the continuation of this aggression is a result of this american support and also the support provided by some western countries, unfortunately to the people of our ummah, righteousness is clear and also wrong doing is clear, they faithful support one another. for this reason i call on you to form a popular block, a popular front standing against the occupation front and those who stand with it, and to put an end to this aggression and to support the battle of liberation which is being wished by our people today on all fronts in the nation, and whilst i salute to all of the blessed efforts which are being exerted. i say to our
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people, you are our backborn, you are our depth, and what is required to lift the injustice and to end the aggression and is much more than what is currently taking place, the efforts which are currently being pursued, so to our arab and islamic people and to all of the institutions. occupation and have set an example of heroism and sacrifice, so we have a historic opportunity to deal a defeat to the zionist
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project and... this blessed battle has united the forces of the people of the ummah and we've seen the greatest reflection of this unity via the unity of fronts and arenas from palestine to lebanon, yemen, iraq by the support also from the islamic republic. iran, the resistance forces have made their voices heard, we are an ummah which will not be silent, we will not accept oppression, we will not accept our rights being taken from us and we will also not accept for the enemy to attack gazza freely, and from here i salute all of those brains.