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tv   World News in Full  PRESSTV  April 4, 2024 11:30am-12:03pm IRST

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the headlines, israel presses ahead with its relentless air strikes and shelling of the besiege gas. as death toll from the genocidal war surpasses 33, iran's leader ayatullah khamenei says, international wots day this year will be held even more gloriously as non-muslim nations will also be participating in the event, and also on headlines, russia says un security council's failure to condemn an attack on israel's embassy in syria serves as a clear illustration of double standards deployed by the west. hello and welcome
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of everybody, it's 11:30 am here in the iranian capital, tahron, you're watching press tv's world news, our top story for this half hour, the israeli regime presses ad with its relentless air strikes and artillery shelling of the besieg gas is stripped nearly six months into its genocidal war, there is... dreams latest bombing of house in the southern city of rafa killed four people, including two infants elsewhere in raffa. several palestinians were killed and wounded after israeli jets targeted another residential building. series of israeli raids left at least two palestinians dead and over dozen wounded in alaghazi refugee camp in central gaza and deer alballo. several people were killed and dozens injured as a result of the regime's raids. over 33,00 people have so far been killed and over 75. 600 injured
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since israel began its gaza genocide early last october, nearly the past six months, israel has been using starvation as a weapon of war against palestinians for 2 million hungary gazans, most days bring a difficult search for something eat. thousands of them are also forced to make treaterous journey to uh get flower from aid trucks of israel's relentless bombing and shelling. campaign, of let's take a listen to some of the gassons who explain her sufferings and how they struggled to get flour for daily bread. we wait all night for this flower, we sleep on the streets in the cold on the sand, enduring hardship to secure food for our families, especially our young children. i don't know what else to do or how our lives have come to this. we implore the world empathize with.
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for polight: i spent the night on kuwait roundabout to secure this bag of flower. it was lot of hardship, but i thank god and everyone who ates the gas trip. we were going to get flour and we have been at this check point for two days now. we're facing delays in flour delivery and there's a shortage. it's not just flour, there's also a scarcity of vegetables, meats and other essentials like legumes, lentiles and chickpees. you're watching press tv's news review where we look deeper into some of the top stories of the day on this segment of the program, the founder of the us space charity world central kitchen has criticized israel over the killing of his staff in gaza saying the regime's force to systematically targeted a convoy carrying aid workers. jose andres said cars w had purposefully, one after the other
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in a civilian area under the control of the israeli army, he held israel responsible for the killing, which he said was not the outcome of a bad luck situation. he added the israeli forces were well informed about the convoy movement and that the cars were clearly marked with the charities logo. the strike killed six foreign aid workers and of their palestinian translator, 60% of non-governmental aid getting into the besieg strippes from the world central. kitchen, the charity has suspended its operations in gaza following the attack. joining us on this edition of the news review, we have journalist and commentator trubadi joining us from cape town, also member of the kenya palestine solidarity movement. booker and gesa is joining us from nairobi. gentlemen, welcome to the program. let's start off with mr. true body in cape town. these. since this
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gaza genocide started have killed around 200 aid workers, that is no accident is it? it isn't, and there's a couple of issues, i think with the way in which..." the story is also being covered in that it of course is an absolute tragedy, i have no doubt that these aid workers were good souls, there were good human beings that had been determined to to bring relief to palestinians that are having endure a genocide at the moment in in gaza, and while their death, as in any death is a tragedy, i do think we we need to contrast the the western government responses here to the reality. is that palestinian lives are not quite as equally important in in the outrage that we now seeing here from from some of these governments, these governments of course also now finding their voice because of the domestic responses in some of these countries that are increasingly now leading to push for not just the sease fire
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but holding these governments accountable for funding and and and propping up the designist entity so there's a very serious and a big worry about the manner in which the humanity the palestinians aren't quite seen as as much as as we've now seen with these aid workers and i think the attack in and of itself is is not just proven to be deliberate because yes the vehicles did have their logo yes the vehicles did driving convoy but these vehicles were coming from a warehouse where the aid was being offloaded they were being unpacked and they were on the their way back they were supposedly in what we call inverted comes say deconflicted zone, their movements were communicated to the occupation army, so this was not just deliberate, but i do believe intimidation tactic to not allow aid to continue to flow into gaza, which is why ships have turned away, which is why aid was suspended, which is why the the israelis
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fundamentally do not want to give aid to the very people they called animals, so i don't quite think it was just routine mistake or routine deliberate attack. i do think there was an agenda with this particular attack, especially as we increasingly now talking about a potential escalation with boots on the ground in in rough, so i think it was more than deliberate, it was seeking to send the message. right, and let's cross over to mr. engesa, as we were mentioning in our intro, around 60% of non-governmental aid getting into the veceat strip was reported to be from the world central kitchen as a result the attack. the charity has suspended its operations in gaza, is that what the israel were aiming for? yeah, thank you, and first of all, the situation in gaza is very dire,
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the farming situation is very, very dire, and this is because this is, this is, this is not a... natural disaster, but it is a situation that has been artificially created by the israel regime, and within it policy of even attacking humanitarian organizations who there to correct, you know, the famine has been caused by the genocidal attacks on gaza. "the zionist regime, who is actually not just complicit, but advancing the policy of genocide against palestinian people do not want aid to reach where it is needed most. in fact, we have seen before, the zionist regime
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tolerating you know people, israeli people blocking aid from reaching gaza." now it actually brings the policy within the israeli administration of collective punishment that not even medicine or water should reach the people of gaza in the name of defeating not the the hamas people but defeating the spirit the palestinian people who are fighting for just the you know their statehood the alfr and the right to land this policy of collect. punishment is now being seen when aid organizations are militarily being targeted by such a regime that is complicit and also advance the policy of genocide against the uh the prestinian people. the second is if
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indeed the israeli regime supported by the united states was interested of aid get getting into gaza then they should be the first people to support humanitarian organizations that tries to reach the people who dearly need help within the gaza street, but all this is a show off, remember few weeks ago, there there has been some air droppings of some food and help to the gaza stream, this is just for propaganda, because when the human right organizations within tries to reach gaza or even trucks delivery of food is being blocked and militarily targeted and then two or three days later we see you know air droppings of very limited you know very limited help to gaza and in fact even during the air droppings the zinest
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regime even continues to shoot people who are actually only waiting for the aid to come to them, this is the the psych of the the israeli politicians that the palestinian do not deserve to live dignity and they continue to advance that policy of genocide and that is what the people see that and though the united states of america... continue to claim that the israel regime should not target civilians, but their complicents in fact them with their so-called civilized west are actually equipping the current you know targets of the the aid organizations. maybe what kind of equipmentts was used to hit those aid organizations? they were probably supplied by german organizations or united states organizations, and this is what the world should be angry at. right, mr. truob. about the world's anger uh and response, what are you expecting to see now? is there's been
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a lot of international condemnation, but will they fall short of any real action and just remain as platitudes as they have in the past? definitely think so, mean even the united states could not talk the zinus regime down from its intended attack on on rafa you to scale down supposedly the level at which this attack is of course about. to happen, there have been very many other instances and scenarios in which you know foreign aid workers were killed in gaza, top of the consideration that some aid that was hoping to get into gaza by by means of of of shipping that that to have been problematic and nothing has been ever done about it, the united nations has pronounced as a body on this, the security council has pronounced on the necessity for sess fire, help for very short period for the remaining. the month of ramadan as well as the international court of justice in the case that south africa brought
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to the court and not only did south africa bring that case it went back to the court to say that israel is in fact not abiding by the provisions set out and and the court once again and called on israel to to show this strength and and what israel has instead shown to the world is that it continues to act with impunity and that it is completely untouchable which is why the only form of resistance at the moment is and on the resistance is what we are seeing coming from not just um palestine but what we see come from lebanon, what we see come from from yemen as well and and i think the goal of just the week that we've had in which these eight workers were murdered, the massicre that happened at the al shifa hospital which i do believe in part this attack was also attempt to distract from that particular massacre and the war crime that's been committed at the el shifa hospital but also the the attack. a foreign country's embassy in syria of course the iranian embassy, these
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all show a an entity, settle colonial entity that is acting with absolute impunity at the moment, it seems that the world cannot hold it to account, so i i don't quite you take too seriously when i hear the the supposed shock and the ore that comes from rishi sunak in the united kingdom as well as president joe biden in from the united states now suddenly is calling for... independent investigation into all of this, before it was the aid workers, it was the journalists that came out the frequent and the regular and sustained attacks, we we see other countries like qatar for instance that is simply playing mediating role here, yet colleagues its own state owned broadcaster is being murdered, almost routinely we we cast our minds back to sharina ak, the journalist that was killed in the west bank and nothing came from it, so this is entity that that is not just showing it it acts with impurity, but all of these are very important, crucial bits
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of evidence to show that there is no place for a future israel state, there's no place in which zinism can thrive in the way that it does right now, israel much like a part in south africa is an international prior and that it needs to be isolated. mr and guess, i want to get to your final thoughts on the same issue as well, mr. truebady was talking about the uh impunity. that we're seeing for the israeli regime, of course, enjoyed by the support that they get from the united states, is this uh manner of behavior that the israelis uh have been conducting themselves - with no fear of accountability, is that slap at the face of the international community in your opinion? when we talk about uh responsibility, the the zionist regime uh enjoys the support of the united states, even at the united nations security council and
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all other international bodies, and in fact when the united states actually talks about the rule of law and international um law, they basically means only advancing the united states interest, particularly in the west of asia, and we cannot, we cannot fail to be disgusted for fact that at at this moment when almost 40,00 plus palestinians have been murdered by the zionist regime, even the united states of america led by the joe bidens have not condemned this murder, in fact they have continued to ramp. up you know the the israel regime with even more lethal weapon to continue to advance you know this genocide in the gaza street so the they talk about international law they talk about you know the moral you know system it's only narrowed down to the strategic interest of
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the united states in his you know policy of hegemony in his policy of of domination. and subjugating the people, so the icj already pronounced itself, and um, we have not even seen active, actively pursuing the the icc cases against netanyahu and his criminal, you know, israeli politicians, so what the world is seeing today is total hypocrisy of the united states empire, and also we know for fact that designist regime has continued to lose any kind of support in the court of public opinion and their propaganda is being exposed you every day in regard to the interest of the the palestinian people and in fact in kenya today we are preparing for alcoud's day and we expect the number of people that coming to alkutsday this year will be four times what have been observed in
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the recent in the recent years before this event thank you gentlemen that was bkin guests a member of the kenya palestine. solidarity moven joining us from nairobi and uh thanks to journalist and commentator tash truebody speaking to us from cape town with that it brings us to an end here on this edition of the news review, but stick around, we've got plenty more to come here on press tv. the leader of iran's islamic revolution says this year's international rots day will be a global uproar against the zionist regime in which people in non-muslim countries will also participate in a meeting with heads of three branches of the government khamenei said the israely regime will continue to be the losing party in the gaza strip he added the regime's recent crime against iranian military advisors in syria will not save it
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from defeat in the palestinian territory ayatollah khamenei stressed that the israeli. regime will be punished for the aggression, international condemnation followed the israeli air strike against the consular section of iran's embassy in the syrian capital. the european union was the latest to join calls to condemn the attack after multiple countries, including iraq, venezuela, oman, qatar, the uae, saudi arabia, china and russia denounce the israeli aggression as unacceptable. sirians of paid homage to the seven military advisors who were killed in monday's israeli attack on the consular section of iran's diplomatic mission in damascus. let's take a listen to some of those who attended the funeral ceremony on wednesday. the blood that was shed represents the blood of all the free people. let the
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zionius enemy know that victory is certain and the revenge of the resistance fighters is coming. if... behind thousands of fighters, hajj left behind hundreds of thousands of fighters and precision missiles that will eradicate the occuping usurping entity. we will surely prevail with the help of allah almighty. there is nothing better than path written with the blood of murders and no revelation greater than the souls of our marders and those who came before them. they have left indullable legacy for this nation that can... never be forgotten and those who following their footsteps will never be misguided. as president hafez al assad said about them, the marders are the most honorable in this world, and the noble. blood has always been the guiding path for humanity towards its salvation. these marties who came
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from different corners of the earth, from iran, iraq and lebanon, sacrificed themselves in defense. they aspired for martidom to attain this high status with allah almighty, and we will continue their path until the liberation. "russia says a failure by the us, britain and france to condemn the recent israeli attack on the consular section of the iranian embassy in damascus is a clear illustration of their double standards. in social media post, russia's deputy ambassador to the un said the stance of these countries exposes their approach to legality and order in the international context. dimitri poliansky added washington and london even refused to discuss a draft statement which is..." traditional norm in such cases on tuesday, most security council members, except the us, britain, france, condemn the israeli regime for its air strikes on the
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iranian embassy. a day later, the european union also deplored the attack um, arguing that the inviolability of diplomatic and consult premises and personal must be respected in all circumstances. monday's attack on the embassy in damascus killed two senior iranian. military commanders and five accompany officers who were on an advisory mission to syria. secretary general of palestine foundation pakistan sabir abu mariam says the west as usual is keeping its criminal silence on israeli atrocities. the united states, france, uk and these kinds of western governments, those are the so-called champion of human rights, so callalled the champion of world politics, foreign policy, they are keeping criminal silence, not only keeping criminal silence, even they are
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supporting military aid to the zinanis regime against the oppressed people, against the helpless people of palestine, those don't have weapon, the people, they don't have weapon, but they us and uk supporting and providing the weapon. to the zianist regime against the innocent civilians to israel, so the other side they are keeping criminal silence over the condemnation against the zinanis regime and this is the very biasness, what we say, i always emphasize that we always say that these are the double standards of the western governments, but now i personally i do believe these kind of... governments biden, britain, franche, they don't have a standards, they are not like human being, they are against the humanity, they are against the peace and stability of
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the world, they are criminal, they are enemies of humanity, they are enemies of peace and they are the they are actually responsible for these kind of henous crime. iranian officials have announced an end to clashes, between security forces and teris in the southeastern province of sistan and baluchestan. the commander of the irgc ground forces said 15 assailence were killed following their simultaneous attacks against police and military posts in the cities of rosk in chabahar on wednesday night. he said three others are surrounded and are expected to capture uh soon dead or alive adding that the mop up operation is still underway. five iranian security forces also lost their lives and 10 others were injured according to local off. the terrorists were affiliated with pakistan based jsal outfit that had carried out several similar attacks in the past. the
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group claimed responsibility for attack in december a police station in ros that killed at least 11 officers in january another attack by the group left a policeman that's army psychological war. sir scott bennet joined us earlier with his take on the two deadly terror attacks uh in iran's southeastern province of seaston and b to just stone or like a a clock ticking and what is happening at different numbers on the clock what's happening at 8 o'clock and what's happening at two o'clock eight o'clock is gaza is palestine is the israeli slaughter and the attack upon the iranian. in syria and various genocidal tactics of murder, and it's not, it's not war, it's murder, murdering
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americans, british aid workers intentionally murdering people on the beach, walking innocently, women and children, and then this attack occurs against the iranian border with this jaid aldesh group you're referring to, and it just seems their aproxy of the real zionist enemy, the real uh death to the world that needs to be extinguished like fire, and that's what nazralla and the others are talking about is slowly rising and the in the muslim character, personality and devotion to god, and snuffing out this fire, with prayers and with gentleness, but effectiveness and absolute victory, and i think that day is coming, but this is a distraction to, i think, deter or or bring iranian intelligence and forces looking in a different direction, so it's always a misdirection, what is masad's statement through deception? make
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war, so we always have to keep that in mind, that's wrap for now, but stay tuned, there's plenty more to come here on press tv, bye everybody.
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it was palestinians who choose to sell their lands. did palestinians not sell their lands? there are many historical documents that prove that the jews purchased palestinian lands. on the other hand, palestinians sold their lands at high prices and had fun with their money. now that they have run out of money, they regret selling their lands. but you should know, the entire land that was purchased under pressure and deceed from the
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uk government. among others, makes up less than 7% of the total land mass of palestine, and that using deceptive measures, including one, a seemingly legal and extravagant delegation of lands by the uk government agent, when palestine was a british colony, two, buying from major feudal lords who had left their lands in palestine following the collapse of the ottaman empire, three, tempting farmers who lived under severe economic hardship, by paying extravagant sums of money for their lands. having figured out the zionist plot, palestinians then started to bulk at selling their lands. this news was published in one of the editions of al-ahram newspaper in 1937. a land broker was shot dead. people were so infuriated with him that they did not allow his corpse into the mask and did not bury him in the muslim cemetery. in fact, 78% of the total palestinian.
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territory was occupied by the zionists during the devastating war of 1948, asymmetric war that displaced 1,200,00 palestinians, not to mention the occupation, 531 cities and villages were raised to the ground and thousands of palestinians were killed.
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welcome, in this episode we address several topics including the blameton zinus attack on the iran