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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 4, 2024 8:30am-9:03am IRST

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the headlines says international woods day a this year will be held even more gloriously as non-muslim nations will also be participating. iran's president says israel does not respect any international and moral principles and is committing inhumane crimes in gaza to cover up its internal weaknesses and israeli air strikes and artillery fire kill more women and children across gaza as the death tool from the regime's genocide approaches 3300.
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of one welcome everybody, it's 8:30 am here on the iranian capital tehrani, watching press tv's world news. our top story for this half hour, the leader of iran's islamic revolution says this year's international whoots day will be a global uproar against the zionist regime in which people in non-muslim countries will also participate in a meeting with heads of the three branches of the government said the israeli regime will continue. to be the losing party in the gaza strip, he added the regime's recent crime against iranian military advisors in syria will not save it from defeat in the palestinian territory. ayatollah khamenei stress that the israeli regime will be punished for the aggression, international condemnation, followed the israeli air strike against the consular section of iran's embassy in the syrian capital, the european union was the latest to join calls to condemn the attack after multiple countries, including iraq, venezuela, oman, qatar, the of uae, saudi arabia, china and russia denounce
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the israeli aggression as unacceptable. now let's take a look at the profile of brigadier general muhammad who was killed in the israeli attack in damascus. brigadier general muhammad reza zahedi, a senior commander of the islamic revolution guards cores force was killed in an unprecedented israeli attack targeting the five story. counselor building of the iranian embassy in damascus. born in 1960 in the central iranian city of esvahan, zahidi joined the irgc in 1980 and fought in various battles during the iran-iraq war. zahidi quickly rose through the ranks and from 1983 to 1986 took command of an important brigade of irgc ground forces that was used to break enemy lines in multiple major operations. later he was promoted to
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commander of the irgc's 14th imam hussein division, a position he held until 1991, several years after the war had ended. in the 2000s, zahidi served in more senior positions, including commanding the irgc's air force and also grand force. during his tenor, as the irgc's ground force commander, he also spent year at the helm of the thara law headquarters, which is... responsible for protecting security in the capital, tehran. zahidi joined the quodtz force in 2008. there he led operations in syria and lebanon, and played a key role in iran's advisory support for syria's war on terror. from 2016 to 2019, the brigadier general returned to tehran to serve as the irgc's deputy for operations. he rejoined the irgc's quods force in 2019 and served the force. until his martterdom.
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iran's foreign minister says the recent israelity terrorist attack on the country's diplomatic premises and syria ving its international principles on the immunity of diplomats and diplomatic buildings. homed was speaking in a phone conversation with the european union's foreign policy chief joseph burell calling uh on the block to condemn the attack in the strongest terms he asked how you would react if a similar attack had hit a western embassy in ukraine, iran's top diplomat criticized eu for urging iran to show self-restraint, while israel continues violating all international laws and principles. touching on the ongoing israeli genocide in gaza, amir abdullahyan said the regime's crimes continue with full us support. he added that the us would be directly responsible for the escalation of tensions in the region if it does not stop supporting israel's war crimes. boural for his part said the eu believes israel's attack on the iranian embassy is at odds with
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efforts made to reduce regional tensions. iranians in several cities across the country, including the capital tehron of held anti-israeli, anti- protests after several iranian generals and officers were killed in an israeli attack. in syria, the protesters demanded decisive response in revenge for the deadly strike on around's embassy in damascus. fatima massumi reports on that. iranians took to the streets of the capital, tehran and gathered iconic palestine square at midnight after the deadly israeli attack on iran's embassy in syria. they chanted death to the israel. regime and death to america as they waved palestine flags. the protesters expressed their support for palestinian people in gaza as israel's genocidal war continues unabated. when we heard what has happened, we couldn't tolerate
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it, and we came here for the sake of our marters, our muslim brothers and sisters, palestinians, syrians are all a part of our own nation, and there is no difference between us. two of our generals were murted, so we have gathered here to show our readiness for retaliation. we are asking the islamic republic of iran to take serious action against these atrocities and the disrespect towards our nation and also the innocent palestinians. on monday, iran's ambassador to damascus hussein akbari confirmed that brigadier general mohammad reza zahedi and his deputy muhammad hadi haji rahimi were killed in the israeli attack. it is our duty to come out because we felt that even though the resistance movement is showing patience towards the israeli regime, we are still witnessing that the regime is pressing ahead with its atrocities with the recent incident of the attack on the iranian consult. we have gathered here at this hour
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to show that the innocent marters in syria were killed injustice and impunity by the bloody hands of the zionist regime. the regime has been killing innocent people, especially children. for many years, the attack came as almost six months into the gaza hostilities, the regime has failed to achieve its objectives of destroying hamas, despite killing tens of thousands of palestinians, mostly women and children. the two slain iranian generals had been comrads of top iranian anti-terror commander, general qasem sulaymani, who was also assassinated in attack in january 3rd, 20. 20. general sulaymani played a key role in fighting and decimating the daesh takfiri terrorist group in the region, particularly in iraq and syria. a large number of people have gathered here in palestine square to strongly condemn
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the recent israeli attack on the iranian consuler in the capital of syria damascus. masumi, reporting for press tv, tehran. despite all the sanctions and limitations, published statistics revealed that the islamic republic of iran mine action center
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boasts the highest number of discovered mines in 2019. welcome back! iranian security forces have foiled two simultaneous serous attacks in the southeastern province of seastun and by the chistan local security officials said the attacks at two police and military posts in the cities of rask and chobahor. according to local officials, number of terrorists affiliated with the pakistan-based j. shal adel terror outfit have been killed. are wounded in the attacks uh, they said five iranian security forces have also lost their lives. sporadic clashes continue in the two cities with security forces totally surrounding the terrorists. the jshail ad terror group has conducted number of similar attacks in the past month, some of them deadly. the group claimed responsibility for
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attack in december a police station in the city of rosk that killed at least 11 police officers on january the 10th, another attack by the group a police station in the same city. killed a policeman days after that attack iran launched simultaneous drone and missile strikes on two jsile app bases in pakistan killing or injuring number of terrorists. former us army psychological warfare officer scott bennett joined us earlier with his take on the two deadly terror attacks in iran's southeastern province of seestan and baluchistan or like a clock ticking and what is happening at different numbers on the clock, what's happening at 8 o'clock and what's happening at two o'clock? 8 o'clock is gaza is palestine. is the israeli slaughter and the attack upon the iranian consulate in syria
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and uh various uh genocidal maniacal uh tactics of murder and it's not uh it's not war it's murder murdering americans canadians british aid workers intentionally uh murdering uh you know people on the beach walking innocently women and children and then this attack occurs against the iranian border with this jaid aldesh group you're referring to, and it just seems their aproxy the real zionist enemy, the real uh death to the world that needs to be extinguished like fire, and that's what nazralla and the others are talking about is slowly rising in the in the muslim character, personality and devotion to god, and snuffing out this fire uh with prayers and with gentleness but effectiveness. and absolute victory and i think that day is coming, but this is a distraction to uh, i think deter or or bring
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iranian intelligence and forces looking in a different direction, so it's always a misdirection, what is masad's uh statement through deception make war, so we always have to keep that in mind. prior to internationals day a pro- palestinian event called to the cots pulpet has been. simultaneously see in iran, iraq, lebanon, yemen and syria, number of resistance front leaders address the event. on the blessed al-quds day, i salute, all the mujahidin and all the great fighters from amongst our people, those who have humilated the forces of the zionist enemy, and have broken its all. and this huborous and continue to do so, i also b down to our
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people in gaza, we step forward to provide it with support as much as we can, and we are ongoingly trying to advance our missile and naval capabilities to contribute further in supporting and standing with the palestinian people and also to attack the... the israeli enemy, the palestinian oppressed people are suffering from oppression and are suffering from killing and kidnapping and torture and demolishing of homes and also demolishing of agricultural lands, the zionist aggression against our people and the sanctities would not have continued and reached this level of brutality were it not for the american cover provided, but rather effective american participation in the crimes of this
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occupation and were not for the american direct participation in the aggression against our people, by providing the zins occupation with thousands of tons of lethal weapons and bombs and missiles. what is taking place today in gaza is that the... zinist entity is not committing to any of the humanitarian and legal and international principles and it commits brutal crimes, inhumane crimes to cover up for its weaknesses internally, and today the palestinian cause and the cause of gazza separates between two, between commitment and the abandonment or carelessness towards humanitarian principles, today the... iraqi government, the honorable iraqi government and the iraki people and the islamic resistance, they are more insisting on the
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withdraw of these troops and achieving complete national sovereignty to our people in gaza and in palestine. what is important, my dear colleagues is that we must take action for us to come out god willing from this battle, to come out victorious without. heads high, successful, and for defeat to be dt to the enemy and to all those who stand behind this enemy. "the israeli regime presses ahead with its relentless air strikes and artillery shelling in the besieged gaza strip nearly six months into its genocidal war. the regime's latest bombing of the house in the southern city of rafa killed four people, including two infants, elsewhere in rafa, several palestinians were killed and wounded after israeli jets targeted another residential building, series of israeli raids
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left at least two palestinians dead and over dozen wounded in the alamazi re'. camp in central gaza, in der albala, several people were killed and dozens injured as a result of the regime's raids, nearly 32,9980 people have so far been killed and over 75,500 injured since israel began its gaza genocide early last october. restv's correspondent mutyabu mosabe joined us earlier, he says it's another tough night for palestinians in central gaza as israel has intensified air strikes again. stearl balla and several other areas. yes, actually the israeli war planes intensified their strikes and attacks against their balah city, particularly over the last couple of moments, at least for palestinian residental buildings were targeted and destroyed by those relentless air strikes. in addition to that, the israeli artillery
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maintained shilling the eastern parts of the city, while in the when it comes to anosarati fiji camp and the northern part of. refuji camp, it was also hit by more israeli air strikes, another residential building was destroyed over the last moments in addition to the israeli artillery that was maintained against the northern part of that refugee camp, particularly a zahra neighborhood, while arbores refugee camp in the central area as well was targeted and hit relentlessly over the last couple of moments by the israeli artillery shelling, apparently it's another tough night for the palestinian civilians here in the central area of gaza strip knowing that this area is completely overwhelmed and overcrowded with the displaced palestinians who have been evacuated from different parts of gaza city and the northern part of gaza strip uh while when it comes to the other areas of gaza strip according to the breaking news that came moments ago that uh beitthanum city is also hit uh uh these moments by the israeli
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wall planes and the israeli artillery shelling so uh the israeli uh planes are still decimating. does slip with more air strikes and international rights organization says israel uses starvation restricting aid delivery and the killing of hungry individuals as a policy to reinforce famin in the besieged gaza strip. eromet human rights monitor says as a result of israel's policy famin has spread throughout northern gaz increasing the number of deaths from starvation, malnutrition and related illnesses. the report says israeli po of deliberate starvation is not only attempted ethnic cleansing in gaza, but is also intended to expose palestinian civilians to the risk of actual death. the rights monitor concluded rather that the collective punishment, the israeli regime imposes on the gaza strip are aimed at starving the entire palestinian population. it urged the international community to make israel
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respect international law and halt the ongoing genocide in gaza. the islamic resistance in iraq says it has carried out new strikes against israeli targets in the occupied territories in support of palestinians and gaza the iraqi resistance said both operations were carried out using drones. the first attack targeted israel's ramot david airbase southeast of the city of haifa. in the second operation, the resistance drones hit a vital target in the city of ashd. the iraqi resistance said new operations were in response to the israeli. massacres of palestinian civilians, including women, children and the elderly, the group said it will continue its operations against the regime strongholds. in recent month, islamic resistance in iraq has carried out series of attacks against israeli targets. it has also hit us military bases in iraq and neighboring syria in retaliation for washington support for the israeli genocide
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in gaza. international gts day is annual pro-palestinian. marked on the last friday of the holy month of ramadan, the day was designated by founder of the islamic republic of iran imam komaini in 1979, in solidarity with palestinians people worldwide, will mark this year's gts day on the coming friday, our correspondent muslim salim has asked people in backdad about the event and its importance in the muslim world. let's take a listen. today as we witnessed the israeli genocide against palestinians, we call on the muslim war. to stand up for palestine and show their support, the whole world is witnessing the systematic killing of innocent people in gaza, even after the un security council. ordered to stop this genocide, the zionist regime insists on continuing its crimes, international day is a chance for all muslims
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to stand together for palestine, honestly it's unfortunate how some of the arabic countries are standing still without taking action against ongoing genocide in gaza. it's a day of solidarity with the palestinian people and to remind the world of this humanitarian case which represents the will and is a great event that pushed the palestinian issue to the four, it showed how the access of resistance is an indispensable region. makes it imperative for the islamic nation and the whole free world to stand together
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this friday during international quts day to show their solidarity with the people of palestine. that's what for now let's stick around. we've got plenty more to come here on press tv. see you in a bit.
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3000 years have passed since king david and his son solomon built up like: is for worshipping god. that worshiping site is now called an aksamask. it's no surprise that this mask is respected by all muslims,
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christians and jews. the history of each of these religions is intertwined with the history of palestine and this mask. the israelite prophets all arose in this region. after setting for in algods, jesus immediately entered this worshiping site, from which he began his prophetic mission. muslims regard al-aqsa as one of the four major masks, which they adopted as their first qibla or worshipping direction in the early years of islam. the name of this mask is entwined with the miracle of mirraj, and night when prophet muhammad miraculously traveled from mecca to alsamask and then ascended to the heavens and spoke with god's angels and aksamask was destroyed, rebuilt and renovated. at several times in different historical periods in 1099 and after seasing al-quds the crusaders built a church inside
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an aqsamask, however six years later salahuddin ayubi recaptured it, he renovated the mehrab of the mask. al-aqsa has gone through many bitter and sweet experiences. the bitterest of which was the day when the zionist. occupiers took full control of al-aqsa after a 6-day war. sesleniyorum.
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iraq, march 20th, 2003. the us has full-scale war on iraq on lame excuses and the subsequent fall of magdat in 3 days. apparently, the iraqi people had made up their minds to not resist. they turned a blind eye to the occupation. iraq collapsed, and that's at the stage for the occupation. based on the new middle east plan, at the top
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the us and zianist's agenda. is to divide and weaken west asian countries since they are a threat to the existence of israel. although a direct military action is no longer an option in washington's policies because of its high costs. ensuring israel's security is still at the top of us agenda. in response to this evil plan, different countries and nations adopted different policies. gaddafi for example, chanted revolutionary and anti-imperialist slogans, but later succumbed to the stringent sanctions and for the 2003 negotiations he ended his nuclear and missile programs. later on he paid $2.7 billion dollars and another 170 million in compensation, but the us never removed its sanctions on endless excuses. finally, a mid libya's 2011 unrest backed by the us and nato, mohammar gaddafi was killed with his assets confiscated. from the beginning, saudi arabia was not interested in combatting
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arrogance and opted for. a compromise with the us and israel, as a result, rev has had to give in to every demand by the us, including multi billion dollar arms deals or contracts on economic infrastructure and so on. what it was welcomed by the us as a milkow, when it comes to palestine, yasar arafat was a blatant example of submission to oppression. in the 1990s with an olive branch in his hand, arafat recognized israel by signing an agreement with the regime. in return, israel did not comply with any... the terms of the accord and arafat was later assassinated. mahmoud abbas followed arafat's footsteps, but after 30 years of fruitless negotiations, he still hopes he will reach an agreement with israel, saying we should talk. on the other hand, countries that opted for resistance paid a lower price and achieved great victories. a casing point is lebanon and the hezballah resistance, which liberated the country after 18 years of israeli occupation. in the 33-day war, lebanon have.
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defeated the israeli army which was armed to the teeth, thus turning into a regional power and source of pride for the muslim world, when yasar arafat and the fatah organization were signing a peace treaty with israel, hamas and its figures like sheikh ahmed yasin, chose the path of resistance and managed to defend gaza and the west bank by repelling israeli attacks. palestinian resistance managed to foil the plan the south to wipe out palestine. the resistance access now has the upper hand and moved from throwing stones to firing missiles against israeli positions after experiencing the outcomes of their compromise with the us in 2003 and the american quagmire of occupation, the iraqi nation chose to resist against daesh and managed to drive out the terrorists in less than four years, while the us had predicted that it would take 20 years for daesh to be eliminated. basically, there are two paths to choose in the face of oppression, compromise or resistance.
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everything is up to our choice. for the heroes of history would definitely choose resistance.
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these children are victims of a war that ended over half a century ago, landmines and explosive remnance of war. are the cursed inheritance left to them by war.