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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 3, 2024 7:30pm-8:02pm IRST

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the headlines this hour: syria holds a funeral ceremony for iran's irgc military advisors who were murdered in israel's monday attack on the iranian embassy in damascus. of the death thow from nearly six months of the west israely genocide in gaza stands at almost 33, mostly women and children. and the un chief says attacks on aid workers in gaza are unconsonable. this after an israeli air sprite killed seven aid workers.
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7:30 p.m. in iran's capital taiwan, this is press tb news. thanks for joining us. the sirena government has held a ceremony in damascus to pay omage to the seven iranian military advisors who were killed on monday's israeli attack on the consular section of iran's embassy. we were joined by our correspondent ibrahim wahti from damascus who said the marters are commumerated for playing a significant role in fighting terrorism in syria. this is a first of its kind in syria to commemorate the funeral of the marters, this is the second martter here, the first one, all the marters now, one, two, three, in marters now heading to the ambulances, which will after after this go to say zainab shrine to be heading. to iran later we were at the
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embassy where we also met several governmental party members permanent party members who came to bacon the respect and of give condolence to the iranian people to the rep to the islamic republic of iran for the marters of the irgc uh we have met with also the representative. movement, he said that the islamic resistance in iraq will take it personally and response to this attack, they started already uh with this response to the to this treasurous attack, as you can see the ceremony now begun, we are here currently beating fairwell to these marters who gave them their lives while wearing their military... uh uniform uh defending syria
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against terrorism, supporting the resistance, giving aid to the uh resistance in gaza. the iranian ambassador to syria says the reason israely attack on the consular section of iran's embassy will further strengthen the bond between iran and syria and render the resistance front more determined to achieve victory in gaza. this is unprecedented.
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struggling on the path of jihad, they belong to all of them, and definitely these marters make us more adamant in order to fight and of analate this regime, and definitely the relations among the countries of resistance front, especially iran and syria will be further augmented. we have the right, reserve the right to respond within the same context. leader of iran's islamic revolution has vowed tehran will make the israel regime regret astead the air strike on the iranian embassy in damascus.
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the attack including two senior irgc commanders, major general and general. political commentator joined us from london earlier and commented on the israely attack against the iranian embassy's consult section in syria. he says the aggressive act was absolutely against international law and escalation of its security in the region. i mean it really is outrageous, i mean the fact the matter. is there is no question that this is unlawful, this is provocative, this is actually goes against all aspects of international law, this is escalation of the the insecurity in the whole region and indeed beyond, there is really no question on this,
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mean i don't think anyone anyone with the slight intellect will be able to say anything other than these fact. actual realities, but what is really so shocking is not the fact that there is a silence by the international community, is the fact that the western so-called allies under the leadership of united state are actually encouraging this by arming and supporting and giving total sort of support to all barbaric action over the last few's months of this rogue state, this this regime, and that is why he been encouraged to do this, and by doing so we are asleep walking into conflict going much wider and indeed becoming a world conflict and
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engulfing, not just nations in the region, but far beyond, prior to the international good state a pro palestiny. called the quts pulpit has been held simultaneously in iran, iraq, lebanon, yemen, and in syria. a number of resistance front leaders address the event. on the blessed al quds day, i salute all the mujahidin and all the great fighters from amongst our people, those who have humiliated the forces of the zionist enemy and have broken... it's all and it's humorous and continue to do so. i also bow down to our people in gazza. we step forward to provide it with support as much as we can, and we are
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ongoingly trying to advance our missile and naval capabilities to contribute further in supporting and standing with the palestinian people and also. to attack the israeli enemy, the palestinian oppressed people are suffering from oppression and are suffering from killing and kidnapping and torture and demolishing of homes and also demolishing of agricultural lands, the zionist aggression against our people and the sanctities would not have continued and reached this level of brutality. not for the american cover provided, but rather effective american participation in the crimes of this occupation, and were it not for the american direct participation in the aggression against our people, by providing the zionist
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occupation with thousands of tons of lethal weapons and bombs and missiles, what is taking place today in gaza. is that the isionist entity is not committing to any of the humanitarian and illegal and international principles and it commits brutal crimes, inhumane crimes to cover up for its weaknesses internally, and today the palestinian cause and the cause of gazza separates between two, between commitment and the abandonment or carelessness towards humanitarian principles. they are more insisting on the withdraw of these troops and achieving complete national sovereignty to our people in gaza and in palestine. what is
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important, my dear colleagues, is that we must take action for us to come out god willing from this battle to come successful and for defeat to be dual to the enemy and to all those stand behind this enemy. after the arrival of tagfury terrorists in aleppo syria, people's daily lives were disrupted and they saw explosions and suicide operations every day, the problem of diffusing mines and detonating trap bombs. during this time, "the resistance fighters and the ordinary people, including women and children, got hurt. marter ibrahim khaleli
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was one of the most efficient people in mind sweeping team who lost his life along this journey. join us on press tv. welcome ba to the news here on press tv, the bodies of members of a us-based aid group killed in an israeli air strikes are transported out of the gaza strip, ambulances carrying the bodies and left the bessieg territory through rafa crossing for repatriation, a dual us canada national, the palestinian, three britains and australian and a pole were identified by the world's central kitchen as those killed in the strike. "the ngo says the aid workers were traveling in a deconflicted zone after coordinating their movements with
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the israeli regime. the israeli attack has met international outrage with some world leaders condemning it. the hamas resistance movement has slammed the attack, which it says aims to terrorize aid workers. it added that the regime means to disrupt humanitarian operations by pursuing a policy of systematic killings. the one secretary general has denounced as unconstionable the israel killing of. several international aid workers on duty in the gazat. the devastating israeli air strikes that killed all central kitchen personnel yesterday, bring the number of aid workers killed in this conflict to 196, including more than 175 members of our own un staff. this is unconstionable. it demonstrates yet again the urgent need for immediate humanitarian sease fire. the unconditional release of all hostages and the expansion of humanitarian aid into gaza as
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the security council demanded in its resolution last week. the resolution must be implemented without delay. meanwile the un agency for palestinian refugees onra says that the war in gaza has witnessed the highest number of aid workers deaths ever recorded in any conflict. and israely airstrike left seven aid workers. associated with the us-based charity, world central kitchen dead in the gaza strip on monday. the head of the charity called the incident a targeted attack. the israely killing of the world's central kitchen aid staff has drawn international reactions. western countries have called on israel to offer an explanation. the regime unleashed this war in gaza early october, killing at least 32,975 palestinians, mostly women and children. the israely massacres. in the gaza strip have continued unabated in the past six months. israel together with the us is committing
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genocide of epic proportions, yet washington refuses to accept the fact going against the belief of many countries and organizations like the un and the international court of justice. let's see why israel is guilty of this crime. this sunday april 7th marks six months since israel executed. its us israeli genocidal war on gaza and the palestinians. when it comes to this aggression, there's no doubt with the israeli killing machine is doing is genocide. it's worth looking at some the instances where an act of genocide has taken place. the un special raptor on the right situation in the palestinian territories, francesca albanese said recently that their reasonable grounds to believe israel is committing the crime of genocide against the palestinians as a group in. gaza cited in her report title anatomy of a genocide, but why reasonable grounds and not
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definite ones, like the al-shifa hospital massacre, up to 400 palestinians were killed, many of them women and children, bodies recovered after the regime forces withdrew from their operation, looking for hamas fighters and operatives, and i wentus account said the shifa hospital massacre is worse than the 1948 nag. uh deryasin and tantura massacres combined, over 300 women, children and men were slaughtered, many zip tied and executed, some flattened by tanks, burned, or hackton to pieces, bimissiles, skeletal remains and body parts were everywhere. the 1948 nakba and tentura massacres were committed by the israeli regime between 1948 and 1949, where zionist forces took more than 78% of historic palestine, ethnically cleansed and destroyed about 530 villages and
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uh murdered 15,000 palestinians, which included more than 70 massacers. another example of massacre called the flower massacre occurred when starving palestinians gathered around aid convoy in hopes of getting food, yet they were faced with a barrage of bullets, which claimed the lives of at least 112 with 760 wounded. israel blamed the carnage a palestinian stampede. one of the first mass casualties of the genocidal war occurred at the al-ahli hospital on the 17th. october, 2023, devastating explosion took place in the car park of the alahni hospital in gaza city, around 500 people were murdered and 342 injured. the excuse by israel, a misfired missile uh by a resistance group, and here are other notable massacres, each brings back painful memories of a genocide that is being
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transmitted real time on everyone's tv and mobile screens, each in its own, more shot. than the other, which brings us to this question: are there any doubts about whether a genocide is taking place? some israeli officials themselves have openly called for the genocide of palestinians like the israeli heritage minister, said dropping nuclear bomb on the gaza strip is an option. youav galant, israely minister of military affairs who said gaza will not return to what it was before, we will eliminate everything, and called for erasing all of gaza from the face of the earth. f is troopers have been injured in a car ramming attack a military checkpoint in the occupied west bank. the israely military claims the operation was conducted by a palestinian man who was later killed by the regime forces. our corresponding joined us earlier with details. let's take a listen.
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well, according to israeli military, after midnight. palestinin man in his vehicle arrived a checkpoint near the city of iri in the lands occupied in 1948 central israel known as central israel, he rammed his vehicle into israeli policemen or officers and wonded at least four of those, one of them was in serious condition, then he left the area after chase, he succeeded to reach. a military checkpoint known as eliaho near the city of natania also inside the lands that were occupied in 1948 there he exited his vehicle and tried to stab israeli officers there as they are saying and then the israeli soldiers opened fire at him, shot him and killed him, so the israeli military
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are saying that this man is 26 year old from city of tiri that was occupied in 1948 and he's not from the occupied west bank, the israeled that palestinians still are still living in the in historical palestine let's say or had been carrying out anti-israeli operations in the last few months and number of palestinians there had been killed whether for stabbing israeli soldiers and officer. or for carrying out ramming attacks and sometimes palestinians had used guns to shoot and kill israeli forces uh at the end of the day the israeli troops had killed let's say since the 7th of october palestinians from all the occupied territories whether the west bank the occupied alfots or even in the lands
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occupied in 1948 had killed over four. 157 palestinians, of course we are saying that the majority of those were shot and killed here in the occupied west bank during military incursions at military checkpoints and others were members of the resistance groups in addition to the fact that children and women had also been killed by the israeli forces in cold blood here in the occupied west bank tensions remain high between resistance movement and israel since the regime launched this genocidal war in gaza. both sides have been exchanging fire, but israel has intensified its attacks on lebanese civilians in recent weeks. earlier we were joined by our beirot correspondence. sol to know more about this latest israeli strikes in civilian areas in southern lebanon and potential hisb's retaliatory attacks. we
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know that the israelis have heavily bombarded the natural reserves of the towns of ramya and the outskirts of shab well at least 60 phosphorus bombs were fired on the natural reserves of aramia which is considered one of the biggest one of the largest. just in the country, we also had some 20 artillery - missiles that were targeted also on these two towns and addition to another 20 missiles that were targeted that were launched from the tanks, from the israeli tanks on that side. now we know also from israeli reports that that could be a sign that there was a hazbillah operation in the in that side which is considered the eastern part of the border uh since the... were a sirens that were sounding in the eastern side of the of the gileli region and those settlements there, and usually when you have that type of rage
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from the israeli army, that usually signifies that hazbullah was able to inflict heavy losses upon the israelis and we're not just talking about destruction of maybe settlement or the destruction of the post and devices and hardware, but we're also talking about losses uh within... israeli military personnel, perhaps soldiers, which is something of course the israelies don't admit to, but it is clear and evident from their reports that there are usually many uh israeli soldiers that are taken to hospital, addition to the fact that you have lot of officials and even commanders and officers from the israeli army that are talking about the heavy price they are paying um on the northern side which is of course the occupied palestinian territory in the galilie region. so that means although they have not, they are not admitting to it officially, they are losing soldiers on the ground in that area.
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international goods day is annual pro-palestinian event held on the last friday the holy month of ramadan. the day was designated by the founder of the islamic republic of iran imam komaini in 1979 in solidarity with palestinians. people worldwide would mark this year's day on the coming friday. our correspondent robert inlakesh and canada has asked some citizens about the event and its importance in the muslim world. let's take a listen. i think it's all about uniting the people, um, whether that's within the middle east or within the west. um, society uh, at this time kind of has us all working against each other. uh, and if we can unite and get the people together, we can make it known that this is... humanitarian crisis that we're not okay with. i think it's important that we protest because um it just tells the palestinian people that were here for them and also push pressure on our governments. um
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since this all started we've all been boycotting and signing petitions to try to stop this war and this madness, but um protesting really gets our boots on the ground and visualizes how many people actually care about this movement um and it's in the millions you know all over all over the world we've seen protests that have ranked. over 500 thous um and there's no stopping us now really, we're just trying to fight the good fight and hope this all comes to an end very soon. um, i think it's important to protest because we need to show palestinians that were there's people all around the world that supports them. i think it's important to show solidarity with the palestinians. they've been fighting the fight for so long, and i think now there's a movement that helps um, i think people are more allowed to speak. their voices now and it's important to show up to these protests to stand with palestinians and show them that they're seen and heard and that their feelings surrounding the whole thing are
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valid because they've been invalidated for so long, so yeah we need to come and shout the slogans and release all the frustration that we have based around these issues. with that we come to an end for this additional world news, thanks for being with us, it's bye-bye for now. crisis devastating wars, terrorism, the israeli lobby. crackdown, diplomacy. causa a
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predicament. for us humans, air is the most important natural element along with water, food, light and warmth. air pollution can have short-term and long-term.
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these children are victims of a war that ended over half a century ago, landmines and explosive remnance of war are the cursed inheritance left to them by war.