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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 4, 2024 4:30am-5:03am IRST

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the international goods day this year will be held. even more gloriously is non-muslim nations will also be participating. iran's president says that israel does not respect any international and moral principles and is committing inhumane crimes in gaza to cover up for its internal problems. the iranian security forces foil two simultaneous terrorist attacks in southeastern province of seestan and buluchistan.
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hello everyone, thanks for tuning into press tv, world news. now leader irons islamic revolution says this year's international could say will be a global uprore against the zionist regime in which people in non-muslim countries will also participate in a meeting with heads of the three branches of government, khamenei said israely regime continue to be the losing party in gaza. he added regime's recent crimes against iranian military advisors in syria will not save it from defeat. israel regime will be punished for its aggression. international condemnation followed the israeli air strike on iran's consulate in the syrian capital. the european union was latest to join the calls to condemn this attack after multiple countries including iraq, venezuela, oman, qatar. the uae, saudi arabia, china and
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russia denounce the aggression by israel as unacceptable. iran's foreign minister says recently terrorist attack on the country's diplomatic premises in syria violates international principles on immunity of diplomats and diplomatic missions. hussein amry abdul was speaking in a phone conversation with european union foreign policy chief joseph burell, calling on the block to condemn this attack in the strongest. terms, he asked how eu will react if a similar attack had hit western embassy in ukraine. iran stop diplomat criticize eu for urging iran to show self-restraint while israel continues violating all international laws and principles. touching on ongoing israely genocide in gaza, amir abdul said regime's crimes continue with full us support, adding us will be directly responsible for any escalation of tensions in the region if it does not stop supporting,
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israel's war crimes and brill for his part said the eu believes israel's attack on the iranian embassy is at odds with efforts to reduce regional tensions and the syrian governments held a ceremony in damascus to pay homage to seven iranian military advisors killed and that monday israely attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy. this is a first of its kind in interia uh to uh commemorate the funeral of the marters. this is the second martter here, the first one, all the marters now, one, two, three, marters now uh heading to uh the ambulances uh which will after after this go to say zainab shrine to be heading to iran later um "we were at
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the embassy where we also met several governmental party members, prominent party members who came to pay the respect and give condolence to the iranian people to the to the islamic republic of iran for the marters of the irgc, we have met with also the representative movement, he said that the..." islamic resistance in iraq will take it personally and response to this attack, they started already uh with this response to the to this treasurous attack. as you can see the ceremony now begun - we are here currently being farewell to these marters who gave them their lives while wearing their military uniform defending. syria against terrorism,
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supporting the resistance, giving aid to the of resistance in gaza. european union's joined chorus up condemnation against israel's recent deadly air strike on iran's embassy in syria. eu says diplomatic and consult premises and personnel must be protected in all cases and circumstances. in the social media post, peter stano, a spokesperson for the executive part of the european commission called on regional countries to show up most restraint. on monday israels bomb the consul section of that iranian embassy in damascus, killing two senior iranian. military commanders who are in syria on an advisory mission as long as five accompanying officers. prior to international goods day, a pro palestinian event called goods pulpit has been held simultaneously in iraq, iran,
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lebanon, yemen, and syria. a number of resistance front leaders addressed this event on the... blessed al-quds day, i salute all the mujahidin and all the great fighters from amongst our people, those who have humiliated the forces of the zionist enemy and have broken its all and it's humorous and continue to do so. i also bow down to our people in gazza, we. step forward to provide it with support as much as we can, and we are ongoingly trying to advance our missile and naval capabilities to contribute further in supporting and standing with the palestinian people and also to attack the israeli enemy.
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the palestinian oppressed people are suffering from oppression and are suffering from killing and kidnapping and torture. and demolishing of homes and also demolishing of agricultural lands, these aggression against our people and the sanctities would not have continued and reached this level of brutality were it not for the american cover provided, but rather effective american participation in the crimes of this occupation, and were it not for the american direct participation in the aggression? against our people by providing the zionist occupation with thousands of tons of lethal weapons and bombs and missiles. what is taking place today in gazza is that the zionist entity is not
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committing to any of the humanitarian and illegal and international principles and it commits brutal crimes, inhumane crimes to cover up for. weaknesses internally, and today the palestinian cause and the cause of gaza separates between two, between commitment and the abandonment or carelessness towards humanitarian principles, today the iraqi government, the honorable iraqi government and the iraqi people and the islamic resistance, they are more insisting on the withdraw of these troops. and achieving complete national sovereignty to our people in gaza and in palestine. what is important, my dear colleagues, is that we must take action for us to come out god willing from this battle to come out victorious with our heads high, successful,
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and for defeat to be dt to the enemy, and to all those who stand behind this enemy. iranian security forces have foil two simultaneous terrorist attacks in southeastern province of seestan and baluchistan. a local security official said attacks it to police and military posts in cities of rosk and chabahar. according to local officials, number of terrorists affiliated with pakistan-based chal terror outfit have been killed or wounded in the attacks. now they said the three iranian security forces also lost their lives and no more details have so far been given, but judge... terror group has conducted number of similar attacks in recent months, some of them deadly. a group claimed responsibility for attack back in december a police station in the city of rosk, which killed at least 11 police officers. now on january 10th, another attack by the group a police station in the same city left one policeman dead. days after
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that attack, iran launched simultaneous drone and missile strikes on two juiscial ad bases in pakistan, killing or injuring number. of terrorists, jing us out for san francisco, california, for more story is scott bennett, former us army psychological warfare officer, hello scott, hope you're... have been doing well, it's been a while having a spoken to you, but good to check in with you. um, your thoughts on this this group in pakistan, joshua uh, it's been going um hard at that iranian border for some time, iran gave a pretty uh uh heavy-handed response, the last time it did so, a couple months of past, why do you think the group is added again? or like a a clock ticking and what is happening at different numbers on the clock, what's happening at? o'clock and what's happening at two o'clock? 8 o'clock is gaza, is palestine,
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is the israeli slaughter and the attack upon the iranian consulate in syria and various genocidal maniacal tactics of murder, and it's not uh, it's not war, it's murder, murdering americans, canadians, british, aid workers intentionally, murdering people on the beach. walking innocently women and children, and then this attack occurs against the iranian border with this jaid aldesh group, you're referring to, and it just seems their proxy of the real zionist enemy, the real death to the world that needs to be extinguished like fire, and that's what nazralla and the others are talking about is slowly rising in the in the muslim character, personality and devotion to god, and snuffing out this five with prayers and with gentleness but effectiveness and absolute
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victory, and i think that day is coming, but this is a distraction to, i think, deter or or bring iranian intelligence and forces looking in a different direction, so it's always a misdirection, what is mad's statement, through deception make war, so we always have to keep that in mind, and scott, back in january 19th - an interview with - iran's mayor news agency, shamshad ahmed khan, former foreign secretary of pakistan, said that pakistan, iran enjoy deep diplomatic ties, that there are no fundamental differences between the two countries, he said, adding there just some strategic issues and that he strongly believes joish al-ad is a us- back terrorist group uh to your point that it's it's a western-backed proxy and and the russian president you very well know that teoritic couple. weeks ago wasn't buying it that it was strictly uh uh isis a chorasan that there's for sure western footprints behind
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that attack yeah i think you nailed it you you bullsied it right in the center that group in pakistan being an american proxy cia massad joint operation this is their telltale uh operation and operatives throughout all of their theaters of uh violence revolution overthrow whether it's syria, whether it's venezuela, whether it's uh uh libya, ukraine, uh, this is the tell, and this a group being a us back group, no doubt, right with that you get of course british uh assistance, israeli assistance, canadian assistance, australian assistance, american assistance, cia substations, uh, state department embassies and consulates, uh, so you have a whole network and an apparatus and a web. of uh assistance and that's what the us and nato has been doing in ukraine, that's what
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they're doing in israel, and that's what they're doing in the northern area against iran. now you have to solve it through soft power with a little kinetic mix, and that's what you're describing with the relationship between the iranians and the pakistani top-level government and diplomats. there's harmony there, there's uh creativity, there's hope, there's there's a prosperity and a desire to flourish and please god and "and that will be the social fabric that you can uh build over this group and and slowly strangle it out of existence and deny it resources, so i think this is a very short uh suffering that iran has to go through, and using proxis and pardon, using terrorist groups as proxis, um, has it worked more often for the us or less often? i mean, some might say that they had some success when it came to the whole the russian thing, the..." soviet union, invading afghanistan, they used
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uh extremists at that point, but guess what, that even came back to bite him, where where the sun doesn't shine scott, so it's like when did the us uh utilize uh extremist groups and have it be just a win forum? well, i, i think you you got it again right on the head and the the the latest uh example that you're referring to, what which what was the most effective? or a week or maybe year by clearing the streets, but it killed a lot of people by doing it, but it was efficient for a period of time to cash in on contracts and enrich and do a shareholder musical chairs uh, but that was very short-term gain, and the long-term, in the long run, that proxy army was encircled and had to leave iraq and suffered lot of criminal and other
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persecutions and and uh things after that, but that was a mercenary army, so that applied. to all mercenary armies, there's a short benefit and the propheteers use that and steal that, but then there's long-term destruction and loss. look at afghanistan, the united states had a short season of controlling the poppy fields and the heroin and doing all sorts of operations, but then eventually after few years without cultivating any friendship or or moderation or balance, we just completely were pressed out and and jumped out and caused lot of mess and... chaos and arguably gave lot of weapons to people that may or may not be able to handle them and may want to sell them on the black market where they then filter back into the masad israeli us ukrainian operations uh operation gladio, i think that's coming to europe, they'll have ukrainian terrorist operations to weaken europe and make them more controllable under the us umbrella. i
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think they're going to blame iran for attacks in america on the southern border saying that they were... and groups, but they will not be, they will be cia, masad and other groups setting off false flags to try and justify a more militant warlike stance against iran, which is a, design is playbook, but we have to work against that by praying, and of course knowing that iran and russia and china are moving as in one singular alliance, and they're not being extra provocative, they're not being reckless, they're not being strategically imprudent, the... being soft-powered, diplomatic oriented, but stinging when and where they have to, and that drives the enemy back and mixed with a great a great population of christians such as myself, who are in complete alliance and devotion and agreement with the previous speakers that you had, nazral and the others,
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i'm sorry i forget all their names, but as a christian and and follower of god and believer in jesus christ, my savior, i a full agreement with all of those muslim voices, those islamic voices, so christians are coming with you, and there is a great unity that i see happening, and the the true nature of love and truth and revelation is going to show kindness and the evil and the demoniacs and the savages of the of the israelis, they're going to wither and fall back, they already are, this is a period of time that is great suffering, but there's great wisdom and opportunity. to heal and develop friendship and new diplomatic arrangements as the old world disappears and the new one begins to emerge from the ashes and that's where we are. all right, thanks, always a pleasure to check in with you, and by the way, happy yester to you and your loved ones out joining us from san francisco, california.
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القصه يعني لكل عراقي في ايام صدام حسين الى قصه كامله يمكن يعملون منها مجلدات an iraqi businessman who recounts saddam hussein's oppression of himself and others كل ما عندي امر لله عز وجل او قضاء حاجه. welcome back everyone you watching press
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tv world's news now our gaza correspondent us early. and says another tough night for palestinians in central gaza has uh been unfolding as israel's intensified as air strikes against dir abalah and several other areas have listen yes actually the israely war planes intensified their strikes and attacks against their balah city particularly over the last couple of moments at least for palestinian residential buildings were targeted and destroyed by those relentless - strikes, in addition to that, the israeli artillery maintain shelling the eastern parts the city, while in the when it comes to anosarati fuji camp and the northern part of anos fuji camp, it was also hit. by more israeli air strikes, another residential building was destroyed over the last moments in addition to the israeli artillery that was maintained against the northern part of that
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refugee camp, particularly a zahra neighborhood, while arburge refugee camp in the central area as well was targeted and dead relentlessly over the last couple of moments by the israeli artillery shelling, apparently it's another tough night for the palestinian civilians here in the central area of gaza strip knowing that this area is completely overwhelmed. and overcrowded with the displaced palestinians who have been evacuated from different parts of gaza city and the northern part of gaza strip uh, while when it comes to the other areas of gaza strip, according to the breaking news that came moments ago that uh beitthanoon city is also hit uh uh these moments by the israeli wall planes and the israeli artillery shilling, so uh uh the israeli uh airplanes are still decimating gaza strip with more air strikes. international goods day is annual pro- palestinian event marked on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan. they was
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designated by founder of the islamic republic, imam khumaini back in 1979 in solidarity with palestinians. now people worldwide will mark this year's goods day on the coming friday. our correspondent in baghdad, muslim salim has spoken to people about the event and its importance. today, as we witnessed the israeli genocide against palestinians, we call on the muslim world to stand up for palestine and show their support. the whole world is witnessing the systematic killing of innocent people in gaza. even after the un security council ordered to stop this genocide, the zionist regime insists on continuing its crimes. international good day is a chance for all muslim. to stand together for palestine, honestly it's unfortunate how some of the arabic countries are standing still without taking action against ongoing genocide in gaza. it's a day of solidarity with the
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palestinian people and to remind the world of this humanitarian case, which represents the will and struggle of the free people against colonialism. the great imam initiated the quotes day after many countries left palestine. behind we come rate this stay annually to expose those who attempt to normalize their relationship with designist regime. international pots day, which was initiated by imam khameini is a great event that pushed the palestinian issue to the four. it showed how the access of resistance is an indispensable regional force and it highlighted the rights of the palestinians. the genocide against palestinians makes it imperative. for the islamic nation and the whole free world to stand together this friday during international quds day to show their solidarity with the people of palestine. that's it for your latest shan
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press tv everyone, thanks for tuning in and goodbye for now. بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم ولا تحسببن الله امwaتا بل احya عند ربهم يرزقون فرحين فرحين بما: اتاهم الله من فضله ويستبشرون، ويستبشرون، ويستبشرون بالذين ويستبشرون بالذين لم يلحقوا
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بهم من خلفهم، الا خوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون، صدق الله العلي العظيم.
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مسئله فلسطین و این سیاست شیطانی و خبیثی که آمریکا در مورد فلسطین در نظر گرفته است. اسمشم گذاشته است معامله قرن البته بدانند که این معامله قرنی که اون ها فکر کردن هرگز به توفیق الهی تحقق نخواهد یافت به کوری چشم دولتمردان آمریکا قضیه فلسطین از یادها نخواهد رفت و شهر مقدس بیت المقدس پایتخت فلسطین باقی خواهد موند
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و به توفیق. امت اسلامی و ملت مسلمان فلسطین بر دشمنان خودشون قطعاً پیروز خواهند شد و خواهند دید اون روزی را که ریشه رژیم جعلی صهیونیست از سرزمین فلسطین کنده خواهد شد.
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the holy city of mashad has long been popular for the presence of the holy shrine.