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tv   EXPOSE Netanyahu Defies Biden  PRESSTV  April 4, 2024 11:02am-11:31am IRST

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tonight on expos a, joe biden and benjamin netanyahu turn up the heat in their staged public feud over zionist israel's genicidal war in gaza as netanyahu vows to defy any call for cancelling the rafah invasion. now leftest politicians and media figures go into a complete social media meltdown. after former president donald trump said there would be a blood bath if he is not elected in november. and finally, a political new poll shows that half of the country in the united states of america believes trump is a guilty man and should go to trial before the 2024 presidential election. welcome to expose, the show that leaves no stone unturned.
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science prime minister benjamin netanyahu is set to defy us president joe biden's warning not to lunch major military invasion in rafah which houses millions of palestinian displaced civilians. but is joe biden even warning him for real or is it just part of a useless raid for electoral purposes? let us hear from our broadcast expert in fake news expose. all what we heard last week on western broadcast media was that us president joe biden is deeply concerned about the prospect of israeli entity prime minister benjamin netanyahu ordering major ground operation in gaza's southern city of rafah and we were supposed to take those concerns for real, just like we were supposed to believe that this was not staged.
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was this something really that we were not supposed to hear coming out of biden after his state of the union address? definitely, guess we're supposed to believe that this was totally unplanned hot mic moment by us president joe biden and we're supposed to believe that biden is uh suddenly. extremely frustrated with the genocidal war that netanyahu is waging, i'm not sure what he a thinks he's trying to prove, i mean seems like he wants to have heart to heart with bb about the genocide that's being waged with the weapons that he's sending from his own administration, um, the public isn't stupid though, and they see this for what it really is, which is attempt to garner political support and it's electoral propaganda essentially, his actions are nowhere near his words. in an interview with john capart on msnbc, biden was asked about this hot mic
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moment, said let's take a look. um, you were caught a hot mic after your save of the union address talking to secretary of state anthony blincan and senator michael bennett uh saying quote, "i told him bb, and don't repeat this, but you and i are going to have a come to jesus meeting. what do you mean by that? what i meant was, it's an expression used in the southern part of my state a serious meeting, and uh, it was, i've known bb." 50 years and he knew what i meant by it. so what's the what's the come to jesus part? what's what tough love do you are you going to give to the prime minister? what's happening is he has a right to defend israel, a right to continue to pursue hamas, but he must, he must, he must pay more attention to the innocent lives being lost as a consequence of the actions taken. he's hurting, i'm my view, he's hurting israel more than helping israel by making. in the rest of the world, it's
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contrary to what israel stands for, and i think it's a big mistake. uh, as you can see, biden's plan is to sit netanyahu down and have strict talk with him about how the us of sponsored genocide in gaza is actually starting to counter zionist interests, and that he should be more careful to stop killing innocents. oh my god, this is not only an election charade, but it's also naive take on the slaughter that's taking place in gaza, and honestly it's an insult to the over 35. been injured, so nothing will stop netanyahu except uh the us demanding seisfire at the unsc, not just saying seizfire is a good idea, but actually demanding one, and they actually passed one uh on monday afternoon, and it was without the us even voting with veto, and yet the israelis continued with the massacres. biden was even asked by msnbc if he had any... red lines for
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the zionists who plan on invading rafah, which is a desperately overcrowded city that's filled with displaced over one 1.2 million displaced palestinian civilians, and his answer perfectly demonstrates why... benjamin netanyahu will not listen to anything that the biden administration has to say, whether it's real or whether it's electoral propaganda. so let's take a look. let's hear that. what is your red line with prime minister netanyahu? do you have a of a red line? for instance, would invasion of raffa, which you have urged him not to do, would that be a red line? is a red line, but i'm never going to leave israel. the defense of israel is still critical, so there's no... red line, i'm going to cut off all weapons so they don't have the iron dome to protect them, they don't have, but there's red lines that if he crosses and they cannot have 30,00 more palestinians dead, as a consequence of going after, there's other ways to deal, to get to, to deal with the with with the trauma
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caused by hamas, so there is no red line for israel is there, uh, it doesn't seem so, it's outrageous that western media is actually spouting this stuff, biden repeats that he will not. never stop sending arms and funds to the zionists, he says is a red line, and then three seconds later he says there are no red lines, so what is it that's finally going to end this genocidal war, because it's certainly not a come to jesus meeting, or whatever it is that he said. netanyahu watched the same interview that we all watched, and he saw it as a card lunch to continue his genocide and to continue butchering palestinians and decimating what's left of rafah in the hopes that egypt is going to take in all these displaced civilians. uh, an interview with fox news knowing. that there's going to be zero accountability, netanyahu refused to bow down to international pressure and vowed to move forward with the invasion of rafah. let's take a look. we're going to do it while we enable the civilian population raffa to leave as we've done up to now, but we have to finish the job. netanyahu knows that biden is
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using the defah invasion uh red line for electoral purposes and he basically claps back at biden and says that um he has the support of the israeli people in doing so. "this is what happens when you say you'll never cut off weapons to israel. netanyahu is now openly defying biden and the rest of the international community, not just with refah. so an interview with politico, he openly states, we do not want a palestinian state, and this comes right after his card blanch from the us president. politico also reported recently, citing us officials that washington has already accepted limited operations rafa, once again proving that there are no red lines and the zionists can do with the and audaciously say that they abstain from..." uh vetoing the uh so-called ceasefire, the temporary cease fire in the unsc, this is such a sherade happening at the moment, exactly, exactly, well, i completely understand where the people come from when they say they no longer trust biden and they no longer want to vote for him because his words are not where his actions are, but at
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the end of the day, thank you very much fuad for letting us know what has been happening in the broadcast media, especially in the west and zionist media concerning this very pressing issue, thanks uh emilia, now ladies and gents we move. to digital mainstream media, so the result of us president joe biden's weak forem policy towards zinus israel has led to the zinus israeli prime minister to overtly show complete defiance when it comes to invading the rafah, stopping the genocide or simply allowing food aid and medical supplies into the largest concentration cap on earth known to the world as gaza, so much so that... media ran stories claiming that biden is now considering conditioning military aight to zionist israel if they invade rafah. with us is our digital mainstream media expert miss julia qasim to tell us how much of this is actually true. thanks marva. so well let us begin by saying that none of that is true. so you see the
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biden administration is preparing to send more bombs and other weapons design as israel that would add to its military arsenal even as biden keeps publicly pushing for a cease fire in gaza. so this marwa is according to the wall street journal which reported uh last week citing current and former us officials, so the proposed arms delivery includes mk82 bombs and kmu 572 joint direct action munitions that add precision guidance to bombs and fmu 139 bomb fuses a value estimated to be in the tens of millions of dollars, oh tens of millions of dollars and still no condition on that, no condition and no strings uh so it's true that the congressional committee leaders would have to approve this transfer. for first, but as we remember in december 2023, the biden administration skipped congressional uh review of uh israeli weapon sales to israel, not once but twice, so what's going to stop them from doing it a third time? absolutely, so not congress essentially uh, it's enough that the biden administration continues to
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unconditionally supply arms to israel, as evidence piles up that the us made weapons have been used in strikes that have killed or injured palestinian civilians, but now the biden administration has the... to lie in the face of american taxpayers who are fully bearing the consequences and the financial burden of these free transfers to israel by claiming that they will condition military aid going to israel, so where do they think these weapons? things will end up uh in a weapons depot somewhere underground uh no, mean obviously they'll be used to expand the cope of the scope of the ongoing genocide in gaza and rafa, mean where else? they will end up on the heads of innocent civilians, kids, women, elderly, just like they have been so for the past six months, right? the initial start when the zinity was declaring that they would invade rafah, um, the bindon administration had its empty words, but they immediately approved like arms transfers. in mind you marwa, the whole rhetoric is false, because even back in november biden then said
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that uh, conditioned aid to israel was was a wordly thought uh, as per this report by political, but he never actually followed up on it, of course, so an article entitled no conditions on future israel aid, despite biden's worthwhile thought quip, written by alexander ward and jonathan lamier who said that days later after biden's statement, senior us officials hit the sunday shows to rule out the proposal, hinting but... outright saying that there wouldn't be a shift in the administration's israel policy, so political reported that one bien administration official suggested that biden's aside made in response to a reporter's question was less about siting with progressive sentiment and more of a window into his private frustrations with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. so this reflects uh of course the us administration's frustrations after five months of israeli us genocide and having nothing to show for it militarily, but at the same time it's practically the same old
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script that biden recycles every two months uh to quote and quote pressure netanyahu into a ceasefire, but it would just be easier at the time for them to just hold off on their consistent vetos at the un security council votes, and even yesterday, when they did hold off on their vote, nothing really changed on the situation on the ground, yeah, the international body was not able to... to you know stop this genocide, as we could see from the scenes are not ready to comply, that's it, of course, so to add insult to that injury, marwa, natanyahu not only openly defied biden's demand to stop the planned invasion of rafa because the us knows that they're going to lose. um, he also lashed out at senator chuck schumer, democratic zionist uh senate majority lead, calling shumer's recent criticism of netanyahu and call for early elections, they are totally inappropriate, so according to... the new york times, netanyahu said an interview with cnn that trying to replace the government of sister democracy was not appropriate. that's
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something that israel, the israeli public does its own, he said, we're not a banana republic. i find that hard to believe. anyways, yes, yeah, so netanyahu knows that he just takes tens of millions of dollars worth of us tax payer dollars for weapons all for free from the us, uh, with his other hand, he flips the bird with any american party, including the biden administration officials who... criticize his basically failures in gaza, yeah, yeah, i completely understand where that's going and i completely am very interested and invested in how things will uh work out, given now that netanyahu is now defying unsc, the us and every ally that ever stood beside him by not complying to that uh latest un resolution for temporary cease fire, but anyways, thank you very much, julia for your contribution to this segment, now ladies and gents, we move to social media, comments made by former us
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president donald trump during rally in dayton ohio warning that there'd be a blood bath for the country if he lost the upcoming elections has taken the us and social media for that matter by a storm. let us remember what he said before we hear all about the hysteria from those words that were festered on social media by our social media expert simah. let's hear what he said, if i get elected, now if i don't get elected, it's going to be a blood bath. sima, he said it's going to be a blood bath, and those words sparked widespread condemnation given that uh recently when he lost the elections, there was violence that ensued in the streets of the us, so how did social media react to this? hi, thanks for having me. so if we if we know trump well, which we do, we already know that he cried fake news after the widespread condemnation he received as backlash. definitely to these comments and he claimed it was taken out of context, yeah, so in a tweet on truth social,
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since trump's not on twitter again yet, he wrote, the fake news media and their democrat partners in the destruction of our nation pretended to be shocked at my use of the word blood bath, even though they fully understood that i was simply referring to imports allowed by crooked joe biden, oh my god, which are crooked capital c, which are killing the automobile industry, the united auto workers, but not their leadership, fully understand what i mean, with the electric car mandate being pushed by biden, there soon won't be any cars made in the usa, unless i'm elected president, in which case auto manufacturing will thrive like never before, maga 2024, old capsluck. hysterical, so if you zoom out and you listen to the clip, you see that he really was talking about the automobile industry, it was a broader discussion within that context, but it's not as cut and dry as he wants us to believe, mean i'm not entirely sure what he was trying to say, but it didn't go down well at all with the democrats and the liberals, i can see that. for instance uh robert reich berkley, professor and former us secretary of
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labor went as far as calling trump fascist, oh my god, we've heard that many times before, he tweeted the following. this week trump has warned of a blood bath if he's not elected, promised again to release violent jan six criminals, claimed immigrants aren't people and called for the prosecution of liz chainey, these are warning signs of fascism, if we ignore them, here's what happens next, what happens next? rick posted five-minute video explaining his views about this specific incident, so let's just watch a small part of that, let's see that, i want to talk to you about the f word, no, no, not that f word, i'm talking about. fascism: is donald trump really fascist, as some would say, or is the word authoritarian sufficient? the term fascism is often used loosely, but you can generally identify fascists by their hate of the other, vengeful nationalism, and repression of descent. so, he proceeds to
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list five steps in which trump can turn america into a fascist state, and this shows the alarming level. of fracture amongst us politicians when it comes to the upcoming presidential elections, but mean it's never really based in anything grounded, like he cited the jan 6 capital hillstorming, like that was it's a circus, oh my god, it was stage, there was footage of them letting them in, and that's still like his main thing, like that's anyway, so moving to occupy democrats who sounded the alarm after both trump's blood bath common and the promotional video he published right after, they tweeted a screenshot from the video with an stream close-up of trump's eyes in black and white, not a pretty site, i, but let's see what they tweeted. breaking, faschism experts sound the alarm after donald trump releases a jaw-dropping video in which he ominously threatens democrats directly and promises to do horrible things to us. with his criminal problems mounting, trump is ripping vile new approach straight from the fascist playbook.
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the indicted ex-president released a disturbing video of an extreme close-up of his eyes in black and white that visually evolved. 1984 and other dystopian works of that's so american, what he said was even worse, if you around with us, if you do something bad to us, we're going to do things to you that you've never that have never been done before, trump says in the video, the video doesn't expand on exactly what the things are that trump and mega want to do to us, but given the long and violent history of fascism, one can imagine just how horrible they might be, trump has already incited one violent. oh my god, if he wins the white house again, he will seek retribution against all who opposed his previous coup attempt, this man belongs in prison, lives are at stake, oh my god, the democrats are using this as leverage against trump, just grasping it straws, whatever they can over dramatic though, yeah for the upcoming elections, but we have to acknowledge that you know what trump really meant was, if i don't win this
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election, it won't just be a bloodb for the autoindustry, but it will be a blood bath for the entire country, i mean i don't... people must maybe took it a bit out of, but either way, mean it seems the us is you know headed for like some interesting times uh to say the least, we're watching, we have the popcorn ready and we're seeing how this will unfold especially in the upcoming few months, thank you very much, sema, i really enjoyed this segment with you, because uh america and its social media is just on another planet, especially when it has to do uh with trump, so thank you uh for showing that uh this was amazing ladies and gents, but we have more for you on figures, expos. in the aftermath the trump blood bath comment, a political magazine ipsos paul found that most americans think trump should go to trial before the 2024 presidential election. three in five americans say they think the federal trial on
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donald trump's 2020 election subversion case should take place before the presidential election in november. that held steady since august 2023. now the poll also finds that a plurality of americans believes that trump, if convicted, should face imprisonment over just propation, financial penalty or no penalty whatsoever. when asked if they believe trump is guilty of the alleged crimes, americans were split by partisanship. roughly half of the respondents believe trump is guilty of the alleged crimes in the sensitive documents. case with 52%, falsifying business records case with 50%, federal 2020 election subversion case with 49%, and georgia election subversion case with 49%. now believe that trump is guilty is split by party, while majority of democrats say they believe trump is guilty in all four
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cases with 86%, 86%, 87% and 86% respectively. now few republicans think the same with 16%, 14%, 12% and 12% respectively, and majority of independents believe trump is... was guilty in the four cases with 58%, 54%, 54% and 53%. now let us move to the most notable expose voices for this week. so we heard during our episode today, voices outraged at trump's blood bath comment condemning the presidential candidate as a fascist and a future dictator if elected, but to be fair, there were also lot of voices who found that this is just the way donald trump speaks and that he genuinely meant no harm in the context he was using the term. for one look what carl emric had to say about this on
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tiktok. did donald trump just threaten violence if he loses in november at a recent rally? well let's play the tape in question. now if i don't get elected it's going to be a blood bath for the whole. that's going to be the least of it. it's going to be a blood bath for the country. that'll be the least of it. now i find. is it really funny that lot of republicans are saying you need to look at the full context of this clip to see he's talking about the auto industry. the reason i find that funny is immediately before the blood bath remarks, trump calls for a 100% tariff on cars imported from mexico, which is horrible policy. putting that aside, even without the additional context, trump is obviously not calling for violence in that clip. anyone that is using even a sliver of good faith interpretation. you can see he's clearly using figurative language. the reason i find this frustrating is donald trump says wild stuff all the time. for example, he recently called the january 6th prisoners
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hostages that he would very, very seriously consider pardoning. talk about that, or the hundreds of other crazy things he says, there is no reason to hone in on nothingburgers like these blood bath statements. and we end off with jim walsh on tiktok, said it really doesn't matter if trump was literal or rhetorical in his threat. what scares drim apparently is something else completely, let us find out what it is. so our friend donald, the mango musolilini has promised, quote, a blood bath, unquote, if he doesn't get back in this november, and of course the question is, does he mean literally, is he inciting violence, or is he just pandering to the brain dead faithful? to me, the answer is, it doesn't matter, we just don't want this guy. back in office, we got to do what we got to do to make sure he doesn't get back in. that's the worst possible scenario. oh, he
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said something though in the speech that concerned me a lot more when he said that he was going to go crazy with the tariffs on foreign cars. tariffs suck, they serve very limited special interest, but they're awful. they they they set the stage for depressions and wars. and have many times in our history, that's what scares me, and with this frenzy, ladies and gents, we end off our expose for tonight right here on press tv, please do follow us on our handle at exposeptv on x, instagram, youtube and tiktok, stay tuned for more eye-opening investigations on expose, the truth is just the revelation away.
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the headlines, israel presses ahead with its relentless air strikes and shelling of the besieg gaz strip as death tool from the genocidal war surpasses. 33,000. iran's leader ayatollah khamenei says, international rots day this year will be held even more gloriously as non-muslim nations will also be participating in the event. and also on our headlines, russia says un security council's failure to condemn an attack on israel's embassy in syria serves as a clear illustration of double standards deployed by the west.