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tv   Documentary Uninvited Guests 2  PRESSTV  April 4, 2024 3:02pm-3:31pm IRST

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these children are victims of a war that ended over half a century ago, landmines and explosive remnants of war are the cursed inheritance left to them by war.
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اینجاش سوخته شده ما با اینا طرفیم میبینی لحظه ای که میخوایم خنسا کنیم منفجر میشه این حساس پوسیده موقع خنسا کردن خیلی حساسه بیشتر مینا همین جور که میخوای خنسا کنی می زنن واقعاً میگم کار خیلی سختیه کار پاک سازی.
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these munitions were left in this war zone and have been buried over time, some failed to explode after firing and some were prepared to be fired. but we're left behind when the forces had to advance or retreat in a hurry. their sensitivity has changed over time and the original standards can't be relied on during the clearance process. these types of ordinance can be moved around with every flood.
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of با چشم پاسگه مرز معلوم است اکثراً مین های به جا مانده برای روستاییان خطرناک است احتمال هرگونه حادثه ای هست برای روستایی ها ما آمدیم شخم کردیم موقعی که شخم کردیم زیر تراکتور یکی منفجر شد زیر این کوتانش این آهناشو خوشبختانه نه خسارت جانی و مالی نداشتم اینا خودشون زنگ زدن به من. گفتن میما رو بردارین
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مین ام ۱۴ تمام پلاستیکی. انفجاری زخمی کننده ۱۶ تیر از این مین ها ما پیدا کردیم تمام بدنه پلاستیکی فقط نوک و سوزنش فلزه زود گم میشه تو جابه جا کردن خاک و الوف ها سریع گم میشه ریزه سبکه الان خارج از نوار به طرف بیرون و داخل داریم کاوش میکنیم ما احتمال میدیم با تیغه بردزر جابه جا شده باشه میخوایم.
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of the composition of the soil in some parts of huzastan province is such that surface runoff water doesn't seep into the ground very easily. this means that some contaminated areas become inaccessible due to flooding. the area of the contaminated region changes with the rising fall of water levels. these regions cannot be used under any circumstances and even pose a threat safe zones nearby,
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until recently, this region was underwater and the demining squad has only just been able to access it. another difficulty of the demining process is the effect that time and changes in climate have on the landmines and ordinance, they might not be triggerable anymore, or they might have become more sensitive. an anti-tank mine might have become as sensitive as an anti-personnel mine. any problem becomes more difficult to solve when a clear assessment of the matter. can't be made, in the case of landmines and unexploted munitions, these changes are literally matter of life and death. demining areas with such diverse geographies and climates is a difficult, exhausting and
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time-consuming task. we need highly skilled and effective forces with specialist training to rit the world of unexploded ordinance and make it safe for civil. billions again, it goes without saying that these forces also need advanced tools and huge budget. halim was only 10 years old when on her way back from school she stepped a mine carried to her village by the river. khatun was seven when she stepped a mine while playing with her friends in the village. that area had previously been demined.
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fardin was busy working in the fields when he came across a plastic object, he picked it up out of curiosity and the mine exploded in his hands. both his hands were amputated at the wrists. he completely lost one of his eyes and the other eye can only barely make out the light. اینا نبودم من اصلاً اینجوری نمیشدم. من چی کار داشتم بمین داشتم زندگی خودمو می کردم یه عضوی از پام رفته مثلاً من اصلاً یه مردم خب یه مرده متحرک من تو خودم اصلاً درست نیستم اصلاً عقلم درست کار نمی کنه مریضم وقتی اومدم بالاسر مامانم بود بابام بود همه دیگه گریه کردن و این چیزا اون موقع فهمیدم
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که پام اینجوری شده گفتن اگه قطع نکنیم کل پاتونو از دست میدین بعد اول که اینجا رو قطع کرده بودن بعدم اینقدرو قطع کردن حالا. دیگه اومده اینجا یعنی پام تا اینجا الان قطعه بخوام مثلاً تو یه جایی کاری انجام بدم می گفتن نه دیگه تو از پسش برنمیاید چون تو یه پاتو از دست دادی واسه همینم شد دیگه درسمو نتونستم ادامه بدم شاعه زور فکر مثلاً خوم له درونی خومد ناراحتم همیشه. "these victims were all born after the war, but they have fallen victim to its heritage. our bob was part of demining squad, but was mamed while trying to diffuse mind that had become extra sensitive as a
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result of the passage of time, دلهوره داره، هم برای خودش هم برای همکارانش که در میدان دارن کار می کنن. که بعد از حدوداً ۳۷ سال زیر خاکه خب قانوناً حساس میشه با دست راست شروع کردن به خالی کردن ماسته. the victims of mine explosions and their families need immediate medical attention and financial support after the accident. they won't be able to carry on living normal lives anymore. for instance. "a child who has lost a limb needs new prosthetics as he or she grows older as well as constant physiotherapy
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and psychotherapy. halim is now receiving medical care and financial support, but nothing can make her forget the pain she has suffered. ktoon is determined to do what she loves despite her physical and mental scars. می تونم انجام بدم مهم هدفه اگه هدف داشته باشم می تونم واقعاً بهش برسم دوست دارم تو آینده واقعاً خیاط ماهری بشم دوست دارم یه تولیدی بزنم یه تولیدی بزرگ فقط به اسم خودم کلی شاگردد و اینا داشته باشم که خودم بهشون خیاطی یاد بدم این دیگه تنها آرزو هدف منه.
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in the demining operation anymore and will be supported by the mentioned network instead. landmines have been much cruler to the children of the de gorgi village though, the children discovered a valmara bouncing fragmentation m. while out playing, this type of mind detonates in two stages, the first
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explosion launches it about 40 to 50 centimeters off the ground where the main charge detonates, projecting more than a thous fragmentations in all directions and killing or wounding everyone within an effectable radius. five children were killed.
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for a child, the difference between knowing how to act when faced with a landmine or unexploded ordinance, and not knowing how dangerous they are, is literally life or death. are the age group most hurt by these munitions, that's why the more the number of
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civilians educated about them, the less the casualties. demining operations must be supplemented with civilian education, which has a real effect on reducing deaths and the loss of limbs. the... geographical dispersion, the varying lifestyles and ages the people at risk from landmines makes educating them a big challenge, not to mention that most of these people are.
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be adapted to the different ages and different sections of society. the mine action center is responsible for the policy making, planning and assessing the effectiveness of the education. accordingly, the center focuses on prioritizing the different regions in need of education, and producing and adapting the educational materials to match the type of threat and the target audience. the educational materials are produced in the form of documentaries. stories or even animations in different local languages and provided to educators, brochures, books and pictures were also used in some areas. گلوگاه هایی عمل نکرده، لاشوونا قرار داره، احتمال وجود مین هست. به نظر من
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باید اینو از بین ببرید. من میگم بیشترین نمونه های. که اینجا پیدا میشه تو منطقه ما این نمونه است که اصطلاحاً میگن مین بشقاب پرنده ای یا مین گوجه ای بچه ها این نمونه مین هایی که اینجان کدامشونو دیدین تا الان به چشم خب وقتی دیدی دست زدی نه پس چیکار کردی دورش دور ایستادی آفرین دوستتون اون کاری که باید انجام میداد انجام داده میگه دست نزدم دور ایستادم بعد. operations has resulted in an estimated 90% drop in the number of casualties compared to previous years.
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the demining process in iran has one major difference with the rest of the world and that is the limitations caused by the unjust politically motivated sanctions which prevent any country or international organization
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from collaborating with the islamic republic. a look at the statistics reveals that iran hasn't received any financial aid for its humanitarian demining activities. in addition, iran isn't given access to advanced equipment, it is even banned from using the msma, the information management system for mine action, which registers information regarding the detection and clearance of minds. put simply, iran is barred from receiving any equipment or financial and scientific aid, why? because iran is sanctioned, and therefore its demining operations are also sanctioned. after the war, the lands all along the border was unusable due to contamination. every day,
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life and business in these areas were facing total destruction. more important, however, was the damage done to the public's mental sense of security. this map shows the regions of iran's five border provinces contaminated with landmines and unexploted ordinance after the end of the war. this map shows the state of those regions after 30 years of demining.
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despite all the sanctions and limitations, published statistics revealed that the islamic republic of iran mine action center boasts the highest number of discovered mines in 2019. the islamic republic of iran is... is no stranger to the work we do, and excellency, your country has consistently supported the efforts of the general assembly in the elaboration of resolutions on assistance in mine action and other very important disarmment resolutions. they might have been able to impose great limitations on iran's humanitarian demining activities through their sanctions, but nevertheless... "the islamic republic of iran mine action center still outperforms all other countries when it comes to mind clearance thanks to its achievements and wealth of experience and i
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think also the mix of the countries and the participants in this particular round table was just excellent. i mean uh i must congratulate the uh iranian um the irmac for having done such a good choice. i can..." "i can also um say that you know we we all know that iran uh plays a very particular and important role in this region and and it is clear that in the future there is very good prospect to have a stronger interaction for all of you with the islamic republic of iran with regard to humanitarian demining and maybe also in..." other aspects opening the doors of the iranian mine action center, which is institution under the the ministry of defense and which shows also the openness
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and readiness of the islamic republic of iran to share and learn from partner countries, so this these would be my improvised. words today, this is the islamic republic of iran mine action center's international education building, a center for the exchange of experience, support of research and scientific activities, and improving the knowledge and skill of mind clearance squads. this education center represents the... peak the mine action center's abilities and the essence of its scientific advancements. research projects regarding novel ways of clearing minds are always of high priority at
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this center. this complex isn't restricted to just iranian squads and students from other countries are allowed to attend the programs held here. this center strives to expand humanitarian demining efforts and help improve the mind clear. capabilities of other countries. iran's increasing knowledge of demining has led international institutions and other countries struggling with the clearance of unexploded munitions to request to collaborate with iran. this region had been underwer for the past
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years and as the water subsided an unbelievable scene began to emerge. thousands of unexploded ordinants left over from the war were sticking out of the ground, which couldn't be seen before. although the area had been previously cleared, this deadly munition field had expanded the contaminated area once again. iranian lands contaminated with mines and unexploded ordinance were cut from 4 million 200,00 hectares to around 100 thousand hectares through 30 years of demining operations. clearing the remaining area, however, is proving more difficult than all the previous areas at... have been cleared combined. this is because these lands have very special characteristics. at least 5000 hectares are flooded, making the job
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similar to finding needle in a has. dack: these regions need to be demined regardless, because they can contaminate nearby safe zones and are a threat to the lives of those living there. the more advanced the weapons became, the more people died after the wars ended. as soon as one war ended, another would begin and so the weapons never stopped firing. one thing all those wars had in common was the unexploded munitions and mines they left behind. very little attention is paid to the deaths caused by unexploted munitions because they happen after the war is over and because everybody thinks the war is not going to claim any more lives now that it's over.
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after the arrival of tagfury terrorists in aleppo syria, people's daily lives were disrupted and they saw explosions and suicide operations every day, the problem of diffusing minds and detonating. trap bombs. during this time, the resistance fighters and the ordinary people, including women and children, got hurt. martter ibrahim khalili was one of the most efficient people in mind sweeping team who lost his life along this journey. join us on press tv.
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recipe headlines this hour, israel presses ahead with this malendous air strikes and shelling of the besieg gaza strip as the death though from the genocidal war. is 33, the founder of the us-based charity who's convoy of aid workers was recently targeted in gaza says the israely attack was systematic and purposeful. also in the headlines iran criticizes the us, britain and france for blocking a un security council statement to condemn the israeli strike on the iranian embassy in syria.