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tv   Iran Today Ramadan in Iran  PRESSTV  April 3, 2024 6:02pm-6:31pm IRST

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importance of standing against this devil and this immoral entity, the harsh attacks, the strong attacks and opposite to what the leaders of this entity had hoped for, this has not succeeded in intimidating the palestinian people bad in the gaza strip of the western back bank, this made them more determined to continue with resistance the plans of settlements and the humiliating new projects, they have all become of the past, there are no suggestions, and there is no project for future of palestine that can be implemented now or in the future without taking into consideration the demands and the perspective of the rightful owners of the territories on the rights, the islamic republic, as it said before, it supports the resistance, it underscores the rights of the palestinian people to defend themselves against the enemy and against the zinest entity. not respecting these and trampling
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over all of the international laws, including the attack of this entity against the islamic republic's embassy in damascus, which will not go unanswered. this all shows the failure and the state of loss of the isionist entity, which is trying by all possible means to cover up for its crimes against humanity and is practicing all forms of criminality. with god's help, the zionist entity will receive its punishment. by the herobic fighters in the resistance front and will regret this crime and the other crimes that were committed, and in conclusion, i salute all of the marties, the marties of palestine, the marties of the pow of alquds and i salute from the bottom of my heart the people who continue to stand with set fasters in gaza, who have put up with the ongoing tax and crimes of the zionists during this past phase, these past few months, the iranian people see themselves standing side by side with all of them. who stand on the frontlines
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against the arrogant powers in the region and we express our solidarity with them and we call on all to support the youth of the resistance, the courageous people who believe in palestine and also those in lebanon and in the region, and we thank them for this of support and may peace be upon you all. all right uh, you were looking at what's called uh the glitz pulpet ceremony which comes ahead of our glitz day, every year this happens in the last week of ramadan where resistance leaders give speeches, it's a tradition, and of course this year is uh uh of... most important, the significance of
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this year, putting into focus the issue of the genocidal war uh that is happening there in the gaza strep. we heard from the leaders of the resistance groups including the iranian presidents from tehran and then from baghdad, bayrook, damascus and sana, such as the palestinian islamic jihad leader, hasan nasara, secretary general of hisbollah, abdul malik al huthi, who is the leader of the yemen movements and smalhana, the former prime minister of palestine and gaza and hari alamari member of the council of representatives of iraq. obviously the battle of alaska storm, as some called it, such as zayat. in terms of some of the highlights here, he said that israel is being provided everything that it needs and that it needs to be countered. the bitter israely blockade is of killing palestinian children and went into length as to how israel is doing that. other uh leaders touched upon some of the issues that were pretty similar in terms of the uh way that the palestinians are getting slaughtered inside the gaza. strip of noticed
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the way that uh the many refer to the way that the us is providing the assistance needed in order for israel to do that uh we uh have them also talking talking about the uh references made to the six month of passage of this genocidal war. for now it's going to be goodbye but we will uh cover more highlights in our uh international news coming up past the hour just bye-bye for now great time the blessed month of ramadan this of in celestial siting new beginning, a spiritual journey that becons believers to embark a path of self-reflection and devotion. the arrival of ramadan makes hearts stirred with a sense of reverence and awe. the soul is called to awaken from its slumber. each day of ramadan is a chapter in a spiritual of odyssey, a chance to seek forgiveness, cultivate gratitude and draw closer to allah.
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ramadan. is the ninth month of the islamic lunar calendar and is considered as the holiest month for muslims. it is a time of fasting, prayer, reflection and community for muslims around the world. during ramadan, muslims fast from dawn until dusk, abstaining from food, drink, smoking and marital relations. the fast is seen as a way to purify the soul, practice
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self-discipline and empathize with those who are less fortunate. mr. muhammad hussein rajabi, who teaches ethics at university, had more to say about fast. the rational behind fasting incompasses various aspects including the act of abstaining from food and drink empathize with the less fortunate. fasting serves as a reminder to not overlook the plight of the needy, prompting increased charitable actions during ramadan. this practice of fasting effectively contributes. to aiding those in need as evidenced by heightened support for the poor during this month. fasting in ramadan is obligatory for all adult muslims, with exceptions for those who are ill, pregnant, nursing, traveling, or experiencing other conditions that would make
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fasting harmful. however, those who are unable to fast are encouraged to make up for it by feeding the poor or performing other acts of warship. fasting is the practice observed in several divine religions, including islam, christianity and judaism among others. while the specifics of fasting may vary among these religions, the general concept often revolves around spiritual purification, self-discipline and drawing closer to god. this is mr. muhammad hadi hedayat, seminary professor located in the holy city of. the quran speaks of a day when souls will lament their neglect of allah, regretting their failure to acknowledge his presence. we are urged to seek god's companionship in this world, to perceive his light within us and around us. ramadan offers a prime opportunity for this connection. by
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fasting for the sake of god, we can learn to abstain not just from physical needs, but also from worldly distractions, paving the way for a deeper. spiritual awareness of his presence. the philosophy of fasting in islam encompasses a holistic approach to spiritual growth, self-improvement, empathy, gratitude, and community engagement. it serves as a transformative practice that nurtures the soul, cultivates virtues and deepens one's connection to allah and fellow human beings. it is said that ramadan is the month of god's party and everyone. is invited to take part in this divine feast, now the question is that what kind of a party is this that those to take part in it from drinking and eating all day long? توی مهمانی هایی که فضا فضای مادی هست و خوراکی های مادی هستش طبیعتاً آدم باید بیشتر بخوره. when you host feast, eating
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and drinking or a central components, however when god orchestrates feast, the focus shifts from physical indulgence to spiritual fulfillment. in this divine gathering where god is the ultimate host, susteinance is provided by him alone. even as i play the role of host, it is god who truly nourishes us. as human beings, we are not merely physical entities, our souls crave their own form of nourishment. fasting redirects our attention from bodily needs to spiritual ones, allowing us to nurture our souls. in iran, people engage in increase.
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that satan and his army are in chain during this period, unable to tempt fasting individuals, as people draw closer to god, the influence of evil diminishes, analogously imagine: balloon filled with a gas lighter than oxygen, tether to prevent it from rising, the tether represents worldly attachments, while the balloon symbolizes the soul, by detaching the soul from worldly distractions, through fasting and prayers in ramazon, one can elevate their spiritual essence. many iranians participate in charitable activities such as providing meals for the needy, donating to mosks and charitable organizations and supporting
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leading to increased support for needy families and search in philanthropic donations. socially, ramadan promotes a sense of unity as people gather for iftar, visit each other more frequently and partake in religious rituals, strengthening communal bonds. ramadan in iran is also marked by various cultural traditions and customs. families gather for special meals and celebrations and neighborhoods come alive with decorations, lights and festive activities. traditional iranian foods and
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sweets are also prepared and shared during this time. at the same time, special programs and events are organized during ramadan, including lectures, quran recitations, and religious gatherings. these gatherings provide opportunities for learning and reflection. during this sacred period, we are encouraged to seek spiritual pleasures, reading the holy quran and engaging in prayer, especially during the night or ways to connect with god, in the month of ramadan there is a palpable sense of closeness to god, as if the environment is primed for a special communion with him. ramadan reaches its scenet in lailatul qadr, also known as the night of decree and the night of power, a significant event in his which occurs during the last 10 nights of the month, it is considered as the holiest night of the year
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and holds immense spiritual importance. ramadan stands out as a significant month in the islamic calendar, uniquely highlighted in the holy quran and referred to by the prophet as the month of god. believers are welcome to take in god's feast during this sacred time where divine mercy and forgiveness abound. the pinnacle of this month is lailah qadr, the night when the quran was first revealed from heaven to the prophet. is believed to be the night when the first verses of the holy quran were revealed to the prophet muhammad by the angel gibril. ماه رمضان به خاطر یعنی دلیل اصلی که باعث شد. ramdan is known as the sacred month due to its association with the revelation of the quran to prophet muhammad.
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this is underscored in the quran itself, which introduces ramadan as the month of the quran and emphasizes its significance as a period of fasting. in islamic teachings, ramadan is also linkend to the spring time of the quran, highlighting its profound connection to the quran as a universal guide for humanity. muslims believe that on this night, the blessings and mercy of allah are abundant and prayers and good deeds are multiplied in reward. it is commonly observed during the last 10 nights of ramadan, with the exact date believed to fall on one of the odd numbered nights, such as the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th or 29th night of ramadan. muslims around the world spend the night in prayer, reflection and supplication, seeking forgiveness, guidance and
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carries profound significance in islamic tradition, it marks the ceiling of human destiny. is for the upcoming year with angels descending to finalize individuals faites for the following year. is also significant in iran as a predominantly. country as it marks the marderdom of imam ali, the cousin and son-in-law of the prophet muhammad, and the first imam of shia muslims. imam ali was assassinated on the 21st of ramadan in the year 661 ad while praying in the great mosk of kuffer in present day, iraq.
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his morterdom is mourned by shia muslims during the month. of ramadan, particularly on the night of lailatul qadr. his mardddom is commemorated with somber processions, gatherings and speeches that honor his memory and teachings. sha muslims reflect on imam ali's life, his commitment to justice, his bravery in defending islam and his unwavering devotion to allah. the marturdom of imam ali serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by early islamic figures in upholding the values of islam and standing again.
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alleviate the suffering of the less fortunate, nourish to hungry and heal the sick. while this prayers seek divine intervention, they also serve as a reminder for individuals to actively engage in helping others with reliance on divine assistance. there's plenty more to be said, but first a quick media review to give other outlets a chance to get a warden. hello everyone, welcome to the news section of this program here. we'll go over some important news headlines. holy month of ramadan in iran. muslims in iran are to be united in a ritual of daily fasting from don to sunset as the islamic holy month of ramadan kicks off. mh news writes, iranians stream into masks for congregational prayers and dedicate more time to religious contemplation and the reading of the quran during ramadan. charity is hallmark
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of ramadan. among other ways of giving, many seek to provide iftar. for the needy, a lineup of new television shows is another fixture of the month in iran. iran left curbs on dates exports ahead of ramadan. the iranian government has lifted its curbs on exports of dates from the country just ahead the holy month of ramadan, when demand for dates sores in muslim countries. noor news writes, governor of iran's kermon province muhammad mehdi fadakar said that that the government had lifted its 50% duty on days exports to help. farmers and exporters increase their sales during ramadan. muslims can take important step in liberation of quds. the muslims of the world can take an important step towards the liberation of the holy city of al quds by strengthening unity and integrity in the month of ramadan. the iranian parliament speaker mohammad bakir ghalibaf says. shark daily writes, addressing
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parliament speakers of the muslim countries a message. iranian parliament speaker mohammad baqir ghalibov congratulated the arrived. the holy month of ramadan. i believe that in this blessed month, the muslims of the world by strengthening unity and integrity, can take an important step towards achieving the lofty ideals of the islamic umah, especially the liberation of the holy city of al-qods and the sovereignty of the oppressed palestinian people over all the occupied lands. iranian parliament speaker mohammad wrote: mostafa zamani's iraqi tv series amir alie set for ramadan release. famous iranian actor mustafa zamani has performed in the iraqi tv series amirly directed by ahmed ibrahim ahmed which is going to be released soon by noura vision tehran times writes the drama romance war. series tells the story of an iraqi hero who fought isis for his people is not reported. the highly anticipated series is expected to captivate audiences with its compelling
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narrative and seller performances. the series is said to be a remadon treat for viewers. ami unfolds a grippling tail that promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats throughout the holy month of ramadan. most useful tips for traveling iran during ramadan saw that r writes: ramadan in iran is a period that transforms the country into a mosaic of spirituality and culture, providing a unique and enriching experience for tourists. this holy month is observed by muslims worldwide as a time of fasting, reflection and community. for travelers, it presents an unparalleled opportunity immerse themselves in iran's rich traditions and warm hospitality. here is a comprehensive guide to help tourists navigate and appreciate the beauty. of ramadan in iran and thank you for joining us in this section. let's go back to the main narrative. during ramadan, iranian
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cuisine takes a special significance as families come together to break their fast and share meals after a day of fasting. traditional iranian dishes are prepared with care and attention to create flavorful and satisfying meals for the pre-dawn and sunset meals during this holy month. when ramadan and nourus coincide like this year, it can create a special time for those who celebrate both occasions. just as every entity experiences its own season of growth and renewal, so does humanity. iranians marked the new year during the blossoming of nature, a time of rejuvenation and fresh beginnings. just as nature undergoes transformation in spring, our souls too see... rejuvenation symbolized by the month of ramadan. families may combine traditions and customs from both festivals, creating a unique blend of
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cultural and religious observances. it can be a time of double celebration with feasting, prayers and gatherings to mark the beginning the islamic fasting month and the persian new year. the commencement of the new year in iran coinciding with the rejuvenation of. nature holds symbolic importance, just as life returns to the natural world, bringing vitality and vigor, humans are infused with renewed energy to embark on the upcoming year with fresh enthusiasm. this revitalizing effect of a spring on individuals is mirrored in the spiritual refreshment offered by ramadan. gots day is annual event which was initiated by the islamic republic of iran in 1979 to show support for the palestine. people and to protest against the israeli occupation of palestine. this day is observed on the last friday of ramadan. quds day is
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marked by rallies, marches and demonstrations in various countries, most outstandingly in iran, with participants expressing solidarity with the palestinian cause and calling for the liberation of palestine. the day is meant to raise awareness about the ongoing occupation and emphasis a miraculous night journey from mecca to al-qods and then ascended to the heavens. it's mentioned in a quran in surah al-isra. this extraordinary event, which occurred on
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the 17th night of ramadan, establishes a significant connection between the city of al-qod's home to the alaqsa mosk and the month of ramadan. following the establishment the islamic republic of iran, imam khamaini designated the last friday of ramadan as gods day. symbolizing solidarity with the palestinian people and honoring the historical connection. the significance of god's day extends beyond political boundaries and is seen as a day of unity and solidarity among muslims, regardless of their backgrounds or sects. it serves as a reminder the importance of justice, freedom and human rights for all people, particularly those who are oppressed or facing injustice. given the current. situation in gaza and the broader palestinian territories, quods day this year may carry even more significance as a platform to draw attention to the humanitarian crisis, violence, and genocide
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the palestinian nation is experiencing. the month of ramadan culminates in the celebrations of eid al-fajr, festive holiday that marks the ending of the fasting period. muslims come together on this day to pray, give charity, share meals and celebrate with family and friends. adal fit in iran like in other muslim countries as a time of joy, gratitude and community. families come together to attend special prayers at mosques where they seek forgiveness, blessings and guidance for the future. the prayers are followed by sermons delivered by religious leaders emphasizing the importance of charity, unity, and compassion. one of the key traditions of aid fit in iran is the giving of fitra, which is a form of charity given to less unfortunate before the eight prayers. this act of giving is meant to
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ensure that everyone can participate in the festivities and enjoy a festive meal on this special day. in mosk and prayer grounds believers come together in prayer and reflection offering thanks for the strength, patience and blessings bestowed upon them during the month of ramadan. the philosophy behind fasting, as outlined in the quran aims at fostering righteousness. prophet muhammad's hadis: underscores the dual benefits of fasting, spiritual purification, leading to righteousness and physical well-being, promoting health. righteousness entils abstaining from sin, which demands strong will power. by fortifying the will power through fasting, individuals can achieve success. as a strong will power is key to overcoming challenges and attaining goals. society comprising individuals with a
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strong will power is for remarkable achievements, this can be the profound impact of fasting on society as a whole. like the cresent moon that waxes and wins, ramadan offers a chance for believers to shut the burdens of the past and embrace new beginning, a time of purification and renewal, a journey of self-discovery and transformation. the holy month also helps believers to share experience of fasting, prayer, and reflection that bind hearts together in a tapestry of faith and solidarity. that's all for today. thank you for watching from the whole team. please do join us again to see what else is on. you can also follow us on telegram and x. till next time. take care.