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tv   Israel Watch Attack on the Iranian Consulate  PRESSTV  April 4, 2024 3:02am-3:31am IRST

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welcome, in this episode we address several topics including the blinton zinus attack on the iranian consulate in damascus. we also discuss the negotiations for captive exchange deal, holding netanyahu responsible for its.
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failure as well as washington's decision to supply arms to the entity. additionally, former military and security officials admit the failure to eliminate the resistance in gaza. i like to go ahead and welcome my guest today, mr. ali imbrad, researcher, a and writer. thank you. thank you for having me. we begin today with the zinus attack targeting the iranian consulate in damascus, which resulted in the martydum of seven advisor from the islamic revolutionary guard corps. zinist media conf. ההחלטה לחסל אותו בהחלת החלטה חשובה מאוד. סוף סוף אנחנו רואים תשלום מחיר ישיר של האיראנים על מה שהם עושים מאחורי הקלאים בכל הפעלת הפרוקסי בכל רחבי המזרח התיכון ואנחנו רואים פה בכיר אמיתי. זה לא רק שהוא היה מפקד הכוח שאחראי גם הגיי שאחראי גם עלבנון וגם על סוריה. הוא בעברו מאושיות המהפכה, אדם שנלחם כתף על כתף עם סולימני. האיש שבנה את חזבלה והאיש שחזר לפקד
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על הגזרה הזאתי של חזבלה לאחר סיכולו של קסם סולימני וארגן מחדש גם את הזירה של הלחימה של חזבלה ולבנון וכל מה שראינו בעבר כולל שחיקת ההרתעה מסוימת שהייתה מול חזבלה ידיו מאחורי העניין הזה יחד עם נסרלה והוא גם אחראי על המיליציות השייות שפועלות מרחבי מכל רחבי סוריה לכן בהבט האופרטיבי זה חשוב מאוד.
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existence and its open fronts, he actually considered the attack on the consult in damascus as a way or a direct way of paying the price. since he is talking about paying price uh and um speaking about pain uh inflicted on the zionist entity, he is in a way acknowledging that uh those generals and top of them martter general. zahidi, if they weren't um making israel pay this this much of price and this much of pain, they wouldn't have been attacked in the first place, so this is an acknowledgement from a high general, though he is retired, but he is he works in a think tank, he is a top of the of a think tank that provides policy papers to uh to the israeli government and actually, as
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we know, the zinus recently mentioned in media uh, that according to their information, the consulat was not a consulat, it was in fact a military base. what is your opinion? uh, this is something that iran decides and the syrian authorities. it is well known that this is building for the iranian consulate in damascus in the syrian capital, no matter what the zionist liers are saying, what matters in the end of the day. what iran will provide to the united nations uh prior to the meeting that is going to take place to discuss this dangerous terrorist attack a consulate of sovereign nation uh which is clearly is violation of the so-called international law because as you can see up to now the zionist entity um has put this international loan the garbage in
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all means, whether by attacking hospitals in gaza, whether by killing tens of thousands of civilians and now by attacking consulates and
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look at the uh universities and uh historically there there would be a block inside those universities academics or students who have leftest ideas and occurrence so they they try to to raise their voices but on the on the real uh theater uh what what happens in the end of the day is that the uh washington will still provide designists with the uh weapons, billions of dollars uh are being funnel to the uh to the defense industrial uh military complex, but mr. murad manufacture more exactly, as you're
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mentioning here, i do want to go over to our next lead which gonna emphasize more on this point. these demands to stop supplying the occupation army with american weapons were met with decision from the biden. הספקת החיבושים הזו שבישראל ממתינים לה כבר זמן רב מגיעה בנקודה קריטית, אבל היא מגיעה עם אזהרה מהממשל האמריקני. תחילה לפירוט, מדובר באלפי פצצות וחימושים מדוייקים שישראל זקוקה להם, וגם אישור העסקה של תייסת שלישית של מטוסי חמקן f35. חלק מהחימושים כבר מגיעים בימים האלה וכמובן בימים הבאים. מטוסי החמקן בשנים הקרובות, ולכן העסקה הזו והספקה הזו מאוטטת על דברים שישראל צריכה גם לשנים הבאות ולחודשים הבאים לא דווקא לעזה. אבל שר הביטחון גלנד ומנכל משרדו איל זמיר, כשהם נמצאים בארצות
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הברית ובעצם מקבלים את האישור הסופי לעסקה, גם שומעים הזהרה מהאמריקאים, הם שומעים שם שאם כניסה לרפיח ללא טיאום. mr. murad, how do you interpret biden's uh supplying of more ammunition despite netanyahu's claims of a disagreements on the course of what's going on in gaza? i think the history is repeating itself, because if you go back years ago with the obama obama administration when they had this dispute with netanyahu. concerning the iran nuclear nuclear deal, by september 2016, they were clashing uh in the media, so in in september 14th, the obama administration declared that they would be aiding israel,
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the zionist entity with $40 billion dollars for the next 10 years and the clash continued, what what i want to say is that... but this is um how things are being done in in washington in a way that they split uh when they are talking about the so-called national security of israel they they are committed to to continue to supply israel with financial aid with weapons and arms and when the they talk about tactics, political tactics, disputes concerning some certain... issues, no, yeah, they they they continue to talk a bit about it like what what it's taking place concerning the rafah operation now, exactly. with that, let's go ahead and move over now to zinas social media platforms which were filled with calls for toppling netanyahu, and here are some comments. aja,
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we must hold elections to save what remains of israel, and to save the captives. liaga, there is a need to change the regime, we will. not allow netanyahu to waste more time, want to cease fire immediately. sarah, the extreme right-wing government has caused the loss of many captives. we must protest to overthrow this government. mr. murad, where are the protests against nahu heading? as we know, they've gone from peaceful to more violent. well, you know, before the october 7th operation, there were uh marches in the streets uh of the cities and these settlements a block, there's a big block inside the zionist entity uh, who want netanyahu to step aside uh? to go into a uh early elections uh to elect someone who would
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uh take uh designist entity back to where it was, well as you mentioned the early elections, netanhu actually mentioned this and said the early elections won't are not a solution but rather war will be bringing back the captives, because he know he knows the the day he accepts to go to the early elections he would go home because all the polls suggest that netanhu. is losing, he has been losing since the beginning of the war and now right now for in in the best case scenario he would have 17 mks, well also the americans seem not to be wanting netanhu at the moment, you know the americans know that benny guns has been gaining popularity inside the zionist entity and that's why he he was invited to the white house, all the poles suggest that um the party that gants leads is going to lead in the next election, whether it happens now or it happens months later or
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next year, because the way netanyahu is managing this war is convincing more israelis and more settlers that uh the right led by netanyahu is taking israel to a place to dangerous, very dangerous place where uh there might be escalation of a wide region. war, well, as you mentioned, mr. murad, from the elections, let's move over to another crisis, which is the crisis of the haridi enlistment, which is worsening day by day, and the voices of senior rabbies rejecting enlistments are increasing, we will go to prison rather than tenlist.
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the rabbi uh prefers religious youth to go to prison rather being enlisted inside uh of this of the army, what is the horizon on the crisis in your opinion? i think this uh this crisis. has always been um inside the zionist entity, it has been um controlled since the establishment of this stinest entity. right now, because the uh army generals need more staff, no more soldiers to be enlisted, because they got thousands of injured and wounded and killed, and you know psychologic psychologically affected soldiers, they need more. enlisted soldiers, so they got no more, so they said we have to go to the haridi uh
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society to to enlist from those religious factors factors, so i think uh, this has to deal with the the existence, the very existence of israel, because those haridis, they they compose like two two mil'. millions or maybe million and a half, we are talking about huge portion of the israeli society, so this is going to be a the mother of the crisis, crisis, i think, more in israel, where the protests against netanyahu, where the families of the captist participate continue, and they have begun to take a non-peaceful character and threats of resorting to violence until a captive exchange deal is concluded, and netanyahu's government is. התמונות האלה לא ראינו בישראל יותר מחצי שנה. משערת ישראל מלביצה למשפחות
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חדופים. אתמול בני משפחות חטופים שמעשו בהבטחות ובהמתנה לעסקה שלא מגיעה, החליטו שאי אפשר כבר להפגין בנימוס. אנחנו הולכים לשרוף את המדינה. אנחנו הולכים להגיד נמעס לנו, אנחנו לא נעמוד כאן בהצרות יותר ונבכה ונתחנן, חלס. תשכול של בני המשפחות שהפגינו, הדאגה והחרדה התנקזו לעימוטים עם שוטרים. השבוע ההפגנות ימשיכו הפעם בירושלים מול הכנסת כדי לדרוש עסקה, השאלה האם משפחות החטופים יציגו חזית אחידה במאבק הזה או שה'.
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אנחנו נגיע לעסקה לפחות בעיני מערכת הביטחון, זה לא המצב. הנושא של הויטור על צפון הרצועה הוא נושא קריטי בעיני ישראל, זה הקלף הכי משמעותי שיש לה ביד. אם ישראל תוותר על צפון הרצועה לפני שהיא החזירה את כל החתופים כולל החילים, היא עלולה לאבד אותם, ולכן יש התעקשות מהצד הישראלי ובעיקר ממערכת הביטחון, לא לסג את מה המסדרון, לא לפתוח את צפון הרצועה, אלא בתמורה לעסקה כוללת של כל החטופים כולם. mr. murad, is it possible for the other side to agree to such zionist uh conditions? uh, the resistance has been clear since the first day, you cannot have those hostages or prisoners, israeli prisoners, without fulfilling the demands of the resistance. netanyahu of course tried to put uh more
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factors and more uh status uh co, to make it harder to... reach deal because his real intentions is that all the the captives, all the hostages will die under bombardment or whether starvation or by diseases, so that he would um make the resistance lose this paper, this this paper of power, because the resistance has been um calibrating the negotiations cleverly and smart, and that that's why i think the... streets are being filled with protesters every day uh protesting and demanding that netanyahu would leave and leave the issue of negotiations because his real intentions are are not to reach deal, he doesn't want to reach deal, because he is using the starvation as a weapons as a weapon of war uh in this neg
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negotiations and he is trying to to tell this the the the palestinians and that you cannot return to the northern part of gaza strip unless you return uh those hostages. this is not going to happen. so netanyahu has his own agenda. yeah. the demand for arab forces to be sent to gaza and the west bank was made by five arab ministers who met with us secretary of state anthony blincon in cairo during his recent visit to the region. ירדן קטר והמהירויות נפגשו בכיר עם מזכיר המדינה האמריקנית בלינקן והציגו לו את החזון שלהם ליום שאחרי המלחמה כפי שכבר פרסמנו זה כולל גם את חזרת הראשות הפלסטינית לא רצ צועת עזה אלא שמתברר טאלי שהחזון הזה גם כולל הצעה מעניינת הקשורה להצבאת כוחות ערביים בזירה הפלסטינית לא פחות דיפלומת הערבי שמורה בפרטי הפגישה הזאת אומר לכאן חדשות כי הצד הערבי שימי לב הביע נכונות לפוס כוחות גם ביהודה ושומרון וגם
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ברצועת עזה אבל בתנאי שזה יהיה כחלק מהסידורים הביטחוניים להשקת התהליך שלנו בין ישראל לפלסטיני. it it doesn't tell something new, because we all know that those uh arab countries they they want to normalize relations with the zionist entity, no matter those zionists are committing genocide in gaza, no matter there is more than uh 35,00 marters and more than
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75 wounded, they are they don't care to the uh you know the feelings of the palestinians in the first. place and the arab masses because they are acting the same way as the uh american agenda is telling them to to act because uh they want to reach a peace agreement uh and precise the saudis and the zionists so that the zionist entity would um uh would not take the responsibility as an equip an... ocupation force in the west bank or in the gaza strip by uh providing the all necessary means of life, whether it was food or medicine or ' any means of life that the garzans will need so dearly in the coming period. the occupying israeli army has no
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capability to eliminate the resistance in gaza and talk of ending hamas after the attack on rafa is a lie and empty talk. זה שקר לספר לנו שזה יקח חודשים, זה שקר לספר שזה יקח שבועות, זה שקר לספר שאנחנו כפסע מזה והשקר הכי גדול שכמות הכוחות שפועלים בעזה היא לא מתכתבת עם המשימה הזאתי, ואז נוצר מצב שאתה בציפייה בבית שתבוא תהיה נקודה בזמן בעוד כמה שבועות שזהו אנחנו נגמור אותם, אנחנו נגמור אותם ונוכל לחזור לגור באוטף ונוכל לחזור לשקם את חיינו, וזה לא נכון, זה לא נכון, להגיד לנו שכל מה שנשאר זה רפיח, ממתי רפיח הפך להיות ה'.
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actually, in the first place, netanyahu cannot uh, pretend that he is going to fulfill the full victory if he goes to rafah, and at the same time he is negotiating with hamas, you cannot destroy hamas and go negotiate with hamas. this is the first contradiction, the second one, we can read it in in the report that the us intelligence community issued three weeks ago, they say that assess that the the israeli forces is going to combat with hamas fighters for years to come, so they are they are telling us, they are telling the us public, they are telling the world, that netanyahu is lying when he's saying that it needs me four to six weeks to finish uh to finish rafah and go to declare the victory uh he is exaggerating
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when he's talking about victory, no victory can be fulfilled in rafah because if it was possible it would have been fulfilled in northern gaza, it would have been fulfilled in hanjunis, it would have been fulfilled in the middle uh gaz strip so... so i think the designers know more than any any others uh that netanyahu has been has been lying and he is the only thing he cares about is his future whether he's going to jail or he's going to remain in power. as for amos yadlin, the former head of military intelligence, known as the security apparatus, he went as far as to say that the time now works in favor of the leader sinnwood. המנוף הצבאי איננו מספיק חזק, סנור יודע לקרוא כמה חטיבות יש בעזה ומה קצב המבצעים, מבחינתו הזמן משחק
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לטובתו ולא לטובתנו, ישראל בעולם מעמדה נפגע, אירופה עזבה אותה, ארצות הברית בדרך, ומבחינתו הוא גם קורע את החברה הישראלית, וברגע הזה אין לו מוטיבציה גבוהה מדי ללכת לעסקה, לכן הכדור חוזר אלינו. i'd like to go ahead and thank my guest today, political researcher and writer, mr. ali muraz for joining us today, thank you, thank you, so our watchers, thank you very much for watching the israel watch, till next time, sam.
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ramadan in iran where ancient traditions blend with modern celebrations to create a truly unforgettable spiritual journey where everything comes alive with the spirit of the holy month, a unique experience like other. these and more on this edition of iran today. six months into the mowing the grass strategy, the suttler genocidal israeli entity has dedicated immense effort to murder civilians and deprive the choice and right of resistance through suppression, invasions, assassination. and widespread arrests in gaza, just as it does in the occupied west bank. the science settler entity in palestine is undergoing the same crises that previous
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settler projects have experienced failing. to eradicate the indigenous peoples of the countries where they were established before heading themselves towards disintegration and collapse. israel cannot regain the deterrance it pretended to have, therefore it practices comprehensive genocide. this is exactly why there will be no escape for this settler entity from the fate of similar settler projects that have disintegrated and collapsed. six months of genocide this week on the mid-east stream. this is for palestine. in today's show, we'll be covering the growing popularity of cudsday and the frantic efforts of zionist extremists to undermine and sabotage it. well, it tells you that they uh intend to intimidate, bully and harass any organization that gets in their way, and they intend to be able to occupy those organizations, so that's what has been
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saying, these were organizations. which did it off their own but the designers didn't even have to lift finger in some some cases because the organizations took each other to court, they contacted every uh non-brown named person individual um back in 2017 saying you work for an anti-semite how do you feel about it but they didn't contact anyone with a brown sounding name which shows uh where they coming from really but yeah it really does take it out of you but thanks to friends thanks to supports thanks to people like yourselves, we've gone through what you guys have gone through, and that energy helps.
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says international goods day this year will be held. even more gloriously as non-muslim nations will also participate. iran's president says israel does not respect international and moral principles and is committing inhumane crimes in gaza to gover up for his internal weaknesses. and iranian security forces foil to simultaneous terrorist attacks in the southeastern province of sesan and baluchistan.